Toward a New Hybrid Intelligent Sentiment Analysis using CNN- LSTM
and Cultural Algorithms
Imtiez Fliss
National School of Computer Science, Manouba University, Tunisia
Sentiment Analysis, Hybrid CNN-LSTM Classifier, Cultural Algorithms, Hyper-parameters Optimization.
In this paper, we propose a new sentiment analysis approach based on the combination of deep learning
and soft computing techniques. We use the GloVe word embeddings for feature extraction. For sentiment
classification, we propose to combine CNN and LSTM to decide whether the sentiment among the text is
positive or negative. To tune hyperparameters, this classifier is optimized using cultural algorithms.
Sentiment analysis (SA)(Mukherjee, 2021) is
widespread across all fields and has become one of
the most active topics in recent research. Whether we
held a webinar, virtual event, or conference, collect-
ing feedback from attendees and event stakeholders
helps us plan and improve future events.
In other hand, contact centers strive to improve
customer experiences across the customer journey.
From evaluation and product purchase to delivery
and after-sales support the need to ensure customers
are happy is an ongoing priority.
There is a crucial question in each of these situa-
tions: stakeholders enjoyed their experience? The an-
swers will help the event planner to improve the expe-
rience at his future events and on the other hand help
to inform best practices and improve the customer ex-
perience (Jain and Kumar, 2017).
Sentiment analysis (Zhao et al., 2010; Medhat
et al., 2014), is a type of subjective analysis which
examines sentiment in each textual unit with the ob-
jective of understanding the sentiment polarities (for
example: positive, negative, or neutral) of the opin-
ions toward various aspects of a subject.
Sentiment Analysis is a multi-step process cover-
ing various sub-tasks: data collection, feature extrac-
tion and selection, and finally sentiment classification.
The newest trend in sentiment analysis field has
brought up additional demand for understanding the
contextual representation of the language. Word em-
bedding is one of the most popular representation of
document vocabulary that is capable of capturing con-
text of a word in a document, semantic and syntactic
similarity, relation with other words, etc. Thus, we
intend to use Glove (Pennington et al., 2014) as an
embedding technique for the step of feature extrac-
In the classification step, we can take advantage
of the power of deep learning. Sentiment analysis
models can be trained to understand the text con-
text and recognize the opinion of the writer. CNN’s
(Albawi et al., 2017), a class of deep, feed-forward
artificial neural networks, could be a good solution
for sentiment analysis where sentiments are expressed
by some key phrases. As it demonstrates its effec-
tiveness in extracting local and position-invariant fea-
tures. For long texts, another model of deep learn-
ing recurrent neural network based on long short-term
memory (LSTM) (Graves, 2012) work better as it can
learn the long-term dependence of text. Therefore,
in this paper, we propose to combine the advantages
of CNN and LSTM, a hybrid model CNN- LSTM is
constructed for the sentiment classification task.
Despite the excellent results achieved, the per-
formance of deep learning models in classification
problems, they are strictly correlated to their hy-
perparameters (eg. the learning rate, the number of
training epochs/iterations, the batch size, etc.). It
is then crucial to select an appropriate optimization
technique to detect optimal hyperparameters.
For hyperparameters tuning, a class of robust algo-
rithms is required, which does not depend upon the
context. To solve this problem, we propose in our
work to use cultural algorithms (Reynolds, 1994)
which is an evolutionary algorithm that takes advan-
Fliss, I.
Toward a New Hybrid Intelligent Sentiment Analysis using CNN- LSTM and Cultural Algorithms.
DOI: 10.5220/0010990400003116
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2022) - Volume 1, pages 467-477
ISBN: 978-989-758-547-0; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tage of knowledge domains and faster convergence
and is used in many optimization problems (Maheri
et al., 2021).
The details of our contributions are as follows:
Proposing an end-to-end sentiment analysis ap-
Developing a combined CNN-LSTM model opti-
mized using Cultural Algorithms to determine the
best accurate results in sentiment analysis.
The rest of this paper is arranged as follows: Re-
lated works are introduced in Section2. A background
about CNN, LSTM and cultural algorithms is pre-
sented in Section 3. In Section 4, we focus on the
proposed sentiment analysis approach. The experi-
ments are given in Section 5. Section 6 presents our
contribution to the literature. Finally, some conclud-
ing remarks and perspectives are presented.
Sentiment analysis is concerned with the identifica-
tion and classification of sentiments. To obtain the
opinion from a text, it is necessary to extract some in-
teresting information then proceed to text classifica-
tion. In literature, two main approaches to sentiment
analysis are proposed: Lexicon-based approaches and
Machine learning-based approaches
2.1 Lexicon-based Approaches
Several lexicon-based approaches are proposed
(Prakash and Aloysius, 2021). Researchers use cor-
pora (Turney and Littman, 2005), lexicon (Kour et al.,
2021) or more complex Wordnet (Fellbaum, 1998)
and other language resources (Dragut et al., 2010) to
generate dictionaries to support sentiment analysis in
different contexts.
On the other hand, researchers in (Taboada, 2016)
apply lexical resources named opinion lexicon, that
associate words to sentiment orientation represented
for example by positive and negative “scores. It
widely applies in sentiment analysis and begins with
the assumption that a single word can be considered a
unit of opinion information so that it can indicate the
sentiment and subjective nature of texts. Emotional
annotations can be done manually or through an auto-
mated, semi-supervised.
The sentiment classification result can be ex-
pressed as a positive or negative score in the form of a
binary or can be expressed as a multi-emotional clas-
2.2 Machine Learning based
In case of Machine learning based approaches (Mitra,
2020), a collection of documents is “tagged” for some
features. These documents are used to “train” the sta-
tistical model, which then is applied to new text. To
get a better or larger data set to get improved results,
it is necessary to retrain the model as it “learns” more
about the documents, it analyzes. This supervised ap-
proach also applies to the sort of retraining that can
happen with some models where some viewer gives
a “star” rating and the algorithm adds that rating
to its ongoing processing (Redmore, 2013). There
have been many studies on classifying sentiments us-
ing machine learning models, such as Support Vector
Machine (SVM), Naive Bayes (NB), Maximum En-
tropy (ME), Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), and
other techniques.
Deep learning (Dargan et al., 2020) is a sub-
branch of machine learning that uses deep neural
networks. Recently, deep learning algorithms have
been widely applied for sentiment analysis (Yadav
and Vishwakarma, 2020; Dang et al., 2020; Minaee
et al., 2021).
Deep Neural Networks are Artificial Neural Net-
works that present multiple hidden layers between in-
put and output and exist in a plethora of diverse archi-
tectures depending on the network topology of neu-
rons and their connections; among them, some have
brought notable outcomes especially: Convolutional
Neural Networks (CNNs) and Recurrent Neural Net-
works (RNNs).
CNNs have shown the finest results in computer
vision and image processing, and the same architec-
ture has been widely applied to text processing (Ya-
dav and Vishwakarma, 2020). The most renowned
CNN-based sentiment analysis model was introduced
by (Kim, 2014), extensively used by (Kalchbrenner
et al., 2014) and enhanced by (Pota et al., 2020). Fur-
thermore, Chen et al. (Chen et al., 2017) improved
sentiment detection through a two-step’s architecture,
leveraging separated CNNs trained on sentences clus-
tered according to the number of opinion targets con-
On the other hand, RNNs are used for modelling
sequential data in a variety of applications. Meth-
ods based on RNNs fed the sentiment classifier with
the complete sentence representation building it with
a bottom-up approach (Socher et al., 2013). More-
over, the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) variant
of RNNs (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997) can
handle the declining gradient problem of basic RNNs,
catching long-term dependencies. Therefore, LSTM
NLPinAI 2022 - Special Session on Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence
networks were proven to perform better that standard
RNNs for sentiment analysis (Li and Qian, 2016).
Alayba et al. (Alayba et al., 2018) have shown the
benefits of integrating CNNs and LSTMs, reporting a
better accuracy on diverse data sets for Arabic senti-
ment analysis.
2.3 Synthesis
Using lexicon-based approaches to identify polarity
of words, is not effective for all cases because it is
hard to prepare a huge corpus to cover all words we
can use.
However, these approaches can help to find
domain-specific opinion words and their polarities
(positive, negative or else) if a corpus from only the
specific domain is used in the discovery process.
Alternatively, the machine learning approaches to
sentiment analysis, also described as a supervised
learning approach, is often reported to be more accu-
rate according to (Chaovalit and Zhou, 2005; Wawre
and Deshmukh, 2016; Al-Hadhrami et al., 2019) and
has also been used in marketing research (Pathak and
Pathak-Shelat, 2017; Rambocas and Pacheco, 2018).
However, the machine learning approach and espe-
cially deep learning techniques (Mahendhiran and
Kannimuthu, 2018; Yuan et al., 2020) requires a large
corpus of training data and their performance depends
on a good match between the training and testing data
and parameters of the used algorithms.
Thus, we propose in this paper, to develop a new
effective sentiment analysis model that aggregates
deep learning sentiment analysis and soft computing
techniques. The proposed hybrid sentiment analysis
model can be applied to any textual data set (there is
no restriction on structure of considered texts), that
can be even cross-domain and cross-source as consid-
ered in (Zola et al., 2019).
3.1 Convolutional Neural Network
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN’s) (Albawi
et al., 2017), also known as ConvNets, consist of
multiple layers and are widely used to identify
satellite images, process medical images, forecast
time series, detect anomalies, and intervenes in many
other classification problems. CNN’s have multiple
layers, as shown in Figure 1, that process and extract
features from data (input layer):
- Convolution Layer: The convolution layer has
several filters to perform the convolution operation.
- Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU): ReLU layer is used
to perform operations on elements. The output is a
rectified feature map. The rectified feature map next
feeds into a pooling layer.
- Pooling Layer: Pooling is a down-sampling opera-
tion that reduces the dimensions of the feature map.
The pooling layer then converts the resulting two-
dimensional arrays from the pooled feature map into
a single, long, continuous, linear vector by flattening
- Fully Connected Layer: A fully connected layer
forms when the flattened matrix from the pooling
layer is fed as an input, which classifies and identi-
fies the results (output layer) depending on the field
(images, texts, etc.).
Figure 1: CNN architecture.
3.2 Long Short-Term Memory
Long Short-Term Memory (LSTMs)(Graves, 2012)
are a type of Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) that
can learn and memorize long-term dependencies.
LSTMs retain information over time. LSTMs have
a chain-like structure where four interacting layers
communicate in a unique way. First, they forget ir-
relevant parts of the previous state. Then, they selec-
tively update the cell-state values and the output of
certain parts of the cell state are finally given.
The network takes three inputs. X t is the input
of the current time step. h t-1 is the output from the
previous LSTM unit and C t-1 is the “memory” of
the previous unit. As for outputs, h t is the output of
the current network. C t is the memory of the cur-
rent unit. Therefore, this single unit makes decision
by considering the current input, previous output, and
previous memory. And it generates a new output and
alters its memory.
LSTM consists of three types of gates, namely for-
get gate, input gate and output gate which decides rel-
evant and irrelevant information from the input data.
Forget gate decides which previous information c(t-1)
is not required, input gate selects relevant information
from the input data x(t), and output gate produces new
Toward a New Hybrid Intelligent Sentiment Analysis using CNN- LSTM and Cultural Algorithms
the hidden state h(t) for time ’t. At each timestamp
’t,’ h(t) also serves as the output produced by the long
short-term cell for timestamp ’t. as presented in Fig-
ure 2.
Figure 2: LSTM architecture.
3.3 Cultural Algorithms
Cultural Algorithms are proposed by Reynolds
(Reynolds, 1994). They maintain two search spaces:
the population representing the genetic component
and the belief space representing the cultural compo-
nent as shown in Figure 3. Both these search spaces
Figure 3: Cultural algorithm architecture.
evolve in parallel and each of them influence the
other. The experiences of individuals in the popula-
tion space, identified through an acceptance function,
are used for the creation of knowledge residing within
the belief space. An acceptance function determines
which individual’s experiences should be considered
to contribute to the current beliefs. This knowledge is
stored and manipulated in the belief space. These ad-
justed beliefs then influence the evolution of the pop-
Population space and belief space communicate
through the acceptance function and the influence
function. The acceptance function determines which
individuals from the current population are selected
to impact the belief space. The selected individuals’
experiences are generalized and applied to adjust the
current beliefs in the belief space via the update func-
tion. The new beliefs can then be used to guide and
influence the evolutionary process for the next gener-
ation knowledge circulation is described as follows:
1. The belief space receives the top best individuals
within generation g from the population space us-
ing acceptance function.
2. The belief space updates its own knowledge.
3. In the next generation g+1, the belief space
sends the updated knowledge through the influ-
ence function to the population space.
4. The population space combines the knowledge to
generate offspring from generation g and produce
next generation g + 1.
5. The top individuals within generation g + 1 are
sent to the belief space to update its knowledge.
In our study, we consider Sentiment analysis as a su-
pervised task since a labelled data set containing text
documents and their labels is used for training a clas-
sifier. In fact, given a collection of labeled records
(training set), each record contains a set of features
(attributes), and the true sentiment class (label). We
aim to find a model for the sentiment analysis as a
function of the values of the features and previously
unseen records should be assigned a sentiment class
as accurately as possible. A test set is used to deter-
mine the accuracy of the model.
4.1 Data Set Preparation
The first step is the data set Preparation step which
loading a data set which is the input of our system.
performing basic pre-processing: In preprocess-
ing of the data, we:
Convert all the words of reviews into lowercase.
Remove punctuation from reviews (like @,!)
Remove all the stop words like a, an, the etc.
from the reviews.
Convert all the words into stemming words.
Finally remove extra white spaces from the re-
splitting the data set into train and validation sets.
NLPinAI 2022 - Special Session on Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence
4.2 Feature Extraction
After the data has been cleaned, formal feature ex-
traction methods can be applied. In general, texts and
documents are unstructured data sets. However, these
unstructured text sequences must be converted into a
structured feature. The purpose of text representa-
tion is to convert preprocessed texts into a form which
computer can process.
In our work, we propose to use an embedding
world technique. Word embedding is a method in
which each word of a vocabulary is mapped to a real
Within this context, we propose to use
the Global Vectors for Word Representation
(GloVE)(Pennington et al., 2014) which consid-
ers the statistic of occurrence of a word in a large
corpus Glove leverages statistical information by
training only on the nonzero elements in a word-word
co-occurrence matrix, rather than on the entire sparse
matrix or on individual context windows in a large
The model produces a vector space (Word Embed-
ding) with a meaningful substructure and performs
well on similarity tasks. The thing that GloVe is trying
is the following statement: if two words often appear
within the same context, their meanings are strongly
4.3 Feature Selection
Text sequences in term-based vector models consist
of many features. Thus, time complexity and mem-
ory consumption are very expensive for these meth-
ods and we should select the best features to build the
To address this issue, we propose to use a greedy
optimization algorithm: Recursive Feature Elimina-
tion (Guyon et al., 2002). This algorithm allows to
find the best performing feature subset by creating
models and keeping aside the best or the worst per-
forming feature at each iteration. The next model is
created with the left features until all the features are
exhausted. Finally, the features are ranked based on
the order of their elimination.
4.4 Classification
This is the most important step of the sentiment anal-
ysis pipeline because it classifies the emotions in the
4.4.1 The Proposed Sentiment Analysis
As Deep neural networks have been shown to outper-
form classical machine learning algorithms in solving
real-world problems and based on the survey. Thus,
we propose to choose a deep learning classifier in this
More specifically, deep convolutional neural net-
works (CNNs) and deep Long Short-Term Memory
networks (LSTM’s) obtained the interesting results
in several classification benchmarks, surpassing the
classification capabilities of human experts.
Embedding vector forms the first layer followed
by Convolutional network and its finally wrapped by
LSTM. The design of our classifier is given in Figure
4. The input data layer is represented as an embedding
Figure 4: The design of the proposed CNN-LSTM senti-
ment classifier.
matrix. Then, the multiple convolutional filters slide
over the matrix to produce a new feature map and the
filters have various sizes to generate different features.
For example, we used the filter size 3 to extract the
3-gram features of words. The Max-pooling layer is
used to calculate the maximum value as a correspond-
ing feature to a specific filter. The max operation or
function is the most used technique for this layer, and
it is used in this experiment. The reason of select-
ing the highest value is to capture the most important
feature and reduce the computation in the advanced
Then the dropout technique is applied to reduce
overfitting with the dropout value is 0.5. The output
vectors of the Max-pooling layer become inputs to the
LSTM networks to measure the long-term dependen-
cies of feature sequences. The output vectors of the
LSTMs are concatenated, and an activation function
is applied to generate the final output class positive or
negative in case of binary classification and very pos-
itive, positive, very negative, negative, and so in case
of multi-class sentiment analysis.
4.4.2 Optimization of the Hyperparameters of
Our Sentiment Analysis Classifier
The hyperparameters of deep learning networks have
an important influence on the network’s performance,
as they directly control the training process. The
selection of appropriate hyperparameters plays a vi-
tal role in the training of networks. For example, if the
Toward a New Hybrid Intelligent Sentiment Analysis using CNN- LSTM and Cultural Algorithms
learning rate is too low, the network may lose
important details in the data. By contrast, if the
learning rate is too high, it may lead the model to
converge too quickly.
Therefore, there is a need to optimize the hyperpa-
rameters of networks for proper training and optimum
performance results. In our work, we aim to optimize
the following hyperparameters: number of neurons,
batch size, number of iterations (epochs), the best ac-
tivation function and the best optimizer.
Thus, we propose to use the cultural algorithms to
tune these hyperparameters. In this algorithm, the be-
lief space and the population space are first initialized.
Then, the algorithm will repeat processing for each
generation until a termination condition is achieved.
The structure of Culture Algorithm can be described
as given in the Figure 5. Population initialization is
Figure 5: Flow-chart of the cultural algorithm.
the procedure where the first generation of the popu-
lation is determined within the search space.
Within our study, the initial population is ran-
domly generated. It is composed of Q individuals.
Each individual represents a possible solution.
Within our study, we optimally adjust the follow-
ing hyperparameters: number of neurons, batch size,
number of, the best activation technique and the best
A set of D optimization parameters is called an
individual and is represented by a D-dimensional pa-
rameter vector.
As previously mentioned, the belief space is the
information repository in which the individuals can
store their experiences. These experiences can lead
the other individuals to learn them indirectly to help
preserve diversity in the search.
The belief space initialization consists in initially
creating Q empty belief spaces each belief space is
associated to each individual.
The individuals (in the initial population) are then
evaluated by the fitness function. As our aim is to
have the best accuracy of our classifier. This informa-
tion should be communicated, and accuracy ought to
be maximized.
Then, the information on the performance of the
fitness function is used as a basis to produce gener-
alizations for next generations. The experiences of
the individuals selected will be used to make the nec-
essary adjustments on the knowledge of the current
belief space.
A selection process is used to choose the parents
to be evolved in the next generation. In the present
work, ranked replacement is considered. To produce
new solutions based on existing solutions in the pop-
ulation, we need combining and mutation operators.
Combining is the procedure of recombining the
information carried by two individuals to produce
new offspring. In our study, one point crossover is
Initially two individuals are chosen at random
from the population. A crossover point which is a
random integer whose value is less than the size of
the individual is chosen at random and the contents of
the individual after the crossover point are swapped.
Crossover produces two children.
Mutation, on the other hand, alters one individual
to produce a single new solution. Within our work,
uniform mutation operator is used. The population
component of the cultural algorithm is approximately
the same as that of the genetic algorithm. The belief
space is updated after each iteration by the best in-
dividuals of the population. The best individuals are
selected using the fitness function.
Within our work the termination condition is the
reaching of a maximum iteration number.
5.1 Datasets
In this work, we used two bechmark datasets: first for
the training and the second one to test step. For train-
ing, we used Twitter US Airline Sentiment Dataset.
The data originally came from CrowdFlower’s Data
for Everyone library. Contributors scraped Twitter
data of the travelers who traveled through six US air-
lines since February 2015. They provided the data on
NLPinAI 2022 - Special Session on Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence
Kaggle as a dataset, named Twitter US Airline Sen-
timent (
airline-sentiment). The dataset has around 14640
records and 15 attributes. It contains whether the sen-
timent of the tweets in this set was positive, neutral,
or negative for six US airlines services.
For testing, we are based on bench-
mark dataset Large Movie Review (Maas
et al., 2011) downloaded from Kaggle
dataset-of-50k-movie-reviews).This dataset contains
50000 highly polar movie reviews. Each instance
contains an entire review written by one individual
(the length of reviews are different).
5.2 Evaluating Indicator
In order to evaluate the performance of our model,
we use accuracy as the evaluation criteria of our ex-
periments. Accuracy is the fraction of predictions our
model got right.
Formally, accuracy has the following definition:
Numbero f correct predictions
Totalnumbero f predictions
Accuracy can also be calculated in terms of positives
and negatives as follows:
Where TP = True Positive, TN = True Negative, FP =
False Positive, and FN = False Negative.
TN(True Negative) represents the number of true neg-
ative classes, that is, the number of samples predicted
as containing negative sentiment and actually contain
negative sentiment.
FN(False Negative) represents the number of false
negative classes, that is, the number of samples pre-
dicted as containing negative sentiment and actually
contain positive sentiment.
FP(False Positive) represents the number of false pos-
itive classes, that is, the number of samples predicted
as containing positive sentiment and actually contain
negative sentiment.
TP(True Positive) represents the number of true pos-
itive classes, that is, the number of samples predicted
as containing positive sentiment and actually contain
positive sentiment.
5.3 Experimental Results
First, the datasets are loaded. They are then prepro-
cessed as described previously by lower casing, re-
moving stop words, etc..
Besides, we use a word embedding from pre-
trained GloVe to Build the vocab. GloVe was
pre-trained on a data set of one billion tokens
(words) with a vocabulary of 400 thousand words
at ”glove.6B/glove.6B.100d.txt” using 300D vectors.
Using the Recursive Feature Elimination algorithm,
we reduce the word embeddings to 50D.
For each dataset, the word embedding matrix is
finally obtained.
5.3.1 Initialization of the Cultural Algorithm
To initialize the cultural algorithm, we use the param-
eters listed in Table 1.
Table 1: Initial optimization parameters.
Parameter Value
Population Size 200
Number of Iterations 10000
Optimizer in [0,7]
Batch size in [0, 200]
Activation function in [0,9]
Neurons in [10, 100]
Epochs in [1, 50]
5.3.2 The Resulted Cultural Algorithm
After the evolution process of the Cultural Algo-
rithm previously presented, we get the hyperparam-
eters given in Table 2.
Table 2: Optimized hyperparameters.
Parameter Value
Optimizer= ’adam’
Activation function= sigmoid’
batch size= 64
Neurons= 38
Epochs= 47
5.3.3 CNN and LSTM Classifier Optimized by
Cultural Algorithm Predictions
Once the hyperparameters of our CNN and LSTM
classifier are adjusted, we use this classifier to pre-
dict the sentiments in the test data set. At each epoch
(iteration), we save the model accuracy. The accu-
racy metric measures the ratio of correct predictions
over the total number of instances evaluated. The re-
sults of our CNN-LSTM classifier optimized by cul-
tural algorithm predictions are given in Figure 6. The
accuracy average of the sentiment analyser using both
CNN and LSTM with hyperparameters’ optimization
equals to 96.116%.
Toward a New Hybrid Intelligent Sentiment Analysis using CNN- LSTM and Cultural Algorithms
Figure 6: CNN and LSTM classifier optimized by cultural
algorithm prediction results.
5.4 Sentiment Analyzer Evaluation
To evaluate the proposed sentiment analyzer, we first
evaluate the accuracy of sentiment analyzer using
only CNN( Figure 7-(a), then using only LSTM( Fig-
ure 7-(b), then using both CNN and LSTM with-
Figure 7: (a) CNN predictions’ results; (b) LSTM pre-
dictions’ results; (c) CNN-LSTM(without hyperparameters
optimization) predictions’ results.
out hyperparameters optimization( Figure 7-(c))and
finally compared their accuracies with the accuracy of
the proposed sentiment analyzer using both CNN and
LSTM with cultural optimization of hyperparameters.
The results of the accuracy of each classifier on
entire Test set are summed up in Table 3.
Table 3: Sentiment analysers evaluation.
Sentiment Analyser Accuracy
Using CNN 86.524%
Using LSTM 85.763%
Using CNN+LSTM without Optimization 90.744%
Using CNN+LSTM+Cultural Algorithm 96.116%
5.5 Discussion
Based on our experimental results, we can conclude
that associating CNN and LSTM optimized by cul-
tural algorithm would be an interesting solution to
sentiment analysis.
In fact, the experimental results show that using both
CNN and LSTM ( Figure 7-(c) and Figure 6 respec-
tively) ameliorate the accuracy of the sentiment clas-
sifier in the case of the used data set.
They also surpass the effectiveness of the only
use of CNN ( Figure 7-(a)) and LSTM ( Figure 7-
(b)). The using of the cultural algorithm optimizes
and ameliorates the accuracy of CNN-LSTM senti-
ment analyzer.
The integration of several techniques for sentiment
analysis has already been presented elsewhere (Appel
et al., 2016; Al Amrani et al., 2018; Srivastava et al.,
2019; Raisa et al., 2021; Jain et al., 2021). However,
the main contribution of our study concerns the defi-
nition of a new approach to classify sentiments in sev-
eral texts which benefits from the pros of text mining,
deep learning and soft computing. The main contribu-
tions of our study can be summed up in three points.
First of all, our proposed approach is generic, it
can be applied to any textual data set (there is no
restriction on the length or structure of the consid-
ered text that can be even cross-domain and/or cross-
Besides, the proposed approach is based on the
combination of GloVe and deep learning techniques:
CNN and LSTM algorithm which are of importance
for overall performance, computation cost and con-
venience of real-world problems and especially in
NLPinAI 2022 - Special Session on Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence
text classification according to (Cai et al., 2018). In
fact, CNN is a good solution for sentiment analysis
where sentiments are expressed by some key phrases
as it can extract local and position-invariant features.
For long texts, (LSTM) works better as it can learn
the long-term dependence of text. Thus, combin-
ing both algorithms allows us to analyse sentiments
efficaciously for all types of texts (short and long
ones). Using Glove word embeddings on the other
hand proves to perform one numeric representation of
a word (which we call embedding/vector) regardless
of where the words occurs in a sentence and regard-
less of the different meanings they may have. Glove
is context independent and its output is just one vector
(embedding) for each word, combining all the differ-
ent senses of the word into one vector.
Finally, performance of deep learning algorithms
is quiet related to their hyperparameters. The best
way to determine the best values to hyperparameters
is to optimize them. The search process in the stan-
dard Evolutionary algorithms is unbiased; it uses only
a little or no domain knowledge to direct the search
process. The performance of the Evolutionary algo-
rithms can be improved considerably by using do-
main knowledge; it makes the search process biased.
Exchange of knowledge between the individuals in
the environment can help them to explore and exploit
conditions around them more precisely. Thus, we pro-
pose, in this work to use Cultural algorithms which is
one of the popular types of Evolutionary algorithms.
Cultural algorithms incorporates knowledge to guide
the search process and to find better solutions with
high quality. The experimental results prove the pros
of using this optimization technique.
If we have thousands of feedbacks per month, it is im-
possible for one person to read all these responses. By
using automating sentiment analysis, we can easily
gauge how customers feel and improve our business.
In this context, we are particularly interested in
proposing an intelligent approach for properly auto-
mate analyzing sentiments. This approach is based
on the combination of CNN and LSTM.
The main problem of deep learning algorithms is
related on the determination of the best hyperparame-
ters. Thus, to optimize the classifier hyperparameters
a cultural algorithm is used.
The proposed classifier is a step of an end to-end
sentiment analysis pipeline. This pipeline begins by
choosing a data set. A preprocessing step is then
made. Then an embedding matrix is generated using
Glove approach. The features are then reduced. The
CNN-LSTM optimized by cultural algorithm is used
and finally the sentiment within the text is predicted.
The experiment results are promising com-
pared to classifying sentiments using CNN(only),
LSTM(only) and combining CNN and LSTM with-
out optimizing the hyperparameters.
In future works, we will focus on other sentiment
analysis data sets and we will try to combine other
models and features.
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Toward a New Hybrid Intelligent Sentiment Analysis using CNN- LSTM and Cultural Algorithms