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7.3 Hardware Details
We compute the number of logic gates required for
each integer operation.
7.4 Addition
A half-adder (HA) circuit is made up of 1 XOR gate
and 1 AND gate, while the full-adder (FA) circuit re-
quires 2 XOR gates, 2 AND gates and 1 OR gate.
Therefore, the cost of an n bit addition is
HA + (n − 1) × FA
= (1 XOR + 1 AND) + (n − 1) × (2 XOR + 2 AND + 1 OR)
= (2n − 1) AND + (2n − 1) XOR + (n − 1) OR
≈ 5n − 3
7.5 Multiplication
A common architecture usually include (n − 1) n-bit
Adders besides the n
AND gates, see Figure 5 top
panels. One n-bit adders is composed of one half-
adder (HA) and n − 1 full-adder (FA). We will con-
sider a n-bit adder as building block in our theoretical
analysis, although it could be optimized further.
EuclidNets: Combining Hardware and Architecture Design for Efficient Training and Inference