mark set including other daily life activities, like in
(Leutheuser et al., 2013).
This article presented a novel approach of evolving
Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) that are applied to
classification tasks, therefore called Classifier based
on GMM (CMM). We explained that GMM and their
particular variant of CMM are powerful tools that
have been shown to obtain very good results in many
domains and data sets. The current state of the art in
training them lies in the usage of k-means and expec-
tation maximisation, resulting in the most appropri-
ate shape of the Gaussians. However, this is charac-
terised by strong efforts in the training procedure. In
contrast, our approach aims at utilising the principles
of evolutionary computation. Hence, we presented
our methodology in detail, including the encoding
scheme, the definition of two novel genetic opera-
tors (i.e. mutation and recombination), and the result-
ing steps of the evolutionary process. Furthermore, a
baseline reference of random K-Means initialisation
is presented. In an experimental section, we demon-
strated the potential benefit of evolved GMMs/CMMs
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racy of above 80 % has been achieved, which is par-
ticularly comparable to other approaches of the state-
of-the-art while simultaneously allowing for novel ad-
vantages from the evolutionary process.
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