rience quality. We executed a study involving the
videoconference tools Google Meet and Zoom, per-
forming the usability test and UX evaluation with 15
subjects, including teachers and students. The results
indicate that these tools can interfere with the quality
of the remote teaching experience and that teachers
and students need to cooperate for a positive remote
classroom experience.
It is relevant to evaluate other tools used in this
context for future work. For example, tools focused
on other types of interaction, such as game-based
learning platforms. These assessments are necessary
for a more holistic understanding of remote teaching
and the solutions designed for this context.
This research, carried out within the scope of the
Samsung-UFAM Project for Education and Research
(SUPER), according to Article 48 of Decree nº
6.008/2006(SUFRAMA), was funded by Samsung
Electronics of Amazonia Ltda., under the terms
of Federal Law nº 8.387/1991, through agreement
001/2020, signed with Federal University of Ama-
zonas and FAEPI, Brazil. This research was also
supported by the Brazilian funding agency FA-
PEAM through process number 062.00150/2020, the
Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Ed-
ucation Personnel-Brazil (CAPES) financial code
001, the S
ao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)
under Grant 2020/05191-2, and CNPq process
314174/2020-6. We also thank to all participants of
the study present in this paper.
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CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education