sumption in these devices. This increase in memory
consumption can be due to the extra CUDA mod-
ules loaded by TensorFlow to accelerate the infer-
encing process. At the same time, the memory us-
age increases at a rate of 548.15% on Jetson boards
compared to Raspberry, the performance tradeoff in-
creases at a rate of 2413% more performance regard-
ing the frames per second.
6.1 Future Works
In future improvements of this work, there is a need
to measure and evaluate the energetical consumption
of the embedded devices. Comparing energy-efficient
edge-ai machines is crucial as most edge applications
rely on batteries. Energetical consumption is a con-
straint and critical aspect when inferencing neural net-
works at the edge. So to verify the actual applicability
of our neural network at the edge, it is interesting to
test the energy consumption for the completeness of
our work’s evaluation process.
The authors would like to thank FAPEMIG, CAPES,
CNPq, and the Federal University of Ouro Preto
for supporting this work. This work was partially
funded by CAPES (Finance Code 001) and CNPq
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