the API endpoints from users. The RS was imple-
mented under the GDPR framework. Thus, it makes
the system privacy-friendly, given that it is not possi-
ble to retrieve the original data. This work processed
the dataset and modeled the interactions to a graph
database. The RS prototype exploited the database,
and a web app was used to demonstrate the recom-
mendations provided by the system. During the eval-
uation phase, multiple approaches were considered to
infer groups and communities, especially in commu-
nities. During the evaluation process, it was possible
to match the recommendations with the ground truth
data of the groups in the social network.
In addition, the similarities on multiple types of
edges in the graphs were computed. They were used
as baselines for the recommendations, and the accu-
racy of the system was also evaluated. It was also
possible to identify the user relationships and the cor-
relations between them by measuring the MAP@10
performance using one relationship and comparing it
with the ground truth built with another relationship.
The evaluation of the system represented a sig-
nificant challenge. In addition, to comply with the
GDPR framework, it was impossible to have access
to ground truth, so it was needed to build one from
scratch. The prototype should be implemented in pro-
duction to gather the metrics on how the users react
and determine recommendations’ effectiveness.
It is also essential to generate synthetic data to
develop and evaluate the system using social media
models. Although depending on the goals of the sys-
tem, a specific model should be selected. For exam-
ple, the small-world model could be used in the case
that real node connections are required. The preferen-
tial attachment model could be used when clustering
is required. If done well, these approaches would help
users keep privacy intact, cost-effectively and solve
the data sparsity in some API resources.
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ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems