A Structured Literature Review on the Application of Machine Learning
in Retail
Marek H
utsch and Tobias Wulfert
Chair of Business Informatics and Integrated Information Systems, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany
Retail, Electronic Commerce, Machine Learning, Application Area, Literature Review.
Machine learning (ML) has the potential to take on a variety of routine and non-routine tasks in brick-and-
mortar and e-commerce. Many tasks previously executed manually are susceptible to computerization in-
volving ML. Although procedure models for the introduction of ML across industries exist, it needs to be
determined for which tasks in retail ML can be implemented. Hence, we conducted a structured literature
review involving 225 research papers to derive possible ML application areas in retail along with the structure
of a well-established information systems architecture. In total, we identified 20 application areas for ML in
retail that mainly address decision-oriented and economic-operative tasks. We organized the application areas
in a framework for practitioners and researchers to determine an appropriate ML usage in retail. Our analysis
further revealed that while ML applications in offline retail focus on the article, in e-commerce the customer
is pivotal for application areas of ML.
It is estimated that by 2025 more than 150,000 mo-
bile robots will be deployed in retail to execute rou-
tine work such as refilling shelves or preparing pack-
age dispatch making use of machine learning (ML)
(Liang et al., 2019).However, ML cannot only be im-
plemented to overtake cognitive routine tasks involv-
ing rule-based tasks (Goos et al., 2009), but can also
spread into domains previously defined as non-routine
tasks (e.g., handwriting recognition or car driving)
(Veres et al., 2011). A recent study by Frey and Os-
borne (Frey and Osborne, 2017) identified that many
tasks in online and offline retail are susceptible to
computerization. Although retail in both offline and
online environments involves a variety of tasks requir-
ing different capabilities, a recent study by McKin-
sey revealed a high potential for automatizing in gen-
eral and ML in retail (Manyika et al., 2017). The
focus in retail is on primary and valuable tasks that
are described by Sch
utte as economic-operative tasks
utte, 2017; Manyika et al., 2017)
Brick-and-mortar retailers have faced increasing
competitive pressure in recent years, especially from
online retailers. This process has been intensified in
particular by the COVID-19 pandemic (Nicola et al.,
2020). While the use of ML has become strongly es-
tablished in e-commerce, the pressure on brick-and-
mortar retailers is also increasing in this area (Große
Holtforth, 2018). While brick-and-mortar retailers
manage products, logistics, etc. on store level, online
retailers focus on optimizations on the customer level
utte, 2017). E-commerce involves much data re-
garding its customers and unstructured data regard-
ing their products (product reviews, products created
by users on a marketplace) the situation in brick-and-
mortar retail is different (D’Haen et al., 2012; H
and Wulfert, 2021; Niu et al., 2017). The majority of
data is present in a structured manner and data about
articles is often self-managed by product owners. Ad-
ditionally, there is only a limited amount of data about
the customers potentially limiting the introduction of
ML to only a few application areas.
The ML algorithm selection problem - also known
as the combined algorithm selection and hyperparam-
eter optimization (CASH) problem - poses a chal-
lenge to all ML practitioners (Thornton et al., 2013).
This not only involves the selection of an algorithm
that fits the data set and the economic problem of
the retailer but also model selection and hyperparam-
eter optimization (Biem, 2003). Due to the abun-
dance of possible combinations of these factors and
their influence on the quality of the result, it is essen-
tial to choose fitting factors (i.e. algorithm, model,
Hütsch, M. and Wulfert, T.
A Structured Literature Review on the Application of Machine Learning in Retail.
DOI: 10.5220/0011043200003179
In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2022) - Volume 1, pages 332-343
ISBN: 978-989-758-569-2; ISSN: 2184-4992
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and hyperparameter) that fit the underlying data as
well as possible (Thornton et al., 2013). Recently,
however, there have been created various automated
ML tools for making these decisions, which greatly
facilitate the real-world application of ML methods
(Feurer et al., 2019). Thus, even practitioners who are
non-experts in the various ML disciplines can achieve
good results using automated ML tools and avail-
able procedure models for introducing ML. Although
these tools exist, it is still necessary to have experts
who determine which tasks can be supported or even
automated by ML and who are able to create the in-
creasingly complex ML models themselves (H
and Wulfert, 2021). ML experts can be supported by
industry-specific frameworks indicating possible ML
applications. Such a framework can resemble an en-
try point for ML implementation in online and offline
retail. However, existing literature reviews on the ap-
plication of ML in retail are usually limited to one
application area and focus only online or offline re-
tail (Bousqaoui et al., 2018). Against this backdrop,
we pose the following research question: What tasks
in (online and offline) retail can be supported by ma-
chine learning? To address this research question, we
provide an overview of multiple application areas for
ML in retail. We conducted an application-centered
literature review for extracting possible ML usages
in retail (Vom Brocke et al., 2009). We make use of
an agreed-upon reference model in retail to structure
the identified ML application areas along with retail-
specific tasks (Sch
utte, 2017). This paper is useful for
the development of a customized strategy of ML in re-
tail. Hence, we propose decision support for retailers
the ML usage in specific application areas.
The remainder of this research paper is structured
as follows: in section 2 we elaborate on fundamentals
about retail information systems in general and ML
in particular. Next, we elicit our structured literature
review approach. While we present the identified ap-
plication areas of ML in retail in section 4, we discuss
MLs current and future applications in online and of-
fline retail in section 5. This research closes with a
brief conclusion and research outlook.
Next, we discuss related litureture to retail informa-
tion systems and machine learning.
2.1 Retail Information Systems
Since the ignition of the internet existing retailers
either extended their traditional in-store business by
an additional online channel or new companies were
started up implementing an e-commerce business
model and selling articles online without operating
any brick-and-mortar stores (Rudolph et al., 2015).
Regardless of the institutional-economic discussion
of retail companies, the tasks intended with the trad-
ing functions are economically necessary (Laudon
and Traver, 2020). These are the three basic functions
bridging the discrepancy between manufacturer and
customers in the streams in real goods (goods, ser-
vices; returns), nominal goods (money, credits), and
information across space, time, quantity, and quality
(Barth et al., 2015). Facilitated by the ongoing digi-
talization of the retail sector, the three basic functions
increasingly cope with digital product and price in-
formation, payment, logistics, and distribution pro-
cesses (Levy et al., 2019). In e-commerce, trading
transactions are carried out digitally to some degree
(Laudon and Traver, 2020). The degree to which the
transaction must be digital varies in the literature on
a continuum between a completely digital transac-
tion and only a small part of the procurement pro-
cess (Laudon and Traver, 2020). Information sys-
tems in retail support the execution of the three trad-
ing functions and related tasks. They support the
operational-dispositive, the business administration-
administrative, and the controlling as well as corpo-
rate planning tasks (Becker and Sch
utte, 2004). They
extend the components of merchandise management
systems (merchandise planning, logistics, and settle-
ment processes) by business intelligence and neces-
sary corporate-administrative tasks in an integrative
manner for carrying out the business processes of a
retail company (Becker and Sch
utte, 2004; Sch
2017). The necessary tasks of a retailer and support-
ing information systems can be depicted in process
models and reference models for the retail industry.
Reference models comprise a high-level sketch of the
system and application architecture of a specific com-
pany and part of its application architecture (Heinrich
and Stelzer, 2009). In the current body of literature
exists a number of reference models describing re-
tail information systems (Becker and Sch
utte, 2004;
utte, 2011; Aulkemeier et al., 2016b). In this ar-
ticle, we focus on the shell model as proposed by
utte as it covers the whole value chain from manu-
facturer, wholesaler, and retailer to the end consumer,
focuses on tasks on a business level, and is designed
for both online and offline environments. The shell
model is a task-oriented reference model for retail
utte, 2011). We use the task-oriented perspective
to determine for which tasks ML is already applied
in scientific literature. It follows the principle of sep-
aration of tasks and actors introduced by Ferstl and
A Structured Literature Review on the Application of Machine Learning in Retail
Sinz (Ferstl and Sinz, 2013). The shell model copes
with the identified shortcomings of the H-model such
as the artificial separation between merchandise man-
agement and decision support systems. It consists of
four separate but intertwined architectures for each of
the aforementioned actors along a value chain. The
retail architecture consists of ve shells for the main
retail tasks (master data, technical tasks, economic-
operative tasks, administrative tasks, and decision-
oriented tasks) of each actor and the retailer in par-
ticular (Sch
utte, 2017). Each shell consists of a series
of tasks that form the components of the architecture.
The tasks relevant for structuring the application ar-
eas are described in the analysis section (Section 4).
The shell model is depicted in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Retail information system architecture (Sch
2011; Sch
utte, 2017).
2.2 Machine Learning
Historically, computerization has largely been con-
fined to manual and cognitive routine tasks involv-
ing explicit rule-based activities (Goos et al., 2009).
Following recent technological advances, ML is now
spreading to domains commonly defined as non-
routine (Veres et al., 2011). As these non-routine
tasks are commonly executed by human employ-
ees, this paper reviews research articles to investigate
which of these non-routine tasks in offline and online
retailing are support by ML in research and thus are
potential candidates to support humans with ML in
the future. We use the following definition of ML in
which “a computer program is said to learn from ex-
perience E with respect to some class of tasks T and
performance measure P, if its performance at tasks
in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E”
(Mitchell et al., 1997). To fulfill this definition an ML
algorithm needs an optimization algorithm, an error
function, a model and a data set. As we use some ML
vocabulary in the remaining paper we clarify them
in the following. A forecast is defined by historical
time-series data that is used to make assumptions of
possible events in the future. A classification algo-
rithm makes statements about a data set and assigns
this data to a given set of classes/ labels. There are a
lot of other ML tasks which are mostly incorporated
with a combination of forecasts and classification al-
gorithms, which we mostly referred to as analysis
in the following. In a similar work, Weber and Sch
(Weber and Sch
utte, 2019) inductively determined ar-
tificial intelligence use cases for brick-and-mortar re-
tail from real-world examples. Although the broader
term of artificial intelligence is used there, application
areas of ML are also included. Just as in this paper,
Weber and Sch
utte (Weber and Sch
utte, 2019) use the
shell model as a starting point for the literature re-
view (Figure 1). Both papers complement each other
by identifying ML applications from practical contri-
butions (Weber and Sch
utte, 2019) and from analyz-
ing scientific contributions. The different approach
of this paper makes sense, as the underlying research
question is another one. In this paper potential appli-
cation areas of ML in retail are reviewed by conduct-
ing research papers as a framework for practitioners
and overview of researchers. Another related work
by Bousqaoui et al. (Bousqaoui et al., 2018) focused
on the use of ML in the domain of supply chain man-
For identifying relevant application areas of ML in re-
tail (online and offline), we followed the structured lit-
erature review approach as proposed by vom Brocke
et al. (Vom Brocke et al., 2009). Following Cooper
(Cooper, 1988) our literature review can be charac-
terized as follows: We focus on research outcomes
(use cases and ML algorithms for retail) and applica-
tions of ML in retail. We aim to integrate the body of
literature and generalize application areas from avail-
able research. We neutrally represent articles from
our exhaustive literature review with citations of se-
lected papers for each application area. In this paper,
we collect results from previous works and integrate
them into an overarching framework. Our research
addresses scholars specialized in the use of ML in re-
tail and e-commerce and practitioners implementing
ML algorithms.
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
We identify keywords from related literature and
an initial literature screening resulting in a generic
search query that consists of a retail and an ML part
(Figure 2). As we derive existing application areas of
ML in retail from relevant journals and conference pa-
pers and propose avenues for further ML application
in this domain, we choose a broad literature scope.
This broad scope is underpinned by the search en-
gines SCOPUS, Web of Science (WoS), IEEE Xplore
(IEEE), AIS electronic library (AISeL), and ACM,
we query with their underlying databases that con-
sist of research from, among others, economics and
computer science literature. An initial query for ti-
tle and keywords on 2021-04-15 resulted in an ini-
tial sample of 5,538 papers. To ensure an appropriate
level of quality we focus on scientific literature and
added additional quality criteria to the search (Ran-
dolph, 2009). We excluded non-English and non-
German language articles; panels, and commentaries;
purely technical articles (e.g., articles that focus ex-
clusively on technological aspects without applying
them in an e-commerce context); and articles with a
pure e-commerce focus (e.g., articles that focus ex-
clusively on e-commerce or sub-types without the in-
clusion of conceptual models). In contrast to previ-
ous research, such as Weber and Sch
utte (Weber and
utte, 2019), we intentionally excluded white pa-
pers and practitioner reports. Based on the title and
abstract considering the quality criteria, we reduce
our sample to 410 papers. Further applying the ap-
proach of Bandara et al. (Bandara et al., 2015) to
the content of the papers, we identified 261 relevant
publications, leaving 197 after the exclusion of dupli-
cates. We use a one-time for- and backward search
to identify research that is presented as an alternative
scenario resulting in 28 additional papers forming a
final set of 225 papers (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Structured Literature Review Design.
The articles within the final set were indepen-
dently analyzed by full-text screening and the rele-
vant text passages including possible application ar-
eas were coded to refine the set of application ar-
eas. The shell model with its central master data
objects (first shell), technical tasks (second shell),
operational tasks (third shell), administrative tasks
(fourth shell), and decision-oriented tasks (fifth shell)
utte, 2011) served as the basis for the coding,
which was inductively adapted as needed. The ini-
tial set of possible application areas was refined using
our final set of papers by two independent researchers
in three coding rounds. After each round, the re-
searchers met via online communication media to dis-
cuss the application area refinements. The framework
in Figure 3 depicts the 20 application areas for ML in
In the following the application areas for ML are pre-
sented, which result from our structured literature re-
view. The assignments between business tasks of the
retail shell model and ML application area are visu-
alized in figure 3. The number of identified scientific
papers is visualized in brackets in Figure 3 for each
application area. Each application area is assigned to
a task of the shell model. We present each application
area in general and the results of the literature review
are described specifically by outlining a sample of the
literature review results.
4.1 Decision-oriented Tasks
The decision-oriented tasks (i.e., business intelli-
gence) of the shell model provide aggregated infor-
mation to the management of a retailer (Sch
utte and
Vetter, 2017). One very important business intelli-
gence ML application area is the sales forecast, which
is represented by 72 papers. The sales forecast pro-
vides management with information on future cus-
tomer demands and therefore, management is able to
plan operating activities accordingly.
Sales forecasting per article is one of the ML ar-
eas in retail that receives the most attention, because
it is the basis for numerous advanced algorithms,
such as price optimization (Chandrashekhara et al.,
2019) or promotion optimization (Henzel and Sikora,
2020). Forecasting techniques are divided into four
main groups: qualitative methods which are based on
human judgment, time-series methods that use his-
torical data, causal methods use rule-based forecasts,
and simulation methods that simulate the behavior of
the customer (Chopra et al., 2013). If the focus is
on-demand forecasting with ML methods, time series
methods are mostly used. The forecast for individ-
ual days has the difficulty that rare events are deci-
sive in the prognosis, which are often hardly consid-
ered as outliers on weeks or monthly levels (Huber
and Stuckenschmidt, 2020). The demand forecast can
be extended by features, for example, Verstraete et al.
A Structured Literature Review on the Application of Machine Learning in Retail
Business Intelligence
Handing-out Goods
Managing Goods
Serving Customers
Demand and
Sales Forecast
Consistency (2)
Reclamation Forecast (1)
Fake Review
Detection (5)
Repurchase (9)
Conversion (19)
Tasks (4.1)
-operative Tasks (
Robotic Shopping
Assistant (2)
Analysis (6)
Article Prices (6)
Promotions (4)
Site Selection (10)
Unmanned Checkout
System (12)
Function (3)
Classification (12)
Lingual Shopping
Assistant (4)
Ordering Goods
Out of Stock Detection
Figure 3: Framework for the Machine Learning Application in Retail.
(Verstraete et al., 2019) create a short-term and long-
term forecast model that takes weather data into ac-
count. Loureiro et al.(Loureiro et al., 2018) compare
demand forecasts in the context of the fashion indus-
try, where short product life cycles take place.
The inverse of a sales forecast is the forecast of
returned goods. For example, when it comes to prod-
uct recalls, a high volume of returned products must
be factored into operational activity planning by man-
agement. In addition, the returns process deals with
goods that have been complained about. This can
happen in case of wrong deliveries, faulty goods, or
even defective goods (Becker and Sch
utte, 2004). Ku-
mar et al. (Kumar et al., 2014) used multiple ML al-
gorithms for the reclamation forecast. This forecast
is integrated into supply chain design and planning
problems to optimize supply chain tasks.
A store is an organizational unit that is used to
document the goods in stock for inventory manage-
ment and to map the associated business processes,
such as goods receipt, physical inventory, and goods
issue (Becker and Sch
utte, 2004). Part of the pro-
cess for opening a new store includes the choice of
location (site selection), which is done by manage-
ment, where ML algorithms can support. For exam-
ple, Wang et al.(Wang et al., 2018) make a quanti-
tative site selection, so that a very large number of
possible store locations are reduced to a small num-
ber, which is then investigated further by qualified
employees. Machado et al.(Machado et al., 2015)
follow a different approach in which a pre-selection
has already been made and the remaining five stores
are evaluated by a neural network. Another formu-
lation of the site selection problem is when a mall
is designed with a given set of sets. For example,
Miao(Miao, 2020) uses ML algorithms to find a rea-
sonable layout for shopping malls where the relation-
ships of stores to each other are taken into account.
4.2 Economic-operative Tasks
The next subsections address the economic-operative
tasks of the shell model, which are the primary ac-
tivities of retailers. These tasks fulfill the bridging
functions and resemble a retailer’s value proposition
(Levy et al., 2019). We have identified ML applica-
tion areas for the tasks of managing goods, serving
customers, hand out goods, and goods ordering.
4.2.1 Managing Goods
A central aspect of the economic-operative tasks is
the managing of goods, which is reflected by a large
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
number of papers (59) in this area. The task managing
goods consists of the assortment policy, conditions
policy (purchasing price and selling price), placement
policy, and promotion policy. Prices are an important
driver to influence how often an article is sold and the
resulting profit margin. Therefore retailers can imple-
ment price optimization so that the demand fits the
supply. For example, Chandrashekhara et al. (Chan-
drashekhara et al., 2019) determine the best prices
of smartphones considering different features of the
smartphones. Furthermore, promotion optimization
can be used to specifically increase sales for a short
period of time. The general promotional effect is
forecasted by Henzel et al.(Henzel and Sikora, 2020)
using. Retailers implement product recommendation
systems to enhance the matching between supply- and
demand-side participants, which we assign to promo-
tional tasks and thus the task of the managing good.
These systems recommend supply-side products to
the customers based on previous purchases, ratings,
or search behavior (Katarya and Verma, 2017). In
contrast to the traditional recommendation that sug-
gests popular products to customers, their algorithm
aims at matching customers with appropriate niche
products. Thus, online shops can more specifically
target the long tail (McAfee and Brynjolfsson, 2017)
and exploit niche markets to generate additional re-
vue. For determining the ranking of products that
should be recommended to demand-side participants,
Liang et al. (Liang and Wang, 2019) perform sen-
timent analyses on analyzing online product reviews
from Taobao.com. As personalized product recom-
mendations may be biased by supply-side marketing
endeavors, Wan et al. (Wan et al., 2020) propose ML
algorithms to allow product recommendation in un-
derrepresented market segments. The authors used
two data sets from online shops selling apparel and
electronics. Promotional efforts can be done for a
special group of customers. To detect such a group
of customers ML algorithms are used, which we also
categorized to the promotional task.
An important application area of ML in retailing
is customer churner classification (Li and Li, 2019).
Clustering churners categorize demand-side partici-
pants into two clusters: one with churning customers
and the other one with non-churning customers which
results in a binary classification problem (Kim and
Lee, 2012). While possible churners can be addressed
with special marketing campaigns, the quality of ser-
vices can be targeted at non-churning customers. Cus-
tomer churn describes the loss of customers (Kim and
Lee, 2012), which generated sales in the past and will
no longer generate sales, mostly through an active de-
cision to generate sales with a competitor. Keeping
existing customers in the sales funnel is considered
less expensive than acquiring new customers (Singh
and Agrawal, 2019; Nikulin, 2016). Customer sat-
isfaction has a positive influence on customer repur-
chase behavior(Jheng and Luo, 2019). To implement
a customer repurchase analysis Kumar et al.(Kumar
et al., 2019) used a combination of ML techniques
by using customer characteristics and e-commerce at-
tributes. This application area allows retailers to pre-
dict if a demand-side participant will rejoin the sales
funnel resulting in additional sales transactions and
Using an ML algorithm on e-commerce data
Singh et al.(Singh and Agrawal, 2019) suggest de-
tecting very loyal customers and provide them with
higher quality services to increase their satisfaction to
retain them in the sales funnel. Jheng et al. (Jheng
and Luo, 2019) mine transaction logs of an enterprise
resource planning system at an online shop to pre-
dict customer repurchase behavior. Moreover, Ma-
haboob et al.(Mahaboob Basha et al., 2020) develop
an ML model to describe the moderating role of cus-
tomer loyalty on customer retention. Predicting the
probability of a lead to convert into a customer and
the profitability of this new customer is crucial in re-
tailing (D’Haen et al., 2012). The customer conver-
sion analysis implemented by D’Haen et al.(D’Haen
et al., 2012) applies ML algorithm on sales data of
a German B2B e-commerce company and comple-
mentary data crawled on the internet to predict the
profitability of a lead. Knowing which leads will be
profitable can support retailers by directly address-
ing these leads and increase their conversion proba-
bility. Niu et al.(Niu et al., 2017) apply multiple ML
algorithms to predict the probability of a customer
purchasing a product based on his (prior) search be-
havior. The computational model was applied to e-
commerce data from Walmart. Thus, a retailer can
predict the customer’s willingness to purchase and
pay in an early stage of a sales funnel (Blank and
Dorf, 2012).
4.2.2 Serving Customers
The following application areas are concerned with
tasks that serve customers. In brick-and-mortar
stores, the products are made available through lim-
ited shelf space. The digital equivalent is the online
stores, which often provide a much larger assortment.
Therefore, a product search function is necessary to
serve customers with their demand, which is the rea-
son which we categorized the product search function
to the business task. Khatwani et al.(Khatwani and
Srivastava, 2016) develop a model for predicting cus-
tomer’s individual information search preferences us-
A Structured Literature Review on the Application of Machine Learning in Retail
ing questionnaire data.
To enable a good product search, products must
be classified first. E-commerce product classifica-
tion is challenging due to the large scale and com-
plexity of the product information and categories. Yu
et al.(Yu et al., 2018) combine multiple ML algo-
rithms to propose e-Commerce Text Classification.
As reviews are the online counterpart to recommen-
dations of an employee, we categorize review anal-
ysis with ML algorithms to the economic-operative
tasks serving customers. To propel a retailer’s role
as a trustee they often implement systems to review
the transaction partner and the products sold. Suppli-
ers and customers of a retailer are aware of reviews
as they often directly impact their business (Hussain
et al., 2020). Vinodhini and Chandrasekaran (Vinod-
hini and Chandrasekaran, 2014) implemented based
on the customers opinion (opinion mining) for review
classification. They used publicly available customer
reviews to classify the reviews into positive and nega-
tive reviews. So supply- and demand-side participants
can preselect reviews possibly more relevant for them.
Opinion spammers and fake reviews exploit cus-
tomer trust and harm the reputation of the retailer
in e-commerce as a trustee by posting false or de-
ceptive reviews (Zhang et al., 2016). These re-
views are difficult to detect because of complex inter-
actions between several user characteristics (Kumar
et al., 2018). To enable fake review detection Hus-
sain et al.(Hussain et al., 2020) implement a behav-
ioral method that utilizes thirteen different behavioral
features to calculate a review spam score for each re-
viewer. As review rankings are an important indicator
for the relevance of the reviews to demand-side partic-
ipants, the review consistency between review ranking
and review summary is crucial. To verify this consis-
tency Zhang et al.(Zhang et al., 2016) propose an ML
approach based on e-commerce data. This approach
enables demand-side participants to identify relevant
reviews based on the review rankings. As reviews are
often created by other customers, shopping assistance
is more responsive to the need of a special customer
and map the interaction with an employee digitally
and automated.
Bertacchini et al.(Bertacchini et al., 2017) devel-
oped for a robotic shopping assistant. These mea-
sures serve to promote sales in general and can guide
sales decisions. A shopping assistant can also be exe-
cuted on a customer’s smartphone as companion app
(Wulfert et al., 2019). Many online shops offer a full
24-hour service implementing lingual shopping as-
sistants. This service requires a lot of money when
done manually. Chatbots can be used as a solution
for automatic online shopping. Then the bot has to
be able to give an accurate and quick answer. For ex-
ample, Nursetyo et al.(Nursetyo et al., 2018) propose
an intelligent chatbot system that can be used as an
e-commerce assistant and therefore supports the pro-
cess of serving customers.
4.2.3 Handing-out Goods
The business task hand out goods includes the trans-
action in which the product becomes the customer’s
property. This process can be improved or auto-
mated with ML algorithms. Kourouthanassis and
Roussos(Kourouthanassis and Roussos, 2003) devel-
oped an unmanned and automated checkout system
with a smart shopping cart. Shopping carts are un-
usual in the fashion industry segment, for example,
Hauser et al.(Hauser et al., 2019) developed an ML
algorithm to determine whether a product has passed
the store exit or was only registered because it is
placed near the gate-mounted antennas. Suponenkovs
et al.(Suponenkovs et al., 2017) develop a system for
automatic invoice recognition by analyzing the pixels
with respect to their relevance and texture analysis.
As an offline scenario, payment of fruits or vegetables
in retail stores normally requires them to be manually
identified. Rojas et al.(Rojas-Aranda et al., 2020) or
Femling et al.(Femling et al., 2018) presents an image
classification method with the goal of speeding up the
checkout process in stores.
Since incorrect operation or failures by employ-
ees at the POS accounts for 24% of inventory dif-
ferences in the retail industry (EHI, 2020), ML algo-
rithms are used to reduce these differences. Fraud
detection is assigned to the business task hand out
goods, since problems with the transaction in which
the product becomes the customer’s property should
be avoided. For interim transaction fraud detection
at the checkout, Trinh et al.(Trinh et al., 2011) devel-
oped a method that uses image recognition to deter-
mine the hand movements of the cashier. It should
be recognized by the algorithm whether all articles
that are handed out to the customer are also recorded
in a sales process, i.e. on the receipt. Fraud de-
tection in retrospect must be dealt with in a hu-
man resources management process. Pehlivanli et
al.(Pehlivanli et al., 2019) pursue a different approach
by analyzing transaction data. ML algorithms are
trained to classify fraud and non-fraud on the basis of
indicators like profitability, stock turnover, stock cost,
and shelf life. Furthermore, ML is used to classify
the credit scores of customers in e-commerce. Kulka-
rni and Dhage(Kulkarni and Dhage, 2019) use ML
and data mining techniques to integrate information
crawled from social media to protect retailers from
payment defaults.
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
4.2.4 Ordering Goods
We identified out-of-stock-detection and supplier
analysis as application areas of ML for the ordering
goods tasks. Out-of-stock describes a shelf space
in brick-and-mortar stores that are no longer filled
by the intended article and is empty. Customer de-
mands can no longer be fulfilled. As a detected out-
of-stock triggers the replenishment process, this appli-
cation area is assigned to the business task of making
goods available. For example, Paolanti et al.(Paolanti
et al., 2017) implement a mobile robot using visual
and textual analysis to facilitate automatic detection
of Shelf Out of Stock situations. Once the replenish-
ment process is triggered, a supplier must be selected.
Kuo et al.(Kuo et al., 2010) consider the aspect of
sustainability of suppliers in their supplier selection
optimization. ML algorithms are used to optimize
the supplier selection problems regarding operational
performance and environmental issues regarding the
criteria corporate social responsibility, service, cost,
environment, quality, and delivery.
Our structured literature review and the subsequent
structuring of the ML application areas along the
retail-related task depicted in the shell model (Figure
1) leads to the development of a framework for deter-
mining possible ML applications in retail (Figure 3).
Our structured literature review on ML application ar-
eas in retail resulted in three major findings. First, a
closer analysis of the framework reveals that there is a
trend for supporting decision-oriented and economic-
operative tasks in retail with ML. Other crucial tasks
in retail such as master data management as well as
technical and administrative task are either not cov-
ered by ML applications or underrepresented in our
literature sample. On the one hand, the support and
automation of economically valuable tasks seem rea-
sonable as they resemble the main bridging functions,
are the major value proposition, can be used to differ-
entiate from competitors, and are a major source of
revenue for retailers (Sch
utte, 2017). On the other
hand, master data and technological facilities con-
sist of the necessary data required for ML algorithms
(Weber and Sch
utte, 2019). If this data is inconsistent
or even not available, ML models provide false re-
sults or even cannot be trained. Second, our integra-
tive approach for the review in brick-and-mortar re-
tail and e-commerce is relatively balanced regarding
the application environment with 107 papers from of-
fline and 118 papers from online retail. It also reveals
that ML applications make use of the peculiarities of
each environment. While the selection of an optimal
site for a brick-and-mortar store or the support of un-
manned checkout systems with ML is an offline case,
ML-based analyses of customers and product reviews
are only possible in e-commerce scenarios in which
these data exist (Hussain et al., 2020). As mentioned
earlier, e-commerce involves much data regarding its
customers and unstructured data regarding their prod-
ucts. This process is possibly further driven in future
by VR (virtual reality) shopping. There, besides click
and mouse movements in e-commerce, also hand,
eye, head, or leg movements could be tracked (Xi
and Hamari, 2019). We assume that existing appli-
cation areas presented in this work, especially from
e-commerce, can be adapted to VR shopping, and fu-
ture research may find new application areas, espe-
cially for VR shopping (Xi and Hamari, 2019).
However, we also identified application areas that
are applied in both environments such as customer
conversion, promotion optimization, or product clas-
sification (Figure 4a). This trend is also supported
by the fact that brick-and-mortar retailers are increas-
ingly integrating technology within their stores to
bring in online convenience and experience (Dekimpe
et al., 2020).Product placement is a task necessary to
optimize revenues in brick-and-mortar stores but can
also be used in electronic shops to optimize the place-
ment of a product on a website (H
utsch and Wulfert,
2021). As these ML models can be used in both en-
vironments, the effort for implementing can be bal-
anced out by the dual application. Thus, these appli-
cations are useful for retails applying a multi- or om-
nichannel approach (Verhoef et al., 2015). Third, the
analysis of the application areas for the object of in-
terest reveals a tendency towards customer-centered
application of ML in e-commerce (40 papers) while
the focus in the offline environment is on a single or
set of articles (90 papers) (Figure 4b). Our analysis
also confirms the developments described by Grewal
et al. (Grewal et al., 2017) towards a more customer-
centered focus in brick-and-mortar retail (28 papers).
However, we propose to focus even more on the cus-
tomer for a proper ML implementation and address
the customers’ experience for value generation (Ver-
hoef et al., 2009).For selecting the optimal site, it
is necessary to identify a location with an adequate
number of potential customers and select the right
articles for the needs of a specific customer milieu
(Wang et al., 2018).
Additionally, we concentrated on retail as the do-
main of application. Retail can be distinguished
from wholesale by treating small units, trading net
prices, and operating in a business-to-customer busi-
A Structured Literature Review on the Application of Machine Learning in Retail
(a) Offline vs. Online ML Application Areas.
0 20 40 60 80 100
(b) Article- vs. Customer-centric ML Application Areas.
Figure 4: Application Area Analysis.
ness model (Levy et al., 2019). Although our frame-
work for ML application is particularly developed
for retail, we propose that many of the ML applica-
tions can also be used in a wholesale context as the
tasks are similar on a broad level (i.e., bridging func-
tions) comparing retail and wholesale architectures
utte, 2017). We intentionally focused our liter-
ature research on ML applications in scientific pub-
lications to ensure a maximum level of quality and
comprehensibility of our research. However, we are
aware that implementations in practice can be ahead
of scientific publications (Eyes, 2021). Thus, we aim
to integrate practitioner’s sources such as company
white papers and publications of retail interest groups
in future research. We also opted for a broad research
scope reflected in our search string and the databases
queried. However, we did not provide a more detailed
analysis of the algorithms and data used in each ML
application with this broad scope. An important av-
enue for future research is to detail this overview and
provide evidence for proper algorithms to be imple-
mented within each application area. As we focused
on identifying ML applications in retail, we used a
task-oriented architecture by Sch
utte (Sch
utte, 2011)
that focuses on the business layer as a starting point.
However, we are aware that there exist other refer-
ence architectures covering additional application and
technical architecture layers in general and integrat-
ing ML in particular (Aulkemeier et al., 2016b). Al-
though these architectures include additional layers,
they are less detailed with regard to retail-specific
tasks. So it might be worthwhile for future research to
extend existing task-oriented architectures (Sch
2017; Becker and Sch
utte, 2004) with technical lay-
ers integrating ML. Alternatively, an architecture may
profit from providing interfaces to plug in additional
services (e.g., ML services) making the architecture
more flexible (Aulkemeier et al., 2016a).
We have identified 20 application areas of ML in of-
fline and online retail based on a thorough analysis
of the current body of literature. The application
areas identified cover decision-oriented (business in-
telligence) and economic-operative tasks (managing
goods, serving customers, handing out goods, order-
ing goods). Following our analysis, ML can be im-
plemented to support and automatize structured and
unstructured tasks in retail. Additionally, current re-
search is equally concerned with the application of
ML in offline and online retail. For e-commerce, we
identified a tendency for a customer-centric usage of
ML, while in the brick-and-mortar context the arti-
cle is more often the object of interest. The contribu-
tion of our paper for practitioners and researchers is
a general overview of current research on ML appli-
cations in retail. For practitioners, the framework of
ML application can be applied by a retailer to check
for which tasks ML can be implemented in the com-
pany. Thus, it can be used as an indicator for the use-
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
fulness of an ML application to check whether an ML
implementation project is feasible and makes sense
from an economic perspective. The algorithms de-
veloped and applied in the identified papers can also
serve as a starting point for practical considerations
for implementation. For researchers, this work pro-
vides a retail-specific framework for ML application
in retail to foster the development of more holistic and
integrated ML models (e.g., promotion-sensitive re-
source optimization).
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