Imagination on Interactive Installations: A Systematic Literature Review
Maria J
esca Nobre De Queiroz
1 a
, Emanuel Felipe Duarte
1 b
, Julio Cesar Dos Reis
1 c
and Josiane Rosa De Oliveira Gaia Pimenta
2,1 d
Institute of Computing, University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, SP, Brazil
Federal Institute of S
ao Paulo (IFSP), Hortol
andia, SP, Brazil
Interactive Installation, Imagination, Embodiment, Systematic Literature Review.
Imagination plays a key role in human development as a natural process between the individual and their
surroundings, including environmental possibilities. Today, these surroundings often include ubiquitous and
pervasive technologies that enable new interaction possibilities. Although imagination is an important aspect
in the theory of enactivism, it remains unclear whether it has been investigated within the context of interactive
installations, ubiquitous computing, or other kind of application that emphasizes embodiment. This article
presents a systematic literature review investigating if and how imagination has been explored in ubiquitous
scenarios of interactive installations. We found that ubiquitous technologies can play an important role in
enabling imagination in interactive installations. There is, however, a need for more specific design and
evaluation methods and theory adoption to support imagination in the design of interactive systems. On this
need, we contribute with a research agenda for further study on this subject.
Ubiquitous and pervasive technologies have become
more and more common in our daily lives. Weiser
(Weiser, 1991) refers to Ubiquitous Computing as
deep and profound technologies which become seam-
less and disappear into everyday life. A complemen-
tary concept, pervasive computing is related to the
omnipresence of computers within the environment
while being invisible to the user (Hansmann et al.,
2013). As a result of these approaches, ubiquitous and
pervasive technologies can support users’ goals with-
out them having an explicit task to be accomplished
through a user interface. In these cases, an user does
not necessarily have an explicit set of controls to di-
rectly interact with the system. The user actually in-
teracts with the environment, in which the computa-
tional technology is transparently embedded.
In this context, our research is interested in the
concept of enactive, socioenactive, and similar sys-
tems that also emphasize some kind of embodiment.
Supported by the concept of embodiment, Kaipainen
et al. (2011) defined enactive systems as computa-
tional systems constituted by human and technolog-
ical processes dynamically connected through a cou-
pling of body and technology (Kaipainen et al., 2011).
An enactive system is neither objective-oriented nor
all human actions it detects and acts upon are con-
scious, allowing, for instance, interactions based on
psycho-physiological data feedback (e.g., facial ex-
pressions, heart rate, etc.). In its turn, the theoret-
ical and practical concept of socioenactive systems
has been investigated to develop a conceptual frame-
work for the design of enactive systems that expand
upon individual interactions and mediate actions and
perceptions in the physical environment (Baranauskas
et al., 2021). It can be said that socioenactive systems
emphasize social and cultural aspects.
Within the theory of enaction (Varela et al., 1993),
which is the foundation for both enactive and socioen-
active systems, the concept of perceptually guided ac-
tion contains an inherent aspect of imagination. Ac-
cording to Gallagher (2017) , the enactivist view of
imagination is about affordances (Gallagher, 2017),
which can be interpreted as opportunities for interac-
tion that arise from the relationship between some-
one and an object, be it abstract or concrete (Gib-
De Queiroz, M., Duarte, E., Reis, J. and Pimenta, J.
Imagination on Interactive Installations: A Systematic Literature Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0011040100003179
In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2022) - Volume 2, pages 223-234
ISBN: 978-989-758-569-2; ISSN: 2184-4992
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
son, 1979, p.172). Imagination is not considered as
a pre-determined state within the individual’s organ-
ism, risen from a history of interactional activities to
now cause a new action. Rather, it is a constituent part
of a coordinating process that adds experiences with
the broad context in which the individual is involved
and with the possibilities of future activities available.
Our understanding of imagination is aligned with Gal-
lagher’s, as we see objects or events in terms of what
possibilities they offer, we think of this phenomenon
as imagination in action.
Returning to the domain of computational sys-
tems, when enactive and socioenactive systems em-
phasize an approach that is not objective-oriented or
pre-determined, imagination, through active discov-
ery, becomes an important subject of investigation.
However, although imagination is an important as-
pect in the theory of enactivism, it remains unclear
whether it has been investigated within the context of
enactive, socioenactive systems, or any other kind of
system that emphasizes embodiment. Furthermore,
we could not find preview literature reviews published
before the development of our study which investi-
gated how imagination has been approached in these
kind of systems.
In this study, we present an original systematic lit-
erature review that investigates how imagination has
been addressed in the context of ubiquitous, perva-
sive, enactive, socioenactive systems, etc. We ad-
dress how these interactive systems stimulate or sup-
port the imagination of their users. As an instance
of ubiquitous, enactive, embodied systems, etc., our
systematic literature review investigated the specific
domain of interactive installations. This domain is
appropriate for our investigation because interactive
installations and their exhibition spaces are often in
the avant-garde of interaction design by their constant
experimental use of technology and envision of novel,
unconventional interaction approaches. With our sys-
tematic literature review, we aim at understanding
how imagination has been approached in interactive
installations that are ubiquitous, enactive, socioenac-
tive, embodied, etc. This includes an overview of
which is the context and target audience; what tech-
nology is used; how does the interaction occur; how
(or if) evaluation is conducted; and what different
views of embodiment and imagination are found in
literature. We expect that these contributions are use-
ful to better understand and inform the design of such
The remaining of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 describes the methodology of our sys-
tematic literature review; Section 3 presents the main
characteristics of the obtained results regarding to our
investigation; Section 4 discusses our findings and in-
dicates open challenges; lastly, Section 5 presents our
conclusions and directions for future works.
Our systematic literature review methodology is
based on the process proposed by Gough, Oliver, and
Thomas (Gough et al., 2012). We chose to work based
on how they present recommendations on systematic
review processes without being restricted to a specific
area of knowledge. The process began with the defini-
tion of the objective of the literature review. In partic-
ular, our study addresses how concepts such as enact-
ment, socioenaction, imagination, and embodiment
together with ubiquitous/pervasive technologies, are
used in the context of interactive installations in exhi-
bition spaces. Then, we defined a set of research ques-
tions (Section 2.1) and established a protocol (Section
2.2) with the formulation and conduction of a search
strategy and a set of selection criteria. Finally, the
process led us to the description of the characteristics
of the selected studies (Section 2.3).
2.1 Research Questions
The research questions that guided our literature re-
view reflect an effort to understand how imagination
was approached in interactive installation settings in
previous published works. The research questions ad-
dressed in this review are the following:
Research Question #1: How do interactive
installations based on ubiquitous and/or enac-
tive technologies explore the concept of imag-
This first question seeks to identify how theories
and concepts related to imagination are put into prac-
tice in the context of interactive installations that use
ubiquitous and enactive technologies. We answer this
question by analyzing how the concept of imagination
is approached in the selected studies.
Research Question #2: How is the use of
imagination evaluated in ubiquitous and/or
enactive interactive installations?
This second research question aims to identify
whether and which evaluation methods are used to as-
sess the use of imagination in interactive installations.
We answer this question by identifying which meth-
ods are used, what elements and aspects are evaluated,
and how (or if) they are evaluated.
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Research Question #3: How does embodi-
ment help to explore human imagination in
ubiquitous and/or enactive interactive installa-
The third research question is relevant to under-
stand how aspects of embodiment contribute to ex-
plore imagination. We aim to comprehend to what
extent the incorporated interaction contributes to the
imaginative process. We answer this question by con-
sidering categories of embodiment and imagination
from the selected studies. Our study analyzes how
these categories are related to each other.
2.2 Review Protocol
The review protocol was based on the PRISMA flow
diagram (Moher et al., 2009). Figure 1 presents the
diagram with the steps conducted and maps the num-
ber of studies identified, screened, included, and ex-
cluded (including reasons for the exclusions). The
main components of the review protocol are described
in the following sections.
Abstracts and titles screened
(n = 695)
Full-text assessed for eligibility
(n = 8)
Included for mapping
(n = 8)
Books and proceedings
(n = 109)
Unidentified author
(n = 1)
Unidentified abstract
(n = 13)
Less than four pages
(n = 23)
Duplicate (n = 37)
(n = 274)
(n = 421)
Not on topic (n = 187)
Does not address
imagination (n = 501)
Figure 1: Search and selection flow diagram. Based on the
PRISMA (Moher et al., 2009).
2.2.1 Search Strategy
We selected two digital sources to search for studies:
the ACM Digital Library
, with the search expanded
to include the larger database known as the ACM
Guide to Computing Literature”, and Scopus
. These
sources were chosen because their main characteris-
tic is their wide use and indexing in the Computer
Science and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) re-
search areas.
On the basis of our research questions, we created
a three-part search string. First, the string addresses
concepts related to enaction. Then, the string restricts
the search to the domain of interactive installations.
Finally, the string screens the documents for our sub-
ject of research of imagination. Regarding imagina-
tion, we used the terms roleplay and storytelling be-
cause they refer to activities that spark the imagina-
tion; the first is about changing behavior to fulfill a
role; the second regards creating narratives and telling
stories. The term metaphor, in turn, was used be-
cause of the possibilities of establishing relationships
of analogies between words, expressions and also ob-
jects, boosting the imagination for their creation. The
search string was written as follows (later adapted to
the specific syntax of each digital library searched):
(ubiquitous OR pervasive OR
enactive OR embodied) AND
("interactive installation" OR "art
installation" OR "installation art"
OR "participatory performance")
AND (imagination OR roleplay OR
metaphor OR storytelling).
2.2.2 Exclusion and Inclusion Criteria
We defined a set of exclusion and inclusion criteria
to select the most suitable studies, presented in Ta-
ble 1. After eliminating duplicated documents, the ex-
clusion criterion EC1 was defined because we cannot
properly evaluate documents that do not contain an
identified author. The EC2 criterion was defined be-
cause with a large volume of studies as input, it would
be almost impossible to read the entire papers for this
selection phase. Exclusion criterion EC3 states that
studies with three or fewer pages are considered short
papers with still preliminary investigations, unlikely
to contain sufficient and complete material to con-
tribute to our research questions. The EC4 criterion
expressed our interest in studies published as jour-
nal articles, conference proceedings papers, or book
Imagination on Interactive Installations: A Systematic Literature Review
chapters, presuming some form of peer review pro-
cess before the publication. Finally, the EC5 exclu-
sion criterion was related to our systematic review re-
search questions, reiterating that any work that does
not have the potential to contribute to generating an-
swers to one of the research questions should be ex-
Table 1: Selection (inclusion and exclusion) criteria.
Exclusion Criteria Inclusion criteria
EC1: The document has
no identified authorship.
IC1: The document
presents an account of
interactive installations
or exhibition spaces as a
central aspect.
EC2: The document has
no identified abstract in
the text.
IC2: The document
presents concepts related
to embodied cognition
and/or related concepts
(e.g., enaction, embodi-
ment, etc.)
EC3: The document con-
sists of three or fewer
IC3: The document ex-
plores the proposal of
imagination or roleplay in
interactive digital tools.
EC4: The document is
not an article published in
an indexed scientific jour-
nal, or a book chapter, or
a paper published in the
proceedings of a scientific
IC4: The document
presents social aspects
and/or interactions in the
presented system.
EC5: The document di-
verges from the subjects
of the research questions.
Inclusion criteria IC1, IC2, IC3 and IC4 address
specific topics of interest in our systematic litera-
ture review: interactive installations and exhibition
spaces (IC1) as a central aspect; embodied cognition
and related concepts (e.g., enaction, embodiment,etc.)
(IC2); imagination or enactment (IC3); and social as-
pects and/or social interactions (IC4). Selected stud-
ies should not satisfy any exclusion criteria, satisfy
IC3, and at least IC1, IC2, or IC4. The need for IC3
is justified by the importance of the concept of imag-
ination and related concepts in our literature review.
For IC1, IC2, and IC4, although individually impor-
tant, requiring all of them would be too restrictive,
therefore one is enough.
2.2.3 Search and Screening
After formulating the search strategy and selection
criteria, we applied our search string to the selected
digital libraries, using full-text advanced search and
limiting to entries published after the year 2010 (con-
sidered period of ten years to include more recent
technologies). When necessary, the syntax of the
search string was adjusted according to the specifics
of each digital library without changing its logic. The
search was carried out on May 19, 2021 and 695 stud-
ies were identified. The ACM Digital Library re-
turned 421 results and Scopus returned 274 results.
This step corresponds to the “identification” element
from the flow chart of Figure 1. The retrieved records
were exported in BibTeX format and we used the
to normalize them to be sorted according to
our selection criteria.
In the initial screening phase, we excluded 37
duplicated entries, 1 entry with no identified author
(EC1), 13 entries without identified abstract in the text
(EC2), 23 entries with three or fewer pages (EC3),
and 109 entries that were complete books or proceed-
ings (EC4). To continue the screening phase, we ex-
ported the remaining JabRef entries to a spreadsheet
for manual screening of titles and abstracts. We ex-
amined the studies addressing the inclusion criteria
IC1, IC2, IC3, and IC4. A number of 187 studies
were considered unrelated to the topic. They did not
show clues towards contributing to our research ques-
tions and, therefore, were excluded. Furthermore, 501
studies did not meet our inclusion rule of meeting in-
clusion criteria IC3 and at least one more among IC1,
IC2, and IC4. Thus, with strict application of the se-
lection protocol, a total of 8 studies remained and and
were included for further analysis. After reading the
full-texts of the 8 remaining studies, all of them sat-
isfied our inclusion criteria were considered eligible,
resulting in 8 studies selected and included for review.
2.3 Analysis Procedure
The 8 selected full-texts were exhaustively read and
analyzed. We proceeded by describing characteristics
of these studies via two sets of questions we defined
for this review. These questions were answered by the
first author, but were also discussed and revised with
the other authors. The first set concerns more general
aspects of the studies aimed at providing an overview
of their main characteristics, inquiring about the na-
ture of the proposal, the social and physical context,
and the target audience.
The second set of questions regard more specific
aspects of the studies with relation to our research
questions and objectives. They are either directly or
indirectly related to how imagination is approached
by inquiring about technologies, (social) interaction,
evaluation, theoretical background, embodiment, and
concept of imagination.
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
A total of 8 studies were selected in our systematic lit-
erature review. Each of the following sections present
characteristics extracted from the selected studies.
In Section 3.2 we explore which and how tech-
nologies are employed in the studies; in Section 3.3
we emphasize the interaction approaches present in
the studies; in Section 3.1 we highlight the applica-
tion context and target audience of the studies; in Sec-
tion 3.4 we present evaluation aspects and data collec-
tion methods of the studies; Finally, in Section 3.5 we
discuss how the concepts of imagination and embodi-
ment were investigated in each of the selected studies.
3.1 Context and Audience
Regarding the application context of the selected
studies, 3 out of the 8 studies refer to exhibition con-
texts, with two of them being referred to museums
(Scott et al., 2010; Erkut et al., 2014), with a target
audience of children, and the other one being referred
to a closed exhibition (Loke et al., 2012), with a tar-
get audience of adults. One study had an urban area
as its context (Rossitto et al., 2016) with a target audi-
ence of adults. One study took place in people’s own
homes (Hunter et al., 2014), with a target audience
of both children, adolescents, and adults. One study
was applied in a community center (Galindo Esparza
et al., 2019), with a target audience of people who suf-
fered a stroke. One study did not specify what was its
application context or its target audience (Chiu et al.,
2013). Lastly, one study did not had a practical ap-
plication, therefore we considered it as not being ap-
plicable with regards to application context or target
audience (van Dijk and Rietveld, 2020).
3.2 Used Technologies
As for the use of technologies in the selected stud-
ies, in summary, from the 8 studies, 7 (Scott et al.,
2010; Loke et al., 2012; Chiu et al., 2013; Hunter
et al., 2014; Erkut et al., 2014; Rossitto et al., 2016;
Galindo Esparza et al., 2019) proposed some type of
technological application. The remaining study (van
Dijk and Rietveld, 2020) proposed a more concep-
tual approach to imagination with no specific tech-
nology featured. Different forms of displays (e.g.,
LCD screen, HD TV, and projector) were employed
in 3 studies (Scott et al., 2010; Hunter et al., 2014;
Galindo Esparza et al., 2019), tied with Natural User
Interface (NUI) technologies (e.g., Microsoft Kinect
and Nintendo Wii) which were also present in the
same 3 studies. Sensors were present in 2 studies
(Loke et al., 2012; Erkut et al., 2014) with the use
of heart rate and breathing sensors, and inertial mea-
surement units (accelerometer & gyroscope), respec-
tively. Micro-controllers (e.g., Arduino and XBee)
were used in 2 studies (Scott et al., 2010; Loke et al.,
2012). Smartphones were used in 2 studies (Chiu
et al., 2013; Rossitto et al., 2016), with the latter study
using a Global Positioning System (GPS). Traditional
computers were used in 2 studies (Hunter et al., 2014;
Galindo Esparza et al., 2019). Some kinds of tech-
nologies were featured in a single study only, such as:
Single-board computers such as the Rapsberry Pi and
actuators such as LED’s (Erkut et al., 2014); Wear-
able and embedded technologies (Loke et al., 2012);
and, lastly, robots (Scott et al., 2010).
3.3 Interaction Approaches
Regarding to the kind of interaction featured in the
applications, tangible interaction (Ishii and Ullmer,
1997), i.e., interaction through the manipulation of
physical objects, was the most prominent by be-
ing present in 3 studies (Chiu et al., 2013; Scott
et al., 2010; Erkut et al., 2014). Embodied interac-
tion (Dourish, 2001), i.e., interaction with technol-
ogy that involves a person’s body in a natural and
significant way was present in 1 study (Galindo Es-
parza et al., 2019). Akin to the concept of an en-
active system (Kaipainen et al., 2011), i.e., a dy-
namic coupling between human body and technology,
interaction through physiological data was present
in 1 study (Loke et al., 2012). Lastly, concerning
more conventional styles of interaction, interaction
through movement and geolocation was present in
one study (Rossitto et al., 2016); 1 study featured an
input/output interaction through gestures and the use
of common peripherals such as mouse and keyboard
(Hunter et al., 2014).
3.4 Evaluation and Data Collection
Concerning evaluation aspects, 6 out of the 8 selected
studies conducted some kind of evaluation (Scott
et al., 2010; Hunter et al., 2014; Erkut et al., 2014;
Rossitto et al., 2016; Galindo Esparza et al., 2019;
Loke et al., 2012). Based on a set of evaluation top-
ics drawn from the content of the selected studies, we
classified the evaluation approaches within four cat-
egories (it is important to emphasize that these cate-
gories are not mutually exclusive, i.e., one study may
feature more than a single category in its evaluation):
1. Experience: it emphasizes human aspects of the
experience with a practical application;
Imagination on Interactive Installations: A Systematic Literature Review
2. System: it addresses the proposed technical appli-
cation and its qualities;
3. Interaction: it focuses on the interaction between
human being and computational system; and
4. Workshop: it targets the conducted activities of the
study as part of the use of a practical application.
A focus on aspects of people’s experience is
present in the evaluations of 4 studies (Hunter et al.,
2014; Rossitto et al., 2016; Galindo Esparza et al.,
2019; Loke et al., 2012). Regarding specific as-
pects, social interaction was assessed in two studies
(Galindo Esparza et al., 2019; Rossitto et al., 2016);
in the first study, researchers evaluated the role of so-
cial interaction in shaping the performance of the par-
ticipants with the proposed system; the second study
observed how audience members interacted with each
other and with the surrounding environment, includ-
ing other people who were present where audience
members were. People’s motivation was assessed
in one study (Hunter et al., 2014), in which the au-
thors assessed the participants behavior when inter-
acting with the created application and how it related
to their motivations to use it. The concept of embod-
ied imagination is present in 2 studies (Loke et al.,
2012; Galindo Esparza et al., 2019), both observ-
ing the relationship between bodily experience (in the
phenomenological sense (Merleau-Ponty, 1962)) and
imagination. Also in the phenomenological sense,
one study (Galindo Esparza et al., 2019) investigates
how the use of embodiment contributes to the devel-
opment of fantasy ideas.
An emphasis on the aspects of the interaction be-
tween people and a computational system is present in
the evaluations of 4 studies (Scott et al., 2010; Hunter
et al., 2014; Erkut et al., 2014; Rossitto et al., 2016).
In these studies, the researchers observed the partic-
ipants as they interacted with a technological artifact
or application with the objective of identifying inter-
action patterns (e.g., how people first interacted with
the application, how they responded to specific situ-
ations, etc.). These patterns may be used to assess
the usability of the application and use these results
to improve it.
An emphasis on aspects and qualities of the sys-
tem design is present in two studies (Hunter et al.,
2014; Erkut et al., 2014). These two studies evaluated
the application and any related technological artifact
in terms of its design characteristics. Lastly, a focus
on the workshop of the study and its respective con-
ducted activities is present in one study (Galindo Es-
parza et al., 2019). The researchers made a com-
parative evaluation of the performance of the partic-
ipants as it was witnessed in the workshop where it
was compared to other regular activities of the “life
after stroke” group in the community center where the
study took place.
Regarding the methods of data collection in the
evaluation processes, we identified 4 categories:
video recordings, observation, interview and ques-
tionnaire. Some studies used more than one data
source for evaluation. In the following sections we
briefly describe each of these categories and how they
were used in the selected studies
3.4.1 Video Recording
Data collection through video recording is present in
4 studies (Scott et al., 2010; Hunter et al., 2014; Erkut
et al., 2014; Galindo Esparza et al., 2019). These
studies collected data using video recordings to cap-
ture, for example, interactions with the artifact and
technology (e.g., (Scott et al., 2010; Galindo Esparza
et al., 2019)), and behaviors and actions of the par-
ticipants (e.g., (Hunter et al., 2014; Galindo Esparza
et al., 2019)). In one study (Erkut et al., 2014) the
participants followed the think-aloud protocol while
exploring the prototypes. Another study (Galindo Es-
parza et al., 2019) used audio recording as a comple-
ment to video recording.
3.4.2 Interview
Interviews with participants is used as a data collec-
tion method in 4 studies (Loke et al., 2012; Hunter
et al., 2014; Rossitto et al., 2016; Galindo Esparza
et al., 2019). One study (Loke et al., 2012) con-
ducted a semi-structured interview with participants
to capture data about their experience, specifically
about the relationship between felt bodily experiences
and imagination. The authors used audio recording
to complement the interview, so that they could be
transcribed later. One study (Hunter et al., 2014)
use the interview with participants to assess the ap-
plication’s design and aspects of people’s experience.
In another study (Rossitto et al., 2016), in turn, the
participants were interviewed about their opinion and
impressions about the experience with the applica-
tion and location-based elements. Lastly, one study
(Galindo Esparza et al., 2019) conducted a semi-
structured interview to explore the participant’s ex-
perience during the workshop, as well as to discover
the post-workshop effects and make a comparative as-
sessment with the usual group activities.
A more in-depth analysis of evaluation in interactive
installations is presented in (Mendoza et al., 2022).
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
3.4.3 Observation
Observation of interaction situations through notes
and photos is used as a data collection method in
3 studies (Scott et al., 2010; Hunter et al., 2014;
Rossitto et al., 2016). In one study (Rossitto et al.,
2016), for instance, the authors observed aspects of
people’s interactions with each other and the sur-
rounding urban environment they were currently at,
as well as interactions with the proposed application
and how these aspects reflected on the experience.
3.4.4 Questionnaire
A questionnaire is used as a data collection method
in 1 study (Galindo Esparza et al., 2019). The au-
thors created and applied a specific questionnaire to
the people at the community center who coordinated
the workshop for people who had a stroke. The ob-
jective was to collect opinions about the process of
the workshop, and to obtain a comparative evaluation
of the workshop in relation to other regular activities
of the group at the community center.
3.5 Imagination and Embodiment
Regarding imagination and embodiment, by reading
and analyzing the selected studies with the frame of
our research questions we identified categories to de-
scribe how these concepts are approached and how
they can be interconnected. For embodiment, we
identified 3 categories:
Embodied Interaction”: an approach aligned
with the concept introduced by (Dourish, 2001)
of interaction with technology that involves a per-
son’s body in a natural and significant way;
Action and Perception”: a common sense ap-
proach of embodiment, not necessarily following
a specific author or theory, as the use of the body
in processes of acting upon and perceiving the
world; and
Sense-making”: an approach of embodiment that
gives emphasis on understanding how we inter-
pret and make sense the world we live in through
our actions upon and perceptions of it.
For imagination, we identified 4 categories:
“Embodied Imagination”: an approach to imagi-
nation as an enactive and coupled process that is
inseparable from our physical bodies and its sen-
sorimotor capacities;
“Situated Imagination”: an approach to imagina-
tion as part of a temporally extended active pro-
cess that involves a broad practical context and
anticipates future possibilities of activities;
“Metaphorical Imagination”: like a figure of
speech, an imagination metaphor is not a literal
representation, but rather itself something origi-
nal that is inherently connected to something else;
“Representational Imagination”: an approach of
imagination as internal, literal representations
constructed through the manipulation of symbols
(e.g., language, colors, shapes, etc.).
Table 2 presents the categories for embodiment
and imagination in which each selected study is more
aligned to, according to our understanding. Although
these categories are not necessarily mutually exclu-
sive, we chose to select a single category for each
study with the rationale of selecting the most promi-
nent one. In the following sections we dive deeper
into how each study explores the concepts of embod-
iment and imagination.
In “Dermaland”, (Scott et al., 2010) addressed
embodied interaction with tangible technology. In
their study, children interact with the installation and
move tangible objects to explore and actively partic-
ipate in the installation. By using metaphors from
dermatology and ecology to compose the Dermaland
installation, the authors aimed at raising children’s
awareness of the risks of ultraviolet radiation to hu-
man skin. This approach enables children to experi-
ence more abstract concepts through interactive play.
Regarding imagination, the metaphor that makes
up the installation itself, the use of a magnifying glass
during the interaction, represents a metaphor of ex-
ploring that piece of land or human skin. This creates
the possibility of understanding closely what is being
observed. By engaging with these metaphors, chil-
dren could imagine and create associations based on
their prior knowledge.
In “Bodily Experience and Imagination”, (Loke
et al., 2012) highlighted the perception and perfor-
mance of one’s own bodily processes (e.g. breath-
ing and heartbeat). The majority of the interaction
with the installation takes place through the use of
the participants’ physiological data. Data is captured
by sensors and amplified through digital soundscapes.
According to the authors, the interactions developed
in the installation were designed to draw attention to
the links between felt bodily experience and imagina-
tive exploration processes, which the boundaries be-
tween the self and the world are reinvented through
processes of scale and metaphor. With a more com-
mon sense approach of embodiment, without empha-
sizing a specific author or theory, this study falls into
the “Action and Perception” category of embodiment.
Imagination on Interactive Installations: A Systematic Literature Review
Table 2: Analysis of Imagination and Embodiment categories in the selected studies.
Study Embodiment Imagination
(Scott et al., 2010) Embodied Interaction Metaphors
(Loke et al., 2012) Action and Perception Embodied Imagination
(Chiu et al., 2013) Embodied Interaction Metaphors
(Hunter et al., 2014) Embodied Interaction Representation
(Erkut et al., 2014) Embodied Interaction Metaphors
(Rossitto et al., 2016) Sense-making Situated/Association
(Galindo Esparza et al., 2019) Embodied Interaction Embodied Imagination
(van Dijk and Rietveld, 2020) Embodied Interaction Situated imagination
In their study, imagination was directly connected
to the use of the body in which breathing and pulse
are part of the “narrative” built throughout the expe-
rience. The authors used the term embodied imagina-
tion to refer to the intertwining of human imaginative
capacities and the body’s felt experience. During par-
ticipation in the performance at different times, par-
ticipants were led to imagine themselves as parts of a
whale’s body leading to scale their sense of self be-
yond their physical skin.
In “Enabling Interactive Surfaces by Using Mo-
bile Device and Conductive Ink Drawing”, (Chiu
et al., 2013) investigated how embodiment arises
through the tangible and aesthetic interaction with the
prototype application developed by the authors. The
interaction process featured in their study involves
drawing with conductive ink and touch gestures, com-
bined with a smartphone to compose sound feedback.
This interaction allows users to create and see their
drawings, feel the result of their work with touch and
receive auditory feedback, directly exploring at least
3 forms of the user senses. This can be considered as
an embodied interaction approach, as the interaction
with the technological application involved the user’s
body in a natural and significant way.
Regarding imagination, the authors argue that aes-
thetic interaction can stimulate imagination. This oc-
curs by encouraging people to think differently about
interactive systems in terms of what these systems
do and how they can be used to meet different, cre-
ative goals. In their study, imagination is approached
through metaphors developed through the emergent
drawings, sounds, and touch, as well as interactions
that take place during the use of the application,
which are associated with previous experiences of the
audience with other devices and materials.
In “WaaZam!”, (Hunter et al., 2014) feature,
among other possibilities, interaction through ges-
tures. Users had the freedom to move from one stage
to another and interpret their creations. Even if this
kind of movement does not directly imply interaction
with the computational system in the sense that it was
not used as input, it can still be considered interaction
with a broader understanding of system that goes be-
yond the computer. Concerning the use of the body
in a natural and significant way, this study fits into the
“Embodied Interaction” category.
As for imagination, it was approached from a rep-
resentational point of view. Using the perspective
from the context of play and games, the authors con-
sidered imagination as an essential feature. In these
contexts, roles and rules govern the symbolic use of
representation. According to the authors, imagination
precedes play as the ability to think differently help-
ing children to imagine the perspective of others and
connect themselves. Their proposal included the cus-
tomization and creation of scenes, allowing users to
create and modify scenes and support playful activi-
ties that incorporate imagination.
In “Design and Evaluation of Interactive Musical
Fruit”, (Erkut et al., 2014) present an application that
had as inspiration the concept of embodied interaction
as proposed by (Dourish, 2001). The interaction with
the installation involves manipulating fruits placed on
a tree to produce sounds and control characteristics
of that medium, such as volume. Besides the explicit
mention of the category, the use of the body in a natu-
ral and significant way indicates that this proposal fits
the category of “Embodied Interaction”.
As for imagination, the authors used enactive
metaphors to enable children understanding of musi-
cal expressions and concepts. Enactive metaphors, in
this context, are metaphors that bring something new
into existence only through our action on a certain ob-
ject or idea. In this case, through the act of manipu-
lating musical fruits, children produce and manipulate
sound characteristics, effectively bringing something
new into existence.
In “Interweaving place and story in a location-
based audio drama”, (Rossitto et al., 2016) present a
view of embodiment as originating from the creation
of meaning that comes with the embodied experience.
In particular, this occurs with their application when
users walk around the city and trigger the proposed
narrative. The story presented is interpreted by the
users while intertwined with their personal and situ-
ated experience of the places in which they are lo-
cated. This personal inclination of users to place and
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
engagement through technology can spark imagina-
tion and meaning-making.
This formation of meaning is directly linked with
imagination. The authors highlight the relevance of
connecting location technology to physical locations
to illustrate how imagination and open interpretation
emerge as users seek to make sense of these relation-
ships. On several occasions, users’ imagination was
triggered by elements that were presented in places
regardless of the audio from the application, and were
intertwined with the narration. According to the au-
thors, the users’ open interpretation promotes their
role as active meaning creators. With subtle sugges-
tions, this coupling was enough to provide personal
and sometimes unexpected interpretations.
In “Embodied Imagination”, (Galindo Esparza
et al., 2019) presented an approach to embodied inter-
action through body movements, such as arms, legs,
etc. The authors studied the concept that through
the movements captured by a Kinect, and the visual
feedback offered by an application, users could place
themselves in imagined places and situations.
Interaction through movements allowed users to
incorporate their fantasies and explore their imagi-
nations while telling their narratives. By observing
the interaction of workshop participants with the ap-
plication, the authors indicated that the majority of
the participants moved throughout the space and used
their entire body to incorporate fantasies. Qualitative
assessments suggested that this process successfully
stimulated embodied imagination.
In “Situated imagination”, (van Dijk and Rietveld,
2020) feature no technological application. However,
embodiment is an important concept in the study and
is deeply tied with imagination. Their work addresses
a situated view of imagination, i.e., imagination is sit-
uated in a context and is temporally extended. Ac-
cording to the authors, imagination is not considered
as an individual’s pre-determined state, but it is part
of a process that coordinates a history of activities,
a broad present practical context, and an anticipated
path of future activities. In this approach, the organ-
ism’s bodily sensitivities (e.g. a visual system), while
not sufficient, are necessary for imagination. The
identification of multiple affordances developed si-
multaneously can be experienced as imaginative. The
indeterminate arrangement of this process allows ac-
tivities to expand, enabling new action possibilities.
In this process, the active involvement of the body
contributes to the development of these possibilities.
In this section we discuss our systematic literature re-
view results within the frame of our research ques-
tions. In the following sections we discuss the main
topic of each of the three research questions presented
in Section 2.1. Lastly, in the format of highlights for a
research agenda, we provide insights regarding open
research challenges we detected.
4.1 Installations and Imagination
Regarding the Research Question #1, How do inter-
active installations based on ubiquitous and/or en-
active technologies explore the concept of imagina-
tion?”, we found that 5 of the 8 selected studies
used ubiquitous technologies (e.g., sensors with 3 oc-
currences, microcontrollers with 3 occurrences, Mi-
crosoft Kinect with 2 occurrences, and the Nintendo
Wii with 1 occurrence). In these studies, imagina-
tion was approached through metaphors (Scott et al.,
2010; Erkut et al., 2014), representation (Hunter et al.,
2014), or as embodied imagination (Loke et al., 2012;
Galindo Esparza et al., 2019). We consider that these
technologies, especially when wireless and embedded
into the environment, can contribute to creating sce-
narios where technology is not at the forefront. They
can help “hide” system complexity, enabling the cre-
ation more immersive environments where users can
focus on the experience and in the situated context.
instead of on the technology itself. Among these tech-
nologies, we highlight the innate play aspect found
in the Nintendo Wii and the Microsoft Kinect. They
provide possibilities for users play with and act on a
given idea, potentially creating enactive metaphors.
Looking further into the studies of (Scott et al.,
2010) and (Erkut et al., 2014), which approached
imagination through metaphors, the associations
made between objects and concepts enabled users to
imagine narratives (in the first case to learn about
ecology and dermatology, or to create music in the
second case). The study of (Hunter et al., 2014), in
turn, addressed imagination through representation.
These authors considered that the imaginative pro-
cess takes place through the representation of ideas.
In their proposal, users imagine and create narra-
tives representing elements through images in the cus-
tomization tool offered by the application. Lastly, in
the studies of (Loke et al., 2012) and (Galindo Es-
parza et al., 2019) imagination was approached as be-
ing embodied, i.e., it is developed with the involve-
ment of the body. In (Loke et al., 2012), although the
body and its sensorimotor capabilities are a central
aspect of the study, the imaginative process is seen
Imagination on Interactive Installations: A Systematic Literature Review
as image formation, specifically the use of images to
transform the perception and experience of oneself
and the world. This refers to an approach to imagi-
nation that can be considered as representational, be-
cause the “content” imagined is “pre-existing” and re-
presented. In this sense, it diverges from the enactivist
approach as proposed by (Varela et al., 1993).
In the remaining 3 studies that did not use ubiq-
uitous technologies (Chiu et al., 2013; Rossitto et al.,
2016; van Dijk and Rietveld, 2020), imagination was
approached through metaphors in the first one and as
situated in the last two. For (Chiu et al., 2013), imag-
ination happens through associations made through
drawings, sounds and previous experiences from
other contexts. For (Rossitto et al., 2016) and (van
Dijk and Rietveld, 2020), imagination is situated, i.e,
it occurs according to the context and environment in
which a person is situated. The imagination itself de-
velops from the possibilities offered by this context.
4.2 Evaluating Imagination
With respect to the Research Question #2, How is
the use of imagination evaluated in ubiquitous and/or
enactive interactive installations?”, our investigation
reveled that 6 out of the 8 selected studies applied
some evaluation procedure. As presented in Section
3.4, evaluation approaches examined either the expe-
rience of the participant, qualities of the system, as-
pects of the interaction, the workshop itself, or some
combination of these categories. Of these subjects
of evaluation, while some of them come from the
legacy of evaluating conventional computer systems
(e.g., usability, user experience, engagement, atten-
tion, performance, etc.), there are also some emerging
new interests, such as social interactions and the use
of embodiment to develop fantasy/imagination ideas.
Regarding data collection methods, we observed
a preference in the selected studies towards video
recordings and interviews. These methods were used
to collect data about interaction experience, includ-
ing artifacts and their design. Video recordings were
particularly important in allowing researchers to as-
sess social aspects, while interviews were used mostly
to assess users’ involvement with the technology.
One study in particular (Erkut et al., 2014) used the
think-aloud protocol to supplement data collection
from video recordings. Observations (annotations and
photographs) were primarily used to gather informa-
tion about people’s experience and interactions, and
to assess artifacts and their design. Questionnaires
were applied to assess the experience with a work-
shop. In general, interviews and questionnaires were
mainly used to collect data about people’s experi-
ence whereas video recordings and observations were
mainly used to capture people’s interactions with the
developed applications and with others.
From the 6 studies that evaluated some aspect of
the proposed application, 2 specifically investigated
imagination in their evaluations (Loke et al., 2012;
Galindo Esparza et al., 2019). Both studies assessed
the relationship between bodily experience and imag-
ination. The instruments were interviews and video
recording. When considering the relevance of action
to imagination, we observed that no specific method
was employed to assess environments in relation to
their possibilities for actions.
4.3 Imagination and Embodiment
As for the Research Question #3, How does embodi-
ment help to explore human imagination in ubiquitous
and/or enactive interactive installations?”, we high-
light that embodiment contributes to active imagina-
tion (see Section 3.5). In two of the selected studies
(Loke et al., 2012; Galindo Esparza et al., 2019), the
term “embodied imagination” appears to refer to the
link between the imaginative capacities of human be-
ings and the felt body experience. The body’s involve-
ment with the affordances provided by the environ-
ment, context, objects, and people allows the imagi-
native process to be situated and active.
In the selected studies, body movements allow the
creation of fantasies and narratives, as well as the ma-
nipulation of tangible objects. This allows users to
create embodied metaphors and integrate them into
their stories. In terms of conceptual foundation, how-
ever, we observe that few studies addressed imagi-
nation from an enactivist point of view with proper
grounding on theories and concepts, going beyond
the mere inclusion of the physical body in the inter-
action. This leads to most of the selected studies to
present what can be considered a more generic, com-
mon sense understanding of embodiment, embodied
interaction, and imagination. This limitation can sub-
stantially distance studies from the understanding that
the imaginative process is facilitated and nourished
by the coupled connection between the individual’s
body, situated context, and the employed technol-
ogy. In this context, the possibilities offered by affor-
dances, a concept deeply tied with enaction, are the
sources that spark the imagination.
As examples of studies that do give more theoret-
ical and practical grounding to their use of “embodi-
ment”, the works of (Loke et al., 2012), (Galindo Es-
parza et al., 2019), and (van Dijk and Rietveld, 2020)
view “embodied interaction” as going beyond the liv-
ing organism and expanding to the social and cultural
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
context. This includes experiences and possibilities,
extending, albeit timidly, to the imagination.
4.4 Highlights for a Research Agenda
Results of our systematic literature review indicate
that imagination has been approached in contexts of
interactive installations. However, we identified miss-
ing aspects and open challenges that create opportuni-
ties for new research. In the following, we summarize
a research agenda with aspects we understand as key
opportunities for further studies.
4.4.1 Imagination as a Concept
Although the selected studies have addressed the con-
cept of imagination, the research community could
benefit from going further into the types of experi-
ences provided by exploring imagination. It is no-
ticeable that there is a lack of grounding and con-
ceptualization regarding imagination. This can be, in
part, explained by how it is a complex task to contem-
plate the imaginative process while designing interac-
tive technologies. This challenge opens opportunities
for creating design recommendations aimed at foster-
ing imagination in interactive systems. Recommen-
dations or guidelines aimed at supporting imaginative
processes and related aspects can be useful for design-
ers in the conception of novel interactive installations.
As an example, these recommendations or guidelines
could explore aspects such as creative freedom and
the situated nature of affordances with relation to con-
text, objects, technologies and people.
4.4.2 The Coupling of Imagination and
The theory of enaction and the concept of embodi-
ment open new opportunities to approach imagination
in the design of computational systems. Although we
found and selected studies that explored both embod-
iment and imagination, the number of selected stud-
ies (8), especially considering our search interval of
about 10 years, show that the combination of imag-
ination and embodiment is still timidly explored in
the literature. Furthermore, few studies consider that
embodied action can contribute to active imagination.
Imagination was almost always approached as some-
thing passive, which occurs in the face of things we
already know and are only represented to us later. We,
however, see imagination as active and embodied.
Embodiment allows imagination to be active,
open, and situated. The human being is continuously
situated in a wide context of involvement with oppor-
tunities for action offered by other people, materials,
tools, texts, etc. For instance, through the capture
of physiological data, added to physical experiences
with objects placed on our bodies, and sound and vi-
sual feedback, we can imagine ourselves as going be-
yond the limits of our very skin. In summary, the de-
sign of interactive systems considering the coupling
between embodiment and imagination opens up as a
promising opportunity for research.
4.4.3 Reachness of Methods
Out of the 6 selected studies that featured some form
of evaluation, 5 used more than one data collection
method (some used up to three methods (Hunter et al.,
2014; Galindo Esparza et al., 2019)). This suggests
that a significant number of researchers consider that
a single data collection method is not sufficient to
address assessment in ubiquitous and pervasive tech-
nology scenarios. We understand that multiple data
collection methods and instruments may be needed
to properly consider imagination aspects in an eval-
uation procedure. In fact, these scenarios provide a
great diversity of aspects to be considered in an as-
sessment process, such as people’s freedom to explore
their ideas and affordances provided by the environ-
ment, context, or artifacts. Thus, it is unlikely that a
single known method provides sufficient answers.
Although different data collection methods can be
useful for researchers to explore various aspects of
ubiquitous systems in a complementary way, there is
still a need for more specific methods. For instance,
there is currently no evaluation method or instrument
to specifically investigate how imagination can be ex-
plored when interacting with applications. Two of
the selected studies were interested in evaluating how
body and action influence the imaginative process.
However, due to the lack of more specific methods,
they were still limited in identifying how and if imag-
ination was developed, and to which extent did the en-
vironment offer possibilities to nourish imagination.
Pervasive and ubiquitous technologies permeate our
lives and have created new forms of interaction,
which requires new approaches to system design.
Interactive installations and their exhibition spaces
stand as an instance of this type of system. They are
often at the forefront of interaction design for their
constant experimental use of technology and envision
of new, unconventional interaction approaches. In this
article, we presented a systematic literature review to
unfold and better understand existing studies that ad-
Imagination on Interactive Installations: A Systematic Literature Review
dress imagination and embodiment in interactive in-
stallations. Our results indicate that, while there are
important, pioneer works in the literature, the design
of enactive interactive installations still requires more
research on how to explore the concept of imagina-
tion. We found that existing studies do not present
specific evaluation protocols for addressing and eval-
uating this type of interactive installation, and existing
methods, while useful, are still not enough.
Future work involves addressing the opened re-
search agenda. More specifically, we consider the
design, implementation, and evaluation of guidelines
that follow this research agenda. These guidelines
should be able to support designers in the creation of
interactive installations suited for augmenting users’
imagination and embodiment, contributing with fur-
ther advances in research on the subject.
This study was supported by the S
ao Paulo Research
Foundation (FAPESP) through grants #2015/16528-
0 and #2020/04242-2, and by the Coordenac¸
ao de
Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de N
ıvel Superior
Brasil (CAPES) Finance Code 001. Special thanks
to IFSP for supporting one of the authors.
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ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems