Snowflake: An Adaptive Energy and Delay Efficient Scheme for Source
Location Privacy in Wireless Sensor Networks
Sain Saginbekov
1 a
and Dossay Oryspayev
Computer Science Department, School of Engineering and Digital Sciences, Nazarbayev University, Nur-Sultan 010000,
Computational Science Initiative, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, U.S.A.
Wireless Sensor Networks, Source Location Privacy, Global Adversary.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) consist of a number of resource-constrained sensor nodes and a designated
node called a sink, which collects data from the sensor nodes. A WSN can be used in numerous applications
such as subject tracking and monitoring, where it is often desirable to keep the location of the subject private.
In these types of applications, an adversary can locate the monitored subject, if a location privacy protec-
tion scheme is not applied. In this paper, we propose an adaptive energy and delay efficient scheme, called
Snowflake, that conceals the location of subjects from a global adversary. Snowflake can be adapted to make
the delivery delay smaller, or to make the packet overhead low. The simulation results show that Snowflake
performs better than an existing algorithm.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) consist of sen-
sor nodes that are spread in some area where they
communicate with one another via wireless links
upon sensing the particular specified action. Each
of these sensor nodes have limited energy, computa-
tional power, and storage. As such they are low-cost,
and they can be installed in large numbers. One of
the nodes serves as the so-called sink node, to which
all other nodes in the network try to relay their in-
formation after sensing the particular activity, possi-
bly after processing the data as well. All of the sen-
sor nodes installed in one network do not necessarily
have to be of same kind, i.e., homogeneous, in fact
sensor nodes can be heterogeneous, and this hetero-
geneity will not cause any issues for them to com-
municate with one another in the networks (Akyildiz
et al., 2002a). Given all of these, it’s not surprising
that these WSNs can be used in many different appli-
cations such as military and industrial (Akyildiz et al.,
One of the most common applications of WSNs
is object monitoring and tracking, where each sensor
node relays information detected regarding the ob-
ject to the sink via it’s closest neighbor nodes. The
common example of this is the panda hunter prob-
lem introduced by (Ozturk et al., 2004), (Kamat et al.,
2005). In this case, e.g., the scientists might need to
study the habitat, numbers, and locations of pandas
as they grow, interact, look for food, and migrate via
a WSN, but at the same time these info, especially
the ones regarding the locations, must be protected
from hunters, who might try to capture the signals
sent via sensor nodes in order to catch the pandas.
So, in safety of endangered animals the privacy of the
path from where the signal originates and how and
via which set of nodes it’s being delivered to the sink
needs to be protected in order to save these endan-
gered animals from poachers. Another area of appli-
cation is military, where friendly soldiers and/or vehi-
cles locations need to be hidden from enemies (Conti
et al., 2013). Thus the information regarding the lo-
cation of the object needs to be hidden, and be made
almost impossible for the attacker or enemy to acquire
with their tools.
Source Location Privacy (SLP) is an important
problem in WSNs, and being able to provide one has
been studied extensively in the literature. Many pro-
tocols were proposed, which all try to address the is-
sues of this problem. The solutions proposed in the
literature can be categorized mainly based on what
type of techniques are being utilized, and what type
of adversary is being assumed (Conti et al., 2013).
For example, there are two types of adversaries that
Saginbekov, S. and Oryspayev, D.
Snowflake: An Adaptive Energy and Delay Efficient Scheme for Source Location Privacy in Wireless Sensor Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0011014400003118
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS 2022), pages 81-86
ISBN: 978-989-758-551-7; ISSN: 2184-4380
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
can be assumed: one is called the global adversary,
where the adversary can hear the communication of
the whole network; and the other one is called the
local adversary, where the adversary can only hear
the partial subset of the communications exchanged
among subset of overall nodes.
To that end, in this paper, we develop yet an-
other scheme that provides location privacy in WSNs
against global attackers. As such, in this paper, we
make the following contributions:
We propose an adaptive energy and delay effi-
cient scheme that provides source location privacy
against the global attacker.
We simulate our scheme and compare the results
with an existing algorithm.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tion II reviews the related work. Section III presents
the network and attacker model we assume in our
scheme, and defines the problem we address in this
work. Section IV explains the proposed scheme. In
Section V, we show the simulation results. We con-
clude the paper in Section VI.
There exist a number of solutions to the SLP prob-
lem. In general, those solutions can be grouped into
two: those that provide location privacy against lo-
cal adversary and those that provide location privacy
against global adversary. Former solutions usually
use different paths or random paths for packets to
hide the source node (Kamat et al., 2005), (Wang
et al., 2008) (Spachos et al., 2014), (Kumar et al.,
2015), (Berdibek and Saginbekov, 2019). The tech-
niques used in these solution are ineffective against
the global adversary that can monitor the entire
network. Whereas the latter solutions use fake
sources and fake packets to obfuscate the global
adversary (Chen and Lou, 2010), (Jhumka et al.,
2011), (Mehta et al., 2007).
In (Yang et al., 2013), the authors proposed a
scheme where sensor nodes transmit a packet ev-
ery interval. If there is no real packet to transmit,
then the node transmits a fake packet. This interval
based packet transmission introduces delay. More-
over, constant fake packets transmissions incur addi-
tional energy overhead. Therefore, the same authors
propose solutions that try to reduce fake packet trans-
missions by transmitting packets probabilistically. In
their scheme, fake packets are transmitted based on a
probability p. Therefore, the larger the value of p, the
higher the packet overhead. In the scheme, if a node
receives a packet or has no packet to send, the node
forwards or generates a fake packet, respectively, and
sends that packet based on p during its transmission
time. In (Ouyang et al., 2008), the authors proposed
three algorithms that are based on pseudo random
numbers, which define the packet transmission time
of the node. One of these three algorithms uses a
probability to decide whether to send a fake packet
or not when the time to send a packet occurs.
Another scheme which solves the SLP problem
against the global attacker is proposed in (Bushnag
et al., 2017). In their protocol, called EDAD, each
sensor node computes its own sending interval based
on the equation
t = ln(p)/ λ (1)
, where p is the probability, λ is the transmission rate,
and t is the next sending interval.
In this section, we introduce the network and adver-
sary models used in our scheme.
3.1 Network Model
A wireless sensor network is considered as a graph
G = (V,E), where V is the set of nodes, and E is the
set of links that exist between any two nodes. A link
(u,v) E, if u is in the communication range of v and
vice versa, that is we assume G to be an undirected
graph. We assume that the nodes and sink are static.
The nodes are randomly placed in the network. We
assume homogeneous nodes, that is, all nodes have
the same capabilities and consume the same amount
of energy for the same operation. We call a node that
senses an event a source node. A node that generates
a random packet to obfuscate the adversary is called
a fake source. A real packet is a packet generated by
a source node. A fake packet is a packet generated by
a fake source. A routing protocol is used to choose a
routing path to route sensed data from a source node
to the sink. A parent node v of a node u is the node,
(u,v) E, which is used to forward the packet of u
towards the sink. We also assume that the network
is event-driven, that is, when a node detects an event,
it starts transmitting packets via a routing path to the
sink for a certain time period.
As mentioned above, there exists mainly two
types of adversaries. In the next section we present
the adversary model that we assume in our work.
SENSORNETS 2022 - 11th International Conference on Sensor Networks
3.2 Adversary Model
Given the network model above, the goal of adversary
is to find the location of source node. In this section
we describe what type of adversary we assume.
According to (Conti et al., 2013), adversaries can
be classified according to different categories: based
on their behaviors, adversaries can be external or in-
ternal, and can be active or passive. An external ad-
versary cannot compromise a sensor node whereas
an internal sensor node can. An active adversary
can modify the behavior or the message traffic of
the nodes whereas a passive adversary cannot. More
about adversary types can be found in (Conti et al.,
Based on its capabilities, an adversary can be clas-
sified as global or local (Conti et al., 2013). A global
adversary can view the entire network whereas a lo-
cal adversary can view only the neighbourhood. More
specifically, a local adversary needs to trace the trans-
mitted packets to locate the source as the adversary
can see only its neighbourhood. Whereas a global ad-
versary need to trace packets as it can see the source
directly from the message traffic. Therefore, it is
harder to provide location privacy against global ad-
In this work, we assume a global, external, and
passive adversary. In other words, we assume the ad-
versary to have a device that is capable to monitor
the whole network traffic. We also assume that the
adversary knows the locations of all sensor nodes in
the network, can eavesdrop, store and analyze pack-
ets. We also assume that the adversary cannot can-
not alter packets, compromise nodes, and identify the
source location based on the eavesdropped packets.
In this section, we define the problem and present a
solution for the problem.
4.1 Problem Statement
Given the network and adversary models, the ques-
tion is: how source nodes are able to quickly route the
packets towards the sink such that the global adver-
sary cannot detect the source nodes, and at the same
time utilize the energy efficiently.
If the source node is the only node transmitting in
a given time interval, as the global adversary has the
ability to monitor message transmissions in the net-
work, the adversary can locate the source node with-
out difficulty. For that reason, not only the source
node, but also fake sources should keep transmitting
fake packets to obfuscate the adversary. As the most
energy is consumed due to packet transmissions, the
number of transmitted fake packets should be reduced
as much as possible without decreasing the privacy
of the source nodes; and the real packets should be
routed towards the sink as quick as possible. Now the
question is which nodes should transmit fake pack-
ets, how frequently they should transmit, and how real
packets should be routed towards the sink.
Formally, we can summarize the problem as fol-
lows: Given a network topology G = (V,E), the total
number of transmitted packets P
= P
+ P
the interval T , where P
and P
are the numbers of
transmitted real and fake packets, respectively. As the
number of real packets, P
, cannot be decreased, the
objective is to reduce P
as much as possible and se-
lect a path p = s,u,v, ...,S, where s is a source node
and S is the sink, such that p delivers the real packet
of s as quickly as possible.
4.2 Proposed Solution
A straightforward solution to this problem is to let all
nodes, both source nodes and fake sources, transmit
packets periodically even if there is no real packet to
send. That is, in every time interval t T , P
= P
= |V | even if P
= 0, which means P
= P
= |V |.
In such a case, the adversary cannot differentiate the
source node from fake sources. However, transmit-
ting fake packets periodically is costly as the packet
transmission and reception operations consume the
largest amount of energy (Akyildiz et al., 2002b).
Another solution is to have nodes send pack-
ets probabilistically, that is, as in (Ouyang et al.,
2008), (Bushnag et al., 2017), nodes send packets
based on a probability. In a specific time interval, a
node randomly chooses a number, if that number is
smaller than a threshold value, then the node sends a
packet. However, there is a trade-off between packet
overhead and delay. If the delay is decreased, then
the packet overhead is increased or vice versa. More-
over, this approach decreases the delivery ratio. That
is, real packets may not reach the sink.
Our scheme, called Snowflake (see Algorithm 1),
addresses this problem by changing the mechanism
of sending fake packets. Snowflake does not use a
probabilistic packet transmission, but uses a periodic
packet transmissions to make the delivery ratio 100%.
Despite periodic packet transmissions Snowflake can
still reduce the packet overhead and delay. The idea is
to have relatively small number of nodes, called main
nodes, send packets frequently, and the rest, a con-
Snowflake: An Adaptive Energy and Delay Efficient Scheme for Source Location Privacy in Wireless Sensor Networks
siderable amount of nodes, called secondary nodes,
send packets less frequently. We believe that this ap-
proach reduces the packet overhead. However, if a
source node selects a routing path consisting of only
secondary nodes, then the delay may be quite large.
Therefore, to decrease the delay, i.e., to deliver the
real packet to the sink quicker, the routing path should
also include main nodes which can take the packet to
the sink quicker.
The Snowflake scheme includes two phases: the
setup phase and the routing phase. In the setup phase
(Algorithm 1), a shortest path tree rooted at the sink
is built using the Breadth-First Search algorithm (Cor-
men et al., 2001). Then starting from the pre-lowest
level nodes up to the second level nodes, every node
transmits a control packet to its parent to inform about
its number of children. When the sink receives the
number of children from all of its children, it broad-
casts a control packet, called a main packet to all its
children. The main packet includes three values: i) τ,
the time interval during which a node transmits one
packet; ii) α, called adapt value, which is used by
a secondary node to compute its own time interval;
and iii) node id. The main packet is used to choose
main paths among all possible paths started from the
sink (see Figure 1). Whenever a node receives the
main packet, it checks if the value in the id field corre-
sponds to its own id, if the ids are equal, then the node
indicates itself as a main node, saves τ, and broadcasts
that packet to its children, including the id of the node
with the largest number of children. When there are
more than one children with the same number of chil-
dren, then the parent node can randomly choose one
of them. If the value in the id field does not corre-
spond to the id of the receiving node, then the node
saves the value of α and τ in the packet, and broad-
cast the main packet with id =
0. The transmission of
main packets stops when leaf nodes receive the main
packet. All nodes other than main nodes become sec-
ondary nodes. After this phase the nodes will be ready
to transmit (real or fake) packets. To route a packet for
a node it is enough to know its parent node, τ, and α.
In the routing phase (Algorithm 2), every node
transmits a packet (real or fake) every time interval.
But this time interval differs depending on the node
type: if it is a main node, then the node transmits ev-
ery τ time interval; if it is a secondary node, then the
node transmits every τ x α time interval, where α is
a variable which can be adapted to change the delay
and packet overhead.
The privacy level of Snowflake is similar to the
one proposed in (Yang et al., 2013), as all nodes in
the network constantly transmit real or fake packets.
Algorithm 1: Snowflake setup phase.
1: Run Breadth-First Search algorithm to build a
shortest path tree rooted at the sink
2: Starting from the pre-lowest up to level 2, for
each node, send the number of children to its par-
3: Starting from the sink, send a control packet,
called a main packet. A node which receives the
main packet with its id in it, indicates itself as a
main node, otherwise, it indicates itself as a sec-
ondary node. Then the main node includes the
id of its child with the largest number of children
and sends the main packet to its children.
Algorithm 2: Snowflake routing phase.
1: while true do
2: if Node on main road then
3: Every τ time interval
4: if A real packet exists then
5: Forward the real packet to parent node
6: else
7: Send a fake packet to parent node
8: end if
9: else
10: Every τ x α time interval
11: if A real packet exists then
12: Forward the real packet to parent node
13: else
14: Send a fake packet to parent node
15: end if
16: end if
17: end while
We simulated Snowflake in an application written us-
ing Java programming language. We ran the simula-
tion 1000 times in a network of 400 nodes in an area
of 100 m x 100 m. The sink is placed at the cen-
ter. The communication range is 15 m (see Figure 1).
To assess the performance of Snowflake, we com-
pared Snowflake with EDAD (Bushnag et al., 2017)
in terms of the average packet overhead, average de-
livery ratio, average delay, and max delay. The packet
overhead is the total number of all transmitted pack-
ets during the 100 time intervals. The delivery ratio
is the ratio of the number of real packets delivered to
the sink to the total number of real packets transmit-
ted by the source nodes. The delay is the time delay
between when a real packet is generated and deliv-
ered to the sink. To make the comparisons fair, we
used the same time interval, τ, in both schemes. The
SENSORNETS 2022 - 11th International Conference on Sensor Networks
Figure 1: Network: nodes are randomly deployed. Red
paths are main paths. Blue square is the sink.
Figure 2: Packet overhead.
value of τ was generated based on the equation 1. In
each of 1000 simulations, each node spends 100 time
intervals. The unit of delay, t, depends on the unit of
the time interval. That is, if the unit of the time inter-
val is millisecond or second, then the unit of delay t is
millisecond or second, respectively. Therefore, in the
figures about delays, we used t as unit.
The results shown in Figures 2, 3, 4, and 5, are
all simulated using α = 4. Figure 2 shows the av-
erage number of packets transmitted by all nodes in
100 time intervals. In Snowflake, the number of trans-
mitted packets does not differ much (as packet trans-
mission does not depend on a probability), whereas
in EDAD that number increases as the transmission
rate increases. As can be seen from the figure, for
the transmission rates of 0.25 and bigger, Snowflake
shows better results.
Figures 3 and 4 show the average delay and max
delay, respectively. We can see from the figures
that Snowflake shows better average and max de-
lays. Moreover, Snowflake’s max delay is lower than
Figure 3: Average delay.
Figure 4: Max delay.
EDAD’s average delay. Although Snowflake does
not depend on the transmission rates, as it can be
seen from the figures, for small transmission rates
Snowflake shows higher delays. This is because
Snowflake uses the time interval obtained from the
equation given in Section 2 which outputs smaller
time interval for smaller transmission rates.
In Figure 5 it can be seen that for low transmis-
sion ratios, EDAD does not provide 100% delivery
whereas Snowflake has always the delivery ratio of
Figures 6 and 7 show the performance of
Snowflake based on different α (adapt) values. As can
be seen, Snowflake can incur lower packet overhead
as we increase the value of α. Whereas the average
delay is still comparable with the EDAD’s average de-
In summary, according to the simulation results,
Snowflake can provide source location privacy while
keeping the packet overhead and delay low.
In this paper, we have presented yet another scheme,
called Snowflake, which provides source location pri-
vacy in the presence of global adversary. We made a
Snowflake: An Adaptive Energy and Delay Efficient Scheme for Source Location Privacy in Wireless Sensor Networks
Figure 5: Delivery ratio.
Figure 6: Snowflake: packet overhead for different α
(adapt) values.
number of simulation experiments and showed that
Snowflake performs well compared to an existing
scheme in terms of packet overhead, delay, and de-
livery ratio. For future work we plan to improve the
scheme and prove some theoretical results.
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