tunately, it delays the lane return with low reference
cost or high consistency cost. The consistency cost
acts as a damper of the vehicle’s motion by delaying
the variation of the vehicle’s orientation. Concern-
ing the reference cost, it plays an essential role, as
presented before in all the scenarios. When encoun-
tering an obstacle, a high reference weight causes a
high lateral acceleration, especially for the combina-
tion where the consistency or smoothness weight is
low or the lateral safety weight is low. The safety
cost guides the vehicle very well in the navigable zone
and respects the inter-distances. In some cases, the
costs identified above may correlate with each other.
For example, in the case of lane following, the lateral
safety cost correlates with the reference tracking cost
by maximizing the lateral safety cost of candidate tra-
jectories near the lane borders and thus minimizing
those towards the lane’s center. On the other hand,
they behave differently when the lateral safety cost
tries to position the vehicle in the middle of the navi-
gable zone, away from the reference lane. The higher
is the reference cost; the earlier is the host lane track-
ing. Finally, choosing the different weights of the cost
function components must obey to a compromise be-
tween the other considered criteria. It is crucial to
prioritize safety on performance. The present analy-
sis shows that the proposed planning algorithm is ro-
bust against the cost weights variation. Moreover, this
study allows us to identify the more suitable ranges
for the different weights to arrive to a robust combi-
nation. Hence, the objective is to arrive to a planning
algorithm tuning as generic as possible to the varia-
tion of driving conditions in a dynamic environment.
The combination 8%, 14%, 8%, 40%, and 30% for
smoothness, reference, consistency, longitudinal and
lateral safety weights, respectively, is adopted as be-
ing a good compromise between safety and perfor-
In this paper, after presenting briefly the local trajec-
tory planning method developed, we have introduced
the method used to determine, analyze and fine tune
the best ranges of the different weights of the trajec-
tory planning cost function. The planning algorithm
is tested using a variety of scenarios and ranges of
weights combinations. This study shows the role of
each cost in determining the best overall trajectory
and leads us to select a range for each cost weight.
We can conclude that the planning algorithm is robust
to the variation of the cost weighting, which repre-
sents a significant advantage for encountering various
driving situations and conditions in a dynamic envi-
ronment, without the need for re-adjusting and tuning
the planning algorithm.
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Tuning and Costs Analysis for a Trajectory Planning Algorithm for Autonomous Vehicles