The designed synthetic event log of an insurance com-
pany (INS) and two public event logs, i.e., BPI Chal-
lenge 2017 (BPIC’17) (van Dongen, B.F., 2017) and
BPI Challenge 2015 (BPIC’15), are used for provid-
ing examples explaining the approach and performing
the evaluation.
We present the related work in Section 2 and Sec-
tion 3 covers the process mining and time series anal-
ysis concepts. We introduce our approach in Section
4 and evaluate it in Section 5. Section 6 concludes
this work with challenges and future work.
Presenting processes over time will reveal process be-
havior, including compliance and performance prob-
lems. Time perspective is considered for diagnos-
tics at various levels, fine- or coarse-grained lev-
els. General time-related diagnostics such as (Hornix,
2007) are at aggregated levels, where they calculate
a set of predefined KPIs, e.g., average waiting time
in processes, for the whole process. Dotted charts
are fine-grained process diagnostics techniques (Song
and van der Aalst, 2007) that depend on the user to
spot the insights over time. Time series analysis is
used in existing process behavior analysis for a vari-
ety of objectives. In (Pourbafrani et al., 2020a), we
use the time series models such as ARIMA for detect-
ing the best window size to extract process variables
for the purpose of simulation. Concept drift in pro-
cesses, their type, and the use of time series for their
detection are proposed in (Bose et al., 2011). The
concept drift detection in (Bose et al., 2011) is based
on using different periods of time inside processes.
Detecting anomalies in processes is the other pur-
pose of utilizing time series as presented by (Bez-
erra et al., 2009). Moreover, in (Pourbafrani et al.,
2020b), the relations between process aspects are dis-
covered to form a simulation model which (Adams
et al., 2021) used the same idea to detect the cause and
effect relations among process variables. The purpose
is to capture new insights using time series. Authors
in (Yeshchenko et al., 2019) propose to employ the
time series for concept drifts by applying the PELT
algorithm. The results are clustered and are visually
prepared for the user. We refer to (Sato et al., 2021)
as a survey of concept drift detection in process min-
ing. In the causal and relation detection between pro-
cess variables, multiple researchers exploited time se-
ries analyses. In (Hompes et al., 2017), cause and
effect relations between a business process character-
istics and process performance are detected. Authors
in (Adams et al., 2021) employ time series analysis
to determine the potential cause and effects between
process variables. However, similar to previous ap-
proaches, they are rather too much reliant on the user,
or the variables are extracted in an ad hoc manner.
The user domain knowledge is used to define the vari-
able, which makes the approach process specific.
Fine- and coarse-grained analyses are required to
detect process behavior. As a result, there is a gap
in providing an integrated and general framework for
defining and extracting process measurable aspects
while also having a comprehensive approach for ap-
plying time series analysis to processes. By increas-
ing the granularity of process event data, we can rep-
resent a process from various perspectives using its
aspects over time, as presented in (Pourbafrani and
van der Aalst, 2021) and implemented in (Pourbafrani
and van der Aalst, 2020).
In this section, we define coarse-grained process logs
and introduce time series concepts used in our ap-
Process Mining.
Definition 1 (Event Log). An event e=(c, a, r, t
where c∈C is the case identifier, a∈A is the activ-
ity in e, r∈R is the resource, t
∈T is the start time,
and t
∈T is the complete time of the event e. ξ=C ×
A × R × T × T is the universe of events. We de-
fine projection functions for e as follows: π
: ξ → C ,
: ξ → A, π
: ξ → R , π
: ξ→T and π
: ξ→T .
Event log L⊆ξ is a set of events in which events are
The start and complete timestamps of an event
log L⊆ξ, are obtained using p
and p
, respec-
tively. p
(e) and p
(L) = max
A sequence of events w.r.t. timestamp with the
same case identifier represents a process instance,
i.e., a trace. In the event log of a production line,
the first event e=(c, a, r,t
) is for the first item
with c=1, the activity is a=welding which was
started at timestamp t
=08:30:25 02.01.2021 by re-
source r=employee1 and was completed at times-
tamp t
=10:02:47 02.01.2021.
Coarse-grained Process Logs. Coarse-grained
process logs are the collections of measurable aspects
of a process over a specific time window, e.g., Table 1
shows a sample coarse-grained log. The time window
is δ=1 day. Each column describes the process in a
time step (process state), e.g., 1 day, and each row
Process Diagnostics at Coarse-grained Levels