Student Engagement from Video using Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
Chinchu Thomas
, Seethamraju Purvaj and Dinesh Babu Jayagopi
Multimodal Perception Lab, International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore (IIIT-B), Karnataka, India
Student Engagement, Unsupervised Domain Adaptation, Discrepancy and Adversarial Methods.
Student engagement is the key to successful learning. Measuring student engagement is of utmost importance
in the current global scenario where learning happens over online platforms. Automatic analysis of student
engagement, in offline and online social interactions, is largely carried out using supervised machine learning
techniques. Recent advances in deep learning have improved performance, albeit at the cost of collecting a
large volume of labeled data, which can be tedious and expensive. Unsupervised domain adaptation using
the deep learning technique is an emerging and promising direction in machine learning when labeled data is
less or absent. Motivated by this, we pose our research question: ”Can deep unsupervised domain adaptation
techniques be used to infer student engagement in classroom videos with unlabeled data?” In our work, two
such classic techniques i.e. Joint Adaptation Network and adversarial domain adaptation using Wasserstein
distance were explored for this task and posed as a binary classification problem along with different base
models such as ResNet and I3D. The best-obtained result using the JAN network has an accuracy of 68% and
f1-score of 0.80 for binary student engagement with RGB-I3D network as the base model. The adversarial
domain adaptation method gave an accuracy of 71% and f1-score of 0.82 with ResNet 50 as the feature
extractor for predicting the engagement of the students in the classroom.
Student engagement is essential to successful learn-
ing and refers to the extent to which students are in-
terested, attentive, and curious when they are learning
or being taught. In the current global scenario, where
online education has become inevitable, it is of ut-
most importance to track student or user engagement.
Automatic analysis of student engagement has been
previously done using supervised machine learning
methods (Nezami et al., 2019) (Thomas and Jayagopi,
2017) (Whitehill et al., 2014).
Recent advances in deep learning have improved
performance, but come at an increased cost of col-
lecting large volumes of labeled data for training the
network. At the same time, there is already an am-
ple amount of annotated data available for various
domains and tasks. Unsupervised domain adaptation
(UDA) using deep neural networks is an emerging
and promising trend in machine learning to utilize
the existing labeled data. Domain adaptation aims
to learn a concept from labeled data in a source do-
main that performs well on a different but related tar-
get domain that can be labeled, partially labeled, or
unlabeled. Unsupervised domain adaptation specifi-
cally addresses the scenario where the source data is
labeled, and the target data is unlabeled.
In this work, we address the following research
question: Can deep unsupervised domain adaptation
techniques be used to infer student engagement from
classroom videos with unlabeled data? We address
this question by using a deep learning pipeline that
embeds unsupervised domain adaption into it. To at-
tempt this, we experimented with two methods: Joint
Adaptation Network (JAN) (Long et al., 2017) and
an adversarial method, that uses Wasserstein distance
for unsupervised domain adaptation (Drossos et al.,
2019). Along with the UDA, we experimented with
different base models in the deep learning pipeline to
understand the impact of each model on the domain
adaptation methods. Also, we explored the effective-
ness of image-based models and video-based models
for unsupervised domain adaptation by using various
pre-trained models like ResNet 18, ResNet 50, and
The contributions of the paper are as follows: We
propose an unsupervised method for inferring the en-
gagement level of the students in a classroom, unlike
previous works which use supervised learning meth-
Thomas, C., Purvaj, S. and Jayagopi, D.
Student Engagement from Video using Unsupervised Domain Adaptation.
DOI: 10.5220/0010979400003209
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering (IMPROVE 2022), pages 118-125
ISBN: 978-989-758-563-0; ISSN: 2795-4943
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ods. Although the joint adaptation network and ad-
versarial adaptation using Wasserstein distance were
originally proposed for images, in this work, we use
it on video data. We experimented with three differ-
ent base models; ResNet 18 pre-trained on ImageNet
data (He et al., 2016), ResNet 50 pre-trained on VG-
GFace2 (Cao et al., 2018) and RGB-I3D pre-trained
on ImageNet and Kinetics dataset (Carreira and Zis-
serman, 2017). Also, we did a comparative study of
supervised and unsupervised learning methods to see
how far the unsupervised domain adaptation can per-
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 discusses the related works relevant to the au-
tomatic prediction of student engagement and unsu-
pervised domain adaptation. The theoretical details
of the methods that we used for the experiments are
described in Section 3. The experimental details in-
cluding the dataset, implementation details and the
baselines are outlined in Section 4. Section 5 presents
the results and the findings. Section 6 concludes the
In this work, we focus on inferring student engage-
ment using unsupervised domain adaptation. Hence,
this section discusses works related to the task as well
as the modeling approach.
Task: Student Engagement Analysis. Student en-
gagement can be predicted in different ways such as
from a camera, logs from the learning platforms, and
data from wearable sensors. In this work, we focus
on the video data captured from an RGB camera. The
different learning environments can be a classroom
(Thomas and Jayagopi, 2017) (Raca, 2015), online
learning platforms (Gupta et al., 2016) (Grafsgaard
et al., 2013) or intelligent tutoring systems (Whitehill
et al., 2014). In all these settings, the goal is to in-
fer the affective state of engagement using supervised
learning techniques. These works utilized either tra-
ditional machine learning methods or a deep learning
pipeline to infer the engagement level of the students.
Supervised methods used handcrafted features
such as eye gaze, head pose, and facial action unit in-
tensities to capture the engagement state. Raca (Raca,
2015) used features computed from motion detection,
head detection, and estimation of orientation. White-
hill et al. (Whitehill et al., 2014) worked on facial
expressions to predict different levels of engagement
in an interactive learning environment. Thomas and
Jayagopi (Thomas and Jayagopi, 2017) utilized the
head pose, eye gaze, and facial action unit intensities
to infer the state of students.
Several works utilized deep learning models such
as Inception model, C3D, and LRCN networks on
frame level as well as video level to infer the affective
states of engagement, boredom, confusion and frus-
tration on DaiSEE dataset (Gupta et al., 2019) (Gupta
et al., 2016) (Ashwin and Guddeti, 2019). Gupta et
al. Yang et al. (Yang et al., 2018) used a multi-
modal regression model based on the multi-instance
mechanism as well as LSTM to predict the engage-
ment intensity for the engagement in the wild dataset
from the EmotiW challenge. Thomas et al. (Thomas
et al., 2018) used Temporal Convolutional Networks
(TCNs) to predict engagement intensity on engage-
ment in the wild dataset. More recently, a several at-
tempts have been made to predict student engagement
in online learning (Abedi and Khan, 2021b) (Abedi
and Khan, 2021a) (Geng et al., 2019) (Huang et al.,
2019) (Liao et al., 2021) (Wang et al., 2020) (Zhang
et al., 2019).
Modeling: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation.
Deep domain adaptation (DA) has emerged as a
new learning paradigm to address the lack of huge
amounts of labeled data. The conventional meth-
ods learn a shared feature subspace or reuse gen-
eral source examples with shallow representations,
whereas deep domain adaptation methods make use
of deep networks to learn more transferable repre-
sentations by embedding domain adaptation in the
pipeline of deep learning. Wang et al. (Wang
and Deng, 2018) described the different methods
such as discrepancy based, adversarial-based and
reconstruction-based deep DA approaches.
In this work, we use a discrepancy-based DA
method (JAN network described in Section 3.1) which
uses maximum mean discrepancy as the statistic cri-
terion to learn the invariant features. The adversarial
method (adversarial network described in Section 3.2)
is a non-generative model which learns domain invari-
ant representations. These representations are learned
with a feature extractor that learns a discriminative
representation using the labels in the source domain
and maps the target data to the same space through a
domain-confusion loss. There are applications of un-
supervised domain adaptation for vision applications,
NLP tasks, and time-series data. A detailed study on
the theoretical aspects and the applications are done in
(Wang and Deng, 2018) (Wilson and Cook, 2020). In
this work, we focus on the problem of inferring stu-
dent engagement. The models were trained to learn
invariant features that can be transferred from an on-
line learning environment to a classroom setting.
Student Engagement from Video using Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
In this section, we briefly explain unsupervised do-
main adaptation using joint adaptation network (JAN)
as well as adversarial approach.
3.1 Joint Adaptation Network
In unsupervised domain adaptation, we are given a
source domain D
= {(x
, y
of n
labeled ex-
amples and a target domain D
= {(x
, y
of n
unlabeled examples. The source and target domains
are sampled from joint distributions P(X
) and,
) respectively, where P 6= Q.
3.1.1 Joint Adaptation Network
The underlying idea in Joint Adaptation Network
(JAN) (Long et al., 2017) is to extend deep con-
volutional neural networks (CNNs) with additional
fully connected layers to learn a joint representa-
tion of the data and the label. CNNs are known
to learn generic features in the convolutional layers
and domain-specific features in the final layers. The
convolutional features are transferable across the do-
mains, while the features in the fully connected lay-
ers cannot be transferred safely for domain adaptation
due to cross-domain discrepancy. Additionally, the
shift in the labels lingers in the classifier layers. In
unsupervised domain adaptation, the joint distribution
of the features in the higher layers are matched for
source and target domain using joint maximum mean
discrepancy (JMMD). L denotes the domain-specific
layers where the activations are not safely transfer-
able. By integrating the JMMD over the domain-
specific layers L into the CNN error, the joint dis-
tributions are matched end-to-end with network train-
J( f (x
), y
) + λ
(P, Q) (1)
where J(.) is the cross entropy loss,
(P, Q) is the
JMMD penalty and λ > 0 is a trade-off parameter of
the JMMD penalty.
3.2 Adversarial Domain Adaptation
using Wasserstein Distance
Let D
= hZ
, f
i and D
= hZ
, f
i be the source
and target domains, respectively. Let h be the classi-
fier, z Z is the input to the labeling process f . The
Figure 1: Joint Adaptation Network.
aim of unsupervised DA is to obtain a classifier h that
yields a low error in the source domain and adapt it
to get a low target classification error without using
labels from the target domain during the adaptation
The whole process happens in two stages. The
first stage is pre-training, where a feature extractor
is obtained during the optimization of the label
classification, and the second stage is the adaptation
process, where a copy M
of M
is further optimized
during the adversarial training.
In this framework, Drossos et al. (Drossos
et al., 2019) employ a deep neural network (DNN)
and the Wasserstein generative adversarial networks
(WGAN) formulation and algorithm (Arjovsky et al.,
2017). DNN consists of a feature extractor M, a label
classifier h, and a domain classifier h
. There are two
steps involved in the formulation.
The first step (pre-training) is to optimize M and
h using the labeled data (x
, y
) from source domain
, Y
), where y
is 1-hot encoding of the classes
and the binary cross-entropy as the loss function
(h, f
) in source domain:
(h, M) =
log(h(M(x))) (2)
and the classifier h
is obtained and the source domain
feature extractor M
, M
= arg min
(h, M) (3)
denotes the parameters of the feature extractor
and will be used as initial values for the adapted
feature extractor M
In the second step (adaptation), M
is adapted to
the target domain using an adversarial training proce-
dure. In this framework, order-1 Wasserstein distance
is used as the metric to measure the discrepancy be-
tween Z
. The process of the adaptation of M
performed by the iterative minimization of the losses,
(x)), (4)
(x)) + L
, M
). (5)
IMPROVE 2022 - 2nd International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering
(a) (b)
Figure 2: Sample frames from (a) DaiSEE dataset and (b)
SEC dataset.
In this section, we discuss the details of the datasets,
baseline models and computational descriptors used
in the experiments.
4.1 Datasets
The details of the source and target datasets are ex-
plained in the following paragraphs.
Source Dataset. The source dataset used for the ex-
periments is the in-the-wild DaiSEE dataset consist-
ing of 9068 videos of 112 users annotated for affec-
tive states of boredom, engagement, confusion, and
frustration (Gupta et al., 2016). The data comprises
videos of users in an e-learning environment. The af-
fective states are annotated for four levels: very-low,
low, high, and very-high from the CrowdFlower plat-
form. The videos are of 10-second duration. All the
videos are annotated for multiple affect since a per-
son may show different effects while in the learning
environment. This work considers only the engage-
ment affective state. The videos in very low and low
levels are combined for the distracted label (label ’0’)
and high and very-high are combined for the engaged
label (label ’1’).
Target Dataset. The target dataset is the X dataset
which consists of 2262 videos of students attending
video presentations projected on the screen in a class-
room. There are 10 unique students in the classroom,
and each student video is trimmed for 10 seconds.
The student affective state of engagement is annotated
by external observers on a binary scale of engaged or
distracted. More details of the dataset can be found in
(Thomas and Jayagopi, 2017). The dataset is highly
imbalanced. For the experiments, the train, valida-
tion, and test set consist of 1064, 456, and 742 sam-
ples respectively. Sample frames from the videos are
shown in Fig. 2.
4.2 Modeling
In this subsection, we describe our baseline models
and the set of computational descriptors for further
Baseline: The baselines are created for the target
test set (IIITB-SE) to compare how well the unsuper-
vised domain adaptation model performs compared to
the supervised and unsupervised learning task. The
baseline for the supervised learning is the majority
baseline which is created for the test set. For the su-
pervised method, we considered Logistic Regression
(LR), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Random
Forest (RF) classifiers. For the unsupervised domain
adaptation, the fine-tuned source models before adap-
tation were considered as baselines. We considered
ResNet 18 pre-trained on ImageNet; ResNet 50 pre-
trained on VGGFace2 dataset and RGB-I3D model
pre-trained on ImageNet and Kinetics dataset as base
models in JAN framework and as generators in an ad-
versarial setting.
Computational Descriptors: The models, with su-
pervised learning, used visual features. The vi-
sual features were computed using OpenFace toolbox
saitis et al., 2016) for every frame. We ex-
tracted features related to eye gaze, head pose, and
facial action unit (AUCs) of the speaker in the video.
The mean and standard deviation of the features were
computed to aggregate the statistics to a video level,
which resulted in a 46-dimensional feature vector. We
ran feature selection to choose 39 features that re-
sulted in the highest relevance score. Another set of
visual features that we used for the experiment was
the 512-dimensional feature vector extracted from the
videos. These are computed from the last pooling
layer of the ResNet 18 pre-trained network. The third
set of features used for the experiments were the last
layer 2048-dimensional features from ResNet 50 VG-
GFace2 pre-trained network. Also, we computed fea-
tures from the last layer of the RGB-I3D model pre-
trained on ImageNet. The feature vectors from both
ResNet 18 and ResNet 50 were computed for the
frames, and the mean of all the frames was consid-
ered as the final feature vector.
4.3 Implementation Details
4.3.1 JAN Network
The details of the architecture are described in this
section. The base network of the model were pre-
trained ResNet models and I3D model. The exper-
Student Engagement from Video using Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
iments were done using ResNet 18, ResNet 50, and
I3D architectures. The ResNet models until the last
pooling layer were used as the base network. The
ResNet 18 base network is followed by a bottleneck
layer and a classifier layer. The bottleneck layer is
a fully-connected layer with 512 × 256 neurons and
the classifier layer is also a fully connected layer with
256 × 2 neurons. The ResNet 50 base network is fol-
lowed by the bottleneck layer with 2048 × 256 neu-
rons and the classifier layer with 256 × 2 neurons.
The RGB-I3D base model is followed by a bottleneck
layer with 2048 × 256 neurons and a classifier layer
with 256 × 2 neurons. The output from the classi-
fier layer is passed through a Softmax layer for the
class probabilities. The bottleneck layer is followed
by ReLu activation and drop out of 0.2. The bottle-
neck layer and the classifier layers were initialized at
random with a normal distribution. We fine-tune all
convolutional and pooling layers and train the classi-
fier layer via backpropagation. Since the classifier is
trained from scratch, we set its learning rate to be 10
times that of the other layers and the initial learning
rate was 0.01. We use mini-batch stochastic gradient
descent (SGD) with a momentum of 0.5 and the learn-
ing rate annealing strategy in RevGrad (Long et al.,
2017). The trade-off parameter of the JMMD term
was 0.5. We used the PyTorch implementation of JAN
for the experiments
. The learning rate is not selected
by a grid search due to high computational cost; it is
adjusted during SGD as in the original implementa-
tion of JAN.
The training process is as follows: The videos are
sampled at 1 frame per second to extract the frames
of the videos. The frames are cropped for getting the
frontal faces using dlib library, removing all unnec-
essary background information. We did this prepro-
cessing with the assumption that student engagement
can be learned from the region above the shoulder.
The video frames are resized to 456 × 256. During
training, a random 224 × 224 pixels spatial crop of a
random frame of the visual data is randomly flipped
in the left/right direction and fed into the model. The
activities of the penultimate layer are spatially pooled.
This output from the base network is passed to the
bottleneck layer. The network is trained for 20000 it-
erations. Over multiple iterations, we assume that the
model is able to learn the temporal dependencies in
the video. The validation is done at every 500 iter-
ations inside the training using the above-mentioned
procedure. The models which resulted in the best val-
idation accuracy are tested. During testing, the en-
tire video data is fed into the network one frame at a
time. The network predicts for every frame in a video,
and the final prediction is the majority label computed
over all the frames. For the RGB-I3D model, the en-
tire video which is sampled at 1 frame per second is
passed to the model directly for training and testing.
4.3.2 Adversarial Network
The architectural details of the generator models in
the adversarial method are explained in this section.
The first network that we used as the generator, was
ResNet 18 pre-trained on ImageNet. The second net-
work considered was pre-trained ResNet 50 as M
ResNet 50 is pre-trained on the VGGFace2 dataset,
which is closer to the source and target dataset. The
last one was RGB-I3D pre-trained on ImageNet and
Kinetics dataset. The discriminator has two fully con-
nected layers followed by a ReLU. The classifier layer
consists of three feed-forward layers, each one fol-
lowed by a ReLU and a drop out of 0.25. The feed-
forward layers consists of 512, 256, 2 neurons for
ResNet 18 model; 2048, 256, 2 neurons for ResNet 50
model and 2048, 256, 2 neurons for RGB-I3D model.
The output non-linearity of h is the softmax function.
The experiments were done using the PyTorch
plementation of the adversarial model. For the adap-
tation stage, the RMSProp optimizer is used with a
learning rate of 5× 10
for RGB-I3D and 1× 10
and 5× 10
for the generator and discriminator re-
spectively in ResNet based models.
The training process for the model is as follows:
The videos are sampled at 1 frame per second to ex-
tract the frames of the videos. The frames are cropped
for getting the frontal faces. A random frame is sam-
pled, and the frame is resized to 224 × 224. In the
first step, the ResNet 18 model (M
) pre-trained on
ImageNet, and h are trained using the source dataset
in a supervised manner. This resulted in an adapted
feature extractor M
on the source dataset with an ac-
curacy of 0.88. The ResNet 50 model resulted in an
accuracy of 63% while pre-training. The RGB-I3D
model resulted in an accuracy of 67%.In the second
step of the adaptation, M
is initialized with adapted
. The network is trained to fool the domain clas-
sifier. The adaptation process is done for 300 epochs
and all the models are tested. The results are reported
for the best model. During testing, the video data are
fed into the model one frame at a time. The testing
is done using the adapted feature extractor and the la-
bel classifier. The network predicts for every frame
in a video, and the final prediction is the majority la-
bel computed over all the frames. For I3D, the entire
video is passed for testing the models.
IMPROVE 2022 - 2nd International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering
Table 1: Student engagement classification result with supervised learning.
Model Feature Accuracy Precision Recall f1-score
Majority Baseline 0.83 0.83 1.0 0.91
Naive Bayes facial cues 0.16 0.0 0.0 0.0
Logistic Regression facial cues 0.83 0.83 1.0 0.91
SVM facial cues 0.83 0.83 1.0 0.91
Random Forest facial cues 0.75 0.82 0.90 0.86
Naive Bayes ResNet 18 0.72 0.89 0.76 0.82
Logistic Regression ResNet 18 0.84 0.90 0.91 0.90
SVM ResNet 18 0.82 0.91 0.86 0.89
Random Forest ResNet 18 0.86 0.88 0.95 0.92
Naive Bayes ResNet 50 0.78 0.89 0.85 0.87
Logistic Regression ResNet 50 0.83 0.86 0.95 0.90
SVM ResNet 50 0.83 0.88 0.92 0.90
Random Forest ResNet 50 0.85 0.88 0.96 0.91
Naive Bayes RGB-I3D 0.80 0.90 0.86 0.88
Logistic Regression RGB-I3D 0.81 0.90 0.88 0.89
SVM RGB-I3D 0.81 0.90 0.86 0.88
Random Forest RGB-I3D 0.85 0.87 0.96 0.91
Table 2: Student engagement classification result with source domain fine-tuning (before adaptation).
Base model Accuracy Precision Recall f1-score
ResNet18 (ImageNet) 0.19 0.79 0.04 0.11
ResNet50 (VGGFace2) 0.21 0.90 0.06 0.11
RGB-I3D (ImageNet) 0.41 0.77 0.40 053
Table 3: Student engagement classification result with unsupervised domain adaptation.
UDA method Base model Accuracy Precision Recall f1-score
JAN ResNet18 (ImageNet) 0.61 0.82 0.74 0.78
JAN ResNet50 (VGGFace2) 0.57 0.81 0.63 0.71
JAN RGB-I3D (ImageNet) 0.68 0.81 0.80 0.80
Adversarial ResNet18 (ImageNet) 0.62 0.88 0.62 0.73
Adversarial ResNet 50 (VGGFace2) 0.71 0.84 0.80 0.82
Adversarial RGB-I3D (ImageNet) 0.54 0.83 0.59 0.69
(a) (b)
Figure 3: t-SNE plots for adversarial model with ResNet 50 as the base model (a) before adaptation (b) after adaptation.
Student Engagement from Video using Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
In this section, we describe the results for the binary
classification task of engaged or distracted. The met-
rics used for evaluation are accuracy, precision, re-
call, and f1-score. The results are reported in Table 1.
The majority classifier, which classifies everything to
the majority class, resulted in a test accuracy of 83%
and an f1-score of 0.68 on the SE test data. Super-
vised learning methods such as Logistic Regression
and SVM performed just like a majority classifier.
Naive Bayes was putting everything to the minority
class, which is even worse. Random Forest performed
better on facial cues with 75% accuracy and f1-score
of 0.86. When the features were extracted from the
last layer of ResNet 18 pre-trained on ImageNet, there
is an improvement in the performance, especially for
Naive Bayes and Random Forest classifiers. Naive
Bayes performed with an accuracy of 72%, f1-score
of 0.82, and Random Forest with 86% accuracy and
0.92 as f1-score. When the features were extracted
from ResNet 50 pre-trained on VGGFace2, there is a
slight drop in the performance compared to ResNet 18
pre-trained on ImageNet. This can be because of the
huge dimensionality of the feature vector compared to
the number of samples in the training set. This obser-
vation is consistent with the RGB-I3D model as well.
The results from the supervised learning methods re-
veal the difficulty with respect to the dataset, and the
low performance also stems from the huge class im-
balance in the SE dataset.
In Table 2, we can see the results of the base mod-
els fine-tuned with the source dataset and then tested
on the target dataset. This is considered as the base-
line for the UDA methods. The results show that only
the RGB-I3D model is able to perform a little better,
with an accuracy of 41% and f1-score of 0.53 on a
similar dataset. These results show the requirement to
adapt the models for a specific domain of the dataset.
The results for unsupervised domain adaptation
are reported in Table 3. In unsupervised domain
adaptation, we experimented with discrepancy-based
(JAN) and adversarial-based domain adaptation meth-
ods coupled with various pre-trained deep networks.
In both the cases, the results are reported ResNet 18
pre-trained on ImageNet, ResNet 50 pre-trained on
VGGFace2 dataset, and RGB-I3D pre-trained on Im-
ageNet and Kinetics datasets. Among the JAN mod-
els, the one with RGB-I3D pre-trained on ImageNet
and Kinetics datasets as the base network performed
better than other base models, with an accuracy of
68% and f1-score of 0.80. Among the adversarial
method, the base model with ResNet 50 pre-trained
on VGGFace2 performed way better than all other
models, with an accuracy of 71% and f1-score of 0.82.
This model performed significantly better than all the
discussed unsupervised models. The t-SNE plot for
the best model reported, ResNet 50 pre-trained with
VGGFace2 in the adversarial setting, is shown in Fig.
3. In the before adaptation plot, Fig. 3a the source and
target domain points are close enough. This shows
how similarity between the source and target domain.
After adaptation, the points in the source and target
domain moved farther apart, but the classification re-
sults are better after adaptation. This can be because,
before adaptation, the classifier was not performing
well on the classes, but after adaptation, though the
source and target domain points moved apart, the clas-
sifier is able to classify both the classes irrespective of
the class imbalance in the target domain data. Also,
there is a significant improvement from the baseline
models. But when compared to the supervised meth-
ods, their numbers are lagging a lot. Though there is
room for improvement for unsupervised models com-
pared to the supervised models, when the labels are
unavailable, this is a promising direction.
In this work, we addressed an important question,
can unsupervised deep domain adaptation methods be
used to infer binary engagement of students in a class-
room. For this, we used a discrepancy-based method
and an adversarial method with different base mod-
els that work with images and videos for the exper-
iments. The JAN model with RGB-I3D as the base
network resulted in 68% accuracy and an f1-score
of 0.80 performed better among JAN models. Fur-
ther, using the adversarial method using Wasserstein
distance resulted in the best result with 71% accu-
racy and f1-score of 0.82 among all the unsupervised
methods. The experiments show that unsupervised
domain adaptation is a promising direction for infer-
ring student engagement when labels are not avail-
able. Moreover, the experiments showed that we can
safely transfer features from an online setting to a
classroom setting with unsupervised domain adapta-
The first author would like to thank Visvesvaraya
PhD Scheme, Ministry of Electronics and Informa-
tion Technology (MeitY), Government of India for
supporting the work.
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Student Engagement from Video using Unsupervised Domain Adaptation