Detection of Potential Manipulations in Electricity Market using
Machine Learning Approaches
Shweta Tiwari
1 a
, Gavin Bell
, Helge Langseth
1 b
and Heri Ramampiaro
1 c
Department of Computer Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU),
Sem Sælands vei 9, Trondheim, 7491, Norway
Optimeering AS, Oslo, Norway
Anomaly Detection, Bid Curves, Physical Electricity Market, Machine Learning.
Detecting potential manipulations by monitoring trading activities in the electricity market is a time-
consuming and challenging task despite the involvement of experienced market surveillance experts. This
is due to the increasing complexity of the market structure, contributing to the increase of deceptive anoma-
lous behaviours that can be considered as market abuses. In this paper, we present a novel methodology for
detecting potential manipulations in the Nordic day-ahead electricity market by using bid curves data. We
first develop a method for processing and reducing the dimensionality of the historical bid curves data using
statistical techniques. Then, we train unsupervised machine learning-based models to detect outliers in the
pre-processed data. Our methodology captures the sensitivity of the electricity prices resulting from the com-
petitive bidding process and predicts anomalous market behaviours. The results of our experiments show that
the proposed approach can complement human experts in market monitoring, by pointing towards relevant
cases of manipulation, demonstrating the applicability of the approach.
Following the deregulation of electricity sectors two
decades ago, electricity has become a standardized
cross-border trading commodity. Bids and offers are
made to balance the demand and supply of electric-
ity for a given area and each hour of a given day. A
competitive auction in electricity exchanges decides
the price of electricity. The market price of electricity
varies considerably from area to area and over time,
on a daily and hourly basis. This variation reflects
and is driven by changes in power generation capac-
ity, demand and transmission conditions. Changes in
external environmental variables such as weather con-
ditions can also result in substantial volatility in mar-
ket prices, and high levels of risk can be associated
with electricity trading. Renewables have become in-
creasingly crucial for the electricity market and are
increasing volatility (Wagner, 2014).
Nord Pool is a leading power trading market in
Europe, serving as an electricity exchange to several
markets in the Nordic region, the Baltics, Germany,
France, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria and the UK.
Due to the economic importance of the electricity
market, its real-time surveillance is essential to en-
sure and maintain well-functioning, transparent, ac-
cessible and fair trading. The existing surveillance
mechanism is typically undertaken by trained mar-
ket surveillance analysts, who monitor market activ-
ity and investigate possible rule breaches and mar-
ket manipulation attempts. However, the electricity
markets’ scale, size and complexity make the tra-
ditional rule-based surveillance inefficient and time-
consuming because even domain experts can not an-
ticipate all forms of normal/abnormal behaviours to
be hard-coded in the monitoring system. There is a
need for automatic market monitoring methodologies
to assist and support human analysts in their surveil-
lance activities to ensure robust and comprehensive
market surveillance at manageable cost and complex-
Electricity price manipulation see Background
section for more detail – is one of the primary abuses
in the electricity market, where the manipulation tar-
get is the MCP that causes price fluctuation over a
period of time. In this paper, we develop a method-
Tiwari, S., Bell, G., Langseth, H. and Ramampiaro, H.
Detection of Potential Manipulations in Electricity Market using Machine Learning Approaches.
DOI: 10.5220/0010991800003116
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2022) - Volume 3, pages 975-983
ISBN: 978-989-758-547-0; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Aggregated buy and sell curves.
ology to detect potentially suspicious market events
using bid curves data, which to the best of our knowl-
edge, is a novel idea. Bid curves (sometimes called
‘order books’ or ‘demand-supply curves’ in different
markets) are the aggregation of all bids to buy and sell
electricity in the market for a given period. In a typ-
ical day-ahead market, once the deadline for traders
to submit their bids into the market is passed, these
bids are aggregated into two curves per trading period
one for supply bids and one for demand bids for
the following day. The resulting supply and demand
curves contain all the sell and buy prices and vol-
umes submitted by each trader, and then the reference
price, commonly known as the market clearing price
(MCP), is determined for the given trading period. A
typical aggregated supply and demand curve is illus-
trated in Figure 1. A typical trading period length is
one hour, and thus for every hour of a given day, there
will be one set of 2 bid curves and 24 such curve sets
for the entire day.
In our methodology, we first use bid curves data
to extract useful features using statistical methods and
then use these features to train machine learning mod-
els to detect potential manipulations in the electricity
market based on detecting unusual changes in the sup-
ply curves. Our paper makes the following contribu-
We propose a feature extraction method for the
bid curve data.
We implement machine learning techniques to de-
tect anomalous changes in bid curves.
We propose alerting methodologies based on de-
tecting anomalous bid curves, designed to reduce
the number of false positives by using the curves
and automatize the surveillance process.
After deregularization of electricity markets and
increasing disclosure of data from these mar-
kets, research interests in understanding the struc-
ture and behaviour of prices have substantially in-
creased. To gain insight into manipulative market be-
haviours/patterns, Rahimi and Sheffrin (2003), G
and Gross (2005) have proposed frameworks for elec-
tricity market monitoring. In the early work, Fleten
and Pettersen (2005) pointed out that the bid curves
are one of the crucial aspects of electricity trading.
The bid curves contain information regarding various
sources of electricity, different markets and regions
that influence MCP. Thus, it is essential to explore
these curves to understand the bidding/pricing pat-
terns and behaviour of actors in the market. Availabil-
ity of hourly auction data (hourly bid curves) provides
an opportunity to analyse the market in more detail,
but this usually results in a large amount of data and
increases complexity. Work from Eichler et al. (2012)
proposed a methodology to simplify the bid curves
into a new curve using an autoregressive time series
A methodology to reconstruct the bid curves us-
ing dimensionality reduction techniques and high di-
mensional statistical methods was proposed in (Ziel
and Steinert, 2016) and (Coulon et al., 2014). The
resulting curve exhibits many typical behavioural at-
tributes such as weekday/weekend effect, seasonal
changes. Ziel and Steinert (2016) suggested grouping
the possible bid prices to price classes by considering
a linear model for the bid volume for each price class.
They forecast the bid volumes in the price classes, re-
construct the buy and sell curve and receive the corre-
sponding MCP. We derived our motivation from this
work, particularly the idea of processing the original
bid curves for capturing the sensitivity of the MCP
forms the basis of our modelling approach. However,
we fit regression splines to the sell curve to simplify
its representation instead of grouping the bid volumes
into classes that require high-dimensional statistical
Over the decades, the electricity market rapidly ex-
panded into an advanced trading system where many
actors are involved, see Figure 2 (Spot, 2009). The
analysis presented in our paper has been undertaken
on the Nord Pool’s Elspot (day-ahead) market for the
Nordic region. The actor can submit three types of
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
in this market; hourly bids, block bids and flex-
ible hour bids. In hourly bids, the actor has the in-
tention to buy or sell a volume of electricity from an
agent in a particular area at various bid prices for a
specific hour of the day. In a block bid, the actor has
the intention to buy or sell a volume of electricity at
a specific amount for at least three consecutive hours.
Whereas, in flexible hour bids an actor can make ex-
tra bids to sell the volume of electricity at any hour
of the day depending on the bid price and situation of
the market at each hour (Fernandes et al., 2014)
Trade power
on physical
and nancial
Energy companies
and generators
Power intensive industry
Figure 2: The commercial actors (players) and the ex-
3.1 Price Formulation
A simple supply and demand model can describe the
Nordic electricity market. Actors (sellers and buy-
ers) participate in the auction process, where they give
bids for both price and volume for each hour of the
following day. After the deadline to submit the bids
ends, all the bids are aggregated into supply and de-
mand curves.
Power flow occurs between two connected price
areas if there is sufficient transmission capacity and
cheaper generation available in the exporting area for
use in the importing area. If transmission capacities
between two price areas are sufficient for the flow of
power, the market price in the two areas will be iden-
tical. If the transmission capacity between price areas
is not sufficient to reach full price convergence across
the areas, congestion will lead to bidding areas having
different prices.
In addition, for each hour Nord Pool calculates
a “system price”, which is the MCP that would oc-
cur if there were no congestion between bidding areas
and all bids and offers were placed in a single supply
and demand curve for the entire market (equivalently,
if the transmission capacity between each connected
price area were infinitely large). The system price is
largely used and an index price in power contracts and
financial derivative products.
The sales orders less than or equal to MCP will
be accepted, whereas buy orders which are higher or
equal to MCP are accepted (M
a and Johansson,
2011). Block bids are accepted if doing so improves
the socio-economic welfare. In practice, block bids
are entirely rejected or accepted based on their prices
being higher or lower than the average day-ahead area
price. In case of an exact match between the two
prices, the block bids may get fully accepted if doing
so results in maximizing social welfare.
The supply curve consists of bids from hy-
dropower, wind power, nuclear and condensing plants
(i.e. those that burn oil, coal and gas). Unregu-
lated production such as wind have variable costs of
near-zero, whereas condensing plants that produce
electricity with gas turbines have very high variable
costs. Hydro power also has very low direct genera-
tion costs; however regulated (controllable) hydro is
typically priced based on opportunity cost considera-
tions (via so-called water values, e.g. (Dueholm and
Ravn, 2004) ), reflecting the fact that a marginal MWh
of hydro production will substitute directly for an al-
ternative generation source.
The electricity markets have a price-setting mech-
anism characterized by supply and demand; the fac-
tors that affect supply and demand are in turn the fac-
tors affecting the price. Factors such as temperature
and other weather variables can drive both demand
(e.g. by increasing electrical heating demand) and
supply (by impacting levels of unregulated production
such as wind, solar and unregulated hydro). Other
drivers include fossil fuel prices, emissions (CO2)
prices, water reservoir levels, status of nuclear reac-
tors and plant outages, economic and business cy-
cles (Inspectorate, 2006).
3.2 Definition of Market Manipulation
Market manipulation prohibition under REMIT
vides a robust definition of market manipulation that
is used in all EU-regulated power markets:
1. The transactions which give or have intention of
giving misleading signals as to supply, demand or
price of a product.
2. The transactions which secure or have the inten-
tion of securing prices at artificial levels.
3. Fictitious device or deception.
Detection of Potential Manipulations in Electricity Market using Machine Learning Approaches
4. Disseminating false or misleading information.
There are several significant challenges in identi-
fying such events, transactions, and actions. Firstly,
few examples of manipulation are cited in the lit-
erature, or identified and published in practice by
surveillance authorities. There is thus no comprehen-
sive labelled set of manipulation examples that can
be used to develop detection methods. Secondly, it
may be challenging to determine if a given market-
moving event or transaction results from a manipu-
lation attempt or a result of legitimate factors. For
example, a generation volume may be removed from
the market to manipulate price, or alternatively due
to environmental factors and regulations that restrict
generation from the plant for certain hours at short
notice. Thirdly, it may be hard to identify such
events/transactions because they may be combined
with other transactions.
Due to such challenges, it is hard for any one
method to identify explicitly “exact” actions or be-
haviour as manipulation. Instead, the approach un-
dertaken by surveillance authorities is often to collect
enough circumstantial and/or indicative evidence to
suggest manipulation has occurred. Such evidence
can include detecting unusual structures, patterns or
changes in individual bids and the bid and offer curves
in summation. Typically, a surveillance authority will
utilize a combination of automatic rule-based detec-
tion methods and manual examination of bids and
market results to identify potential incidences of ma-
nipulation. Those incidents with sufficient evidence
to warrant; further, manual investigation are priori-
tized, and those with the highest priority are selected
for further analysis (private communication).
The assumption motivating the approach of this
paper is that if supply–side manipulation is success-
ful, it will result in an unusual change in the sup-
ply curve. Such manipulations are volume-based at-
tempts (such as removing or limiting available vol-
umes bid into the market) or price-based (such as in-
creasing bid prices in areas of the curve where a sup-
plier may have market power), or combinations of
these. More complex examples include utilizing com-
plicated block and hourly bid structures to force block
bid acceptance or ensure the selection of high-priced
bids to raise MCP. Such methods may be particularly
relevant in periods of high demand (so-called “tight”
markets), where small changes in supply can have a
substantial impact on the price (Directive, 2011).
4.1 Data Preparation
One of our datasets consists of Nord Pool’s system-
level (whole market) bid curves, ranging from
01/06/2019 to 31/12/2019. The curve data is pub-
licly available on Nord Pool’s website. The dataset of
system-level price curves also contains the volume of
hourly accepted block bids both demand and sup-
ply. Adding these accepted block volumes to the ad-
justed hourly bid and sell curves enables us to recreate
each hour’s system-level supply and demand curves
over the data horizon. We have 24 hourly bid buy
curves and 24 sell curves for the system price for each
day. Our study considers only sell curves; however,
the methodology is also directly applicable to demand
The other dataset we used is confidential data pro-
vided by the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy
Directorate (NVE), the national regulatory authority
for the electricity market in Norway. The dataset con-
sists of price area curves of the area ‘NO2’ in Norway
for the same period as above. Norway has five price
areas (NO1, NO2, NO3, NO4, NO5) to handle trans-
mission constraints. Prices differ in the bidding areas
when the constraints are binding, with higher prices in
deficit areas and lower in surplus areas (Hjalmarsson,
2000). Therefore, the area-price curves are different
from system-level price curves, but the curve funda-
mentals are the same.
4.2 Curve Processing
In the electricity markets, bids of unregulated renew-
able generation (sometimes called intermittent gen-
eration) are generally of very low prices in order to
ensure bid acceptance. The volumes of renewable
bids wind, solar and unregulated hydro are de-
termined mainly by extraneous environmental factors
such as cloud cover, temperature, precipitation, and
wind speeds. These factors add additional noise to the
curve structure that does not reflect potential manip-
ulation attempts and should be removed before mod-
While a surveillance authority ideally would have
information of the exact level of such generation ca-
pacities and bids available to precisely remove them,
this is not generally the case in many markets where
bids are not linked to specific assets but portfolios or
market actors. However, it is standard practice to bid
such volumes at the lowest price to ensure bid ac-
ceptance, particularly in markets such as Nord Pool,
where the chance of such bids being price setter is ex-
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
tremely low. Thus, to remove the influence of unreg-
ulated bids, each curve was adjusted to its minimum
4.2.1 Regression Splines
Since 2008 the electricity spot price is set to be be-
tween 500 and 3000 C/MWh, actors can make their
bids in this range only for selling or buying a certain
amount of electricity. The minimum order size in-
crement is 0.1 MW for one hour, and the minimum
price increment is 0.1 C/MWh. Hence, there are in to-
tal 35001 different possible prices on the entire price
grid, i.e. P={-500, -499.9, ..., 2999.9, 3000}. These
curves often contain different numbers of anonymized
bids that result in curves of different lengths from
hour-to-hour and day-to-day. Additionally, curves
contain a small amount of noise. For example, the
bid order changes due to small changes in bid prices
among actors, but the overall bid curve (and resulting
price levels) do not change.
We pre-process the curves to allow for a compar-
ison agnostic to granularity and noise. Regression
splines is a non-linear regression technique in which
the data is divided into multiple bins, and separate
functions fit these bins. The points where the divi-
sion happens are called knots or breakpoints whereas
the function used for modelling is called as piece-
wise function. The piecewise function could be a
linear function or low degree polynomials. In this
study, we use continuous piecewise linear functions
(cpwlf) (Jekel and Venter, 2019) to simplify the bid
curves representation. The piecewise linear function
approximation of the curve structure was chosen due
to the curves’ regular and repeatable overall structure.
Bid curves in power markets typically have a steeply
sloping but very low priced ”must run” portion, a
flat mid-priced portion, and a steep, high-priced peak
portion. The pwlf approach helps to correctly cap-
ture slopes and turn points into curves without being
overly disturbed by small ”noise” components. An
example of spline fitting with five piecewise linear
functions to a sample sell curve is shown in Figure 3.
4.3 Features Extraction
As we can see in Figure 3, the left portion of the curve
has a big turn and again a big turn in the right portion,
whereas the middle portion is approximately linear
(less variation). By taking these turns in the account,
we fit n piecewise functions to the curve. We can now
represent the curve in terms of knots and slopes of the
lines and consider them as our features to outlier de-
tection methods and train a clustering-based machine
learning model to identify the unusual changes in the
5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000
original data points
Figure 3: Continuous piecewise linear fitting of sell curve
by splines.
curves. First, we scale the volumes by taking the dif-
ference between the first volume value and the rest
of the volumes of a curve(we have to do it for ev-
ery hour since we have one curve each hour). We
then have volume values between 0 & 35000, and we
also discard the data which has prices greater than
C/MWh. We tried to fit 3, 5, 8 and 10 cpwlf
to the curves, and we found five cpwlf are the opti-
mum number for these curves because by fitting less
cpwlf there is a possibility to miss some important
information (specifically in the high variant region)
whereas, if we consider too many cpwlf then there is
a chance of overfitting. We use Python library pwlf
to perform spline fitting to our curves, which provides
the flexibility to customize the parameters according
to the requirement.
4.4 Modelling
The task of detecting abnormal changes in bid curves
data relates to the outlier/novelty detection methods in
machine learning. The outlier detection is the identi-
fication of data points and/or patterns representing be-
haviours that deviate significantly from those consid-
ered normal data (Hodge and Austin, 2004). Cluster-
ing, an unsupervised machine learning technique, is
one of the simplest anomaly detection methods used
for drawing references from a dataset consisting of
input data without any labelled response. Cluster-
ing separates similar data points in the same group or
cluster and dissimilar data points to other groups (Xu
and Wunsch, 2008). In our analysis we use different
clustering and outlier detection methods to identify
the unusual curve differences. First, we define curve
difference as following:
= d
3 linear fit py.git
Detection of Potential Manipulations in Electricity Market using Machine Learning Approaches
where d
refers to the sell curve of the h
{0,1,2,...,23}) hour of the n
(n {1,2,3...,7}) day.
It is a standard practice in machine learning to nor-
malize the data before training any model when the
features have different ranges. Therefore, we nor-
malized all the features and then performed cluster-
ing by applying kmeans and k-nearest neighbor (Ra-
maswamy et al., 2000) algorithm and outlier detection
methods such as local outlier factor (Breunig et al.,
2000), one-class support vector machine (Sch
et al., 2001) and isolation forest (Liu et al., 2008).
The goal here is, when δ
fall outside the pre-defined
threshold then it will mark as outlier.
In kmeans the distance from each data point to its
cluster centroid is calculated using Euclidean distance
(D). The threshold is then define as:
threshold = min(m × max(D)) (2)
m = f × j, where f is outlier fraction and j is to-
tal number of data points. For the other methods,
we used a Python library PyOD
designed to perform
scalable outlier detection on multivariate data.
4.5 Alerts
Curve differences exceeding threshold values are
outliers that are used for alert generation. We
generate alerts by producing a ranked list in two
ways. First, an ordered list of outlier fractions f
{0.01,0.02,0.03,0.04,0.05} is considered in which
outlying points with respect to lower fraction val-
ues are ranked higher than the newly appeared out-
lying points in higher fraction values. Second, we use
voting method to generate alerts in which a point is
ranked higher if it is marked as an outlier by a major-
ity of algorithms.
We have tested our methodology on two datasets de-
scribed in the previous section. In this section, we re-
port in detail the results of our methodology for both
datasets. There are three main steps involved in these
experiments. Step 1: generate outlier results using
unsupervised ML methods. Step 2: check other data
sources, such as weather forecasts, market messages
and non-flexible production plans to find explanations
for the identified outliers in the first step. Step 3:
unexplained outliers are passed on to the domain ex-
4 2 0 2 4
Feature 1
Feature 2
Figure 4: Outliers in h10 on system-level curves.
4 2 0 2 4 6 8
Feature 1
Feature 2
Figure 5: Outliers in h19 on system-level curves.
5.1 Experiment 1
The first set of experiments are performed on system-
level curves. We have considered data from two
hours h10 and h19 for our analysis, and for each
hour, we ran separate models to identify outliers. We
choose h10 and h19 because these are high demand
hours in the market. In a high demand period even
a small change in supply can substantially impact
the prices. Using the Principal Component Analysis
(PCA), we reduced the data dimensionality into two
features for visualisation purposes by using the Prin-
cipal Component Analysis (PCA). The points identi-
fied as outliers by kmeans in h10 and h19 are shown
in Figure 4 and 5, respectively. For these plots, we
used the optimum value k = 2 and the outlier frac-
tion f = 0.05. We also tested the robustness of the
algorithm by choosing different random seeds for the
clusters. The sell curve representations of outliers in
h10 and h19 are shown in Figure 6 and 7, respec-
tively. In these figures, normal curves are represented
in blue colour, whereas other colours represent outly-
ing curves. As shown, in most of the cases, a signif-
icant amount of capacities (volumes) are removed or
added at d
as compared to d
. To perform Step
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 6: Outliers in h10. Curves in blue are the normal curves, and the outlying curves are shown in other colors.
2, data from other sources such as block volumes,
unavailability volumes, non-flexible production plans
etc., can be used. A difference between values for
each outlier day from its previous day can be calcu-
lated for these sources. By taking these differences
into account, a shift in the curve can be explained by
an increase or decrease in the values of the data men-
tioned in the above sources. After filtering, the unex-
plained outliers will pass on to an expert to perform
Step 3. However, currently, we do not have access
to any such data for the entire Nordics; therefore, we
cannot perform Step 2.
5.2 Experiment 2
We applied Isolation Forest in the price-area curves
to detect outliers. Similarly to the system-level curve
analysis, our approach robustly identified a small
number of outlier periods. For visualisation purposes,
we reduced the data into two dimensions using PCA.
Figures 8 and 9 illustrate the results for h10 and
h19, respectively. Due to privacy constraints, both
steps 2 and 3, in this case, were performed by the
market surveillance analysts from NVE. The expert
considered three factors: block volume, unavailabil-
ity volume, and non-flexible production plans. For
these factors, a difference between values for each
outlier day from its previous day was calculated. A
shift in the curves is explained by an increase or de-
crease in values of the factors mentioned above. Mar-
ket surveillance analysts require further exploration
if shifts in the curves cannot be explained based on
these calculated differences. Due to industrial sensi-
tivity, we are not allowed to disclose the particular-
ity of Step 2, and we cannot visually illustrate the re-
sults obtained from the expert. Approximately 50% of
the times for which our system-generated alerts were
worthy of further investigation was confirmed.
The presented approach has its limitations. One of
the main limitations is the unavailability of labelled
data that can serve as the ground truth. This, in turn,
might result in limitations in the experimental evalu-
ation, and thus correctly identifying normal and ma-
nipulative market events. As a consequence, any as-
sessment of the efficiency of alert algorithms is sub-
jective. Nevertheless, as our experiments have shown,
it is still possible to identify events that can serve as
a useful basis for correctly detecting anomalies. In
the proposed methodology, the alerts are generated
based on detecting outliers in the bid curves that cur-
rently contain only one source of information, which
are provided to human experts for further assessment.
Our model does not include other forms of infor-
mation, e.g. unavailable generation capacity, wind
flow predictions, weather forecast and limited pro-
duction. As, we hypothesise that these might have
substantially improved the alert generation, exploring
including such information would is an interesting av-
enue for further research.
Finally, our method focuses only on the day-ahead
market. However, manipulators often carry out trad-
ing activities in more than one market, making manip-
ulation attempts highly deceptive. To cope with this,
the proposed methodology might benefit from includ-
ing different feature sets and detection models to de-
tect manipulations effectively in inter-market settings.
Detection of Potential Manipulations in Electricity Market using Machine Learning Approaches
Figure 7: Outliers in h19, curves in blue are the normal curves and other colors represent outlying curves.
4 2 0 2 4 6
Feature 1
Feature 2
Figure 8: Outliers in h10 on price-area curves.
6 4 2 0 2 4 6
Feature 1
Feature 2
Figure 9: Outliers in h19 on price-areal curves.
In this paper, we proposed a method that applies unsu-
pervised machine learning to detect potential manipu-
lations in the electricity market using bid curves data.
In contrast to the traditional approach of using time-
series data consisting of market-clearing price, which
is determined by the intersection of demand and sup-
ply curves, the proposed method uses bid curves data
that is the original source of the price and include the
sensitivity of the competitive bidding process, making
our method novel and effective for market manipula-
tion detection.
The methodology further uses the detected un-
usual changes in the day-ahead market to generate
alerts that can be used by regulatory surveillance au-
thorities to prioritize potential cases of manipulation
for further investigation. Further, they may identify
potential periods of manipulation at a market level,
which may result from complex interactions of mul-
tiple bids, and that may not be detected via bid-level
indicators. By systematically and consistently ana-
lyzing bid curve changes, our approach avoids the er-
ror and subjectivity that may result from human-based
manual assessment of bid curve developments over
Our experimental findings suggest that surveil-
lance analysts could not explain around half of the
generated alerts using extraneous factors. This pro-
vides a strong indication that the methodology would
be highly useful as a complementary tool to assist hu-
man experts in market monitoring.
Altogether, we see this work as an initial step to-
wards a fully automated market monitoring tool. For
future work, we plan to extend this methodology to
incorporate other essential features such as weather
forecast and non-flexible production plans to reduce
manual filtering, and only the most relevant alerts
with no explanation will be presented to analysts.
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
This work was funded by the Research Council of
Norway, NVE, and Optimeering and was carried out
at the Norwegian Open AI Lab, NTNU, and Opti-
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Detection of Potential Manipulations in Electricity Market using Machine Learning Approaches