Table 7: Summary results of the efficiency of predicting the
size of granular systems vs the efficiency of a naive solua-
tion. A smaller MSE value means better prediction preci-
dataset MSE naive MSE of neural network
Australian credit 1827233 117
Pima Indians Diabetes 2323249 3
Heart disease 282764 570
Car 126860 133
Fertility 13879 11
German credit 4732593 2239
Hepatitis 108585 789
Congressional house votes 42254 780
Soybean large 477873 6786
SPECT 78780
SPECTF 2596795 116
In this ongoing work, we verified that it is possible to
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tems based on their internal degree of indiscernibil-
ity. To achieve this goal, we used sequential neural
networks, whose efficiency proved statistically supe-
rior to the naive prediction method. In the initial es-
timation model used, we are aware of a slight overfit-
ting process due to the characteristics of the data se-
quences used. Despite promising initial results, much
is left to be done to evaluate the final performance
and determine the application of this new method.
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tion degrees described in the paper opens up several
new research threads. First, we intend to investigate
whether the estimated degrees allow us to estimate the
behaviour of decision systems in a double granula-
tion process. That is, to verify whether the optimal
approximation parameters can be directly estimated
from the degrees of indiscernibility of the decision
systems. Another horizon of potential research is to
try estimating the course of the approximation on pre-
viously unseen data based on other data with a similar
degree of indiscernibility.
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Application of Sequential Neural Networks to Predict the Approximation Degree of Decision-making Systems