Table 1: Categories’ hit and miss rate.
Scenario 1 Scenario 2
Category Hits Miss Category Hits Miss
Artifacts 92.78% 7.22% Artifacts 89.04% 10.96%
Epithelial Cells 91.37% 8.63% Epithelial Cells 86.54% 13.46%
Inflammations 91.92% 8.08% Inflammations 90.91% 9.09%
Lesions 92.67% 7.33% Lesions 86.94% 13.02%
The COVID-19 pandemic has created the need to in-
corporate remote education experiences into the cer-
vical cytology discipline quickly. This proposal de-
veloped a framework that allowed students to interact
with images and subjects similar to those in a practi-
cal class. Also, we evaluated how different classroom
scenarios impacted student performance.
The data collected demonstrate that in Scenario
1 a better average performance of students was ob-
tained. This performance can be associated with
both the discipline’s methodology who performed in
less time with more condensed content, and students’
commitment since participation in the term contain-
ing Scenario 1 was optional. Also, it is important to
emphasize that the two scenarios present a difference
in the participants’ composition, motivations, and the
number of students in each scenario. So some differ-
ences in the performance are related to that.
The virtual environment allows the student to
choose what and when to do it. For example, he can
organize himself, focusing on more difficult content
(individualization of learning). Although the student
is not in a real laboratory, the diagnostic context is
covered and the situations created are very close to
routine. Another clear point in remote teaching is that
even if the laboratory does not have slides with a spe-
cific lesion, it is possible to create a repository with
different images from different locations and the most
varied lesions. Thus, it allows the student to see, de-
tect and learn in the widest possible way.
Finally, it is noteworthy that the external factors
also impact in the teaching-learning process (and con-
sequentially, their performance). Some of the exter-
nal factors include the time, the performance on other
subjects or disciplines studied parallel and personal
Further experimental investigations are needed to
better estimate the impact of this learning model. One
improvement is using the system in more academic
periods to obtain more reliable data. Moreover, the
system can be improved to make it easier to access
and better interact with the different actors (students
and teachers) without impacting the model’s perfor-
The authors would like to thank the Coordenac¸
de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de N
ıvel Superior
- Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001, Fundac¸
de Amparo
a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais
(FAPEMIG), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento
ıfico e Tecnol
ogico (CNPq) for supporting the
development of the present study. Also like to thanks
the Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP),
the Center for Recognition and Inspection of Cells
(CRIC), the Extended Reality for Good Laboratory
(XR4Good) and the Laborat
orio Multiusu
arios de Mi-
croscopia Avanc¸ada e Microan
alise do N
ucleo de
Pesquisas em Ci
encias Biol
ogicas (NUPEB) for also
supporting this research.
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Perceptions on the Use of an Online Tool in the Teaching-learning Process in Microscopy