We planned to continue this exploratory study and
(meta-)modeling approach by the following perspec-
tives: i/ considering the low level generation into
the three inter-related parts of the metamodel (do-
main/context/exercise); ii/ taking into account ad-
ditional pedagogical information like feedbacks to
give and post-actions to realize after correct or in-
correct answers; Indeed, gamified learning experi-
ences should have early, frequent, meaningful and
rapid feedback (Faiella and Ricciardi, 2015); iii/ ex-
perimenting the specification of domain models (pro-
cess and tooling) directly by teachers thanks to user-
friendly authoring-tools; iv/ exploring the gaming
facet to generate not only learning exercises but also
gaming activities. Indeed, tailoring gamification is a
current trend in the educational context (Klock et al.,
2020)(Rodrigues et al., 2020).
This last perspective is very important. It will
tackle the need for some new adaptations to learn-
ers’ gaming preferences, based on different gameplay,
game mechanisms, and aesthetics, to identify and de-
sign correctly, in order to better engage and motivate
learners to practice the multiplication exercises.
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tion logic and the underlying elements involved are
expressed from the teachers’ viewpoint in learning
games. First, we conducted an interview-based ex-
ploratory study about the training of times tables. We
related its preparation and analysis. This work led us
to collect many information about a didactic-centered
viewpoint of adaptations to take into account although
no explicit generation rules has been identified. Nev-
ertheless, these information can be used to capture the
didactic facet of the generation.
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metamodel specifying all these information. The
metamodel has generic concepts, properties and rela-
tions that can be relevant for other didactic contexts
about declarative knowledge centered. The meta-
model also embeds context-related information about
the times table context. This metamodeling approach
allows to capture invariant informations as well as
generation variants whose semantics can be taken into
account in the generic generation logic by considering
the input models given to the generator.
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Expressing Adaptations to Take into Account in Generator-based Exercisers: An Exploratory Study about Multiplication Facts