These strategies apply GitHub services to sup-
port and improve the teaching-learning processes, due
to the provided features and the widespread use of
this technology. In this article, we define the differ-
ent strategies and approaches supported by the use
of GitHub, like project management, collaborative
working, the use of CI/CD processes for automatic
validation of exercises, or simply by sharing material
thanks to the capabilities provided by the platform.
Furthermore, we provide a tool for creating and man-
aging GitHub repositories, to avoid repetitive tasks
such as creating an issue in multiple repositories.
The results obtained by applying the strategies in
the different courses are promising. They have made
it possible to unify teaching-learning strategies within
the Degree of Computer Science of the UAL.
There are still open research lines for building spe-
cific protocols and methodologies for each course,
and for extrapolate the established strategies to other
courses with similar characteristics.
This work has been funded by 21-22-2-13C and 21-
22-1-11C projects, call for the Creation of Teaching
Groups for Innovation and Good Practices and for the
Creation of Teaching Materials of the UAL. Manel
Mena has been funded by a grant (ref. FPU17/02010)
from the Spanish Government.
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CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education