plied, and compared two Integer Linear Programming
models to solve this problem.
We propose and evaluate mechanisms to fetch
product prices from a group of online stores to find the
purchase configuration in which the total price is min-
imum. A case study was conducted on online stores
that focus on the trading card game Magic: the Gath-
Our main contributions are: (i) mechanism to col-
lect, store and maintain product prices from various
online stores, to reduce the response time; (ii) eval-
uation of two Integer Linear Programming models
to find the optimal purchase configuration of online
The rest of this work is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 presents other works that are related to this re-
search. Section 3 presents the methods applied in this
study, such as case study, web crawler, caching mech-
anisms, proposed models, and experiments specifica-
tions. Section 4 shows and discusses the results of the
experiments. Section 5 exposes the identified limita-
tions of our approach. And finally, Section 6 exposes
our conclusions and future works.
This section presents works that address data syn-
chronization and combinatorial optimization prob-
lems similar to this work. Cho and Garcia-Molina
(Cho and Garcia-Molina, 2000) compared metrics
and synchronization politics to maintain local copies
from external sources fresh. They define three syn-
chronization politics as (i) uniform, (ii) proportional,
and (iii) optimal. The optimal synchronization pol-
icy can be used when the change frequency is known.
They conclude that the uniform politic keeps the local
copies from autonomous databases more updated than
the proportional politic and demonstrate that the opti-
mal is better than the previous policies. However, it is
needed to know the update rate of the data. Garfinkel
(Garfinkel et al., 2006) provides a model to com-
pute a purchase plan that fetches many products from
distinct retailers. They propose an algorithm named
Greedy Addition of Bundles (GRAB), which is a vari-
ation of the Fisher and Wolsey algorithm (FISHER
and WOLSEY, 1982). GRAB presented a lower ex-
ecution time than Integer Linear Programming (ILP)
approach in their experiments. Garfinkel (Garfinkel
et al., 2008) proposed an approach to integrate market
promotions and recommendation services on compar-
ison shopping websites. This approach used ILP to
solve a combinatorial problem related to electronic
commerce, focusing on maximizing discounts from a
set of applicable promotions. Their model uses re-
strictions to control the number of bonus products,
discount coupons, and the value required to obtain
free shipping. The model was applied for a set of
Amazon products, and it is described in his work.
(Kandi et al., 2018) proposed a resource allocation
method for query optimizations in the cloud using
an ILP model. The multiple items purchase prob-
lem is similar to a capacitated facility location prob-
lem. Cooper (Cooper, 1963) developed a model for
the classic facility location problem. Its goal was to
decide the locations of warehouses and the allocation
of customer demand, given the locations and demands
of customers. Various extensions of the problem have
been proposed in the literature. Gao (Gao et al., 2010)
proposed a model for the capacitated facility location
problem with freight cost discount. Yu et. al (Yu et al.,
2012) proposed a model for capacitated facility loca-
tion problems in terms of serve radius and economic
benefit. Even though there are similar approaches,
none of these works has proposed the same model
presented in our research. Our work also presents a
caching mechanism to keep local copies of the prices
and the optimization process applicable in a realistic
This section presents the methods applied in this re-
search. It includes the case study, the web crawl-
ing technique, the caching mechanism, the proposed
models to converge to the optimal purchase configu-
rations, and experiments specifications.
3.1 Case Study
In order to evaluate the proposed mechanisms and
models, a case study was conducted in a Magic: the
Gathering online marketplace.
Magic: the Gathering is a top-rated trading card
game in various countries, such as United States of
America, Brazil, China, Japan, United Kingdom, Ger-
many, and many more. Many online stores sell the
individual cards of the game. For this kind of prod-
uct, batch purchases are regular, and this happens due
to the nature of the game that instigates shoppers to
purchase multiple game pieces to play the game.
We developed an application that finds optimal
purchase configurations for Magic: the Gathering
cards. The prices and stock are collected from online
marketplace that catalogs prices from various online
stores. With the stock prices available, we fetched
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems