issues of machine learning, such as overfitting, there
is a continuous disregard for neuroscientific findings.
Ultimately the issues remain latent in machine learn-
ing models, consistently hindering their performance
until being resolved through manual intervention.
Our position reflects support for the introduction
of a dream stage in the training process of machine
learning models, to function as a self-sufficient mech-
anism for preventing overfitting. To this end, we pro-
posed an artificial ”dreaming” algorithm to achieve
this goal in ANNs. The process works by augment-
ing data through excitation of layer activations and
interpretation of that same data according to current
model knowledge. We hope to obtain successful re-
sults in the future with the implementation of the out-
lined ANN ”dreaming” procedure, further supporting
general autonomy in artificial intelligence.
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e a Tecnologia (FCT) of Portugal and OE - Na-
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ANNs Dream of Augmented Sheep: An Artificial Dreaming Algorithm