Figure 3: Bar chart template.
Figure 4: Line chart and scatter plot template.
methods. The development and research of this area
would bring a significant improvement to chart com-
prehension for the visually impaired.
In this paper, we introduced Alt-Texify, a pipeline
to classify and extract information from SVG-based
line, bar and scatter charts to create alt-text. The gen-
erated alt-text can assist the visually-impaired in in-
terpreting visualizations on the internet. Our pipeline
consists of three stages: chart classification, extract-
ing the data and alt-text generation. The first stage,
based on previous work, has 86% classification accu-
racy. The second stage achieves 99.74% data extrac-
tion accuracy for bar charts. And the last stage in-
serts the extracted data and labels into a template that
has been created based on previous research on what
makes alt-text helpful and accessible.
Support for this work from ARC Laureate Program
FL190100035 and Discovery Project DP200100020
is gratefully acknowledged.
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