The success of teaching of formal logic as a practical
tool has been mediocre. We pointed out issues that
may be problematic for students.
We suggested showing students examples where
intuition has led people astray, such as Wason’s selec-
tion task or the debate on Carroll’s paradox. It may
help them reject incorrect intuitive rules of reasoning
in favour of rules of formal logic.
We suggested teaching students the following:
Trust on the principle that “if . . . then . . . ” holds if
and only if it has no counter-examples. The principle
of explosion follows from this, so accept it, although
it may seem counter-intuitive at first. “If . . . then . . . ”
may mean material implication or a reasoning rule.
Use ∀ appropriately to capture the intended meaning.
Denote material implication with →, and the similar
reasoning rule with ⇒. Use the phrases “mathemati-
cal consequence” and so on instead of “logical conse-
quence” and so on, because the latter do not assume
that 0, +, ≤ and so on have their standard meaning.
We presented conventions for reasoning operators
and the treatment of undefined operations. They have
proven well-defined and rigorous enough to be used in
educational software written by us (Valmari, 2021).
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CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education