total 1347 targets as known and 3153 unknown. Fi-
nally, AV-AFL is able to show the known status for
641 extra targets in comparison to AFL.
The main drawback of AFL remains its inability
to distinguish and segregate the unreachable vulnera-
bilities from the group of vulnerabilities. We have ex-
perimentally proven that the AV-AFL overcomes this
inability successfully by alarming only the reachable
vulnerabilities. It has been observed through results
that the performance of AV-AFL for the same time
period is highly improved in comparison to AFL due
to reduced search space.
The AV-AFL approach presented in this paper facili-
ties the smart detection of crashes by eliminating the
unreachable targets by the fuzzing mechanism. It has
been observed from the literature of the fuzzing do-
main that vulnerability detection is a forever running
process. Use of fuzzing enables us to detect the vul-
nerabilities so that attackers may not misuse them to
exploit the system. But, this detection will continue
because of the unknown status of the vulnerabilities.
If fuzzer could be able to show that the vulnerabilities
it is searching for are not required and the time can
be spent on other vulnerabilities which could lead to
a crash, then the fuzzer will be efficient to perform
the fuzzing fast. AV-AFL provides this environment
using sound static analyzer Frama-C. It is experimen-
tally observed that the proposed AV-AFL detects the
vulnerabilities effectively in comparison to the base-
line AFL. In total AV-AFL shows 641 extra as known
targets in contrast to AFL. AV-AFL has better results
in total 71.11% of 45 programs. It shows that AV-
AFL is superior.
In the future, we will extend AV-AFL with a new
seed generation technique to improvise the vulnera-
bility detection process. We will try to embed the
model checker technique with AFL to prove the un-
known cases at last.
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ENASE 2022 - 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering