lishments for new connections. We measured our im-
plementation (one microservice) repeatedly with TLS
and without TLS, in order to understand the connec-
tion overhead. For 1000 repeated new connections the
mean proportion of using TLS compared to not using
TLS was ∆ = 0.9227, i.e. about 92% of the total con-
nection time is dedicated to the TLS protocol.
Table 4: Communication analysis of the scheme’s API con-
API no TLS (ms) TLS (ms)
/registerClient 96.657 540.98
/requestAccess 169.18 926.81
/proveAccess 175.54 985.12
Total execution time: 441.38 2452.91
The API consists of three main endpoints:
/registerClient is the initial registration of a client in-
cluding key access value generation, /requestAccess
is for requesting access and thus handle the ephemeral
value g
, and finally /proveAccess will trigger the
actual crypto function f
(·). These HTTP endpoints
take a set of parameters in base64 string format and
are converted into byte streams when handled by the
node. To conclude the experiment, the timing results
for our proof of concept implementation lies within
reasonable timings. As a comparison, a microservice
node in our experiment that only connects to a se-
cure website and receives a HTTP OK response, had
a mean timing of 768.95 ms.
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scheme, proven its security under type I and II secu-
rity experiments, i.e. secure against forgery and reply
attacks. Our proof-of-concept implementation shows
promising results indicating the feasibility and easy-
to-adopt approach in a microservices context. We ar-
gue that the level of implementation is significantly
easier using wrapper crypto libraries such as jPBC,
than developing code using low-level languages; it
is also closer to real-world microservices applica-
tions where high-level programming languages such
as Java and C# is de facto choice in industry.
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IoTBDS 2022 - 7th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security