and network outages. Failure security means that if
the system fails due to internal or external reasons,
the system does not enter an insecure state or disclose
critical data.
Audit logging stores the important events for later
analysis. Intrusion detection system (IDS) moni-
tors the system for malicious activity. Unauthorized
software or firmware changes are detected to main-
tain the software integrity. An intrusion prevention
system (IPS) actively mitigates attacks, such as de-
nial of service (DOS) attacks. Incident response
should be supported by the system, e.g. by facilitat-
ing backup restore or providing means to check sys-
tem integrity. System updates are required for secu-
rity fixes and enhancements after deployment while
maintaining update security to ensure that the ap-
plied updates are not compromised. Usability of se-
curity ensures administrators and users know how to
use the system securely, including instructions for de-
ployment and use. Security-critical decisions should
be avoided. Idle sessions should be locked or termi-
nated after a timeout.
It is notable and surprising that the category for
privacy was only covered by nine sources, thus it did
not make it into the common categories.
3.3 Life-cycle Security Requirements
Table 4 shows the common categories for IoT product
life-cycle security requirements. The most common
categories are Security requirements, Security stan-
dards and Vulnerability management covered by 14
sources. The next paragraphs explain the life-cycle
requirement categories as described in the sources.
Vendor security is required to produce and main-
tain secure products. The management and other per-
sonnel must know the best practices and be commit-
ted to follow them. Policies & laws, e.g. general
data protection requirements (GDPR), must be hon-
oured to avoid legal and contract issues. Develop-
ment process activities and tools support the produc-
tion of secure products. The external components
acquired through the supply chain must be carefully
managed. Testing must include security tests. Secu-
rity requirements are derived from customer needs
and risk analysis. Security standards relevant for
the product must be followed, e.g. the communica-
tion standards. Vulnerability management is about
collecting information on the relevant security vulner-
abilities and responding to it properly and promptly
on time, especially in case of publicly known vul-
nerabilities. User communication keeps users and
administrators informed about security threats, miti-
gations, updates, and other important events.
3.4 Coverage of the Security Categories
There are 25 base categories combining the product
and life-cycle security requirements. Table 5 gives the
coverage of the categories in the sources. A source
covers between 13 to 25 of the base categories, the
average is 19. The average number of subcategories
per source varies between 9.1 for Data protection and
1.3 for Failure security
To get a complementary view to the security re-
quirements, the requirements were assigned into the
NIST Cybersecurity Framework functions Identify,
Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover (NIST, 2018).
Requirements are assigned into the function they sup-
port, e.g. category Data protection requirements for
function Protect. The result is shown in Table 6.
The requirements supporting Identify function are for
risk analysis, secure design, and management of the
supply chain. Protect is supported by requirements
for authentication, access-control, interface protec-
tion, data protection and management, etc. This func-
tion receives the majority of categories. Detect is sup-
ported by requirements for logging, tamper protec-
tion, and intrusion detection. Respond is supported
by requirements for vulnerability management and in-
cident response. Recovery is supported by require-
ments for backup restore and securing of the systems
after incidents. About 50 requirement categories for
vendor security, development process, and security
standards were not assignable to any framework func-
3.5 Comparison to Other Studies
We compared the requirements categories with some
other studies. Momenzadeh et al. collected 56 best
practices for security analysis of two consumer IoT
devices and covered 16 base categories (Momenzadeh
et al., 2020). The practices were divided into cate-
gories privacy and authentication, system operation,
device policies, vulnerability mitigation, and device
operation. Any best practices not observable from the
products were dropped, thus excluding vendor secu-
rity, backend security and secure programming. Stel-
lios et al. presented a set of ICS security controls
based on common attack patterns and risk analysis
and covered 13 base categories (Stellios et al., 2018).
The controls aim to reduce threat level, reduce vul-
nerability level, or reduce potential impact of con-
nectivity. The focus is also on the product security
requirements, although security testing is mentioned
from life-cycle requirements. Many of the require-
ments are for administration. There are no require-
ments for backend, cloud, web, secure programming,
Common Cybersecurity Requirements in IoT Standards, Best Practices, and Guidelines