Outreach in K-12 Programming: A Systematic Literature Review on
Audience and Purpose
Agnese Addone and Vittorio Scarano
Dipartimento di Informatica, Universit
a di Salerno, Italy
Computing Education, CS Education, Outreach, Outreach Programs, Programming, K-12, Teachers Profes-
sional Development, Novices.
Outreach Programs are informal educational initiatives that schools and universities, as well as companies and
associations, promote: they represent a significant variety of courses and camps for learners, whether students
or teachers. In this paper we provide an overview of the publications on Outreach Programs in K-12 Program-
ming, in the last decade 2011-2021. The survey methodology adopted is the Systematic Literature Review:
we classified the papers around two different axis, the audience and purpose of the Outreach Programs.
Although in literature there is not a global unique def-
inition of what K-12 Outreach Programs (OP) are,
we can include among them every informal, non-
curricular initiative that implement or enrich the stu-
dents’ school curriculum or the Teachers’ Profes-
sional Development (TPD). OP promote a different
point of view, a given methodology, or a new tech-
nology that can have an impact on learners’ future
choices towards Computer Science (CS). The peda-
gogy adopted is non-formal and boosts learners’ self-
directed learning, creativity, collaboration and peer
mentoring while removing social and emotional bar-
riers. These programs are informal initiatives, both
promoted by schools and universities or private com-
panies and associations, conducted in parallel to ordi-
nary CS school planning.
Sometimes we can find a definition of OP in na-
tional or regional initiatives, designed by govern-
ments through their educational agencies or min-
istries, that massively address a whole segment of
school population in a country. The realization of the
OP is an important action to promote Computing Ed-
ucation (CED) in schools and to increase the moti-
vation to choose CS careers during the transition to
higher education. Often, universities and colleges es-
tablish an outreach office and a responsible to ensure
the OP quality and a connection to the stakeholders.
Programming is a very popular topic in OP, as it
motivates kids in getting closer to STEM (Science,
technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) disci-
plines (Kafai and Burke, 2014) and, having Computa-
tional Thinking as its theoretical framework (Resnick
and Silverman, 2005; Weintrop and Wilensky, 2015;
Weintrop et al., 2016), can also foster students in pur-
suing a CS career during their transition from school
to University. Even if these programs are mainly de-
signed for students, there are also complementary out-
reach programs that target school teachers and their
professional development. Whether they are novices
or majors in programming, these courses seem to sup-
port educators in motivating students in CS.
Related Works. In spite of their diffusion, in Com-
puter Science Education research OP are not consid-
ered as a specific topic per se (Decker et al., 2016),
but rather part of the research on CED and primarily
on introductory programming. The studies on how
novices learn computing, and teachers teach them
how to, introduce single aspects of these initiatives as,
for example, their audiences and targets, or topics, or
languages and tools, or educational approaches and
impact. (Begel and Ko, 2019). The most extensive
review (Luxton-Reilly et al., 2018) is a broad anal-
ysis on a huge corpus of publications on introduc-
tory programming and shows the educational trends
emerging in the fifteen years until 2017. Another
Systematic Literature Review (SLR) is also focused
on introductory programming and outreach in schools
from 2003 to 2017 (Szabo et al., 2019). It reports
many initiatives to engage K-12 students in CS and
to boost their interest and motivation in programming
languages, tools and programs, both in the curricu-
Addone, A. and Scarano, V.
Outreach in K-12 Programming: A Systematic Literature Review on Audience and Purpose.
DOI: 10.5220/0011063400003182
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2022) - Volume 2, pages 276-283
ISBN: 978-989-758-562-3; ISSN: 2184-5026
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
lum or in the outreach learning contexts. A third SLR
(Becker and Quille, 2019) is focused on CS1, a spe-
cific course and curriculum on introductory program-
ming, along fifty years of research on the topic. It
offers a classification of the initiatives and method-
ologies. Besides these reviews, our survey returned
12 overviews of the research on OP. These papers are
mainly SLRs or, at times, small surveys concerning a
single audience group, both an audience and a topic,
or the educational purpose and the impact of inter-
ventions. In the considered decade, the first survey
(Ladner and VanDeGrift, 2011) helped us in classify-
ing by audience/target, school level, educational ap-
proach and students’ perceptions. Two works from
2014 concern OP addressing the audience of novice
and prospective students and they are both from the
Australasian research area (Falkner et al., 2014; Bell
et al., 2014). In 2015 a survey (Seiter, 2015) on
learning outcomes puts the accent on the impact of
these initiatives. Another couple of papers from 2016
considers OP as a way to engage students in com-
puting. The first one is on female students’ percep-
tions (McGill et al., 2016) and the second one on gen-
der equity in computing (Hamilton et al., 2016). In
2017 we find a very important paper on pre-college
computing activities to broaden participation in CS
(Decker and McGill, 2017). Another 2019 SLR de-
scribes specifically a group of OP for K-12 under-
represented groups. (Cummings et al., 2019) A 2020
article concerns an experiment conducted with fresh-
men and near-peer tutors chosen among CS students.
While analyzing the impact of the outreach work-
shops on participants, the authors give also a SLR on
the programs (Jin et al., 2020).
Research Questions. The audience of the courses
appears to be the main purpose in the design of the
These initiatives, despite their informal learning
environment, identify a variety of target groups ac-
cording to their age, school level, gender, social iden-
Concerning this point, we came up with three re-
search questions:
RQ1 - Which audiences do OP address?
RQ2 - Which audiences are less represented in the
RQ3 - Which are the purpose planned for each OP
RQ1 means to express an overview of the findings in
literature, and then a classification of papers based on
the targets of the programs.
While RQ1 appears all-encompassing and settles
the state of the review, with RQ2 we intend to go in
depth and define the less represented groups and, if
possible, suggest a reason of their minor presence in
the SLR.
Finally, RQ3 aims to identify the different OP pur-
poses, given that some initiatives are designed on a
well defined purpose and others on a motivational ac-
tion or expected impact on learners’ attitudes towards
SLR. The survey on the OP that promote program-
ming at the K-12 school stage is conducted under the
methodology of the Systematic Literature Review. It
includes studies on both categories of learners, stu-
dents and teachers, excluding incoherent results, like
OP for professionals.
The survey is made through the ACM Digital Li-
brary search engine, both the Full-Text Collection
(FTC) and the Guide to Computing Literature (GCL).
After a certain number of attempts, the combined
search phrase:
“outreach programs” AND “programming” AND (“K-12”
OR “students” OR “teachers” OR “school”)
returned 155 results from the FTC and 175 results
form the GCL.
Time Range. The publication dates range from
1985 to 2021, but the trend increases significantly
from 2011 on. So we decided to consider and ana-
lyze the last decade (2011-2021), that is a total num-
ber of 134 papers on FTC and 145 papers on GCL.
Except 2 excluded results (not relevant to our search),
we defined a total set of 143 papers coherent with the
search query. The survey returned data on the publi-
cation trend by year in the decade, then we also clas-
sified papers in two main classes by audience/target
and purpose.
2.1 Audience
The audience label is attributed to each paper or ini-
tiative whose purpose refers to a group that benefits
from the outreach in relation to an educational or so-
cial affinity, or even gender or cultural belonging.
We classified the total number of 143 papers as
Novice students in CED, 60 results;
Prospective students in CS, 33 results;
Outreach in K-12 Programming: A Systematic Literature Review on Audience and Purpose
Girls and women, 23 results;
Underrepresented (by ethnicity, gender, both)
groups, 20 results.
Rural area groups, 4 results;
Physically impaired students, 3 results.
The first group of papers concerns OP designed for
novices, meaning all those learners who approach
computing principles, languages and tools for the first
time. In this audience we also included the teachers
actively involved in a TPD, both novices and those
who already teach CS but need to upgrade (Crow
et al., 2019), because of their common intention to im-
prove their computing competences (Chipman et al.,
While novices approach computing for the first
time, we denominated as prospective students those
who intend to choose, or are selected as target, to em-
brace a CS career.
Another significant group of papers refers to OP
designed for girls and women, to motivate them in
approaching CS and to overcome cultural misconcep-
tions about their own role in the technology field. The
main objective of these OP is to fill the gender gap in
the access to STEM, and to break cultural inequalities
and stereotypes about women.
In our classification women are considered as a
distinct audience, although we found their presence
overlapping in other programs, designed for different
groups and collectively gathered with underrepre-
sented students (social disadvantaged or ethnic mi-
norities groups). The reason is that these OP de-
clare an educational and social resolution to guarantee
equal access to CS and to remove misconceptions on
computing and computer scientists.
A target label is attributed to each paper that
clearly indicates a group of people who benefits from
the outreach, in relation to age and education level.
The target addressed is mainly the school students
population, and papers often include 2 or 3 school lev-
els at once; however, among the total we can identify
initiatives specifically and exclusively designed for el-
ementary (25 results), middle (45 results) high school
(69 results). There are OP for the TPD (20 results
until 2019) and others for undergraduate students (36
results), often related to the mentoring activity they
practice with middle and high school students. The
total number of 143 papers comprehends 34 studies
that overlap on two or three different targets at once.
This indicates that some programs, even if designed
for different targets, maintain the same educational
purpose and reshape the activities according to the
school level and competences.
2.2 Purpose
The papers are classified also by purpose of the OP.
Often, it indicates also the main topic addressed by
the outreach, setting aside a possible overlapping
with secondary ones. While some topics are di-
rectly CS sub-fields or a specific technology adopted,
some others show strategies for the engagement of
the participants, analyze their behaviour and motiva-
tion in addressing the discipline, clarify their percep-
tions/misconceptions on CS. The papers are divided
in the following purposes:
Programming, 41 results;
Motivational, 37 results;
Computational Thinking, 25 results;
Perceptions, 11 results;
Robotics, 8 results;
Game development, 5 results;
Unplugged coding, 4 results;
Networks, 4 results;
Microcontrollers, 3 results;
Accessibility, 2 results.
Cybersecurity, 2 results;
High Performance Computing, 1 result.
The Programming purpose gathers the OP on intro-
ductory or advanced programming. The audience of
the first topic, largely predictable, are mostly novices
because it represents the very initial approach to CS.
This group is followed by women, as the researchers
try to enhance female motivation and perseverance in
CS and to promote their transition to STEM degrees
with creative and collaborative activities. Beside this
group we can find substantially related OP on CT, un-
plugged coding and game development. A group of
activities concern physical computing, as working on
robotics or with microcontrollers, or specific aspects
of computing, like the accessibility or the cybersecu-
rity issues, the networks or the HPC.
Other programs are principally designed to boost
behavioral aspects of CED and offer motivational
sparks to pursue CS careers; some analyze the stu-
dents’ perceptions on this field and on the role of
computer scientists; both these OP attempt to remove
learners misconceptions, to enhance learners’ self-
efficacy and to promote positive attitudes towards the
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The analysis of the papers is described in this section;
the results are shown in Table 2 and graphically sum-
marized in Figure 1.
Women. The survey found 23 papers related to girls
and women. The publications increase in 2016 when
we register 6 articles, 2 of which are SLR about gen-
der equity and female participation. The target ad-
dressed is mostly from high school (12 results), fol-
lowed by middle (7 results) and elementary (5 results)
schools. The initiatives are mainly small-scale (e.g.
under 100 participants, 11 results) but there is also a
certain number (8 results) of large-scale programs, for
instance those addressing a whole college female tar-
get. The most frequent topic addressed in these OP is
programming (11 results). This audience group does
not report the initiatives in which women are consid-
ered together with social and ethnic minorities as un-
derrepresented groups.
These OP are mainly designed to foster women
participation in Computer Science. The researchers
suggest that the female motivation towards CS and
STEM disciplines is more effective when raised early,
e.g. addressed to a K-12 audience and when pro-
grams are offered at a young age (Assiter and Wise-
man, 2016; Chipman et al., 2018; Tsan et al., 2016).
However, the most recent studies underline also the
existing link between the actions needed in school and
in university: to guarantee the female engagement in
CS, the OP involve undergraduate students in men-
toring high school students (Geller and Chun, 2021;
McDonald and Dillon, 2021; Molnar et al., 2021).
These programs have often a positive impact, ensur-
ing the girls’ appreciation for programming and con-
sequently their choice of a CS career during the tran-
sition from high school to college (Lang et al., 2016;
Lawlor et al., 2020). Some papers report studies on
girls’ motivation in CS and how to foster it (Sabin
et al., 2015), others point on the perceptions women
have (Lang et al., 2016), on how to overcome both
their misconceptions in CS and the cultural bias on the
role and gender of the computer scientist (Rheingans
et al., 2018). The SLR report the initiatives to achieve
digital gender equity and to increase female participa-
tion in CS (McGill et al., 2016; Hamilton et al., 2016).
Novice. The audience of novice students in CS con-
cerns 60 papers. The time distribution of publications
is generally constant, with two peaks in 2012 (8 re-
sults) and 2014 (11 results). The largest target ad-
dressed is the school one, with high (22 results), mid-
dle (21 results) and elementary (12 results), but there
is a significant part (16 results) on Teachers’ Profes-
sional Development (TPD) initiatives. The outreach
are small-scale programs (26 results) and large-scale
(23 results), with a little number of regional OP (6
results), covering national programs in US, NZ and
Europe (2014 and 2019). The subjects addressed are
mainly programming (19 results) and Computational
Thinking (CT) (16 results), with increasing results in
2014; a few papers on unplugged coding (4 results,
until 2016 and no results from 2017 on), robotics (2
results until 2015) and game development (3 results
until 2020), give place in 2021 to accessibility (2 re-
sults) and cybersecurity (1 result).
The subjects addressed, as the OP are intended
for novice learners, concentrate on programming and
Computational Thinking: probably, the amount of re-
sults in 2014 correspond to the emerging global ini-
tiatives of CS divulgation as CoderDojo, Code.org,
CS4all, etc. These programs and platforms and the
huge participation they got and currently get, gener-
ated a literature that describe and analyze the informal
approaches to teaching and learning CS. The presence
of TPD initiatives highlights the importance of a sys-
temic approach in designing programs. Students and
teachers are key players of the same educational sys-
tem, and they act in a complementary way (Hampton
et al., 2019; Roberts et al., 2018). The continuing
education of teachers increase the impact on pupils’
awareness: students and teachers must be equally mo-
tivated to undertake CS and to get aware of the role of
technology in studying and teaching (Chipman et al.,
2019), but also in their digital citizenship. For this
reason, besides some reviews on the state of novice
programming teaching and learning, we can also find
advises on curriculum design, educational strategies,
assessment of the activities and competences acquired
e et al., 2018), in addition to some reflections on
myths and misconceptions about CS.
Prospective. The survey regards 33 papers. The
time distribution of publications registers a peak in
2011 (9 results), a progressive decreasing from 2012,
a significant reduction from 2016 to 2021 and there
are no results for the years 2015 and 2017. The tar-
get addressed is mostly the high school students (22
results); few papers for middle (9 results), elemen-
tary (6 results), TPD (3 results), and undergraduate (8
results). Small- and large scale programs equal (14
results each), while a little number of regional OP (3
results) report national massive programs in Australia
and Europe in the last two years (2020 and 2021).
The purposes addressed concentrate on the stu-
dents’ perceptions (6 results) of what CS and who a
computer scientist is (Lakanen and K
ainen, 2019;
Outreach in K-12 Programming: A Systematic Literature Review on Audience and Purpose
Table 1: The papers analyzed by audience and target.
Women Novice Prospec. Underrep. Impaired Rural Total
Elementary 5 12 6 - - 2 25
Middle 7 21 9 6 1 1 45
High School 12 22 22 8 3 2 69
Teacher Professional Dev. - 16 3 - - 1 20
Undergraduate 9 9 8 9 1 - 36
Total 23 60 33 20 3 4 143
Table 2: The papers analyzed by audience and topics.
Women Novice Prospec. Underrep. Impaired Rural Total
Programming 11 19 4 4 2 1 41
Motivational 7 9 11 9 - 1 37
Computational thinking 1 16 5 2 - 1 25
Perceptions 3 1 6 1 - - 11
Robotics - 2 3 1 1 1 8
Gamedev - 3 2 - - - 5
Unplugged - 4 - - - - 4
Networks - 3 1 - - - 4
Microcontrollers 1 - - 2 - - 3
Accessibility - 2 - - - - 2
Cybersecurity - 1 1 - - - 2
High Performance Comp. - - - 1 - - 1
Total 23 60 33 20 3 4 143
Kallback-Rose et al., 2012; Stone, 2019), and design
motivational initiatives (11 results) to engage learners
in pursuing CS careers. Besides these topics, some
OP promote programming (4 results), CT (5 results),
robotics (3 results), game development (2 results), cy-
bersecurity and networks (1 result each).
The audience of prospective students in CS is con-
sidered as the target that can be motivated in com-
puting in view of a transition from school to a CS
degree. Considering the undergraduate, we can find
some analysis of the motivation and the strategies to
retain students in CS.
Underrepresented. The survey returned 20 papers.
The time distribution of publications registers a peak
in 2011 (6 results) and a progressive decreasing from
2013 to 2021; no results for the year 2012. The target
addressed is mostly from high (8 results) and middle
schools (6 results); a significant group of papers ad-
dress the undergraduate population (9 results). Small-
and large scale programs are the majority (7 and 10
results respectively), and just 1 result for regional OP.
The purposes addressed are mainly the students’ per-
ceptions about CS (9 results) and the role of the com-
puter scientist in our society (DeWitt et al., 2017) to
promote CS role models as a key to overcome miscon-
ceptions and remove cultural barriers. Besides these
topics, we can also find programming (4 results), CT
and microcontrollers (2 results each), robotics and
HPC (1 result each).
The audience of underrepresented categories in
CS is vast and comprehend social and ethnic minori-
ties, as well as women from the same groups. This tar-
get needs specific strategies to be involved and moti-
vated in computing (Camp et al., 2020), because they
are often living at the boundaries of our society. These
OP promote diversity and inclusion in CS, removing
barriers to access computing education and university
careers (Garcia et al., 2020). For this target we can
register initiatives aiming to motivate and retain stu-
dents in CS, by providing equitable access and critical
thinking skills.
Impaired. Our survey found only 4 papers on im-
paired audience in OP. The time distribution of publi-
cations registers only two years of publication, 2011
and 2020, with 2 results each. The target addressed
is mostly from high schools (3 results); 1 result is for
higher education. Small - scale programs are the ab-
solute majority (4 results). The subjects addressed
concentrate mostly on programming (2 results) and
robotics (1 result).
The audience of impaired students in OP is fully
occupied by visually impaired and blind people. This
target needs specific strategies and technologies to ac-
cess computing, for example in robotics (Ludi et al.,
2014), and researchers design the programs to remove
barriers to easily access CED and university careers
(Shinohara et al., 2020). We register initiatives that
aim to motivate and retain students in CS and to guar-
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: Targets and purposes chosen for each audience.
antee an equitable access. The choice to realize small
- scale programs demonstrates how complex is to de-
sign and conduct these initiatives and, at the same
time (Ludi et al., 2011), to gather a class of the same
target students.
Rural area - The OP for students that come from
rural areas are a little number (4 results), generally
addressed to elementary and high schools (2 results
each); 1 program regards also the TPD in the same
schools. The time distribution of publications starts
in 2015 and reaches 2021, but no results are found for
the years 2016, 2017 and 2019. Small - scale pro-
grams are the majority (2 results). The subjects ad-
dressed vary from robotics to programming, from CT
to motivational OP (1 result each).
These audiences, students and teachers, are
reached by specific social strategies in order to access
computing; the initiatives are designed to remove cul-
tural barriers and to promote the choice of future ca-
reers in computing. The choice of small - scale pro-
grams demonstrates the complexity in designing these
initiatives (Bell et al., 2018; Fasy et al., 2020), as stu-
dents often have logistic problems like reaching the
venue in autonomy; researchers face issues to create
a class of the same target.
Although focused on programming, the survey re-
turned a wider overview on K-12 CED and its stake-
holders. It revealed a variety of audiences, among
which novice students are the most addressed by out-
reach agents. This feature matches to the informal
nature of these camps, ideal learning environments
for introducing CS concepts while working collabo-
ratively. Female targets have a considerable presence,
too, and these programs mark the necessity to break
cultural stereotypes and to boost women’s participa-
tion in STEM, while confirming a political and re-
search trend towards inclusion topics.
On the other hand, the few results on outreach for
rural area and impaired groups marks the difficulty to
design and perform these programs with specific au-
diences, with a sum of issues ranging from logistics
(physical spaces easy to reach, transports, routes) to
adapting languages and tools to the different disabil-
ities and impairments, from infrastructures (Internet
access, laboratories) to the complexity of recruiting a
significant number of participants, from accessibility
to social inclusion issues.
Among purposes, programming is the most com-
mon and overlaps with other goals selected by the OP
designers, as robotics or game development activities.
These camps are relatively easy to conceive and orga-
nize also by private companies or associations and can
benefit from the huge amount of platforms, languages
and tools specifically intended for educational scope.
Computational thinking, chosen mainly for novices,
is another appealing topic that highlights how impor-
tant are reasoning and solving problems while learn-
ing to program (Lin and Weintrop, 2021). Conversely,
the few results for game development, unplugged
coding, accessibility and cybersecurity could suggest
less interest or research commitment on these top-
ics, except for sporadic OP addressed to novice and
prospective students.
Physically impaired students (blind, deaf, Autism
Spectrum Disorders -ASD) or with learning disorders
(dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, Attention-Deficit /
Hyperactivity Disorder - ADHD) are often excluded
from CS in school because of their impairments but
they can take advantage from dedicated OP, where op-
erators can also boost and adapt methodologies, lan-
guages, technologies and tools to their needs. As a
future direction, it would be very challenging, but re-
warding in terms of societal impact, to delve deeper
and analyze which factors and in what measure affect
the design of these experiences, in order to promote
initiatives directly aimed at those less represented au-
Adhering to the paradigm of Open Science, we
will share the results of the SLR by publishing the
whole dataset/bibliography (in the final version), with
an open licence, on GitHub and Zenodo. The repos-
itory is meant to facilitate scholars with a classifica-
tion and to stimulate further work or design on OP. As
we encountered other aspects in addition to audience
and purpose of the OP, we also consider to expand the
analysis and to employ more elaborate statistical tools
and methodologies to explain and comprehend these
elements and their relations to others.
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Outreach in K-12 Programming: A Systematic Literature Review on Audience and Purpose