Analysing Usability and UX in Peer Review Tools
Romualdo Azevedo, Gretchen Macedo, Genildo Gomes, Atacilio Cunha, Joethe Carvalho,
Fabian Lopes, Tayana Conte, Alberto Castro and Bruno Gadelha
Institute of Computing, Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM), 69.080-900, Manaus – AM, Brazil
romualdo.costa, gtmacedo, genildo.gomes, atacilio.cunha, joethe, fabian.lopes, tayana, alberto,
Peer Review, Collaborative Learning, Human-computer Interaction, Collaborative Systems.
Due to the pandemic scenario, teachers and students needed to master several technologies such as collabo-
rative tools to support remote learning. Trying and adopting these tools properly in a context can positively
contribute to learning, potentially maximizing student engagement. In this sense, this paper presents perspec-
tives from professors and students about aspects of User Experience (UX), on two collaborative tools that
support Peer Review: (i) The Moodle Assessment Laboratory (MoodlePRLab) and (ii) Model2Review. Thus,
it was possible to propose improvements to promote a better user experience from professors and students
when using these sorts of tools and discuss how UX can affect collaboration during remote teaching.
The pandemic and social distancing imposed by the
new coronavirus around the world abruptly impacted
teaching methodologies, which migrated from face-
to-face to non-presential contexts. As a consequence,
classes, lectures, and educational activities were gen-
erally affected (Garc
nalvo et al., 2020). Con-
sidering this, promoting interaction and collabora-
tion has become a major challenge in non-face-to-face
teaching-learning contexts (Khan et al., 2021). Thus,
studies on tools that promote the use of techniques
that help in the development of group work skills have
become necessary in different learning contexts (Al-
Samarraie and Saeed, 2018) and, in general, on tools
that promote interaction.
In this sense, teachers need to select appropriate
tools to support teaching methods that promote inter-
action between students in remote education, which is
not a trivial task (Almukhaylid and Suleman, 2020).
Selecting these tools involves several aspects that
comprise the features offered, how collaboration is
made possible, as well as the results of usability and
User Experience (UX) assessments. Thus, evaluating
the UX of different tools can help not only in their se-
lection but also in identifying problems to be fixed to
improve the UX itself (Wijayarathna and Arachchi-
lage, 2019). These factors influence directly when
using virtual learning environments in academic in-
stitutions (de Kock et al., 2016).
Quantitative and qualitative techniques, such as
AttrakDiff and Emocards, can be used to assess
and understand different aspects of UX (Ribeiro and
encia, 2020; Cokan and Paz, 2018). While the
AttrakDiff technique collects pragmatic and hedonic
aspects of the tools, using a questionnaire on scales
and classifying the word pairs into dimensions (Cec-
cacci et al., 2017), the Emocards technique uses a
non-verbal method that allows users to express emo-
tions during a performance of your activities (Ge
et al., 2017).
Thus, this paper presents the evaluation of UX
and usability from the point of view of teachers, stu-
dents, and usability inspectors, in two tools that sup-
port the Peer Review collaborative learning technique
in the context of remote teaching. To evaluate the
Moodle Assessment Laboratory (MoodlePRLab) and
Model2Review tools (Costa et al., 2021), we con-
ducted an usability inspection using Heuristic Evalu-
ation (HE) (Nielsen, 1994), and an usability test with
Cooperative Evaluation technique. Besides, we per-
formed a UX evaluation with AttrakDiff and Emo-
cards techniques, and two open questions about gen-
eral aspects of the tools.
With the study, it was possible to verify the ef-
ficiency and effectiveness of the tools and map the
feeling of teachers and students about the different ac-
tivities carried out in these tools. So, it was possible
to identify specific points that resulted in a bad usage
experience, indicating aspects where the UX could be
Azevedo, R., Macedo, G., Gomes, G., Cunha, A., Car valho, J., Lopes, F., Conte, T., Castro, A. and Gadelha, B.
Analysing Usability and UX in Peer Review Tools.
DOI: 10.5220/0011067500003182
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2022) - Volume 2, pages 361-371
ISBN: 978-989-758-562-3; ISSN: 2184-5026
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 con-
tains the background for this research. Section 3
presents the the methodology used at this work. Sec-
tion 4 presents the results of the study using usability
and UX evaluation techniques. Section 5 discusses
our results. Lastly, Section 6 presents the conclusions
of the study.
In this section, we explore concepts about UX eval-
uations and collaborative systems. We also address
some related works.
2.1 Usability and UX Evaluation
Assessing UX and usability is essential to improve
system quality and ensure user satisfaction during
the experience (Bader et al., 2017). Thus, there
are techniques and methods to assess such attributes.
For example, usability can be assessed through ap-
proaches such as user testing or professional inspec-
tions (de Oliveira Sousa and Valentim, 2019).
Testing involves people related to the context of
application usage. Usability tests are used to observe
and investigate questions about navigation and under-
standing the interface of a product, service, website or
prototype (Hertzum, 2020). Representative users in-
volved in the application context must perform these
tests. It requires the establishment of a script of
tasks and analysts to observe them. It is necessary
to use techniques to carry out usability tests, such as
those based on observation, questions and others. Ob-
servation techniques include Interaction Rehearsals,
Think Aloud and Cooperative Assessment, and post-
task Walkthroughs (Armstrong et al., 2019; Khajouei
et al., 2017).
Usability inspections, on the other hand, must
be carried out with professionals evaluating the sys-
tem according to the defined activities script (P
Medina et al., 2021). Therefore, Nielsen’s Heuristics
are commonly used so that inspectors perform inspec-
tion in web applications (Nielsen, 1994). In this way,
the heuristics violated by the systems and the severity
of the problems are verified.
Unlike inspections, UX assessments must take
place with users. Thus, it is intended to observe the
emotions and satisfaction of users about the steps of
using the tools. For this, there are techniques such
as Emocards, Emofaces, AttrakDiff, TRUE - Track-
ing Realtime User Experience and others (Ribeiro and
encia, 2020; Cokan and Paz, 2018).
2.2 Educational Collaborative Systems
Collaborative systems are artifacts that allow inter-
action between people (Wouters et al., 2017). With
the advancement of technology and the imposition of
isolation restrictions during the pandemic, the use of
collaborative systems to promote interaction and col-
laboration in online education contexts has increased
(Rahiem, 2020).
Some systems implement collaborative learning
techniques in undergraduate courses, encouraging the
development of group work skills. The MoodlePRLab
and the Model2Review tool are some of such tools
(Costa et al., 2021). Environments such as learning
management systems allow the definition of activities
for asynchronous learning. Some have interaction fo-
rums, such as Moodle (Rabiman et al., 2020).
Thus, instructors can leverage collaborative sys-
tems to promote synchronous and asynchronous inter-
action during teaching-learning (Bailey et al., 2021).
Asynchronous interactions use emails, forums, and
group activities. Synchronous interactions involve
chat for instant messaging and videoconferencing en-
vironments, for example.
2.3 Related Works
Several works evaluate collaborative learning tools
with a focus on the functionalities necessary for this
purpose (Søndergaard and Mulder, 2012; Sharp and
Rodriguez, 2020; Jeong and Hmelo-Silver, 2016;
Evans et al., 2017; Cheng et al., 2016; Biasutti, 2017).
In this section, we present some details of these re-
Søndergaard and Mulder (2012) analyze, in their
work, peer assessment tools focusing on the forma-
tive character of knowledge in collaborative learn-
ing. According to them, Peer Assessment promotes
the development of critical thinking, improvement in
the quality of work, increased autonomy and deeper
learning, and the development of social and affec-
tive skills. In their analysis, the results indicate that
these tools should make the Peer Review technique
simple and intuitive, in addition to enabling the me-
diation of the technique, such as automation of task
distribution, anonymity of participants, configuration
of categories, accessibility, among others.
Sharp and Rodriguez (2020) also recognize in
their work the value of Peer Review as a way to
promote critical thinking and improve writing abil-
ity. Thus, a study was carried out to evaluate the im-
pact of technological tools on the design of Peer Re-
view activities. They considered the following tools:
Eli Review, aimed at Peer Review, Word and Google
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Docs, for collaborative text processing. Thus, the re-
sults were evaluated through questionnaires and data
from the evaluations of the work carried out by the
Jeong and Hmelo-Silver (2016) developed a
framework composed of 7 possibilities (Evans et al.,
2017) of collaborative learning environments, based
on studies of how these technologies are used and the
design strategies adopted in these tools. In this work,
a set of pedagogical, social and cultural aspects were
identified for each accessibility to be used in the de-
sign of tools that promote collaborative learning.
Cheng et al. (2016) used thinkLets in their work
to help design collaborative online learning processes.
Thus, the interaction-based satisfaction assessment
was complemented with the Yield Shift Theory, a the-
ory to perform a causal analysis to explain user sat-
isfaction. A comparative analysis of two categories
of collaboration tools, wikis and forums, was carried
out in the work of Biasutti (2017). The analysis used
quantitative indicators for different cognitive activi-
ties and questionnaires with open questions to quali-
tatively assess the characteristics of the tools based on
the users’ perception.
Considering the presented works, the evaluation
of collaborative learning tools focused on functional-
ity and user satisfaction. Therefore, there is a lack
of usability studies and UX evaluation, which can be
configured as interference factors in the satisfactory
use of these tools. In this paper, we performed a UX
assessment to help identify problems that directly im-
pact user satisfaction in a teaching-learning environ-
This study was carried out by evaluating the User Ex-
perience (UX) of MoodlePRLab and Model2Review
from the perspective of four usability inspectors, ve
professors and five students from the Federal Univer-
sity of Amazonas, who needed to adapt their face-to-
face activities for the remote learning context.
Thus, in the planning phase, support materials
were developed: (i) Informed Consent Form (ICF),
guaranteeing the preservation of the identity of the
participants and the availability of data for the study;
(ii) List of Tasks the participants should perform
on the tools; (iii) Emocards, which were used for
each task performed in the tools and; (iv) AttrakD-
iff questionnaire. With the materials prepared, the re-
searchers performed a pilot study to assess the suit-
ability of the materials for the study to be carried out.
Participants received an invitation by email with
a link to ICF. After acceptance, a meeting call was
scheduled with each participant to perform the usabil-
ity test, using the Cooperative Assessment technique,
which took place via Google Meet. The execution of
the study began with the responsible researcher giv-
ing a presentation on the use of Peer Review in remote
teaching contexts. Then, the researchers informed the
links to the tools and sequentially dictated the tasks
that each one should perform.
In Model2Review, teachers performed the follow-
ing tasks: (i) register with the tool; (ii) register an
evaluation form; (iii) view the evaluation form; (iv)
edit evaluation form; (v) record activity; (vi) view ac-
tivity; (vii) edit activity; (viii) register class; (ix) view
class; (x) edit class; (xi) associate the activity to a
class (ensure the creation of the class); (xii) check ac-
tivity status and; (xiii) distribute activities (choose /
design reviewers).
The students executed the following tasks using
Model2Review: (i) register with the tool; (ii) join a
class; (iii) check class activity; (iv) present an activity;
(v) review an activity and; (vi) check peer reviews and
submit final version.
In MoodlePRLab, teachers performed the follow-
ing activities: (i) create an activity; (ii) create an eval-
uation form; (iii) move to the submission stage; (iv)
assign submissions; (v) move to the assessment phase
and; (vi) disable editing.
The students performed the following activities
using the same tool: (i) present activity and; (ii) re-
view another student’s submission.
At the end of each task, researchers asked partic-
ipants which Emocards represented their feelings. At
the end of the study, participants were asked to answer
the AttrakDiff questionnaire and two open questions
about general aspects related to the experience of us-
ing both tools.
The usability inspection of the Model2Review and
MoodlePRLab tools involved, according to the steps
of the Heuristic Assessment method (Nielsen, 1994),
the steps of Preparation, Detection and Collection to
generate a report with the results and analysis of the
obtained data.
The Preparation step included using the character-
istics of each Nielsen Heuristic to compose a spread-
sheet with the necessary information. The Detection
step involved the collection and interpretation of data
by team members.
The Collection step consisted on consolidating
data from each inspector and data grouping. During
preparation, Model2Review and MoodlePRLab were
analyzed considering their context, classifying their
user profiles and defining the activities that would be
supervised. Thus, the study results could be reflected
Analysing Usability and UX in Peer Review Tools
in suggestions for improvements in the tools, indi-
cating which aspects should be observed to provide
a better UX in the Peer Assessment tools.
In this section, we present the results of the usabil-
ity inspection and testing and the satisfaction aspects
of teachers and students linked to the results of Emo-
Cards and the pragmatic and hedonic aspects related
to the AttrakDiff results, as well as the perceptions
about the tools under evaluation.
4.1 Usability Inspection
With the definitions ready, the researchers assessed
the tools by performing the tasks defined in the prepa-
ration stage, accessing the screens and options de-
fined in the preparation. The researchers, as inspec-
tors, filled out a spreadsheet with information on lo-
cation, heuristics, severity, justification or description
of the reason for choosing the heuristic and a possible
recommendation regarding the choice, generating an
extensive list of justifications / descriptions. The de-
grees of severity ranged from 1 to 4, as follows: 1 -
Only aesthetic problems, which do not need to be cor-
rected unless there is time available; 2 - Small usabil-
ity problem, which should have low priority; 3 - Im-
portant usability issue, which must be given high pri-
ority and; 4 - Usability catastrophes, those that must
be corrected.
When consolidating and grouping the data, de-
fects and false positives were sorted according each
inspector’s justification/description to avoid duplica-
tions. The criterion of union between description,
heuristic, and severity was used for this consolidation.
In this way, a description can be related to one or more
heuristics if necessary. Parts of this consolidation are
shown in Table 1 with results from Model2Review and
After this consolidation, we performed a compar-
ative analysis between the heuristics and the tools.
General defects, present in various screens, were clas-
sified separately. The Figure 1 presents the arrange-
ment of heuristics in the Model2Review (M2R) and
the MoodlePRLab (Moodle). The complete table can
be found in the supplementary material
During tool comparison, we identified that
Model2Review has major problems in its activities in
all heuristics and that MoodlePRLab, as a more expe-
rienced and robust tool, has fewer usability problems.
Table 1: Inspection - Consolidated Data.
Figure 1: Comparison of Violated Heuristics.
4.2 Usability Test
For this work, a variation of Think Aloud was used:
the Cooperative Evaluation technique (Nørgaard and
Hornbæk, 2006). This technique was used during the
usability test. Its usage was based on observation,
where tests and interactions occurred according to the
user’s needs. Cooperative Evaluation was chosen be-
cause it is used most of the time when you already
have a ready-made or partially built interface, during
the iterative development cycle, either for the creation
or re-creation of the software which is the case of
Model2Review. Unlike other techniques that provide
long lists of issues to fix, Cooperative Assessment lets
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
you check out the most important issues.
For Cooperative Evaluation, the evaluator must
know the software and perform the tests through ob-
servation in cooperative environments. The Cooper-
ative Evaluation in this work was applied and reg-
istered during the usability tests. Thus, users were
encouraged to perform the tasks guided by the re-
searchers. Besides, the test administrator performed
an intervention for each question or need, and wrote
down the problem verified in the instrument.
In Model2Review, the most frequent questions
were about the tool’s menu, students finding their
tasks and teachers recording the activity. In
MoodlePRLab, the most frequent interventions were
about the registering activities of the form, carried out
by the teachers and the evaluation of the activities of
colleagues, by the students.
Analyzing the feedback from participants of both
profiles used in the usability test in Model2Review,
it was possible to see that, despite reporting that
they would use the tool within their remote teaching-
learning routine, the application’s usability problems
generated a bad experience.
Problems such as (1) main menu display bug that
allows navigation through the application, (2) lack of
instructions while using the tool, (3) lack of back but-
ton in some screens, (4) no clarification of the se-
quence of activities and (5) the lack of visibility in the
execution of the review steps and the evaluation of the
activities greatly affected the use of the tool during the
usability test.
Among the main reasons for dissatisfaction with
Model2Review is the obligation to register the evalu-
ation form before the activity, which is not obvious
or intuitive. Another frustration is related to bugs
present in the tool that hinder navigation. Concern-
ing MoodlePRLab, the biggest difficulty was with the
great amount of resources of the tool and fourteen
configuration options available, being necessary to
read about each one of them to continue using it.
The management of transitions between the sub-
mission and evaluation phases was a challenge, with
participants with a student profile who were unable to
perform the task of evaluating their colleague’s work,
as they were unable to view the review. The usability
metrics defined for this study were chosen to analyze
effectiveness and efficiency. Table 2 presents the re-
Table 2: Efficiency.
The results presented in Table 2, show that the av-
erage time to carry out the activity in Model2Review
was greater than the MoodlePRLab. Effectiveness
was measured by observing errors in the application
and frequency of help requests, and the results are
shown in Table 3.
Table 3: Effectiveness.
With the results of effectiveness, we understood
that from the teacher’s point of view, the tasks, both
with success and with errors, were better completed in
MoodlePRLab. As for the students, the efficiency of
tasks completed with errors was greater than in the
MoodlePRLab and the rate of corrected errors was
4.3 EmoCards
This method is used using a sheet of paper or flash
cards with images that represent the feelings, which
can be positive or negative where any emotional char-
acteristic demonstrated by the user about the interac-
tion with the system is considered an emotion (Cokan
and Paz, 2018). For this study, Emocards have been
adapted to Emojis. This decision was taken because
of the greater familiarity of the study participants with
Emojis that are commonly used in electronic mes-
Figure 2 presents the results of the Emocards for
the teacher and student profiles in the two tools. The
Emojis are displayed in Figure 2 which includes the
results according to the following meanings: 1 - Sur-
prised; 2 - Amazed; 3 - Lightly Smiling; 4 - Relieved;
5 - Smiling; 6 - Depressed; 7 - Discontented and; 8 -
Angry. The results obtained were assessed according
to the perspectives of teachers and students in each of
the tools during the performance of the activities.
a) Model2Review According to the Professors:
note that the professors are not enthusiastic about
some activities, such as registering an activity and
registering a class. However, the frequency of feel-
ings of Amazed, Slightly Smiling and Relieved re-
veals some discomfort to this virtual environment.
Negative emotions draw attention and make it pos-
sible to identify opportunities for improvement in the
Analysing Usability and UX in Peer Review Tools
Figure 2: EmoCards Results - a) Model2Review according
to teachers; b) Model2Review according to the students; c)
MoodlePRLab according to the teachers; d) MoodlePRLab
according to the students.
b) Model2Review According to Students: the vast
majority of students showed some sympathy during
the performance of submission tasks and association
with the class. However, the report of some feelings
of annoyance indicates that the environment is not as
satisfactory or that an activity is not very interesting
or not very motivating for the students, such as finding
an activity to be reviewed.
c) MoodlePRLab According to the Professors: the
most demonstrated emotions were Slightly Smiling
and Smiling. With that, a certain satisfaction in the
execution of the tasks is demanded. However, some
negative emotions demonstrated that some teachers
are unlikely to perform some activities such as chang-
ing the submission phase and setting up the assess-
ment form as expected.
d) MoodlePRLab According to Students: Slightly
smiling and Smiling emotions were the most men-
tioned. However, we verified during the study that
the excessive amount of information contained in the
virtual environment made it difficult to carry out ac-
tivities, such as finding the evaluation form.
4.4 AttrakDiff
To assess the UX, the participants were asked to an-
swer a quantitative questionnaire that included prag-
matic and hedonic aspects of the tools. Thus, the idea
was to understand which UX attributes influence the
learning and acceptance of the tool. While the prag-
matic aspects are related to functionalities that help
the user to reach their goal, the hedonic aspects high-
light the emotions and pleasures of the user (Hassen-
zahl, 2008).
For this study, we used the AttrakDiff method with
twenty-eight (28) items in Likert scales, through a
set of word pairs. The results are shown in Figure
3. The ten study participants answered the question-
naire. Upon analyzing the results, the contrast be-
tween hedonic and pragmatic aspects can be seen in
Figure 3. Figure 3-a, represents the Model2Review
(orange line) and MoodlePRLab (blue line) tools from
the teacher’s perspective, while Figure 3-b represents
the student’s perspective.
In this graph, it was possible to see that both
from the point of view of teachers and students,
the use of the two tools was predominantly positive.
However, the oscillation of the results between the
word pairs indicates a divergent experience. Analyz-
ing the negative results from the teacher’s perspec-
tive, MoodlePRLab stands out for being considered a
“technical”, “complicated” and “unpredictable” tool.
The same result can be observed from the student’s
perspective, adding a “conventional term ” the tool.
Looking at Model2Review from the teacher’s per-
spective, participants highlighted that it was “techni-
cal”, “confused”, “unprofessional”, “tacky”, “not de-
manding” and “ugly”. From the students’ perspec-
tive, distinct oscillations between word pairs are ob-
served, in contrast to the professors’ perspective. Stu-
dents find it “inventive”, “confused”, “conventional”,
“dull”, “not demanding” and “unpleasant”.
On the other hand, there is a predominance of pos-
itive variations in the tools. Regarding attributes that
can influence the acceptance of the system as a tool
for teaching, the MoodlePRLab stands out as “prac-
tical”, “professional”, “styled”, “brings me closer
to people”, “creative” and “attractive”. Regarding
Model2Review, the attributes “simple”, “integrating”,
“manageable”, “brings me closer to people”, “innova-
tive” and “captivating” stand out positively. Consid-
ering it to be an unfamiliar tool, it was important to
evaluate both the teacher and the student.
4.5 Perceptions Found
After Emocards and AttrakDiff, teachers and students
were also invited to comment on general aspects re-
garding the two tools, namely: (i) - Comment on the
experience of using Model2Review and; (ii) - Com-
ment on your experience using the MoodlePRLab.
With these open questions, it was possible to gather
the aspects to be improved to each tool that can pro-
vide a better user experience in the context of remote
learning. Table 4 lists these aspects.
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 3: AttrakDiff results - a) Model2Review and MoodlePRLab from the teachers’ point of view; b) Model2Review and
MoodlePRLab from the students’ point of view.
Students reported that, despite being easy to un-
derstand, Model2Review contained errors that hin-
dered the performance of activities. One of the stu-
dents commented: “Submitting the activity was very
simple, however, the action of reviewing the activity
was hard to find, as well as commenting on the re-
view” - It is understood that the students had diffi-
culties during the review process for both finding and
assigning comments.
Some students may have given up on reviewing
because they had difficulty finding this feature. An-
other student commented: “The tool is buggy, making
it difficult to use. - In this case, students spent more
time looking for and adapting to bugs. Despite the
difficulties, one of the students replied: “Much more
intuitive and even in situations where you might be
uncertain doubt, just dragging the cursor to the but-
ton would show a brief description of what the button
did. - That is, the tool handles some aspects of UX,
but it still needs the user to look for the features.
Professors, about Model2Review, reported that the
interface was simple, but that the defects hampered
the use process. While a teacher commented: “Easy
to understand and use but with many errors in naviga-
tion and dates. The queries lack information and the
return button is missing. and another “I found the in-
terface very simple, which ends up deceiving the user
and seems to be easy, but requires many steps during
the performance of an activity and demands a long
time. Imagine having to make several revisions. Too
complex for simple tasks. - It is believed that teach-
ers may give up using or selecting another toolWehe
face of these difficulties.
Another professor replied: “I think the tool suffers
from 3 aspects: 1) the sequence of activities is not
clear, 2) the system does not lead to the correct or-
der, and 3) there is no feedback on the activities. The
navigation button only works if it is on the main page,
forcing you to change the URL. When listing classes,
it is not clear that you have to associate an activity.
The feeling I have is that there is only registration,
we cannot keep up with the students in the class, or
Analysing Usability and UX in Peer Review Tools
Table 4: UX improvements to Model2Review and MoodlePRLab (Moodle) tools.
ID Improvement Model2Review Moodle
Clear description of data fields when requested
Data fields that can only accept specific values
must already prepare in their presentation
the listing and specification of such values
Login data fields must be clear during the
registration of this information and during the
request for it
For activities that have steps, the UX of the
application must be planned to meet the
same vision
Help fields at each stage to clarify them
Completion steps of some flow need to
ensure visual feedback to the user
Activities that have stages must allow the
user to move between stages without loss of
information already completed
Step data that have already been saved
and that are essential for planning other parts of an
activity should be displayed when planning
Application UX must ensure that
fundamental steps that depend on data that
can be duplicated, the user profile
that registers them must be notified of the impact
of this for the next stages of the problem in
Application glossary according to the
context of the solved problem
Applications that have many steps or require
a lot of data due to the generalization of the problem
solved must ensure that each of these steps
and data group have a clarification of its
need for its entire context
Applications that have separate viewing and
editing profiles must make the status
and the switch between profiles evident
the assessments. A little tricky to understand. - This
shows the need for improvements in the tool, with the
inclusion of other sequences of actions, feedbacks and
monitoring of steps.
Despite the problems, one teacher commented:
“It’s definitetly a tool I would use in my classes. But
it needs to improve the step-by-step that must obey
the following creation order: Forms, Activities, and
Classes. I recommend an initial screen with brief in-
structions for using the tool, each page can have a
representative icon for the Registration of Forms, Ac-
tivities, and Classes, in addition to the representative
icons, I recommend a logo for the system. The menu
has problems, so it doesn’t allow navigation in the
system. Some features could be better explained in
the system.. This comment indicates that, even with
the UX problems and the need to reformulate the task
flows, the tool is an option of choice to promote col-
laboration in non-teaching classes.
Students reported that the MoodlePRLab is faster
and simpler, but that the step of reviewing activities
was more difficult. One commented: “Submitting the
task was very quick and simple, but doing the proof-
reading was more difficult. I couldn’t see the im-
age submitted for review. While another reported:
“Overall, it was quite easy to see how to perform the
activities within Moodle but I couldn’t actually per-
form the activities, for example, right away I couldn’t
evaluate another student’s activity, as I didn’t have
the option to assign a comment or grade, so it didn’t
get graded.. This difficulty related to not being able
to review or not assign a comment or grade hindered
the interaction between the students.
The processes of criticism and self-criticism,
made possible by the Peer Reviewing, are not prop-
erly covered, interfering with collaboration. However,
one student said that “The tool is very intuitive, which
makes it easy to use.. This could be because Moo-
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
dle is a very popular tool to use in academic environ-
Professors reported that MoodlePRLab features
were more complex and had many options and in-
formation that hindered finding what was needed, as
shown in the following comments: “All the options
I had to go through were full of lots of information
and options that made it difficult for me to find what
I needed.; “More complex but interesting interface
and features. and: “MoodlePRLab has a lot of in-
teresting and self-explanatory features, it’s certainly
a very powerful tool, but the learning curve can take
a long time precisely because an account of the num-
ber of existing features. In this sense, Model2Review
proved to be much more practical in creating and con-
figuring the activities of a class, as it goes straight to
the point. But it needs to improve some functionality
and be more self-explanatory..
From these comments, we can see that the teach-
ers synthesized important aspects about UX prob-
lems, but they also reported that the excess of infor-
mation can harm learning, as seen in this other com-
ment: “The tool is not as intuitive given that you need
to read about what each thing means. It’s like it has a
lot of functionality in a way that makes the experience
difficult. Once one understands what it has to do, it’s
easier because it has a pattern of activities and a lot
of feedback about things. I found it interesting..
The use of UX assessment techniques combined with
open-ended questions about the user experience al-
lowed the impact verification of UX on collaboration
initiatives. The analysis of feelings with the Emo-
cards technique captured the satisfaction of teachers
and students during activities. It was noted that the
difficulties from the teachers’ point of view in car-
rying out activities such as changing the submission
phase in the MoodlePRLab and following the activ-
ity in Model2Review harmed teacher satisfaction. For
professors, registering the activity in Model2Review
caused more positive feelings than registering the ac-
tivity in the MoodlePRLab, perhaps because it is a
more punctual task on Model2Review. This shows
that the user experience can affect the willingness to
carry out collaborative activities.
The results of the UX analysis with the AttrakD-
iff technique reflect the difficulty of teachers and stu-
dents in handling the tools, in addition to indicating
the need to improve communicability between pro-
files, facilitating student learning, and the professors’
manipulation of the tool. These data indicate that the
interface and the affordances of the tool, in both per-
spectives, may not have pleased the users and, conse-
quently, impaired the experience of use during learn-
ing. In this way, it was possible to visualize which as-
pects need to be improved to increase the acceptance
of teaching platforms. Although most results are pos-
itive, there is a predominance of positive variations
about MoodlePRLab. This can be explained by the
fact that Moodle is a consolidated tool in the world
learning context, while Model2Review is recent and
not known.
Concerning the tools general aspects, we noticed
that Model2Review, despite being easy to understand,
contained errors that hindered the conduct of ac-
tivities from the perspective of the students. The
MoodlePRLab, on the other hand, despite being easier
and faster, made it difficult in some cases to complete
the review task, hampering collaboration. In the pro-
fessors’ perception about Model2Review, it was no-
ticed that this tool took a long time to carry out the
proposed activities. It was also verified that the tool’s
flows could be improved, including the feedbacks of
help and monitoring of students during activities, as
the teacher needs to accompany students during inter-
actions. Regarding MoodlePRLab, the features were
more complex and had more options, but the excess
of information on the screen hindered the user expe-
rience when trying to find something more punctual.
Overall, participants reported that MoodlePRLab
provides more features and has a self-explanatory
view. Even with this advantage, it was noticeable with
the feedback that the Laboratory was planned to re-
quire more information to be filled in by the teacher
profile so that the review process is possible. This
factor made usability a little difficult during tests, but
all participants were able to carry out their activities.
Only one student profile participant was unable to
complete an activity review step, but for not under-
standing the Peer Reviewing process.
In the general comparison of the two tools,
MoodlePRLab, being a more general and widely
known tool, showed a greater potential in promoting
interactions. On the other hand, it is a much more
complex tool than Model2Review, having less intu-
itive subtasks that only users who already knew the
tool knew how to perform. The point that stood out
most positively in Model2Review was its simplicity,
which allowed participants to easily find the tasks pro-
posed in the activities script, facilitating the interac-
tion process.
However, the tool is under development on an
experimental basis and still has several inadequacies
that need to be corrected, which harmed the user ex-
perience. Model2Review and MoodlePRLab are not
Analysing Usability and UX in Peer Review Tools
the only tools available to mediate Peer Review in re-
mote contexts. Similar studies can be carried out us-
ing other tools, making it possible to recommend the
most appropriate tool for each context.
A negative user experience can hamper student en-
gagement, directly influencing student performance
and overall learning. However, these techniques do
not cover all aspects to be evaluated in a collabora-
tive system. In the case of Peer Review tools, it is
interesting to carry out more specific assessments re-
garding the quality of the feedback obtained during
the reviews, and also to assess how the user experi-
ence occurs during interactions between teacher and
This article presented a study about Model2Review
and MoodlePRLab, which can help teachers and stu-
dents when choosing tools that promote interaction in
remote learning. For that, a usability inspection was
applied with Nielsen’s Heuristics, a usability test with
Cooperative Evaluation, and a UX evaluation with the
AttrakDiff and Emocards techniques, in addition to
two open questions for understanding user satisfac-
Even though the tools developed are of origin and
quite different (such as popularity, organizational de-
velopment time, development correction), both pre-
sented several adaptations that could be problem-
atic and/or were identified by the procedures used
in the study. Thus, variations in the usage scenario
would change the indication of one or another tool
for teachers and students. If the focus is on adher-
ence to a minimum set of resources for use by students
self-organized in independent groups, Model2Review
would be more suitable, while if the focus is on in-
tegration with other activities in a course developed
on the Moodle platform, MoodlePRLab would be the
most suitable. As next steps, we intend to investigate
similar scenarios, since the procedures adopted were
not developed or adapted to the complex context that
involves environments and Web-based tools to sup-
port collaborative learning.
This research, carried out within the scope of the
Samsung-UFAM Project for Education and Research
(SUPER), according to Article 48 of Decree
6.008/2006(SUFRAMA), was funded by Samsung
Electronics of Amazonia Ltda., under the terms
of Federal Law 8.387/1991, through agreement
001/2020, signed with Federal University of Ama-
zonas and FAEPI, Brazil. This research was also
supported by the Brazilian funding agency FA-
PEAM through process number 062.00150/2020, the
Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Ed-
ucation Personnel-Brazil (CAPES) financial code
001, the S
ao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)
under Grant 2020/05191-2, and CNPq process
314174/2020-6. We also thank to all participants of
the study present in this paper.
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Analysing Usability and UX in Peer Review Tools