ison with our approach. To realize a supplementary
comparison., we retrieved the results of (Huang et al.,
6.1 External Validity
Actually, our approach can be evaluated only on Java
open source projects. So, we conducted our exper-
iment only on four Java open-source projects that
have extensively been used in previous studies. This
can influence the generalizability of our results. To
mitigate this threat, further studies are required to
analyze our approach even to more datasets from
other types of projects whether proprietary software
or commercial one written in other programming lan-
guages. Other threats are related to the suitability
of our performance metrics to evaluate our JIT-DP
model. However, we use F1 and PofB20 which are
applied by past software engineering studies to anal-
yse various prediction techniques (noa, 2020; Xuan
et al., 2015).
This paper proposes an end-to-end deep learning
framework for just-in-time defect prediction to au-
tomatically learn expressive features from the set
of code changes.We conduct evaluations on four
open-source projects.The experiment results proved
that our approach improves significantly the exist-
ing work DBN- based features and CBS+ on average
of 20.86 and 34.1 in F1, respectively in the task of
within-project defect prediction. Besides, it improves
the cross-defect prediction technique DBN-CPP and
CBS+ on average of 32.85 and 39.95 respectively in
F1. Also, our approach can outperform it under the
effort-aware evaluation context.
In the future, we would like to extend our eval-
uation to other open source and commercial projects
in order to reduce the threats to external validity. In
addition, we plan to make our framework applica-
ble to other open-source projects written in differ-
ent languages besides Java language, such as Python,
C/C++, etc.
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ENASE 2022 - 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering