This avoids the need to change huge parts
of the implementation when replacing the DB.
At the beginning of the paper, we showed that spe-
cific access patterns arise when DBs are integrated
into DSP applications. Based on this knowledge,
we’ve investigated which DBs are well suited for
which types of access and how well they interact with
Apache Flink for sensor data processing use cases.
We also examined the impact of windowing mecha-
nisms on data processing and the usefulness of Hazel-
cast, which we used as a data cache and write buffer.
The results indicate that the suitability of DBs
depends heavily on the access pattern that is typi-
cal for the particular use case. Benchmarking realis-
tic heatmap queries, for example, showed throughput
differences of a factor up to 46.2 (MariaDB: 55,135
tuple/s, MongoDB: 1,193 tuple/s). Therefore, we can-
not make a general recommendation for a certain DB,
but instead advise to determine the most frequent ac-
cess pattern of the considered use case and to make
the choice of DB dependent on this.
The use of Hazelcast as a data cache hardly
brought any advantages for read access with regard to
our use case, but a higher throughput could often be
achieved for write access. Whether the use of Hazel-
cast is beneficial or not depends on a large number of
factors that influence each other and should therefore
always be examined on a use-case-specific basis.
Finally, we have presented a set of recommenda-
tions for the integration of DBs into DSP applica-
tions, based on knowledge that we developed during
our analyses. These can help to avoid implementa-
tion problems from the very beginning and to achieve
quick optimization gains in case the implementation
does not meet the performance requirements given by
the use case.
8.1 Future Work
We found that the use of Hazelcast caused changes
in the access patterns to the DB systems, which had
positive or negative consequences for throughput de-
pending on the particular database used. In further
research, we plan to investigate this component inter-
action further to determine if higher processing per-
formance can be achieved for specific access patterns
through the targeted use of in-memory data grids. It
may also be possible to achieve a (partial) decoupling
of the database access patterns from the cyclic pro-
cesses in DSP with this approach.
This work is financed by the German Federal Ministry
of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) within
the research initiative mFUND (FKZ: 19F2011A).
We would like to thank Hannes Hilbert, who pro-
vided us with great support in the implementation
and execution of the experiments. Finally, we would
like to thank the Center for Information Services and
High Performance Computing (ZIH) for providing
the servers used for the measurements.
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CLOSER 2022 - 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science