In (Chen et al., 2018), the authors present an intelli-
gent system, called Healthcare System App, for the
health care of university students in Taiwan by estab-
lishing an interactive diet in which users can record
the contents of their diet, nutrients and their exercise
routines anytime, anywhere.
The main result that was identified in the study
was that the application helped students to achieve the
proposed objectives:
• 75% reached the breakfast goal.
• 90% reached the lunch goal.
• 90% reached the exercise goal.
Unlike them, we have established a treatment that in-
teracts with the specialist doctor through the mobile
solution platform.
The contribution of (Luhanga et al., 2018) was to
present an application that includes the influences and
interaction of social support with attachments to phys-
ical activities, identifying certain requirements and
specifications that users require for its use.
The main results of this study were that 63.04%
of the challenges were completed and that the appli-
cation had a rating of 3.04 out of 5 (Luhanga et al.,
2018). Unlike them, we have implemented an evalua-
tion module in the style of a form.
In (Kronborg et al., 2018), the authors analyze pa-
tient data in the Telehomecare trial using home mea-
surements through prediction models based on logis-
tic regression.
The main result that was identified in the study
was that the optimal combination of predictors (using
three physiological predictors and exacerbations) ex-
cluding the incidence of exacerbation in patients and
The contribution of (Almeida et al., 2010) is to
implement an alternative application that allows the
monitoring of patients with amyotrophic lateral scle-
rosis using Telehome monitoring devices that ensures
the transmission of data and request for medical as-
The work configuration evidenced the number of
hours of use per day, the percentage of spontaneous
respiration, backup respiratory rate, average respira-
tory rates and the percentage of pressures that were
reached contributed to an increase in the respiratory
activation sensitivity, where the patient felt comfort-
able with a normal respiratory rate.
In contrast, we implemented a tracking system
through weekly evaluations where the patient records
user data to track its evolution.
In most of the work, the characteristic is that
through the use of different technological tools they
can maintain continuous monitoring of patients for
the benefit of health.
In this section we present the main concepts and ar-
chitecture for our proposal.
3.1 Preliminary Concepts
3.1.1 Technological Architecture
This enterprise architecture model presents a more
complete perspective of how you will develop and de-
ploy your application components.
This has four layers, which are business, logic,
data and physics that act as a basis for the efficient
performance of the information systems that support
the service and solution provided users.
The architecture design presents a series of steps
to be considered to determine the structure and orga-
nization of the information systems
These include the components, functions, nodes,
operating systems, data instances and physical de-
vices such as servers computers, mobile equipment,
among others that must be defined (Syynimaa, 2019;
na-Hidalgo and Garrido, 2019).
The main components of our proposal are as fol-
1. Business Architecture: The business architec-
ture is defined as the layer that presents the busi-
ness strategy through a set of requirements speci-
fied in mapping the processes.
To complete, it is important to analyze the pro-
cesses that make up the current state and identify
deficiencies that can be improved so that stake-
holders achieve their business objectives (Ma-
suda, 2021; Niemi and Pekkola, 2020).
2. Data Architecture: This layer manages the phys-
ical and logical information, which will present
information through views.
It is responsible for storing the information in in-
stances which must be consulted by the business
stakeholders (Masuda, 2021; Niemi and Pekkola,
3. Logical Architecture: The architecture layer
shows the technical aspects for the solution cre-
ated, where the functions developed for the appli-
cation that are based on business processes and
requirements are used.
ICT4AWE 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health