The worst individuals have the lowest value of
probability but not equal to 0.
Crossover chooses Ψ individuals using selection
operator. The individuals are randomly connected in
pairs. Than the crossing point needs to be chosen. The
crossing point must be the same for both individuals
in each pair. Next subtrees are copied between chosen
solutions to create two new individuals for each pair.
Mutation selects Ω genotypes using selection
operator. Then for each solution one node is chosen
randomly. Mutation substitutes the option in the node
on another using options included in table 2.
Cloning copies Φ individuals from current
population to the next one. To not to lose the best
individual we assume that the best one (the first in the
rank list) is always copied to the next population.
If in next ε populations better solution is not
found, the algorithm will stop. All of the parameters:
α, β, γ, δ and ε are given by the designer.
To check the efficiency of presented approach we
made some experiments using randomly generated
graphs with 6, 8 and 10 nodes. The results were
compared with results obtained by greedy time
algorithm. They are presented in table 3 below. The
parameters were set as follows: α=100, β=0,2, γ=0,7,
δ=0,1, ε=5.
Table 3: Results of the experiments.
graph GPC greedy
= 1200
t c gen t c
772 783 5 547 1425
= 120
119 1566 5 85 1592
= 190
174 619 7 184 1815
In the table 3 there are values of times (t) and costs
(c) of generated systems. For an algorithm presented
in this paper it is also given a number of generation in
which the result was obtained. The time constrains
were as follows: for graph with 6 nodes – 1200, for
graph with 8 nodes – 120, and for graph with 10 nodes
– 190. As it can be observed for every graph better
results were generated by the algorithm presented in
this paper. Costs of the system described by graphs
with 6, 8 and 10 nodes were as follows: 783, 1566,
619 for algorithm GPC and 1425, 1592 and 1815 for
greedy solution.
In this work a novel GP-based algorithm for
cosynthesis of embedded systems specified by
conditional task graph was presented. Unlike other
GP-based algorithms for HW/SW cosynthesis in this
paper we investigate the situation when in task graph
exist some conditional edges.
The results presented in this paper are first
obtained results by described method. To establish
the quality of the results well they need to be
compared with other known algorithms for HW/SW
cosynthesis of distributed embedded systems
specified by conditional task graphs. It is also
important to compare the algorithms using bigger
In the future we plan to modify the algorithm by
using another system construction options or another
genetic operators. We also plan to modify the
probability of choose of each options. Especially we
would like to provide a version of the algorithm
which will be able to change the probability
dynamically during the work of the algorithm. We
would like to develop an iterative improvement GP-
based solution for cosynthesis of embedded systems
specified by conditional task graph too. It is also
important to check the influence of penalty function
for described algorithm on a quality of the results.
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