The Developer’s Journey: A Storytelling Framework for Cooperative
Learning in Software Engineering
Patrick Wolfschwenger
1 a
, Mona Emara
2 b
, Wolfgang Lumetsberger
, Thomas Hatter
Barbara Sabitzer
1 c
and Zsolt Lavicza
1 d
Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria
Damanhour University, Damanhour, Egypt
smartpoint IT Consulting (Bechtle), Austria
{barbara.sabitzer, zsolt.lavicza}
Continuing Professional Training and Development, Lifelong Learning, Cloud Computing Education,
Narrative-based Learning, Project-based Learning, Instructional Design.
An educational storytelling concept is presented, inspired by the archetypal story pattern common in ancient
myths as well as modern day adventures. Software development is a complex profession demanding constant
learning and improvement in a field changing almost daily. Apart from learning new technologies and writing
computer code, much of a developer’s time is spent on problem-solving and debugging that is, detecting
and correcting errors and bugs that cause a system to break or behave unexpectedly. The average developer
regularly goes through a series of transformative steps to overcome intricate problems that often appear obscure
and enigmatic at the beginning. The return with special knowledge to share with others is the final reward
earned on the Developer’s Journey. Under the premise that a good story can change our perception and offset
the biases of our interpretation of reality, a didactic method has been designed for sharing and interpreting
experiences in a cooperative learning environment. In the context of cloud computing education, its effects on
problem-solving, motivation and perception are evaluated. We analyze transformative learning opportunities
in connection with narratives and discuss its potentials and limitations in community-based learning.
Stories are inherently used to organize and make
sense of experiences and to share that understanding
with others. Through stories, we bring structure to our
memories and provide opportunity for learning from
one another. When a story catches our attention and
engages us, we are more likely to absorb its mean-
ing compared to when the same message would be
presented solely in facts and figures. Comprehending
material presented in narrative form comes easy to us
due to our deeply internalized understanding of how
stories are told (Hazel, 2008).
In didactics, storytelling is used as a tool to cre-
ate interest, provide a structure for remembering con-
tent, share information in a familiar and accessible
form and create a more personal connection between
learner and instructor. More empirical evidence about
the effectiveness of this teaching strategy and re-
sources on how to best use it for educational purposes
are still required (Landrum et al., 2019).
In this paper, we introduce the Developer’s Jour-
ney and evaluate its application in the professional
development of cloud developers. We discuss the
relationship between developers’ problem-solving
achievements and perceptions of the task flow and
intrinsic motivation and draw conclusions whether
fruitful learning experiences could be created so that
transformative learning happens more regularly.
As the educational uses of cloud computing are on
the rise, it becomes increasingly important to ensure
the appropriate training and advisory for those con-
cerned, including IT employees, instructors, learners
and decision-makers (Wolfschwenger et al., 2020).
The Developer’s Journey was designed to give cloud
developers the opportunity to exchange experiences
and ideas as part of an in-company continuing educa-
Wolfschwenger, P., Emara, M., Lumetsberger, W., Hatter, T., Sabitzer, B. and Lavicza, Z.
The Developer’s Journey: A Storytelling Framework for Cooperative Learning in Software Engineering.
DOI: 10.5220/0011064300003182
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2022) - Volume 2, pages 525-533
ISBN: 978-989-758-562-3; ISSN: 2184-5026
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
Figure 1: Illustration of the Developer’s Journey.
tion program. In the spirit of community-based learn-
ing, the framework offers every participant the op-
portunity to spread, discuss and reflect upon require-
ments, typical problems and innovative approaches
with the community in the form of a structured story
rather than informal exchanges.
At first, background information on learning with
narratives, transformative and collaborative learning
is provided. Then, the Developer’s Journey is delin-
eated with reference to the individual phases of the
software development process. Practical application
of the concept is subsequently evaluated with quanti-
tative and qualitative methods.
Narratives are fundamental to our everyday lives. We
all naturally use them to make meaning of our experi-
ences and construct our individual identities (Fisher,
1984). Narrative-based learning (NL) means learn-
ing through stories, whether compiled or received,
whether told or heard, whether written or read. On
the one hand, narrators are learners who move from
a cognitive understanding of a temporal sequence
linked to their own experiences and combine many
small pieces of information into a meaningful concept
over time, which creates the possibility for reflection
of underlying assumptions. On the other hand, re-
ceivers are learners who are drawn into an engaging
experience and make sense of the narrated concept on
a deeply human level.
By taking advantage of the inherent structure of
narratives, NL environments provide learners with
engaging worlds where they can actively participate
in motivating story-based problem-solving activities
(McQuiggan et al., 2008). NL frameworks serve as
cognitive structures, help individuals to frame and un-
derstand their perceptions of the world and offer sig-
nificant potential for supporting transformative learn-
ing processes (Bruner, 1991).
For transformative cognitive change to occur, a
prior interpretation is needed to construe a new or re-
vised interpretation of the meaning of one’s experi-
ence (Mezirow, 1996). Cognitive transformation re-
quires a learning process that includes both assim-
ilation (adding new information into existing men-
tal structures) and accommodation (changing base
ideas in response to new information) (Corder et al.,
1999). In NL, not only narrators but also recipients
are actively engaged through critical reflection and
discourse to question assumptions, expectations and
context to achieve deeper meaning and new perspec-
tives to guide their future actions.
Given the relationship between narrative and
transformative learning, creating a NL framework for
cooperative learning in software engineering holds
much appeal. Niehaus et al. (2014) suggest that, to
better support the creation of narrative-centered tools,
creators need a flexible framework to integrate, cat-
alog, select, and reuse narrative models. They spec-
ify model metadata to allow creators and practition-
ers to discover and understand models more easily.
Prior work in computing education using narratives
includes Guzdial and Tew (2006), who use an instruc-
tional design approach for motivating computing ed-
ucation. Landrum et al. (2019) give an overview of
a variety of pedagogical storytelling approaches re-
cently investigated and present suggestions and rec-
ommendations for implementing storytelling as a di-
dactic approach.
While the motivational and pedagogical benefits
of NL are compelling, it is important for researchers
and educators to address how to maintain learners’
motivation and maximizing learners’ time-on-task as
well as to address any adverse effects on problem-
solving. A few studies have measured develop-
ers’ intrinsic motivation, flow state, and knowledge
construction. McQuiggan et al. (2008) investigated
the effect of narrative on learning experiences and
outcomes with eighth-grade middle school students
and found motivational benefits of narrative-centered
learning regarding self-efficacy, presence, interest,
and perception of control. By drawing on the concept
of narrative-centered learning, Kuusinen et al. (2016)
have shown that intrinsic motivation and autotelic
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
experiences are significant predictors of developers’
user experiences and developers’ needs are character-
ized by efficiency, informativeness, intuitiveness and
flexibility. Mott et al. (2006) draw our attention to a
critical need for orchestrating all of the events in the
unfolding story to support appropriate levels of learn-
ers’ motivation, flow state, and constructing knowl-
edge for effective problem-solving in order to develop
competences as they progress into more demanding
academic contexts and ultimately the workforce.
Storytelling provides an opportunity to integrate
narratives in academic courses with community en-
gagement. Bareiss and Griss (2008) have proposed a
story-centered curriculum as part of a software engi-
neering program that prepares experienced develop-
ers for leadership roles in development teams. Within
this framework, students confront realistic technical
and organizational problems, including conflicting re-
quirements, limited resources and challenges to team
leadership. The system draws upon a learning-by-
doing approach with the goal of producing a trans-
formative experience for practicing software profes-
In recent years, digital storytelling has achieved
enormous upswing in teaching and research. Digi-
tal storytelling is the practice of combining narrative
with digital content, including images, sound, and
video (Vivitsou, 2018). In the tertiary sector, stu-
dents reported interest for such teaching methods as
part of a curriculum (Dia-Eddine, 2021). Also, K-
12 has made positive experiences with digital story-
telling. Kim and Li (2021) examine how digital sto-
rytelling facilitated students’ reflection and learning
in a project-based middle school capstone program.
The Developer’s Journey is a synthesis of the vari-
ous, well-known variations of the monomyth and the
daily working life of a software developer. The con-
cept of the Developer’s Journey arose from consid-
erations of applying the Hero’s Journey as a didac-
tic method, which is a common template of stories in
narratology and comparative mythology that involves
a hero who embarks on an adventure, is victorious in
a decisive crisis, and returns home changed or trans-
formed. Hero myth pattern studies were popularized
by Joseph Campbell (2008), which sets out 17 dis-
tinct stages of a Hero’s Journey. A range of varia-
tions evolved over time, such as Leeming (1998) and
Vogler (2020), proposing adapted versions with dif-
ferent emphases. The stages are widely classified into
three acts: Departure, Initiation and Return.
Since the problem-solving process of software de-
velopers is also reflected in patterns of the monomyth,
an adapted version has been forged that serves as our
template of the Developer’s Journey. It was aligned
with the daily routines of cloud developers in the con-
sulting industry. Essentially, each project follows the
scheme of preparation, execution and retrospective
analogous to the three acts of the Hero’s Journey. The
structure is intended to support the organization of the
experiences to be shared along with the purposeful in-
troduction of content and complexity.
For the construction of the Developer’s Journey,
we have built on the work of Avraamidou and Os-
borne (2009), who explored the potential of narra-
tive in science education and identified the seven nec-
essary components of a narrative based on a meta-
Purpose – Helps us understand the natural world
Events – Contains a sequence of events connected
to each other and involving a unified subject
Structure Has an identifiable structure around
the sequence of events (beginning, middle, end)
Time – Concerns the past
Agency – Has actors or entities that cause and ex-
perience events
Narrator Has a teller who gives account of the
Reader Is received by someone who needs to
recognize the artifact as a narrative
The Developer’s Journey was developed with
those characteristics of a narrative in mind. Its pur-
pose is the exchange of experiences in software de-
velopment. It is built around a structured sequence
of events connected to each other and has the devel-
oper as a unified subject and other persons and enti-
ties involved. Developers report from their past ex-
periences, which may also incorporate an outlook for
the future. The story is told by the developer and re-
ceived by fellows in spoken form. That created the
framework for the design of the Developer’s Journey.
The Developer’s Journey, which is illustrated in Fig-
ure 1, centers on a software developer, who devi-
ates from the definition of an as-is and to-be state,
faces a series of tasks and challenges until reaching
its climax, which is putting the developed solution
into practice, and completes it with follow-up orders,
maybe rework, and gained knowledge in hand. We
define the eight steps as follows.
The Developer’s Journey: A Storytelling Framework for Cooperative Learning in Software Engineering
4.1 Departure
The developer starts his or her story in the Ordinary
World, which represents the baseline situation before
any action or operation is taken. At this stage, an
overview of the different technologies and systems
that play a role in the upcoming journey as well as
their configurations at the outset is given.
It is followed by The Call To Adventure, which
can be the order of a customer, a user story that needs
to be implemented or a sudden system failures re-
sulting from unforeseeable and unavoidable circum-
stances. The developer explains the purpose of the
endeavor and clarifies the objectives and limitations
of the work.
4.2 Initiation
The Mentors and Helpers supply the developer with
tools and inspiration needed to accomplish the adven-
ture. These are recurring characters over the course of
the journey, such as project participants, colleagues or
external individuals. While clients can be seen as the
mentors who set the course of the journey, colleagues
are the helpers who assist in finding a satisfying solu-
A range of smaller tasks needs to be completed on
The Road of Trials, which leads to the achievement
of the specified target. At this point, the narrative in-
volves breaking down the problem into smaller pieces
so that the audience can follow more easily. Since
we know that active learning thrives on trial-and-error
problem solving, both accurate and futile approaches
should be pointed out. This prevents listeners who
might find themselves in a similar situation from try-
ing the same fruitless attempts.
The Ordeal refers to the release of the developed
solution. When a software system implementation or
update becomes operational, it becomes officially and
formally available to users for productive use. The go-
live is typically the most critical milestone in a devel-
opment cycle, as it marks the culmination of weeks,
months and sometimes even years of groundwork, de-
sign and development involving a company’s internal
and external stakeholders. The developer describes
the execution of the go-live, release management as
well as the methods applied (i.e. continuous deliv-
The final result of the development process rep-
resents The Boon. The developer demonstrates the
working solution and practice examples in a hands-
on way so that participants get a clear picture of the
attainment. If practical, the audience can be directly
4.3 Return
The Road Back depicts all the activities that happened
after the release. The support phase begins when a
system solution becomes operational and continues
until it reaches the end of its useful life. The developer
outlines change requests, alterations and feedback of
clients received so far.
The Return with Special Knowledge is the final
stage on the Developer’s Journey. The developer
gives a summary and discusses the lessons learned to
generate additional value for the audience. It should
be made clear to the colleagues in the audience on
which topics the developer has become an expert and
can henceforth provide assistance and support. The
option to consult an expert of a certain topic may lead
to additional motivation to find solutions to similar
problems, or may at least promote discussions with
that expert, which could improve the knowledge of
the colleague in the future.
5.1 Data Collection
The evaluation is based on two online surveys applied
before and after the intervention and semi-structured
interviews. The online surveys are designed to mea-
sure problem-solving skills before and after the in-
tervention and include rating scale questions for self-
assessment. The interviews were conducted retro-
spectively with five randomly selected participants to
get in-depth feedback.
Self-assessment responses allow a classification
of the experimental group and analysis of personal
attitudes toward the intervention. Rating scale ques-
tions related to perceived competence and knowledge
required, task value and achievement goal orientation
serve as classification criteria for the experimental
group. Additional rating scale questions were posed
to reflect on intrinsic motivation, flow state, perceived
learning success and comprehension of the method.
The rating scale questions are in the five-point Likert
scale format and listed in Table 1.
A one-group pretest-posttest design has been used
to evaluate the learning outcome occurring as a result
of intervention. The problem-solving items involve
scenarios in which the respondent takes the role of a
cloud developer that has to evaluate information re-
lating to actual business cases and make design de-
cisions. A correct answer represents the only possi-
ble implementation option. Figure 2 shows a sample
item. Each of the two tests contained six multiple-
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 2: Problem-solving sample item.
choice questions measuring problem-solving ability
before and after the intervention. They were pro-
vided by those who designed and presented the sto-
ries. Comparison of the pretest and posttest results
provides evidence of the effectiveness of the inde-
pendent variable (the intervention). If the pretest and
posttest scores differ significantly, the difference may
be attributed to the intervention. But because there is
no control group, this inference is uncertain, and the
difference might be caused by extraneous variables.
There is also no way of judging whether the process
of pretesting influenced the results, since there is no
baseline measurement against groups that remained
completely untested.
Five semi-structured interviews with randomly se-
lected participants were conducted after the interven-
tion to obtain more in-depth feedback. Open-ended
questions should be a trigger for the participants to
comment freely and in as much detail as they like.
Narrators were questioned about their experiences
with the creation of their journeys. Recipients were
asked how they assess the value and quality of the
form of presentation. Thematic analysis was used to
summarize and analyze the responses.
The target group consists of software engineers in
the cloud computing domain. The Developer’s Jour-
ney was tried out in an in-company continuous edu-
cation program, which brings employees of different
company sites together and gives them the possibility
to exchange experiences and practices. The course
as well as the surveys were carried out online due
Table 1: Self-assessment questionnaire.
1. Software Development Task Value
1.1 I enjoy software development.
1.2 It’s important to me to be someone being
good at software development.
1.3 I am fascinated by the many possibilities that
software development offers.
1.4 The exchange with my colleagues makes
sense, because I can benefit from their expe-
2. Perceived Competence
2.1 I am an experienced software developer.
2.2 I can also complete difficult tasks in software
development if I don’t give up.
2.3 I am sure that I can master the skills taught in
software development courses.
3. Achievement Goal Orientation
3.1 It is important to me that I constantly im-
prove my skills in software development.
3.2 I want to expand my software development
skills in this course.
3.3 It is important to me that I thoroughly under-
stand the concepts discussed in the Meetup.
4. Procedural Knowledge (PK) Req.
4.1 For my work as a software developer, I need a
lot of procedural knowledge (knowing-how).
5. Descriptive Knowledge (DK) Req.
5.1 For my work as a software developer, I need a
lot of declarative knowledge (knowing-that).
6. Perceived Learning Success: PK
6.1 I feel like I’ve improved my procedural
knowledge (knowing-how) in this lesson.
7. Perceived Learning Success: DK
7.1 I feel like I’ve improved my declarative
knowledge (knowing-that) in this lesson.
8. Intrinsic Motivation
8.1 Today’s session was entertaining.
8.2 I would attend such a session again.
8.3 I could imagine preparing a story in this form
8.4 I have some ideas I would like to present.
9. Flow State
9.1 My attention was fully focused on the stories.
9.2 The stories were lively and captivating.
9.3 Time has passed quickly.
10. Comprehension of the method
10.1 The structure of the stories was clear and un-
10.2 I feel like I understood all the steps of the
10.3 There were no ambiguities.
The Developer’s Journey: A Storytelling Framework for Cooperative Learning in Software Engineering
to Covid-19 restrictions in Austria (Wolfschwenger
et al., 2021). The course follows community-based
learning principles, meaning that it is intended to in-
tegrate constructive community engagement with in-
struction and reflection to create reciprocal learning
opportunities and mutually beneficial partnerships. A
mix of didactic methods provide the building blocks
for contributions to the course.
5.2 Data Analysis
5.2.1 Self-assessment
Figure 3 shows the average values for the logically
grouped sections of the self-assessment inquiry. 73%
of participants categorized themselves as experienced
or very experienced software developers. Although
being considered someone who is outstandingly good
at software development is only moderately impor-
tant, two thirds of all participants are confident that
they can accomplish even the most difficult software
development tasks if the necessary time and effort is
put in.
The participants feel high interest, usefulness and
importance of software development tasks, and it is
important to them to continuously improve their de-
velopment skills and understand the concepts dis-
cussed in the monthly meetings. The majority (68%)
finds the exchange with colleagues very useful in or-
der to benefit from each other’s experiences and ex-
When being asked what kind of knowledge they
need for their work, the participants strongly agreed
that a high level of knowledge about how to per-
form a specific skill or task (“know-how”, procedu-
ral knowledge) is needed, knowledge of specific facts
or propositions (“knowing-that”, descriptive knowl-
edge) is only moderately needed in their profession
as software developers. In the associated open-ended
part, it was added that quality awareness, logical
thinking, creativity, depiction of complexity in a sim-
ple and readable manner, discipline and perseverance
are important skills.
The posttest measured that the sessions were
found enjoyable, and 72% of participants highly rec-
ommend taking part in such sessions again. The ma-
jority confirmed that they understood and could re-
produce the structure of the method. The attitude to-
wards preparing a story in the form of the Developer’s
Journey was positive, although the data shows a gap
in terms of active contribution to the course. While
about half of the listeners declared to have a variety
of ideas, others were still uninspired at the time of
inquiry. Participants were immersed in a moderately
high feeling of energized focus and involvement dur-
ing the sessions, but their attention was steadily di-
rected towards the stories and the time passed quickly.
In terms of learning success, participants per-
ceived an improvement in knowledge in both the pro-
cedural and declarative sphere. In particular, a greater
increase was averagely seen in the declarative do-
main. Although the difference is only minimal, this
is in contrast to the collected data on the knowledge
5.2.2 Problem-solving
In all of the three sessions, an increase in problem-
solving ability could be determined from pretest to
posttest. While the amount is significant in the first
and second sessions, improvement is only moderate
in the third session. Figure 4 illustrates average suc-
cess in the competence enhancement check for each
session before and after the intervention.
Looking at the individual responses in detail, it
is noticeable that a lower level of motivation and
flow state is related to a lower score on the problem-
solving tasks. Less experienced participants also pro-
vided fewer correct answers in the tests. Since al-
most all participants considered the exchange with
colleagues to be useful, no direct correlation between
achievement goal orientation and better test results
could be found.
The test items provided through the online ques-
tionnaire were similarly structured, corresponded in
terms of complexity and relevance and were designed
in such a way that participants were able to answer
them following engagement in the sessions. The tests
measured change in participants’ skills needed for ap-
plying the acquired knowledge to comparable soft-
ware development problem-solving tasks. The items
were related to the stories presented and addressed
the learning objectives that were agreed upon with the
speakers in the preparation phase.
5.2.3 Interviews
Narrators reported that they sometimes had difficulty
setting up their stories within the structure of the
framework. Sequences in which essential parts of
a typical software project are missing (e.g., projects
without a software release or unfinished work) fit only
partially into the framework.
Also, it is sometimes difficult to present the re-
sults of the work (”The Boon”), for example, when
there are no test cases or no user interface. Still,
they agreed that the framework helped them to pre-
pare their stories in a way that was understandable
and did not leave out important information.
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 3: Arithmetic means of the self-assessment ratings (n=31).
Figure 4: Average percentage of correct answers for each session in the problem-solving test (n=31).
Recipients stated that the consistent structure of
the narratives made it easier for them to keep the
thread in their eyes. The stories were always struc-
tured the same way, so they knew which parts con-
tained the main information and were particularly
worth listening to.
Partly, however, the unchanging structure also led
to boredom. There should not be too many sto-
ries told in a row. Overall, they felt that they came
to important information that they would otherwise
never have learned. In informal conversations, work-
mates usually tend to mention only the most impor-
tant aspects and don’t pay attention to every detail.
The Developer’s Journey promoted awareness of the
links between different aspects like software require-
ments, involved stakeholders, implementation proce-
dures, releases and subsequent work.
The collected data indicates that the application of
the Developer’s Journey had a positive effect on par-
ticipants’ problem-solving ability. On the one hand,
this is evident from the problem-solving measure-
ment, where a significant improvement was achieved
in two of three cases. On the other hand, the self-
assessment questionnaire and interviews confirm that
participants had the subjective impression of having
enhanced their declarative and procedural knowledge.
The composition of skill levels of the experimen-
tal group for which the program was designed finds
expression in the collected responses. We were deal-
ing with a group of experienced software developers,
and the averages of task value, achievement goal ori-
entation and perceived competence are consistently
in the upper range. It is likely that experienced soft-
The Developer’s Journey: A Storytelling Framework for Cooperative Learning in Software Engineering
ware developers require different knowledge than be-
ginners and the ratio of declarative and procedural
knowledge growth varies from responses of unexperi-
enced developers.
Our pretests and posttests were designed for an
experienced group of software engineers with prior
knowledge in application development. But also the
few participants with a lower level of perceived com-
petence were able to improve from pretest to posttest.
This gives an indication that the method might be use-
ful for groups of less experienced developers as well.
The high level of intrinsic motivation the results
show implies that the participants engaged for intrin-
sic rewards rather than having concern for any poten-
tial external reward they might receive. It is important
to rely on methods that trigger inner enthusiasm, as
intrinsic motivation can affect human behavior more
intensely than extrinsic motivation (Oudeyer and Ka-
plan, 2007). Using a method too often can become
repetitive, reduce engagement and lead to a loss of
motivation and adherence to the intervention (Singh,
2016). Used sparingly, the Developer’s Journey pro-
vides an opportunity to mix things up and keep learn-
ers’ attention.
Many studies show a connection between intrinsic
motivation and flow (Rheinberg and Engeser, 2018).
A prerequisite of attaining flow is voluntary engage-
ment in a task that the individual finds enjoyable.
When we perform an activity over a continuous pe-
riod of time with a balance between the difficulty of
the challenge and the skills of the individual, we are
more likely to experience flow. The cohesive and
guided process, which allows to focus on the story
and make the common thread of a story visible, may
support coming in this state. However, transitions and
breaks between stories may disrupt the flow.
The overall high level of motivation indicates that
the application of the Developer’s Journey was well
received by the participants and created a strong in-
centive for engagement. We saw improvement in
problem-solving skills and also a subjective sensation
of learning success. This combination makes us con-
fident that the method has had positive effect on the
We presented a storytelling concept based on NL
principles for cooperative learning in software engi-
neering. It was evaluated in the context of a post-
secondary cloud computing education program for
software engineers. The storytelling concept was in-
spired by the Hero’s Journey, a common template
of stories in narratology and comparative mythology
and adapted as a didactic method tailored to the spe-
cial needs of a software development continuous edu-
cation program. It should help software developers
to prepare and share their experiences in the form
of instructive narratives, with the goal of activating
transformative learning processes in others as well as
Many developers pursue the same objectives, fol-
low the same development paths and solve similar
problems without learning from each other’s experi-
ences. With the guidelines of the Developer’s Jour-
ney, software developers should be enabled to pre-
pare and present their lived experiences in a structured
and effective manner. Sharing experiences with each
other is a pillar for interconnected relations, mutual
assistance and long-lasting partnerships. The eval-
uation of the Developer’s Journey led to a positive
outcome in terms of learning success and enthusiasm
for the method. There is a positive correlation be-
tween the application of the framework and partici-
pants’ problem-solving ability. It also seems to have
a stimulating effect for the participants, which is re-
flected in the high level of intrinsic motivation and
flow state.
In order to come to conclusions regarding the
question if the flow state can be triggered by the use of
this NL method, further research is needed measuring
the flow state over a longer period of time. The recur-
ring structure of the Developer’s Journey provides a
promising opportunity to design learning experiences
so that transformative learning happens more regu-
larly. The results indicate that a flow state could be
In community-based learning, a narrative frame-
work can be effectively used as a tool to create partic-
ipatory, immersive and contextual experiences. While
narrators are given a chance to structure and reflect
upon overcome problems and achievements, listeners
are drawn into a simulated adventure that helps them
to learn from others’ experiences. To facilitate the
adoption and exploitation of NL in software engineer-
ing, further templates and guidelines are needed.
The Developer’s Journey has proven to be a mo-
tivating and promising approach to the further de-
velopment of cloud developers in community-based
learning. There are still many challenges with re-
gard to cloud adoption in the education sector (Wolf-
schwenger and Sabitzer, 2020). Different understand-
ings and attitudes towards strategy, security, legal,
ethical and other issues still exist. Especially in terms
of awareness formation for groups concerned other
than IT staff, the use of the Developer’s Journey may
also be a helpful tool.
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Avraamidou, L. and Osborne, J. (2009). The role of narra-
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The Developer’s Journey: A Storytelling Framework for Cooperative Learning in Software Engineering