Grid. With Smart Meters, only the sum of all loads in
the household is measured, so disaggregation of the
load curve is necessary to learn about the individual
loads. In Intrusive Load Monitoring, metering is done
either for every load or each zone within the building.
Current smart plugs available on the market are
not capable of load identification (Gomes et al.,
2018). The user has to set up the basic properties
and scheduling of the connector. The proposed sys-
tem in (Gomes et al., 2018) uses environmental sen-
sors to help determine if an electric load is needed.
In (Gomes et al., 2019) a case study is shown how
EnAPlugs can provide energy savings by using sen-
sors to enable environmental awareness.
In (da S. Veloso et al., 2019), a system is shown
which uses Electric Load Signature (ELS) to differ-
entiate between loads. Measurements were done ev-
ery second for one hour to collect the ELS data. An-
other possibility for faster data collection is to use the
Voltage-Current curve of the load to determine the
type of electric load connected (Du et al., 2016).
In (Petrovi
c and Morikawa, 2017) load classifica-
tion is achieved by using a bidirectional triode thyris-
tor to manipulate the voltage supply of the load. An
Arduino microcontroller was used to collect the mea-
surement data and control the TRIAC. The microcon-
troller masked the voltage signal of the load between
ratios of 10% and 95% with 5% steps. The other pa-
rameter used was the number of consecutive masking
cycles between 1 and 20. The load current, voltage,
and power were measured for each cycle of the AC
signal. The measured power data was put into a ma-
trix, and this matrix was the input of a Fully Con-
nected Neural Network used for load classification.
The classification accuracy was 96.5%, and each mea-
surement took 45 seconds.
This paper presents a similar approach to
c and Morikawa, 2017), but with several
improvements in the prototype device, measurement
speed, data collection, and classification methods.
To measure the response of an electric load to the ma-
nipulation of the AC input voltage, a custom mea-
surement device prototype was built. The prototype
device is capable of cutting off the AC supply of the
load, measuring the power characteristics of the de-
vice during the experiment, processing the data and
sending the processed data to the connected computer.
This section describes the measurement device pro-
totype as well as the measurement method used for
Figure 1: Voltage cutoff method with different cutoff ratios.
collecting data about the devices’ characteristic re-
3.1 Hardware Configuration
The prototype device uses the ESP32 microcontroller.
An off-the-shelf AC dimmer module is used to con-
trol the masking of the AC signal. A transformer and
a current transformer are used to measure the volt-
age and current of the load. The off-the-shelf dimmer
had zero-crossing detection capabilities so the mea-
surement could be precisely synchronized to the AC
voltage curve. The main advantages of the ESP32
over the Arduino microcontroller used in (Petrovi
and Morikawa, 2017) are the faster CPU frequency,
the 12-bit ADC, and the dual cores so that one core
can measure while the other core processes and sends
the data to the computer. In each period of the 230V
50Hz AC signal, the ESP32 measures 279-280 ADC
values from the transformer and the current trans-
former. The period of the 50Hz AC signal is 20ms.
This includes two zero-crossing events.
3.2 Measurement Method
Using the dimmer, the ESP32 cuts the voltage supply
of the load after a zero-crossing event for a specific
time period. This time period is given as the ratio of
cutoff time and the time between two zero-crossing
events (10ms) as demonstrated by Figure 1. The de-
vice uses cutoff ratios between 10% and 75% with a
5% step. For each cutoff ratio, the device measures 20
AC periods. Data is calculated for each period. Af-
ter a measurement with a cutoff ratio is completed, the
device waits 16 AC periods before proceeding to mea-
sure with the following cutoff ratio. This procedure
allows the load to receive uninterrupted power. The
measurement starts with a 10% cutoff ratio, and the
cutoff ratio is increased by 5% until 75%. The time
of the entire measurement is 488 AC cycles which are
SMARTGREENS 2022 - 11th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems