An Ultra-wideband localization system is designed
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less node. The panStamp enables a second channel
for the communication within the nodes, thus keep-
ing the UWB messages to the minimum. Two fre-
quency bands are utilized by the system, 6.5 GHz
for DWM1000 and 868 MHz for the panStamp radio.
The Panstamp operates at very low current, which re-
duces the overall current consumption of the system.
It is estimated that the system consumes a total of 3.35
mA current for tag and 3.75 mA current for anchor
during operation at 1 Hz update frequency. Even with
the low power microcontroller, a good performance
of the system is achieved. Tests performed indoors
within a distance of 3 meters show an accuracy of 10
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Design of an Energy-efficient Hybrid UWB-RF Indoor Distance Estimation System