Consequently, it is reasonable to expect still better
performances when a fully dedicated, powerful server
is used to install the back-end software components.
Comparatively speaking, a system like the one de-
scribed may be considered as low-cost. Even if the
cost of such server—to be decided yet, however—
amounted to something in the range 4.000–5.000 C,
this cost is paid only once. Additionally, the com-
pany for which the authors work already has a com-
puting and data center to provide services such as data
storage, institutional and project webs, virtual private
networks, etc, and the staff to manage and maintain
these infrastructures is already on payroll; this means
that the service is reasonably guaranteed and its man-
agements costs already included in the regular ex-
penses of the company. The cloud-based solution for
which quotations were requested would imply spend-
ing a similar amount every 2–3 months. The use of
open-source, free software components has helped, of
course, to maintain this cost at so low levels.
It is important remarking the fact that the self-
developed software was already available in the case
of ADAfinder and it should have been developed at
any rate in the case of ADA2PGIS. In this last case,
and depending on how data should have been inserted
into the cloud infrastructure, a different piece of soft-
ware should have been built, but something had to be
built in all cases. The same may be said about the
WebGIS application. Consequently, the cost of in-
house software developing makes no substantial dif-
ferences between the two approaches.
It is the authors’ belief that a system like the one
described in this paper is, therefore, a viable solution,
not only from the technical but also from the econom-
ical standpoints given the infrastructure and staff con-
ditions available to the company where they work.
This work is part of the Spanish Grant SARAI,
PID2020-116540RB-C21, funded by MCIN/AEI/
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GISTAM 2022 - 8th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management