Introducing a Framework for Code based Fairness Audits of
Learning Analytics Systems on the Example of Moodle Learning
Hassan Tagharobi
and Katharina Simbeck
University of Applied Sciences HTW Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Keywords: Code Audit, Algorithmic Fairness, Moodle, Learning Analytics.
Abstract: Machine learning based predictive systems are increasingly used in various areas, including learning analytics
(LA) systems. LA systems provide educators with an analysis of students’ progress and offer predictions
about their success. Although predictive systems provide new opportunities and convenience, studies show
that they harbor risks for biased or even discriminatory outcomes. To detect and solve these discriminatory
issues and examine algorithmic fairness, different approaches have been introduced. The majority of purposed
approaches study the behavior of predictive systems using sample data. However, if the source code is
available, e.g., for open-source projects, auditing it can further improve the examination of algorithmic
fairness. In this paper, we introduce a framework for an independent audit of algorithmic fairness using all
publicly available resources. We applied our framework on Moodle learning analytics and examined its
fairness for a defined set of criteria. Our fairness audit shows that Moodle doesn’t use protected attributes,
e.g., gender, ethnicity, in its predictive process. However, we detected some issues in data distribution and
processing, which could potentially affect the fairness of the system. Furthermore, we believe that the system
should provide users with more detailed evaluation metrics to enable proper assessment of the quality of
learning analytics models.
With the increasing use of machine learning (ML)
algorithms in different areas, concerns arise about
their ethics and fairness. Various studies
demonstrated biased results of ML systems (Hardt et
al., 2016; Mehrabi et al., 2021a) caused by algorithm,
biased dataset, or improper use of the system
(Mehrabi et al., 2021b).
Online learning platforms such as Moodle
implement ML in their learning analytics
functionalities, by offering educators predictions on
student progress and allowing for early interventions.
However, these predictive systems are prone to the
same fairness issues. If educators use the prediction
results in their approach or grading decision, this can
have a major impact on student success. Educational
institutions thus need to assess the fairness of learning
analytics before implementing it.
Assessing the fairness of predictive systems has
become a widely discussed and researched topic
(Aydemir & Dalpiaz, 2018; Baker & Hawn, 2021;
Kim, 2017; Mehrabi et al., 2021b; Riazy et al., 2021)
As the source code of predictive systems is often not
available, most of the studies examine the behavior of
these system using sample datasets (Adler et al.,
2018; Flavio Calmon et al., 2017). The fairness of
predictive systems can be assessed through an audit
(Raji & Buolamwini, 2019), which can be conducted
both internally (by the creator of the system) or
externally (Wilson et al., 2021). In the case of open-
source software, independent auditors can access the
source code as well. In this work, we purpose a
framework for an independent code audit. We will
discuss our approach to collect, confine, map, and
analyze the code and thus assess the fairness of the
system. Furthermore, we will apply our code audit
approach to the Moodle learning analytics
functionality and assess its fairness.
Tagharobi, H. and Simbeck, K.
Introducing a Framework for Code based Fairness Audits of Learning Analytics Systems on the Example of Moodle Learning Analytics.
DOI: 10.5220/0010998900003182
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2022) - Volume 2, pages 45-55
ISBN: 978-989-758-562-3; ISSN: 2184-5026
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Algorithmic Fairness in Learning
Learning analytics (LA) has been defined as “the
measurement, collection, analysis, and reporting of
data about learners and their contexts, for purposes of
understanding and optimizing learning and the
environments in which it occurs” (Siemens & Long,
2011). Grandl et al. (2017) name five major goals of
learning analytics as predictions and interventions,
recommendations, benchmarking, personalization
and adaption as well as reflection and iteration.
Research in the area of learning analytics
increased quickly in recent years (Dawson et al.,
2019), with many contributions on the prediction of
student performance (Riazy et al., 2021). Since
predictive systems could potentially generate unfair
results, concerns over privacy and fairness of learning
analytics systems have risen accordingly (Drachsler et
al., 2015). Despite a low number of studies about ethics
and fairness in LA until 2018 (Dawson et al., 2019), in
recent years an increasing number of research studies
focusing on algorithmic fairness in LA (Baker &
Hawn, 2021). The fairness of predictions of student
success is critical since they influence the grading
decisions of educators (Mai et al., 2021).
The fairness of predictive systems can be
measured at different levels: individual, group, or
subgroup (Mehrabi et al., 2021b). For this purpose,
different approaches have been introduced. For
example, Lu et al. (2018), or Panigutti et al. (2021)
propose tools to examine fairness. Galhotra et al.
(2017) on the other hand propose a testing algorithm,
that generates test cases to measure fairness and
discrimination. Other contributions studied fairness
in specific cases. For example, Anderson et al. (2019)
examine the fairness of graduation predictions. These
fairness measurement approaches use data. However,
we believe examining of the system prior to
introducing data could provide additional benefits in
assessing fairness.
2.2 Audit & Code Audit
ISO defines audit as a “systematic, independent and
documented process for obtaining objective evidence
and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent
to which the audit criteria are fulfilled (ISO
19011:2018, 2018). Audits have long been used in
different fields to ensure quality and compliance of a
system to standards (Power, 1994), for example in
finance (Cohen et al., 2002), or quality assurance
(Woodhouse, 2003).
There are different types of audits: internal,
external, or third-party audits, which are defined by
the relationship between auditors and audited
organizations or systems (ISO 19011:2018, 2018).
In software development, audits are also seen as a
reviewing method of the development process and of
software systems (IEEE 1028:2008, 2008). Code
audits can be defined as “the process of extracting
information about a program from its source code
(Binkley, 2007). Quality assurance and detecting
potential security vulnerabilities are usually the main
focus of software audits (Yang et al., 2016).
With the increasing use of machine learning arises
the importance of reviewing the behavior of these
systems. The proposed European Artificial
Intelligence Act (AIA) defines periodic audits as a
quality measure in the development of AI systems
distinguishes low, high, and unacceptable risk
categories for those systems and imposes different
regulations and measures for each category (Mökender
et. al., 2021). Brwon et. al. (2021) note that AI audits
could be used by regulators to assess the compliance
with standards or by stakeholders and users to assess
ethical aspects of an algorithm. VDE registers code
audit as an option for the development of trustworthy
AI systems (VDE-AR-E 2842-61, 2021). Audits can
be used to determine the algorithmic fairness of
machine learning based systems. Sandvig et. al
propose five different audit designs: noninvasive user
audit, scraping audit, sock puppet audit, collaborative
or crowdsourced audit, and code audit (Sandvig et al.,
2014). The first four designs analyze the behavior of
systems using input and output, whereas in code audit
the source code is analyzed in detail for potential
problems. Despite its advantages and the growing
number of open-source projects, code audit is still an
under-explored audit method (Bandy, 2021).
Other audit designs aim to analyze all available
resources, including source code and training data.
Raji et al. propose an internal audit framework to
determine algorithmic fairness (Raji et al., 2020).
This framework includes mapping and collecting all
artifacts, test and reflect stages. Wilson et al. (2021)
adapt this framework for an external audit. They use
source code, documentation, and a dataset provided
by an HR platform to examine the fairness of a
candidate-search system. Furthermore, Brundage et
al. (2020) propose a mechanism for external audits to
provide evidence about the safety, security, fairness,
and privacy protection of AI systems. The proposed
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
mechanism is organized into institutional, software,
and hardware levels. Moreover, Hauer et al. (2021)
propose a non-deterministic process including
acceptance test-driven development and assurance
cases as a complementary tool to audits in order to
ensure fairness of predictive systems.
2.3 Moodle
Moodle is an open-source online learning
management system, which is developed by the
company Moodle HQ. It has more than 290 million
users worldwide (Moodle, 2021e) and, is one of the
most popular learning platforms (Edutechnica, 2021).
Moodle HQ provides regular minor and major
updates to the platform. Moodle includes a learning
analytics (LA) system, which offers educators
analyses of students’ learning and makes predictions
about their success chances (Moodle, 2021c). The use
of the LA system is optional.
There are two kinds of LA models in Moodle:
static and machine learning (ML) based LA (Moodle,
2021d). Static LA uses simple rules to recognize
specific situations, whereas ML-based LA predicts
events, e.g., “students at risk of dropping out”
(Moodle, 2021c). The provided ML-based LA
models are not pre-trained. Thus, users (institutions)
should administer the ML-process, e.g., data
collection, training, evaluation, and prediction locally
(Moodle, 2021a).
Moodle and its LA component have been the
subject of research, e.g., (Dimopoulos et al., 2013;
Mwalumbwe & Mtebe, 2017). These focused mainly
on predicting student success, e.g. (Zhang, Y.,
Ghandour, A., & Shestak, V., 2020), using plugins to
add or analyze student activities, e.g. (Liu et al.,
2019). Most of these research studies focus on the
performance of Moodle LA. Bognár et al. (2021)
studied dataset impact on the Moodle LA predictors
(Bognár et al., 2021), however algorithmic fairness of
Moodle LA has not been studied. Therefore, we
believe a comprehensive audit of Moodle LA for
fairness constitutes a research gap. In this paper, we
address this gap with our purposed independent audit
In this paper, we propose a framework for an
independent fairness audit, executed by third party
auditors on publicly available source code. We build
our audit process according to IEEE 1028-2008
standard for software review and audit, section 8
(IEEE 1028:2008, 2008). Raji et al. (2020) propose a
framework for fairness audits. They distinguish
between an internal audit (audit is conducted by
company’s employees), and an external audit,
conducted by experts without access to code and
models. Our approach does not fall strictly into one of
the internal or external categories. However, we will
generally adapt the proposed internal fairness-audit
framework (Raji et al., 2020) and adjust the framework
to our independent audit process. Our framework is
applicable when access to source code for auditors is
assured, for example in the case of open-source
projects. The framework contains five main steps: a)
definition of the scope of the audit; b) artifact
collection & source- code confinement; c) mapping
and analysis of relevant components; d) fairness
assessment process; and e) audit results interpretation.
3.1 Definition of Scope of the Audit
The goal of an independent audit is to offer an
independent evaluation of the subject. The audit team
clarifies the goal and purpose of the audit process and
consequently, defines the scope of the audit (what
will and will not be examined) as well as the audit
criteria (IEEE 1028:2008, 2008). It is important, that
the audit criteria are deterministic using available
resources (ISO 19011:2018, 2018, pp. 43–44).
Furthermore, the procedure to examine the source
code and to assess compliance with audit criteria is
specified in this step (VDE-AR-E 2842-61, 2021). In
the case of auditing a predictive learning analytics
system, different fairness aspects can be considered.
We suggest three main criteria for a fairness code
audit. These criteria are intended to identify the
potential unfair behavior of the system at different
stages of the predictive system, and each focuses on a
particular aspect of fairness. Together these should be
able to provide a measure for the fairness of the
system. The proposed criteria are as follows:
a) Direct Discrimination: Does the system process
protected attributes, e.g., gender or ethnicity in
predictive process? Is there evidence of direct
discrimination in the source code? The use of
protected attributes, e.g., gender or ethnicity, in any
step of a predictive system, e.g., feature extraction,
training, and prediction, can lead to direct
discrimination. The system could learn and imply
falsely a relationship between these attributes and the
performance of students. Thus, we propose a
systematic audit of all classes and functions for
Introducing a Framework for Code based Fairness Audits of Learning Analytics Systems on the Example of Moodle Learning Analytics
evidence of using protected attributes, or signs of
other direct discrimination in the source code.
b) Fair Data Processing: Are ML-crucial-processes
in the code, e.g., training, evaluation applied
properly to ensure fairness of ML-algorithm? Is the
fairness ensured in data process, e.g., data selection,
distribution? In addition to the above-mentioned
systematic review, we propose a process review of
specific ML-crucial-processes in the code, such as
training or evaluation. The focus should be on
ensuring proper application of ML-algorithm and
detecting possible problems regarding fairness in data
process, e.g., data selection, distribution, etc.
c) Proper Assumptions and Parametrization: Do
assumptions and parametrization of machine
learning process ensure fairness of results? Is there a
potential for unfair prediction due to assumptions in
the source code? Proper assumptions and parameters
can affect the accuracy and fairness of ML-based
predictive systems. Developers can either choose to
let users or admins define parameters or hard code
them in the source code. We recommend examining
the assumptions and parametrization in the source
code and their resulting impact on the outcome. This
can be done with or without sample data.
3.2 Artifact Collection & Confinement
Prior to starting any audit, all relevant information
and artifacts must be collected (ISO 19011:2018,
2018, p. 52). These could be source code,
documentation, data, developer comments etc. (IEEE
1028:2008, 2008). For an independent third-party
audit, the artifacts are limited to publicly available
material. In the case of open-source projects, these are
usually source code, developer comments and
documentation. Depending on the subject of an audit,
confinement of audit subject could be necessary, in
order to properly allocate the resources and reach the
best possible results. For example, if a predictive
system is the audit subject, the relevant data-
processing and machine learning components of the
source code could be identified and confined for the
audit. Other parts of the source code can be deemed
as irrelevant to the audit.
3.3 Mapping, Description, and
Prioritization of Relevant
As a preprocessing step to the assessment of audit
criteria, the identified relevant components, their
attributes, and relationships are mapped and
analyzed. These attributes could be, for example,
location, purpose, related classes and functions, input,
and output. The information gained from this step
builds the foundation for the assessment in the audit.
The result of this analysis enables auditors to
understand the dependencies between components
and offers the opportunity to mark areas of interest in
the source code. This step can be implemented at
different levels, e.g., modules, classes, functions. We
propose this analysis at least at two levels: classes and
functions. Mapping classes offers an overview of
interdependency of different components, whereas
surveying functions enables a more detailed code
Furthermore, while manually mapping the
functions we suggest to simultaneously flag each
function as “not relevant”, “probably relevant” or
relevant for the chosen audit criteria. For the above-
mentioned criteria, we propose the following
classification criteria:
a) Direct Discrimination:
Relevant User data is processed in the
Sample data is processed but not
directly user’s data.
b) Fair Data Processing:
Relevant Function is part of predictive
process, e.g., training, evaluation.
Function is connected to
predictive process, e.g., as feature
c) Proper Assumption and Parametrization:
Relevant Assumptions regarding predictive
processes, e.g., training,
evaluation, are made in the
Function contains assumption
connected to predictive process,
e.g., in feature calculation.
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: Proposed Process for an independent fairness audit.
3.4 Fairness Assessment
Next, the auditor follows the specified procedure and
examines the compliance of code with audit criteria.
There are different ways to perform an audit on a
source code: systematic or process review. In a
systematic review, every line of code is examined for
compliance with defined criteria, whereas in process
review a process and its components are evaluated in
connection with each other. Systematic review
ensures the precision of assessment for a criterion due
to the examination of each line of code. However, for
complex processes, it is not enough to analyze lines
of source code individually, but combined in a
process. A parameter set to a specific value in one
function, can affect the outcome of another function
in the same process later. Thus, it is vital to assess
functions in relation to each other in a process. For
the systematic review, auditors provide an assessment
for each unit, e.g., functions, classes, packages.
Whereas, in process review, auditors provide an
assessment for the examined process.
3.5 Audit Results Interpretation
In the last step, the audit team summarizes and
interprets the outcome of assessment. The results and
their implication on the audit criteria are analyzed. At
the end of the process, the audit team is able to
determine the compliance of audit subject to the
defined audit criteria.
We applied our proposed framework for an
independent audit to the Moodle learning platform to
examine fairness of its learning analytics
components. We will follow the above-mentioned
steps in this case study.
4.1 Definition of Scope of the Audit
Moodle is a widely used open-source online learning
platform. Its learning analytics (LA) components aim
to analyze students’ learning progress and predict
their success. The goal of our audit was to determine
if the Moodle LA predictive system can be considered
as fair.
We specified the purpose of audit as well as the audit
evaluation criteria. We used the audit criteria as
discussed in section 3.1.
4.1.1 In Scope
According to our suggested criteria in 3.1, we defined
following criteria for our fairness audit of Moodle
a) Direct Discrimination: Does Moodle LA use
protected attributes, e.g., gender or ethnicity in
predictive process?
We will systematically audit all classes and
functions in Moodle LA and examine if there is
evidence of using protected attributes or signs of
other direct discrimination in the source code.
Introducing a Framework for Code based Fairness Audits of Learning Analytics Systems on the Example of Moodle Learning Analytics
b) Fair Data Processing: Are ML-crucial-
processes in Moodle LA applied properly to
ensure fairness of LA-predictions?
We will conduct a process review of specific,
crucial ML processes in the Moodle LA source
code, such as training, evaluation, prediction. In
the process review, all functions of the process
are analyzed together in the call order of the
process. Thus, the influence of different
functions or global variables is taken into
consideration. A process review can be done
using debugging tools of an integrated
development environment (IDE). The focus of
the process review for this criterion will be
detecting potential problems regarding fairness
in data processing, e.g., data distribution.
c) Proper Assumptions and Parametrization: Do
assumptions and parametrization in Moodle LA
ensure fairness of LA-results?
We will examine the assumptions and
parametrization in ML-processes of Moodle LA
source code and their resulting impact on the
outcome. This will be done without sample data.
4.1.2 Out of Scope
While conducting the audit, we will neglect other
aspects of algorithmic fairness. The following criteria
are out of scope of our audit:
a) Data Impact:
Data can impact the fairness of a system in
different ways. We neglected the data impact
and following aspects of data impact in our
i. Dataset Suitability and Stability: ML-based
predictive systems rely on data to train and to
predict. Since Moodle LA models must be
trained by users, this could lead to various
fairness problems. Due to the source code audit
nature of this audit, dataset impact cannot be
ii. Anonymization: proper data anonymization can
increase the fairness of predictive systems. This
audit will not consider this process and its effect
on fairness evaluation.
b) Role of Users: The real-world consequences of
AI systems arise through user behavior, e.g., by
defining features and targets or by using system
output. Since this audit only focuses on source
code, we will neglect the impact of users, their
knowledge, and proper application of the system.
c) Bias towards Digital Data: By definition, a
learning analytics system will only use data from
digital learning processes and neglect offline
learning activities. This bias towards digital data
will distort results and can potentially lead to
d) Assessment of ML-Methods: For similar tasks,
various ML-Methods can be used with
comparable or different levels of accuracy on a
general level and comparable or different results
on an individual level. The Moodle source code
contains implementations of various ML-
methods; however, only two methods are
employed. Without running the models on real
data, the suitability of the selected approaches
cannot be determined.
4.2 Artifact Collection & Confinement
Moodle is an open-source project. The source code as
well as a developer and user documentation are
publicly available. For our audit, we collected these
resources. As mentioned, the delivered predictive
models in Moodle are not pre-trained. For this audit,
we did not use any further information or data sets.
We focus our audit on the LA components of
Moodle, which were pre-collected. We respectively
performed this confinement on the documentation too.
4.3 Mapping, Description, and
Prioritization of Components
The mapping, description and prioritization of
components was conducted manually. Firstly, classes
in Moodle LA were mapped with their properties, e.g.,
location, purpose, parents, children classes (if
applicable). Secondly, functions and their properties
were analysed (location, belonging class, input and
output values, what does the function do).
Additionally, we listed all other classes and functions
called in each function. Furthermore, while manually
mapping the functions we simultaneously flagged each
function as “not relevant”, “probably relevant” or
“relevant” for each of criteria described in section 3.3.
4.4 Fairness Assessment
In our audit process, we both used a systematic
review for our first criterion and a process review for
second and third criteria. These were conducted
following the criteria of a) direct discrimination
(system review) b) fair data processing (process
review), and c) proper assumptions and
parametrization (process review). In a), all functions,
which were flagged as relevant or probably relevant
were examined in more detail to determine if
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
protected attributes of users, e.g., gender or ethnicity,
were used, especially in predictive processes. For
each case, an assessment was made and reported.
Consequently, each function was marked as critical
or not critical for this criterion. For steps b) and c) all
relevant functions were assigned to one of the five
major processes in machine learning (create, train,
evaluate, predict, and delete a model) We executed
each of these processes in a debug-test environment,
following the sequence of functions, and assessing
compliance to the criteria. As a result, all these
processes and their associated functions were
reported as critical or not critical for these criteria.
4.5 Results Interpretation
Finally, we summarized the above-mentioned results
of the audit and made a verdict about each criterion.
In the following section, we will discuss these results
and their implication for the fairness of Moodle LA.
Figure 2: Simplified class diagram of Moodle-LA, based on
(Moodle, 2021b).
5.1 Artifact Collection & Confinement
We performed our audit on Moodle version 3.10.4 as
of May 2021. As for the artifacts, we only used the
publicly available source code and documentation.
This version contains 2,6 million lines of code (LOC)
in 12 thousand classes (Tagharobi & Simbeck, 2021).
There are user and developer documentations. The
developer documentation is much shorter than the
user documentation; it does not contain a
comprehensive structure or code explanation. For our
audit we identified and selected only the relevant
components for learning analytics in Moodle. These
are in four packages and contain about 35 thousand
LOC, mainly in PHP. Our audit was restricted only to
these components. Although we cannot completely
rule out that other part of the project could influence
the learning analytics components, we firmly believe,
that we reviewed all the main LA-components in our
audit. We performed our code audit manually using a
common IDE. We should note, that there are various
static code analysis tools e.g., SourceQube,
DeepSource, that can support a code analysis.
However, these tools are mainly built to find and fix
programming errors or security vulnerabilities. Thus,
we chose a manual code audit to achieve a thorough
examination of the source code.
5.2 Mapping, Description and
Prioritization of Components
As the next step, we mapped and analyzed the
identified components. These were 237 classes and
about 1,3 thousand functions distributed in four
different locations in the source code structure. We
extracted the attributes of classes and functions as
listed in section 4.3. The most important part of this
analysis was the determination of the purpose and
task of each function. Since the source code is not
sufficiently commented in Moodle, we had to
perform this task manually for all classes and
functions. Furthermore, we believe that the
identification of other classes and functions called in
a function helped the better understanding of the
composition of processes and the relationship
between classes and functions.
It is worth noting, that our analysis shows that not
all implemented classes and functions are used in
Moodle LA. For example, different machine learning
algorithms are implemented in the source code but
only two, logistic regression & neural network, are
used. For the sake of completeness, we have mapped
and analyzed the not-used functions as well.
However, we did not consider them for further
assessment since they are not executed at all.
We marked functions relevance to the audit
criteria according to the procedure as defined in 4.3.
Table 1 shows the number of as relevant or probably
relevant functions for each criterion.
Table 1: Audit criteria and number of functions marked as
relevant for each criterion.
Criterion Function relevant
robably relevant
30 83
Fair data
162 237
assumptions and
136 167
Introducing a Framework for Code based Fairness Audits of Learning Analytics Systems on the Example of Moodle Learning Analytics
Functions, which were flagged as relevant, were
in the focus of the fairness assessment process.
For the assessment of the second and third criteria,
we classified the functions into the step of an ML-
process (create, train, evaluation, predict, delete).
Table 2 shows the number of functions identified as
relevant for each of these steps.
Table 2: Number of functions that are relevant for each
process in Moodle LA.
Process create train eval
redict Del
Number of
21 61 44 43 2
It is worth noting that some functions were
classified as relevant for more than one process. For
example, feature calculation functions are relevant for
train, evaluation, and prediction.
5.3 Analysis of Five Major
ML-processes in Moodle LA
Before discussing our fairness assessment result, we
will describe the implementation of the five major
ML-processes in Moodle LA. In section 5.3, we will
share our verdict about compliance of these processes
with our defined criteria:
a) Create: Users build a new LA-model by selecting
a target and appropriate indicators from a given list.
Therefore, we reviewed all functions, which contain
the indicators and targets, as well as functions, that
create models. The current indicators process
different activities of students on Moodle.
b) Train: There are two different machine learning
backends in Moodle. The default backend is a php-
based system, but there is also the possibility of using
a python backend. The default backend uses a logistic
regression algorithm and the python backend
employs a neural network. In both cases, the system
first checks data availability, e.g., prior completed
courses with user activities for the chosen indicators.
Then, it calculates the outcome of indicators and,
trains the model for the given target.
c) Evaluate: In this process, the data is split into
training and evaluation sets. After initiating training,
the system predicts results for the evaluation set. It
calculates F1-score using ground truth and the
prediction. Finally, the results of the evaluation of the
model are presented to users.
d) Predict: The system first checks, if a model is
trained. If not, it initiates a training process. Using the
trained model and results of chosen indicators, the
system makes a prediction for given samples
(students). The prediction result is saved to the
database, overwriting possible older results for the
same model and samples.
e) Delete: All generated predictions are removed
from the database and the chosen model is deleted.
5.4 Fairness Assessment
In this section, we discuss our assessment results for
each criterion and make our verdict about the
compliance of Moodle LA with our defined criteria.
5.4.1 Direct Discrimination (Systematic
We analyzed the 113 functions classified as relevant
or probably relevant. These are mainly functions that
process and calculate features (“indicators” in
Moodle) or define an action for intervention. From all
these functions, there were only two, which used
private user attributes, e.g., name or picture. These
attributes could reveal user gender, age, ethnicity, etc.
However, although these functions are part of Moodle
LA modules, they are not included and not used for
the predictive process.
Our verdict: We did not find evidence for direct
discrimination in our audit. Thus, we can state that
Moodle learning analytics does not use protected
attributes, e.g., gender or ethnicity, or apply other
direct discriminations in the predictive part of
Moodle-LA source code.
5.4.2 Fair Data Processing (Process Review)
As discussed, we divided the process review into the
five ML steps and will discuss our results
accordingly. The following results are solely based on
the source code analysis, without running analyses
using sample data.
Create: we did not find evidence of biased action
or unfair process or assumption in the code. Thus, we
assert, that this process complies with our criteria.
Train: In this process, we identified some critical
assumptions. For example, there is a data limit of 500
MB for the train-process. If a dataset is larger than
this limit, it cuts the dataset at this limit. At this point,
the system does not ensure the diversity of a selected
dataset. In the worst case, the dataset is therefore
lopsided and not ideal for training.
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Evaluate: We identified a critical aspect in this
evaluation process. The system only checks if there
are at least two examples for each target, in order to
ensure diversity of datasets. We believe, two samples
are not sufficient for data diversity in a predictive
system and can lead to inaccurate results.
Predict: the predict process does not use biased
assumptions and there is no evidence of unfair data
Delete: we didn’t find evidence of biased or unfair
process in delete process.
5.4.3 Proper Assumption and
Parametrization (Process Review)
We examined the five ML steps for compliance with
this criterion. For create, predict or delete steps we did
not find evidence of assumptions that could lead to
unfair results.
In the evaluate step, we assess the fact that
Moodle calculates and presents only F1-score to the
user critically. Even though F1-score is a great metric
to compare two or more machine learning algorithms,
we believe this metric alone shall not be used to assess
model quality. If the users lack the necessary in-depth
knowledge of evaluation metrics they cannot properly
infer the accuracy of the system solely based on this
metric. Thus, the user could wrongly assume a much
more accurate prediction result than what the model
delivers. Calculating and displaying various
evaluation metrics along with their implications could
help users to better assess the prediction results and
improve the fairness of the system.
In this paper, we introduced a framework for an
independent audit for algorithmic fairness. The
framework consists of five major steps: a) definition
of the scope; b) artifact collection & confinement; c)
mapping and analysis of relevant components; d)
fairness assessment process; and e) audit results
interpretation. This framework can be applied to
projects with available source code, to assess their
fairness. We applied this framework to Moodle
learning analytics and examined its fairness for three
major criteria: 1) does Moodle LA use protected
attributes in a predictive process? 2) Are crucial ML
-processes in Moodle LA applied properly to ensure
fairness of the LA-predictions? 3) Do assumptions
and parametrization in Moodle LA ensure fairness of
the LA-results? We followed the steps of our
framework and thoroughly examined the relevant
components of Moodle LA.
We can state that we did not find evidence of
using protected attributes in Moodle LA. With
regards to fair data processing and proper assumption
for a fair system, we identified some critical aspects
in Moodle LA. Firstly, some assumptions on the
distribution of data samples in train and evaluation
processes can lead to imbalanced data and thus,
biased results. Secondly, Moodle LA uses only the
F1-score to show the users the quality of an LA-
model. We believe that the use of this evaluation
metric only cannot properly demonstrate the quality
of an LA-model, its strength and weaknesses, to the
It is worth noting that other factors can influence
the verdict and fairness of a given Moodle LA. Beside
above-mentioned factors like user or data impact, we
want to mention that in an open-source project, it is
possible to add or modify the code used in any
instance. Thus, it cannot be ruled out that such
modification or additional modules, e.g., indicators,
would change the verdict. Therefore, the provided
statements are only limited to original version of
Moodle without any additional components or
Moreover, we want to reiterate, that our
assessments for fair data processing and proper
assumptions were solely based on the source code.
Thus, our presented results are limited to the code. A
predictive system depends strongly on provided data.
We firmly believe that our detailed analysis and
assessment of the code was able to assess the code
quality regarding fairness. Nevertheless, further
analysis of the system with sample data could
increase the certainty of the fairness audit results.
This research has been funded by the Federal
Ministry of Education and Research of Germany in
the project “Fair Enough?” (Project ID:
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Introducing a Framework for Code based Fairness Audits of Learning Analytics Systems on the Example of Moodle Learning Analytics