Adaptive Learning Content Recommendation using a Probabilistic
Cluster Algorithm
Adson Marques Esteves, Aluizio Haendchen Filho, André Luiz Alice Raabe,
Angélica Karize Viecelli, Jeferson Miguel Thalheimer and Lucas Debatin
Laboratory of Technological Innovation in Education (LITE), University of the Itajai Valley (UNIVALI), Itajai, Brazil
Keywords: Adaptive Computer Learning, Educational Technology, Learning Technology, Recommendation System.
Abstract: Nowadays there are many research using the LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) algorithm to find preferences
and characteristics for recommendation systems. In some of the most relevant studies, the recommendation is
based on the student's level of evolution within the discipline. This work presents a new recommendation
approach with the LDA algorithm. The approach differs from previous LDA studies since the
recommendation technique is based on the experiences and preferences from a group of students and not just
an individual student. The main objective is to verify, through simulation, whether the methods used, and the
algorithm can generate recommendations close to those considered ideal. The obtained results indicate that
the application of the LDA for creating groups to generate recommendations provides a good result in
delivering content and practices in accordance with the student's interests. It’s empirical research, as the
conclusions are drawn from concrete and verifiable evidence used in the simulations.
The high dropout rate in computer science and related
courses at universities is a negative phenomenon that
occurs all over the world. In Brazil, the competition
for admission to technology courses is quite high.
Among the technology courses, science,
mathematics, and computing courses were the three
most sought after disciplines in 2017 (INEP, 2018).
The offer of technological undergraduate courses in
specific branches of information technology has
expanded considerably, and there is growing demand
for both on-site and distance learning courses.
Despite this high demand, the dropout rates are
quite significant, ranging from 22% to 32%, one of
the highest among undergraduate courses in Brazilian
universities (Lobo, 2017). One of the reasons for this
are the difficulties in the early discipline of
computing course: Algorithms and Programming
(Hoed, 2016).
One of the resources frequently used to reduce the
difficulty associated with these courses are the
Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS). These systems
consider the student's peculiarities during the process
of conducting the learning paths.
More recently, ITS have been called Adaptive
Systems, because they adapt to the knowledge of the
student who is learning. The strategies used in these
systems generally include response adaptation, tips,
recommendations, navigation along the learning path,
and adaptive referential material. The content
recommendation algorithm is one of the most
important processes in the adaptive system and is one
of the system's main focuses of intelligence. Different
types of techniques can be applied in this process,
such as decision models, reasoning rules, ontology,
clustering, etc.
A systematic review of related literature shows
that many researchers are using the LDA (Latent
Dirichlet Allocation) algorithm to group students
based on their preferences and characteristics (Apaza,
et al. 2014; Erkens, Bodemer, & Hoppe, 2016; Lin,
He, & Deng, 2021). In some of the most relevant
studies, the recommendation is based on the student's
level of evolution within the discipline. Attributes are
extracted from texts written by the students on
subjects such as their hobbies and interests.
The LDA recommendation technique is used in
our approach, but with a different strategy. Instead of
using it to identify interests and hobbies and use them
to form a recommendation, students are grouped
according to their previously acquired preferences
Esteves, A., Filho, A., Raabe, A., Viecelli, A., Thalheimer, J. and Debatin, L.
Adaptive Learning Content Recommendation using a Probabilistic Cluster Algorithm.
DOI: 10.5220/0011056200003179
In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2022) - Volume 1, pages 724-731
ISBN: 978-989-758-569-2; ISSN: 2184-4992
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and profile characteristics. From this grouping, and
considering their learning paths, the system can
recommend contents that are in line with the contents
already covered by the student's peers.
We conducted experiments as part of an effort to
improve the adaptability of the Portugol Studio (PS)
platform (Noschang, Pelz, & Eliezer, 2014). PS is a
beginner-oriented programming IDE (Integrated
Development Environment) that is widely used in
Brazilian universities for teaching programming.
SACIP (Esteves, 2021) is an adaptive system that
uses AI techniques to recommend programming
content for beginners as a Portugol Studio plugin. It
was developed with the idea of using learning paths
(Santos, Gomes, & Mendes, 2013) to teach
programming. This type of approach enables the
student to learn to program, preferably using topics of
which he or she already has knowledge. Making
effective connections between programming and the
students’ interests can make learning more attractive
and less complex.
Learning path is described as the chosen route
taken by a learner through a range of (commonly) e-
learning activities, which allows them to build
knowledge progressively (Scott, 1992).
This work aims to answer the following research
question: “Can the use of the LDA algorithm be
effective to generate groups of students considering
their preferences and past experiences, rather using
those of an individual student to generate
recommendations close to what is considered ideal?”
We argue that a recommendation based on the
preferences and learning paths of similar students in
a group can reach values close to the optimal.
The remaining parts of the paper are organized as
follows. Section 2 describes related researchers.
Section 3 presents the methodology, explaining all
involved procedures. Experiments are presented in
section 4 and obtained results in section 5. Following,
discussion and conclusions are presented.
We analysed research papers that used the LDA
technique to recommend educational content. These
are briefly described below.
Apaza et al. worked on an online course
recommendation system. The LDA algorithm was
used to define the main topics of each course. The
online courses are the MOOC courses (Massive Open
Online Courses), which openly welcome many
students. Due to the large number of existing courses,
students are interested in working on courses that
have topics of their choice. This preference was
defined from the grades of students in the college and
the recommendation is made by comparing this
student preference with the topics of each course
discovered by the LDA.
Erkens et al. developed the GRT (Grouping and
Representing Tool). The project's objective is to seek
to form heterogeneous groups of students to apply
collaborative learning. This tool uses text mining with
LDA to identify students with similar backgrounds.
These contexts are defined from various texts written
by students during their school career. The
similarities are found and the differences between the
students are analysed to define the heterogeneous
groups in each course discovered by the LDA.
Lin et al. uses AI techniques to recommend
educational resources for distance learning courses.
These resources are recommended to students
according to their needs, hobbies, and interests.
Online courses are evaluated according to the
students' grades and the length of use of each one. The
student's preferences and needs are evaluated by an
LDA using a three-layer Bayesian model. The input
layer deals with static data (personal information,
management, and security) and dynamic data
(learning, interests, etc.). From this information, the
hidden layer can infer the features, presenting in the
output layer those most recommended to students.
The recommendation procedures were developed for
the SACIP (blind review) system. Fig. 1 shows its
simplified architecture, composed by two modules:
(i) User Agents and (ii) Recommendation system.
Figure 1: SACIP simplified architecture.
The methodological procedures include data
collecting, data preparing, creating groups of
students, and performing the recommendation
procedures. These steps are presented in the
following subsections.
Adaptive Learning Content Recommendation using a Probabilistic Cluster Algorithm
3.1 Data Collection
User agents are responsible for handling
communication with the recommendation module,
monitoring the actions of each user in the system,
their choices, their learning paths and recording
student data in the database.
These collected data enable the system to obtain
knowledge to deliver contents that are in accordance
with the student's level of knowledge, so that they can
learn with reference topics that are of personal
interest to them. The data registered are as follows:
Academic Grade: which grade the student is
currently in. This attribute allows the system to
define the level of logical-mathematical
knowledge the student has and can affect the way
the system poses easier or more difficult
Age: attribute that registers the student's current
age. It can be useful since students of the same age
group may have similar interests.
Preferences: a list of different interests that the
student has selected in the system. It is used in two
stages: (i) to find students with similar interests
and (ii) to find content that includes topics of
interest to the student.
Path: includes all contents that the student has
used in the system, sorted by selection. It is used
to define the student's current knowledge. The
path also enables the system to discover the
differences between the paths of students in the
same group, allowing for new recommendations.
These data obtained by the interface agents are
used by the system, enabling it to recommend
individualized content for each student. These
collected data enable the system to obtain knowledge
to deliver contents that are in accordance with the
student's level of knowledge, so that they can learn
with topics that are of personal interest to them.
3.2 Data Preparation
To evaluate the system, content and students were
randomly created. After creating these databases, it
was possible to simulate the system's
recommendations for interested students. Randomly
generated students do not have purposeful
resemblances to real students, but they do have some
patterns in relation to the characteristics that were
important for the simulation.
Table 1 presents the attributes of students,
simulated content and how each one was generated.
The tag values and preferences used comprise a list
with thirty-one different selected themes.
Table 1: Variables used at dummy students’ creation.
Users Contents
Name Random String Name Random String
Password Random String Description Random String
Avatar Random String Topic
Value between the
15 topics
Male, Female, Trans,
Math, Cognitive,
Algorithmic, Code
Middle School, High
School, College.
Exercise True or false
A number between
12 and 42
A number between 0
and 5
A value from a list of
A value from a list of
Content with tags in
its preference
A number between 1
and 5
These themes were chosen arbitrarily; their name
has no relevance to the simulation, as it does not deal
with the relationships between the themes. The list of
themes is shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Theme tags used when creating dummy students.
cars music animes
geography math language
image memes myths
monsters youtube comedy
superheroes history sports
cartoons animation games
biology animals pets
marvel books international
culture movies technology
science toys food
To set student preferences and content tags, each
content can have 1-3 tags, while each student can
have 3-5 preferences. Both are set randomly. Fifteen
topics were made available to be used by the contents.
Topics do not have names; they only vary between t1
and t15. They are distributed in groups of 3, over 5
levels of difficulty. It has been established that topics
1 through 3 are level 1, 4 through 6 are level 2, 7
through 9 are level 3, 10 through 12 are level 4, and
13 through 15 are level 5.
3.3 Creation of Student’s Groups
To group the students by their characteristics, the
Grouping agent uses the Latent Dirichlet Allocation
(LDA) clustering algorithm (Blei, Ng, & Jordan,
2002). LDA is a probabilistic model that allows any
number of documents with multiple K words (user-
decided value) to be grouped by topic. It uses
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Dirichlet's distribution model to define the probability
that a document will belongs to a predefined topic.
Within a space of k topics, each document is
approximated to a topic, based on the words it
contains. Also, each word present in the documents is
given a probability of belonging to a defined topic.
LDA uses information on preferences, age, and
educational level of each student. These words are
transformed into strings, so that each string of words
represents a document. It was also established that k
was defined seeking an average of 10 students per
group, with at least 2 groups. Therefore, k is defined
as: (Number of students/10) + 1. This value is
rounded to an integer if the result is a real value.
The steps in the execution of the clustering
algorithm are as follows:
1. A text document is created for each student,
containing their characteristics and preferences.
2. The LDA is fed with all students' documents and
the k value, and then executed.
3. LDA returns two objects: (i) list of topics
contained in documents and (ii) list of documents
belonging to each topic.
4. Groups of documents are generated for each topic.
If there is more than one group in a document, the
document is placed on the most likely to belong.
5. It is checked which student each document
belongs to. Students who own the document are
placed in the group of students with documents on
the same topic. Similar student groups were
created with this procedure.
After these steps, the recommendation
procedures, presented below, can be performed.
3.4 Recommendation Procedures
The procedures are performed by the Recommender
agent, in collaboration with the Grouper agent. The
procedures can be summarized in the following steps:
1. Carry out the analysis of the student's path and
check which topics he/she has already studied,
and at which levels.
2. Perform a search in the database of all the
contents belonging to the levels that the student
has already completed.
3. Check which group the student belongs to, then
analyse each path of each student in that group.
Search for the most common content among
them that has not yet been studied by the student
and add to the recommendation. If the student
has no peer group, this step is skipped.
4. Analyse the student's path, looking for the next
recommended taxonomies by topic.
5. Search for content related to the recommended
taxonomies in the content list of step 2.
6. Filter the contents of the taxonomy by the
student's preferences, looking for contents that
suit his or her interests, and add the contents to
the list of recommendations.
7. Review the topics already covered and see which
topics the student has not yet studied that will
allow him or her to complete the lowest level not
yet studied. If there are no topics to complete, the
next level content is recommended. If there are
topics to be completed, the contents of the list
obtained in step 2 are filtered by each of the
topics to be completed.
8. Filter the content resulting from step 7 by student
preferences and add to the recommendations list.
9. Score the contents in the recommendation list.
Scoring gives priority to taxonomy and then to
student group and preferences. Content with
recommended taxonomy earns 10 points,
contents with tags equal to the student's
preferences earn 1 point each, and contents
belonging to the student group earn 1 point for
each student who has the content on their track.
10. Sort and list recommended content in rank order.
The first 10 contents of this list are sent to the
Pedagogical agent (Esteves, 2021), as possible
recommendations for the student. Attributes such as
education level, preferences, sex, and age group,
among others, can be used by the agent to decide on
the best ones to recommend. Contents are also
recommended by taxonomies and levels already
completed. This prevents the student from receiving
content recommendations for levels that he or she has
not yet completed and may have difficulty
The evaluation consists of verifying the recommend
ability of the approach using LDA clustering
techniques. To fulfil this objective, the entry of
students into the system via the SACIP plugin of
Portugol Studio was simulated. For the validation
and testing procedures the following steps were
1. Dummy content data deployment in the
knowledge domain.
2. Development and execution of a procedure to
simulate the creation of students in SACIP, as
well as content requests.
Adaptive Learning Content Recommendation using a Probabilistic Cluster Algorithm
3. Development of a procedure executed by the
Grouper agent that uses the LDA algorithm.
4. Execution of the recommendation algorithm
5. Accuracy assessment of recommendations
performed by SACIP.
Step 1 implements 3 content instances with
100/200/500 content units for 3 different test
environments. These contents must have random data
ranging from 5 difficulty levels, 15 learning topics
and 31 themed tags. Of the themes, each content can
have 1 to 3 randomly generated tags.
Step 2 creates the student and content requests
until it has completed its path. This system runs 1k
times, creating 1k students during the simulation.
Students must have different personal interests that
are in accordance with the available content tags.
These interests were chosen randomly from the list of
31 content tags generated in step 1. Each student can
have 3-5 interest tags.
Step 3 performs a procedure within the SACIP
that obtains the data of each one of the
recommendations that a student receives. The data
obtained by this procedure are: (i) student's name; (ii)
student group; (iii) content recommendations; (iv)
topics to be covered by the student; and (v) the level
of recommendation level.
Step 4 stores the attributes referring to the requests
made by students in tables, using the following
information: (i) relevance of the group to the student;
(ii) relevance of the content recommended for the
student; (iii) adherence to the best content
recommended to the student; and (iv) adherence to
the best student content obtained in the database. This
information will be used to assess the accuracy of the
recommendations made by SACIP.
Step 5 analyses the attributes of each content and
the characteristics of the students to find out if the
contents correspond to the students’ interests as
described by their tags. This was done as follows: (i)
comparing the content themes with the students'
preferences; and (ii) comparing the best content in
preferences with what was recommended.
In the measurement, the themes of each column
were scored by tags and verified if the number of tags
not relevant to the student are greater than the number
relevant to the student. Next, a percentage was
attributed, denoting how much the recommendation
matched the student's interests. At the end, an average
recommendation score was generated and recorded in
the columns of the tables.
The obtained results are stored in tables with 1k
lines, where the lines represent the student who
entered the system, and the columns are those
described in step 4.
During testing, each student: (i) is created; (ii)
logged into the system; (iii) asked for a
recommendation for each topic; and (iv) logged out
of the system. At each student creation, the LDA
algorithm is reorganized to include the new student
among the students already created before it, if any.
When running the system, there are no students at
first. Each new student created logs into the system
and asks for 15 recommendations, one for each topic.
At the end, the student logs out and the data of the
recommendations given to the student are recorded.
Each experiment with 100/200/500 contents
generated 5 data tables, which are described below:
I. Group relevance: for each student, the group the
student belongs to was checked, and the ten most
common preferences of that group were
obtained, along with that student's preferences.
II. Recommendation relevance: for each content
request, the system's recommendations, their tags
and how many student tags this recommendation
has were registered.
III. Comparison of the best content: the best content
from the system recommendation and the best
content directly searched in the bank are
obtained. The best content evaluation is based on
the number of tags the content has, which is
related to the tags the student has.
IV. Group Relevance Average, Recommendation
and Best Content Comparison: for each of the
data defined in (i), (ii) and (iii), a table was made
with the average of these values for each student.
V. Average of all registered students: based on the
results presented in 4th step table, a final table
was drawn up, showing the average scores
obtained by each student. In this way, it is
possible to find out if, on average, the system can
make a good recommendation.
The data in the tables from steps 4 and 5 were
graphed and displayed in Fig. 2, 3 and 4. Each x-axis
value in the graphs represents the number of students
registered in the system at the time the new student is
logged in and entered a group. The y axis represents
the percentage of adherence of the attribute to the
student's interests or best-case content. The first graph
(Fig. 2) is related to the relevance of the groups to
which each student was allocated during the tests.
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Cluster group relevance by the algorithm to the
To check relevance, the ten most common tags in
the student's group were obtained. Each student's
preference was analysed, to see how many of his or
her interests were contained in these ten common
tags. The final value, as a percentage, showed how
many of the student interests matched those of the
group. On average, adding the scores for all the
students, the relevance match was around 27%.
Fig. 3 shows the recommendations relevance,
with tests carried out for the three amounts of content,
i.e., 100/200/500. In this case, it is the tags generated
randomly for each student that varies. For each
student, all the relevance of their recommendations
were summed, and an average score calculated. The
mean represents the total relevance value of the
recommendations the students received.
Figure 3: Relevance of recommendations to the student.
To carry out the experiments with the
recommendations, all the contents recommended by
the system were captured, and all the tags were
registered. These tags were compared with the
student's preferences and the number of student
interests that matched these recommendations was
counted. The generated value was transformed into a
percentage of relevance of the content recommended
for the student.
Tags were not sorted by number of occurrences as
the system will always recommend according to the
student's preferences rather than the highest
occurrence of tags. Therefore, the final score for the
average relevance of the recommendations in each
test was 67% for 100 contents, 84% for 200, and 88%
for 500.
The next experiment (Fig. 4) is carried out in two
steps: (i) analysis of the student's path; and (ii) search
on the database for the content with the most student
interests, without using the algorithm.
In the first step, the student's path is analysed, and
the next topics to be covered, at the student’s level,
are determined. The contents are then filtered by these
topics and arranged in order of the number of tags that
relate to the student's interests. The first item listed is
selected as the content of most interest.
Figure 4: Adherence of the best recommended content.
In the second step, for each recommendation, a
search is performed in the database, looking for the
content that has the tags of interest that most resemble
the student's interests, and that is content at the
current level. Once the recommended content is
known, the best case is retrieved for this content
existing in the database without using the algorithm.
Taking the best case as a basis, an adherence
calculation (A) is made in which each content tag has
a value of A = 1/T, where T is the total interests that
the student has. Next, the average of these scores is
calculated, and the average adherence to the contents
recommended by the best-case contents obtained in
the database without the algorithm is calculated. The
closer to 1 this final value is, nearer the best possible
case is to the recommendation.
Adaptive Learning Content Recommendation using a Probabilistic Cluster Algorithm
During the experiments, it was found that there
are cases of repeated recommendations among the
topics. This means that when receiving a
recommendation for a content, the student preferred
to select a different content instead of the
recommended one. This action causes the system to
re-recommend the previous content because it
remains the most appropriate.
The systematic literature review was useful because
it enabled us to find out the main existing approaches,
and which of them use similar techniques. The
approaches found and selected apply the LDA
technique using student texts or individual
characteristics to find topics of interest to them.
Our approach uses the LDA technique with data
previously obtained about the student's profile, their
preferences, and the learning paths they went through.
Based on this information, the LDA algorithm
generates groups by similarity, and the contents are
recommended, considering, in addition to the profile
attributes, the knowledge of the paths taken by the
student and by other students in the group. Thus, the
knowledge gained from the paths of other similar
students in the group can be used to benefit the
When analysing the results, the student's
adherence to the group to which he or she was
allocated by the LDA algorithm was first verified. On
average, the group obtained about 27% relevance for
the student considering the 10 most common
interests. This means that on average, at least 1 of the
students' interests is common in the group.
A direct search in the database for students with
the highest number of tags similar the required
student may be better than using LDA for clustering.
However, for the definition of groups, the algorithm
also considers data such as age and education, among
others. For large-scale use, a direct search considering
these values would be much more complex and
laborious, and less effective than using LDA.
Next, the relevance of the recommendations was
verified, determining the average adherence of the
best recommended content to the student's interests
(Fig. 3). The high relevance ratings obtained from the
recommendations are intuitive; it is not difficult to
recommend content within the topics of interest to the
group. The main information that this graph presents
is the difference between the tests. From 100 to 200
contents there was a significant increase in adherence.
However, from 200 to 500, adherence did not
significantly increase. This shows that at around 200
contents, the algorithm reaches a good limit, but more
contents do not make a significant difference in
adherence to the student's interests.
Finally, a comparison was performed between the
best recommended content and the best content
searched directly in the database (Fig. 4). In all cases
(100/200/500 contents), the recommended content
obtained from the database manually had the most
interests of the student. However, there was a pattern
of about 80% similarity where there were 200 or more
contents. This similarity is very high, which means
that the contents recommended by the system are
close to the best possible. Also in this case, it is
possible to see how the increase in the number of data
influenced the increase in content adherence. From
100 to 200 contents, the adherence of recommended
contents improved significantly, with almost 20%.
From 200 to 500 there was an improvement in both,
reaching close to 90%. With more than 200 contents,
there is a smaller, but gradual improvement. In a way,
this confirms what had already been seen in another
indicator, that for more than 200 contents there is no
significant improvement in the recommendation.
Through the experiments carried out, it was
noticed that 100 contents did not manage to reach the
students' interests very well. At between 100 and 200
contents, there was a progressive improvement, and
from 200 contents onwards, less significant
improvements were observed in the recommendation.
This shows that around 200 contents are needed for
the algorithm to be able to generate recommendations
that are close to those considered ideal.
The information obtained from the experiments
also demonstrates how the recommendation by LDA
can be very similar to the ideal search. It is coherent
to assume that in a real scenario, with several
students, some preferences may tend to appear
together in groups of students, making the groupings
more strongly related.
There is a strong tendency, in real situations, for
adherence rates to improve still further. For example,
a student who enjoys Marvel is likely to also enjoy
superheroes, so many students may appear with these
two preferences on their profiles. This correlation
cannot occur with randomly generated students.
This research analyses the recommendations made by
the LDA algorithm with different volumes of content,
for a growing number of students. The experiments
were carried out using randomly generated content
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
and students. The goal was to find the best possible
recommendation technique for the SACIP system.
The obtained results indicates that the application
of the LDA algorithm to create groups and generate
recommendations provides a good result in delivering
content and practices that are in accordance with the
student's interests. The applied technique reaches
values very close to the recommendation considered
optimal, confirming the research hypothesis.
The approach differs from those of previous
studies in the literature that use LDA techniques,
since recommendation techniques are based on the
experiences of a group, not just an individual student.
The purpose is to acquire knowledge about
preferences from a group of students and use them to
present content that might make sense to a learning
Furthermore, it is not always possible to obtain
accurate information about the student's preferences.
This occurs on the first access to the system, for
example, or when the student is not sure what he
wants. The knowledge acquired by the paths taken by
students with similar characteristics can help or even
encourage it to enjoy the recommendation.
New experiments with students and real content
are part of the next stage of the work. It is possible
that many correlations among interests will be lost
when students and content are randomly generated.
The hypothesis that the real results will be better than
those obtained in these experiments may be proven.
Also, other clustering techniques can be applied and
compared to achieve the best possible type of
clustering to be used in adaptive systems.
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Adaptive Learning Content Recommendation using a Probabilistic Cluster Algorithm