In this work we showed that simple cryptographi-
cally secured sealed bid auctions are not suitable for
complex application scenarios like markets places in
the manufacturing domain. From the requirements
established together with relevant stakeholders, we
identified many challenging and partially contradict-
ing objectives which motivated the design of a new
architecture and framework. We combined differ-
ent cryptographic protocols into a framework which
can be used to build advanced data markets with
a new level of flexibility, security and trustworthi-
ness. The framework enables secure and privacy-
preserving price finding for outsourcing tasks in the
production industry, but also beyond (Schuetz and
et al., 2021). For increased trustworthiness it enables
every participant to publicly verify all steps in the auc-
tion also in a privacy-friendly way. As core crypto-
graphic tools we combined secure multiparty compu-
tation with zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge and
enable a seamless experience for the designer of the
system. To assess the practical performance we im-
plemented a proof of concept and tested various sce-
narios. As our main result we were able to show
that many requirements given could be achieved with
our approach in a single framework and with prac-
tical performance. Furthermore, we also showed that
the proposed framework is suitable to realize complex
use cases in a proof of concept implementation.
In the future, it would be interesting to enable a
feedback mechanism for buyers in the form of a rat-
ing system, which, however, must not countervail the
privacy requirements of producers. Additionally, it
would be interesting to see how to extend our con-
cepts to more generic data processing tasks, e.g.,
statistics or optimization, and how to transfer it to
other domains.
This work has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation pro-
gramme under grant agreement No 890456 (SlotMa-
chine) and No 830929 (CyberSec4Europe), and the
Austrian Research Promotion Agency under the Pro-
duction of the Future project FlexProd (871395).
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A Privacy-Preserving Auction Platform with Public Verifiability for Smart Manufacturing