by smartly integrating the state of the art and sci-
ence. Research that focuses exclusively on restricted
areas such as depots could lead into a wrong direction.
Thus, this paper addresses two key aspects to prevent
this and to make research economically viable from
the very beginning. First the automation potential and
the saving potential has to be analyzed through sci-
entific methods and subsequent analyses. In addition,
the suitability of the transfer for operation on duty has
to be considered. The insight of this paper is, that it is
crucial to consider not only a single scenario or envi-
ronment, such as the depot, but to ensure a future op-
eration on duty, enabled with the chosen solution of
automation. Furthermore, the information gathered
on duty can be used for further optimization of the
processes at the depot, using new insights. Follow-
ing this approach, a first important step towards full
automation of public transport vehicles can be made
today in order to be better prepared for future opera-
tion and to ensure a faster market introduction and a
higher acceptance and safety of the vehicles.
Part of this work has been funded by German Federal
Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure in the
project AStriD (funding no. 19F2104F).
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