anism: in addition to retrieving the best documents,
RAG generates answers -instead of retrieving the best
span of text- and complements the process by evalu-
ating relevant words within the retrieved documents
related to the given question. Then, all individual an-
swer predictions are aggregated into a final prediction,
a method which they found to enable the backpropa-
gation of the error signals in the output to the retrieval
mechanism, and with it potentially improving the per-
formance on end-to-end systems such as the one de-
scribed in this research. It would be therefore interest-
ing to gauge the performance of a RAG architecture,
compared to the architectures depicted in this paper.
Finally, we acknowledge that the methodology de-
picted in this research work could be applied in dif-
ferent industry sectors, but it does provide a roadmap
for researchers and practitioners in artificial intelli-
gence for higher education to implement open domain
question-answering systems. In this regard, this con-
ference is the right venue to promote a discussion on
these topics.
The authors would like to thank Marist College IT de-
partment for their sponsorship and support. We would
also like to thank the Data Science and Analytics
team for their collaboration throughout this research
project. A special mention goes to Maria Kapogian-
nis, Ethan Aug, Michael Volchko and Jack Spagna
who worked on the creation of the set of questions
and answers used to fine-tune the models.
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CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education