The trainers who took part in the interview all
showed enthusiasm and were excited to use the sys-
tem in a real environment. A main topic in most inter-
views was the question of who should be able to mod-
ify the general knowledge graph, as well as whether
we should push for exercises created in one club to
automatically be available to all clubs; an interesting
topic that will need some further investigation.
We presented a prototype of a personalised learning
environment helping table tennis trainers in preparing
tailor-made training sessions. Our conceptual model
is not limited to table tennis, but could already be used
as is in tools for most individual sports disciplines.
Further, our conceptual model might be generalised to
support more traditional educational settings as well
as hybrid classroom setups where on-site classes are
combined with partial self-study trough e-learning.
For instance, the three-stage model of motor skill
acquisition might be replaced with Bloom’s taxon-
omy (Bloom, 1956). Further, assessments and the
analysis of skill gaps should translate well to remote
e-learning environments and private tutoring sessions.
In addition to suggesting the right content for
learners, our model could also be used to efficiently
analyse the current knowledge levels of newcomers.
A student might be given a set of exercises about a
specific skill and if they fail to perform the exercise
adequately, we can suggest exercises based on the di-
rect requirements of that skill. If a student manages to
complete that exercise, it implies that the prerequisite
skill is not the issue; otherwise we need to analyse
where the knowledge gap causing the student to fail
that prerequisite is coming from.
Past research has shown that students perform bet-
ter when the material has been adapted to their pre-
ferred learning styles (Mustafa and Sharif, 2011). A
main advantage of our model being based on the
RSL hypermedia metamodel is that it allows us to take
personalisation even further. Instead of simply sug-
gesting different exercises based on a learner’s pro-
ficiency, we might adapt the exercises based on the
RSL model’s concept of structural links and their use
for adaptive document structures (Signer, 2010).
We have presented a prototype of a technology-
enhanced personalised learning environment for the
domain of table tennis, making use of knowledge
graphs in combination with the results of assessments
to suggest exercises in a player’s zone of proximal
development. The discussed research on a concep-
tual model and domain-specific application represents
a step towards a personalised learning environment
where the learner is central. We do not only aim to
provide the right content at the right time, but also en-
vision to further adapt the presented content based on
the underlying RSL hypermedia metamodel in com-
bination with a learner’s preferences, their previous
experience as well as their learning style.
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CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education