(Con(rule)) v approx
(E f (rule))
= eval
(E f (rule)).
It follows that eval
(rule) = 1 for any rule, and thus
(Rule) = 1.
This paper deals with abstraction of a teacher’s analy-
sis and synthesis such that the role of a consultant may
be described. If causal relation is analyzed by a con-
sultant to design a system, the abstract consultation
may be understood as a transformation of effective-
ness caused by analysis to design of representation
for database.
The primary result of this paper is to formulate
the role of a consultant as abstract consultation which
can be described in modal logic with the greatest fixed
point operator, even on the propositional base.
(i) The modal logic of this paper involves prefix
modality for analysis and postfix modality for design,
where both analysis and design are called by names.
(ii) Conditioning the behaviors to receive analysis
by prefix modality and to provide design by postfix
modality, we have formulas in our modal logic. The
denotation of a formula is presented by a state set,
where states virtually keep computing environments,
and state transitions are meaningful as relations re-
garding modal operators.
(iii) With respect to an equilibrium, a state set is given
as a greatest fixed point of the denotation for a for-
mula conditioned to the behavior of consultation.
As the secondary result, we have a model theory
in 3-valued domain for the representations by Backus-
Naur Form as designed database (corresponding to
given effects as causal relations).
(i) Different from those in problem solving by answer
set programming, model theory in 3-valued logic con-
ceives some hard problem. We defined a fixed point
semantics by some mapping associated with a given
BNF representation. It is a basis of retrieval in the
database to be represented by Backus-Naur Form.
(ii) It is not always the case that we could see a model
of any representation of database. In such model the-
ory, an approximate idea of strong negation by nega-
tion as failure is provided. In the case of negation
as failure (default) instead of strong negation, model
theory is easier for some restricted class of representa-
tions as database. The case with communication facil-
ities (Yamasaki and Sasakura, 2021b) is theoretically
relevant to the present case.
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COMPLEXIS 2022 - 7th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk