set ups where the measurements were done and dif-
ferent conditions. Also, the performance of the added
module in the simulation has a merge of error of 9
%.This could be explained by the lack of attenuation
and interference that occurs when carrying the exper-
imental measurements.
In this work, an evaluation of a WuRx model in a sim-
ulation tool is presented. In order to have a full com-
prehension of the model performance, both the simu-
lation and experimental set ups were done under the
same conditions and using the same power parame-
ters and same message length at a carrier frequency of
868 MHz. Upon comparison of the results, the simu-
lation’s WuRx model showed a small divergence from
the results shown using the MSP430G2553. This
could be explained by the fact that in general the sim-
ulations, even with introducing environment models,
are still working without taking consideration of the
material quality, other machines interference, cables’
interference. To improve the results of the simula-
tion, a new model of a CPU will be built in order to
be able to introduce different parameters of different
boards. Also new environmental modules will be im-
plemented to ensure precise results.
This research was performed at Leipzig University of
Applied Science (HTWK). The authors would like
to thank the German Academic Exchange Service
(DAAD) and the European Social Fund for the finan-
cial support and their encouragement.
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EWSN-IoT 2022 - Special Session on Energy-Aware Wireless Sensor Networks for IoT