This demonstrates that to the best of our knowl-
edge our tool Dacite is the only tool that analyzes
the data flow of an object-oriented program consid-
ering the fields of objects and the elements of arrays
in detail, respecting aliasing, focussing on traversable
DUCs and hence providing a comprehensive data-
flow analysis.
In this paper, we have presented Dacite, a tool for a
comprehensive data-flow analysis for object-oriented
programs. This tool is able to dynamically analyze the
data flow of a given program and its JUnit tests. By
collecting the necessary information during the exe-
cution, more detailed and precise information such
as the occurrences of aliases can be derived. More-
over, we have argued that by dynamically analyzing
the program, only traversable data-flow relations are
identified. It is noteworthy, that all other existing tools
for analyzing the data flow of object-oriented pro-
grams only provide limited identification of the data
flow, being restricted either by static analysis or by
a specific type of variables (see Section 5). Further-
more, these tools are either not publicly available or
not working reliably. Consequently, to the best of our
knowledge, Dacite is the only available tool to pro-
vide a comprehensive and detailed data-flow analysis.
This can be utilized to evaluate and assess test suites
for object-oriented systems.
In the future, we plan to extend Dacite by graphi-
cal visualization of the DUCs to further facilitate the
comprehensibility of the passed data flow. Moreover,
by deriving the data-flow information during the exe-
cution, only those paths and their data flows are con-
sidered that have been passed. When comparing JU-
nit tests, this is sufficient. However, when generating
new Junit tests, it would be beneficial to also have in-
formation on which data flows have not been passed
yet. In order to ensure that all data flows are cov-
ered, Dacite can be combined with our existing test-
case generator (Winkelmann et al., 2022) which is
based on a symbolic execution of the classes under
test. Dacite can then be used to restrict the number
of generated test cases to those which are required to
ensure data-flow coverage.
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ENASE 2022 - 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering