The approach we propose is composed of five
layers of vitualization of consolidated data that are
physically stored in different databases and storage
systems. These virtual data are exploited by decision
support tools for improving the pedagogical activities
and the pedagogical device, so before helping the
decision, they first help to analyse the data in order to
detect macroscopic information hidden in large
volumes of data (Big Data) concerning the learners'
feedbacks on the distance learning platforms.
In life, there are always lessons to be learned and
experiences that push us towards change. This
pandemic has been a real opportunity for all teachers,
including those who do not believe in the contribution
of technology to teaching and learning, to become
interested in or find themselves in need of integrating
digital technology into their educational
arrangements and especially, to keep in touch with
their learners.
Moreover, not all teachers have had the choice, as
this is the solution, which seems possible.
Finally, the approach and recommendations that
we intend to propose will be based on the gathering
and analysing of learners' needs and expectations
through their feedback, after consolidation through
decision-making tools.
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proposed architecture in collaboration with a number
of Moroccan higher education institutes in view of
enriching the list of recommendations and to propose
a model of pedagogical approach suitable to ensure
quality of distance learning, able to ensure
pedagogical continuity even in case of crisis.
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