Towards Image Captioning for the Portuguese Language: Evaluation on
a Translated Dataset
ao Gondim
, Daniela Barreiro Claro
and Marlo Souza
FORMAS Research Group, Institute of Computing, Federal University of Bahia,
Av. Milton Santos, s/n, PAF2., Campus de Ondina, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Image Captioning, Natural Language Processing, Machine Translation.
Automatic describing an image comprehends the representation from the scene elements to generate a con-
cise natural language description. Few resources, particularly annotated datasets for the Portuguese language,
discourage the development of new methods in languages other than English. Thus, we propose a new image
captioning method for the Portuguese language. We provide an analysis empowered by an encoder-decoder
model with an attention mechanism when employing a multimodal dataset translated into Portuguese. Our
findings suggest that: 1) the original and translated datasets are pretty similar considering the measure achieve-
ments; 2) the translation approach includes some dirty sentence formulations that disturb our model for the
Portuguese language.
Image captioning is the task of, given an image, an-
alyzing its visual contents and generating a textual
description to it (Bernardi et al., 2017). It is a chal-
lenging task as the model not only has to predict the
objects present on the scene but also express their re-
lationships in natural language (Xu et al., 2016).
Automatic captioning can bring advances in in-
formation systems, as they can make predictions
based on the scene description and help the visually
impaired with more accessible interfaces (Bernardi
et al., 2017). Nevertheless, despite its importance
and potential incorporation into systems, this problem
has not received much attention for languages other
than English. Although there are many Natural Lan-
guage Processing methods for the English language,
few resources can be applied to languages other than
English. Furthermore, it is increasingly recognized
in the literature that the focus on the English lan-
guage may introduce some biases into the research
area (Bender, 2009; Bender, 2019). As far as we
know, no previous work has explored image caption-
ing for the Portuguese language.
Common datasets for training image captioning
models, such as Flickr8k (Hodosh et al., 2013),
Flickr30k (Young et al., 2014) and COCO (Common
Objects in Context) (Lin et al., 2015) are all annotated
using English captions. To our knowledge, there are
no corpora for image captioning for the Portuguese
. This work analyzes image captioning for
the Portuguese language based on automated machine
translation. We constructed a multimodal corpus for
image captioning in Portuguese from an English cor-
pus, and we evaluate its quality by training an im-
age captioning neural architecture based on Encoder-
Decoder adapted from (Xu et al., 2016) for the Por-
tuguese language.
The quality of our neural architecture was eval-
uated two-fold: (a) an automatic evaluation of the
predicted captions based on standard metrics in the
literature, namely the Bilingual Evaluation Under-
study (BLEU) (Papineni et al., 2002) and the Metric
for Evaluation of Translation with Explicit ORdering
(METEOR); and (b) a qualitative human evaluation
of our model. The contributions of this work are (1)
the multimodal dataset for image captioning for the
Portuguese language created through machine trans-
lation, (2) a model capable of captioning images in the
Portuguese language, (3) an analysis of the outcomes
While we are aware of the existence of the PraCe-
goVer (dos Santos et al., 2021) multimodal corpus construc-
tion project for the Portuguese language, the corpus is cur-
rently not publicly available.
Gondim, J., Claro, D. and Souza, M.
Towards Image Captioning for the Portuguese Language: Evaluation on a Translated Dataset.
DOI: 10.5220/0011080000003179
In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2022) - Volume 1, pages 384-393
ISBN: 978-989-758-569-2; ISSN: 2184-4992
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of our model and which types of errors such method
is susceptible and (4) a comparison of obtained met-
rics between English and Portuguese captions gener-
ated by the same model trained with, respectively, the
original and the translated dataset.
The following sections are organized as follows:
Section 2 presents the related literature on image cap-
tioning based on neural networks; Section 3 presents
the proposed architecture of our model, adapted from
(Cho et al., 2014), (Xu et al., 2016) and (Tan and Le,
2020); Section 4 describes our experimental method-
ology, discussing the dataset creation and empirical
setup. We present the results of our evaluations in
Section 5 and our discussions in Section 6, analyzing
possible threats to the validity of our results. Finally,
we present our final considerations discuss possible
future work in Section 7.
Early image caption systems relied on rule-based
techniques to fill template captions with detected data
obtained from object detectors and scene recognition
systems (Yao et al., 2010; Socher and Fei-Fei, 2010).
Recent work on image captioning are neural-
based being inspired by techniques from automatic
machine translation encoder-decoder models, posing
the problem of generating captioning as “translating”
images into text.
Authors from (Vinyals et al., 2015), to our knowl-
edge, are the first inspiration from machine translation
encoder-decoder models to image captioning. In this
work, the authors employ an encoder-decoder model
to maximize the likelihood of generating a caption
given an input image, similar to neural machine trans-
lation models that aim to maximize the likelihood of
generating a translation given an input sentence. This
is achieved by replacing the encoder neural network,
a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), with a Convo-
lutional Neural Network (CNN), which is responsi-
ble for generating feature vectors describing semantic
characteristics of the image. The generation of the
image description is, thus, performed by a decoder
network, composed by an RNN that generates words
by receiving, at every time step, the image vector, the
previous hidden state, and words generated before.
Such work (Vinyals et al., 2015) has inspired
other neural architecture models for image caption-
ing, combining computer vision and natural language
processing. Authors in (Xu et al., 2016) expanded the
CNN-RNN model with the attention mechanism in-
troduced in (Bahdanau et al., 2016). This mechanism
helps the model learn better interpretations from im-
ages and adds the ability to visualize what the model
”sees”. In (Lu et al., 2017), a novel adaptive model
with a visual sentinel is proposed to help the caption-
ing model decide when to ”look” at the image to gen-
erate the next word.
More recently, authors in (Huang et al., 2019) ex-
tend the use of attention by applying it on both the
decoder and the encoder of their image captioning
model, extending the conventional attention mecha-
nism to determine the relevance between its results
and queries. Authors in (Li et al., 2020) (the state
of the art model for MS COCO Captions
) uses pre-
training and objects tags in images as anchor to facil-
itate the learning of alignments.
While, to our knowledge, no work on Image Cap-
tioning has been conducted for the Portuguese lan-
guage, recently, the work of (dos Santos et al., 2021)
proposes the creation of multimodal corpus, which
may be used for image captioning. The authors ex-
ploit voluntary image captioning performed by users
of Instagram
social network using the tag #prace-
gover. The tag is commonly used for increasing the
accessibility of the image-based network by providing
image descriptions for the screen readers. While this
corpus is of great value to studies on multimodal pro-
cessing and image captioning for the Portuguese lan-
guage, it is not yet available to the community. Thus,
we could not evaluate it.
Therefore, to the best of our knowledge, this is
the first work to attempt image captioning for the Por-
tuguese language employing an attention method and
a translated dataset.
This section describes the architecture we employ in
this work. We adapted the model from (Xu et al.,
2016) which, to our knowledge, is the first model to
use the attention mechanism on the task of image cap-
tioning. This is important since we want to evaluate
how image captioning early models perform on a lan-
guage with a different complexity other than English.
We chose this model to train with Portuguese captions
to observe how a simpler architecture behaves when
trained with a much more different language.
The architecture takes advantage of the sequence-
to-sequence training approach from (Cho et al., 2014)
replacing the first RNN as an encoder with a CNN
model for image classification. The CNN creates fea-
ture vectors to a second RNN as a decoder that out-
Towards Image Captioning for the Portuguese Language: Evaluation on a Translated Dataset
puts each word of the final caption. However, dif-
ferently from (Vinyals et al., 2015), by employing a
mechanism of attention (Bahdanau et al., 2016), our
decoder can select different aspects from the image
at each time while generating the caption, as seen in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: Pipeline of caption generation using CNN and
RNN with attention. Source: created by authors.
While (Xu et al., 2016) employ the CNNs from
GoogleNet (Szegedy et al., 2014) and VGG16 (Si-
monyan and Zisserman, 2015) in their models, in our
architecture, we make use of EfficientNet (Tan and
Le, 2020) due to its outstanding performance for im-
age classification
. EfficientNet is a family of neural
network models (going from B0 to B7) that takes ad-
vantage of scaling on all model dimensions to achieve
better accuracy at image classification tasks. In our
approach, we employed the EfficientNetB7 because
of its higher accuracy.
In the next sections, we describe some experi-
ments to validate our approach for the Portuguese lan-
In this section, we describe our experimental setup.
We provide the methodology employed for generat-
ing the data, splitting the dataset, and training the net-
work. We also describe our dataset and the hyperpa-
rameters used in our empirical evaluation of the pro-
posed architecture.
4.1 Methodology
The first aspect of our empirical validation of our ar-
chitecture is the construction of a dataset to train and
evaluate the model. Since, as discussed before, there
is no publicly available image captioning dataset for
the Portuguese language, we created one by automat-
ically translating the image descriptions in an image
captioning corpus for the English language, namely
the Flickr8k corpus (Hodosh et al., 2013).
For the translation of the captions, we employed
the LibreTranslate
machine translation system. Li-
breTranslate employs OpenNMT (Klein et al., 2017)
for neural machine translation. We discarded the use
of proprietary software due to the cost or the restric-
tion of requisitions when using online tools such as
Google Translate. The use of open-source software
also facilitates the replicability of the experiments.
We trained our architecture within the new Por-
tuguese corpus and conducted two evaluations: auto-
matic evaluation and human evaluation.
In the first step, we employ an automatic evalua-
tion of the system, according to different hyperparam-
eters of the model. For this evaluation, we employ
BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002) and METEOR (Lavie
and Agarwal, 2007) scores between the generated
caption and a set of possible captions for an image
in the corpus, as commonly done in the language
generation literature. We used the scores obtained
from training with both the translated and the origi-
nal dataset to compare metrics of generated captions
(English and Portuguese) for the same images. We
analyze this comparison to evaluate how two equal
models behave when the descriptions’ languages dif-
fer and if the Portuguese model would produce simi-
lar metrics compared with the already tested English
In the second step, we perform a qualitative evalu-
ation of the generated captions and the analysis of er-
rors made by the model. In this analysis, we selected
100 images and the captions generated by the best
model in the automatic evaluation, which were ana-
lyzed by 34 human annotators. Each annotator was
asked to check: (1) if caption contain errors in the de-
scription of the subject on the image (gender, quantity,
age, or action done by subject), (2) if the caption con-
tain errors regarding color descriptions of an object,
(3) if caption contained errors in the description of
the scenario where the action occurred, (4) if the cap-
tion contained errors in the descriptions of the objects
on the scene, (5) if the generated caption was poorly
structured (verb not agreeing with the subject, word
repetition), (6) if the generated caption described the
image correctly, or (7) if the generated caption was
wrong or improperly described the image. With the
annotation results, we performed qualitative analysis
of the errors in our model.
4.2 Datasets
The data used to generate our corpus was obtained
from the Flickr8k (Hodosh et al., 2013) dataset, which
was created for the task of image description and re-
trieval. It is composed of 8091 images that capture a
wide range of common activities, each of them con-
taining ve descriptions. These original captions are
independently produced, and they have 8488 unique
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Example of image from Flickr8k. Source (Ho-
dosh et al., 2013).
words among their captions, and the average size of
each caption is 10.82 words with a standard deviation
of 3.77. The Flickr8k dataset has a default split of
training, dev, and testing images and captions. We
followed these default splits to select the images for
training (7091 images) and testing (1000 images).
Figure 2 shows an example of image with the follow-
ing captions annotated:
A black and white dog is catching a Frisbee in the
A black and white dog is trying to catch a Frisbee
in the air.
A dog jumps to catch a red Frisbee in the yard.
Dog is jumping up on a very green lawn to catch
a Frisbee.
The black and white dog tries to catch a red Fris-
bee on green grass.
We translated each caption in the Flickr8k dataset
with LibreTranslate and fit them into the same format
for the model training. After translating, the above
example gets the following Portuguese captions:
Um c
ao preto e branco est
a pegando um Frisbee
no p
Um c
ao preto e branco est
a tentando pegar um
Frisbee no ar.
Um c
ao salta para pegar um Frisbee vermelho no
O c
ao est
a pulando em um gramado muito verde
para pegar um Frisbee.
O c
ao preto e branco tenta pegar um Frisbee ver-
melho na grama verde.
After translating each caption, we obtained a cor-
pus of 9780 unique words, an average caption length
of 11.16, and 4.00 as a standard deviation.
Since we employed a dataset with translated sen-
tences, we analyzed some errors inherited from the
translation approach. For example the sentence A
black dog is jumping over a log along a beach. was
translated to “Um c
ao preto est
a saltando sobre um
log ao longo de uma praia. and the word “log” was
not translated; another example is A dirt bike racer
jumps over a slope. that was translated into “Um
motociclista de sujeira salta sobre uma inclinac¸
Although the automatic translation from English
into Portuguese may introduce some errors in the cor-
pus, this is a first attempt to build a Portuguese anno-
tated dataset for image captioning. Undoubtedly, in
our pipeline of image captioning, we inherited these
errors into our model, and thus, they can induce errors
in the generation of our captions.
4.3 Experimental Framework
We implemented our architecture in Section 3 with
Python and the Tensorflow library. As hyperparame-
ters, we set a fixed learning rate of 0.001, with a batch
size of 128 and 50 epochs. We evaluated 300 and 600
dimensions for the Embedding layer of our RNN de-
coder, depending on the word embedding pre-trained
weights. Each image was resized to have 299 pixels
of width and height.
Different from the authors in (Xu et al., 2016),
we adopted a pre-trained word embedding model to
test different representations of the Portuguese words
on our training corpus among with starting training
from random weights. We employed GloVe (Pen-
nington et al., 2014) with different dimensions (300
and 600). GloVe is a vectorized word representation
suited for capturing semantic and syntactic regulari-
ties using vector arithmetic.
In this section, we analyze the results from our im-
age captioning model for the Portuguese language.
First we present the results of our automatic evalua-
tion process among with the comparison of metrics
with a model trained on the original Flickr8k captions
(English language), we analyze positive and negative
outliers from this comparison and than we present the
agreement scores obtained from the human evalua-
tions on the errors enumerated in Section 4.1.
5.1 System Evaluation
The model’s scores can be seen on Table 1. The differ-
ences in the BLEU scores between the models trained
were not significantly high. Although the model with
embedding layer initiated with random weights pre-
sented the best results, we decided to go further within
our human evaluations with the model trained with
GloVe 300 (the second in BLEU score metrics). We
state that a known generalized representation of the
Towards Image Captioning for the Portuguese Language: Evaluation on a Translated Dataset
Figure 3: Difference of METEOR scores for each caption
on the test set.
words can decrease the risk of overfitting a model
with captions in the training set.
Table 1: Metrics from the model trained with Portuguese
300d Em-
40.31 29.67 23.06 19.82 26.93
600d Em-
41.92 30.45 23.96 20.46 28.11
40.84 29.61 23.34 19.77 27.94
39.92 29.36 23.15 19.79 27.34
We trained another model with the original (En-
glish captions) dataset to compare the metrics ob-
tained when an English and a Portuguese caption are
generated for the same image. This model was trained
with the same hyperparameters as the one chosen be-
fore, with a 300 dimensions GloVe embedding appro-
priate for English language, this embedding is avail-
able online
. The results are shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Metrics from the model trained with English cap-
43.38 31.39 24.68 21.00 29.56
We calculate the difference between BLEU and
METEOR scores for each image in the test set. We
show these differences in Figure 3 and Figure 4.
Figure 3 shows a boxplot of Eq. 1 for each of
the 1000 images on the test set. The mean difference
is 0.016, and the boxplot shows a slight asymmetry
toward positive values, indicating that English metrics
are a little higher.
di f f erence = EN MET EOR PT MET EOR (1)
Figure 4 shows the same results but with BLEU
scores. The mean differences from BLEU 1, 2, 3, and
4 scores are, respectively, 0.025, 0.017, 0.013, and
0.012, the same slight asymmetry from the METEOR
score. The different approaches to calculating BLEU
scores (with 1, 2, 3, or 4 n-grams counting) show a
decreasing inter quantile range, indicating that the dif-
ference of scores gets more concentrated as the num-
ber n-grams counted increases. Similar metrics might
lead to this, or BLEU-4 metrics are generally smaller.
Figure 4: Difference of BLEU scores for each caption on
test set.
It is relevant to point out that the Portuguese
dataset contains errors introduced by the automatic
translation employed, which might influence the per-
formance of the model. This is an important point af-
ter observing slight asymmetries toward positive dif-
ferences (indicating higher metrics with the English
5.2 Human Comparison
Figure 3 presented some outliers on the captions’ met-
rics differences. We selected these outliers in Por-
tuguese and English to compare the mistakes that oc-
cur and analyze if there are common aspects among
outliers. For this task, we chose 3 images whose dif-
ferences in the METEOR metrics were either 1) a pos-
itive outlier (better metric for the English caption) or
2) a negative outlier (better metric for the Portuguese
First, we present images where the METEOR
score of the Portuguese sentences was high. In Fig-
ure 5, the main subject of the image - namely the
golden/brown dog - is not described in the English
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
generated caption. As for Figure 6, there is a refer-
ence to the main character in the image, but with the
wrong action being performed. It is important to note
the use of common Portuguese words that, when em-
ployed together, can add ambiguity to the sentence,
with a vulgar sense that probably would not be used
by a native speaker of such language. Such words
probably would not happen if we were not using au-
tomatic translation to generate the dataset. Figure
7 presents a different mistake where the men shown
playing rugby are depicted as dogs; this is quite curi-
ous since we used the same image classifier to extract
features from the images.
Figure 5: Generated caption PT: “um c
ao marrom est
a pu-
lando em uma bola de t
enis em sua boca”. Generated cap-
tion EN: “a brown and white ball”. Source (Hodosh et al.,
Figure 6: Generated caption PT: “um cachorro preto e
branco com um pau grande”. Generated caption EN: “a dog
jumping from the grass”. Source (Hodosh et al., 2013).
Figure 7: Generated caption PT: “um jogador de futebol
entram na linha de rugby”. Generated caption EN: “dogs
stand in a game of rugby”. Source (Hodosh et al., 2013).
The following images show examples where the
EN caption had better METEOR scores than the PT
one. Figure 8 shows that the Portuguese caption fails
to adequately describe the scene - without mentioning
the sea - and the number of characters. In Figure 9,
the Portuguese caption fails to describe the fishing ac-
tion from the young man. Looking at Figure 10, the
object used by the person is misdescribed in the Por-
tuguese sentence. A bad translation can cause this in
the training dataset as both the words “bicicleta” and
“motocicleta” can be translated to the informal word
“bike” in English.
Figure 8: Generated caption EN: “two people in a boat
is walking in water”. Generated caption PT: “uma pessoa
com uma membro da cidade no horizonte”. Source (Ho-
dosh et al., 2013).
Figure 9: Generated caption EN: “a young man holding a
fishing pole”. Generated caption PT: “um jovem leva uma
pai pontap
e”. Source (Hodosh et al., 2013).
Figure 10: Generated caption EN: “a person on a bike”.
Generated caption PT: “um motociclista est
a realizando um
truque em sua bicicleta”. Source (Hodosh et al., 2013).
Towards Image Captioning for the Portuguese Language: Evaluation on a Translated Dataset
5.3 Human Evaluation
We performed a qualitative evaluation of 100 ran-
domly selected dataset images with 34 human anno-
tators. We separated common errors found into five
clusters: 1) Wrongly described the subject on the im-
age (gender, quantity, age, or action done by subject)
(Error 1); 2) Wrong color of an object (Error 2); 3)
Wrong scenario (beach, lagoon, mountain) (Error 3);
4) Wrong objects in the scene (Error 4) and 5) Gen-
erated sentence poorly structured (verb not agreeing
with the subject, word repetition) (Error 5).
We presented these errors within an online form
added with two other options to indicate if the caption
is correct or not: 1) Generated sentence describes the
image correctly and 2) Generated sentence is wrong
and does not reflect the presented image. After asking
annotators to signalize which errors they could detect
on given captions, we obtained 34 complete answers
and calculated the agreement between observations
using Krippendorffs alpha inter-rater reliability. The
overall agreement score was 0.4052, and the agree-
ment for each type of error is described in Table 3.
Table 3: Krippendorffs agreement scores for each error.
Errors Score
Wrongly described the subject on the image (gender,
quantity, age or action done by subject) - (1)
Wrong color of an object - (2) 42.96%
Wrong scenario (beach, lagoon, mountain) - (3) 23.31%
Wrong objects in the scene - (4) 75.58%
Generated sentence poorly structured (verb not agree-
ing with subject, word repetition) - (5)
Generated sentence describes the image correctly - (6) 36.74
Generated sentence is wrong and does not reflect the
presented image - (7)
Overall Agreement 40.52%
It is noticeable that a higher agreement rate occurs
when there are object-related errors.
In this section, we discuss the errors we mentioned in
5.3. Figure 11 shows the number of times each er-
ror appeared on the evaluations. Although the error
with the highest frequency was Error 1 followed by
Error 5, both errors have low agreement among anno-
tators. This may indicate a divergence concerning the
wrong subject description or a poorly structured sen-
tence generation. The error with fewer appearances
(Error 4) also has the highest agreement value, sug-
gesting that object errors do not show up much in cap-
tions or are well described.
Figure 11: Counts of each annotations.
In the following subsections, we present examples
input into the model that had the higher count of votes
on each of the ve errors and one case of error (7) (a
wrong sentence and does not reflect the image).
6.1 Wrongly Described the Subject on
the Image
Figure 12: Generated caption: “duas crianc¸as com dois
caras” — meaning “two children with two guys”.
The generated description for Figure 12 was “duas
crianc¸as com dois caras”, in this caption, the model
describes four subjects, instead of three, and the de-
scription of one of the subjects is erroneous - a woman
described as a man.
In Figure 13 we shown the second image with
most votes on error 1, and it can be seen how the rep-
resentation of person had some lacks as the generated
sentence is “tr
es pessoas em frente da parede de uma
cidade perto do edif
ıcio” describing less people than
the reality.
6.2 Wrong Color of an Object
In Figure 14 the description was “um jovem que usa
uma camisa verde” with a clear wrong color detection
on the person’s shirt.
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 13: Generated caption: “tr
es pessoas em frente da
parede de uma cidade perto do edif
ıcio” — meaning “three
people in front of the wall of a city near the buiding”.
Figure 14: Generated caption: “um jovem que usa uma
camisa verde” meaning “a young that wears a green
Figure 15: Generated caption: “pessoa em uma camisa ver-
melha a fazer um handstand em um bluff com um c
eu dando
o p
or do sol na montanha” meaning “person on a red shirt
doing a handstand on a bluff with a sky doing a sunset on
the mountain”.
As for Figure 15, once again a shirt color is the
mistake detected by the annotators. Here we notice
the same word “camisa” before a color mistake hap-
6.3 Wrong Scenario
A wrong scenario description was the mistake ap-
pointed on Figure 16 as the caption is “um c
ao mar-
rom est
a na grama”
Figure 17 shows how a lack of information about
the whole scene can lead to a mistake in the caption
as the model’s output was “dois pequenos c
aes jogam
Figure 16: Generated caption: “um c
ao marrom est
a na
grama” — meaning “a brown dog is on tha grass”.
Figure 17: Generated caption: “dois pequenos c
aes jogam
em um lago” — meaning “two small dogs play on a lake”.
em um lago”, the water and waves from the beach are
not enough for correctly depicting where the dog is
6.4 Wrong Objects in the Scene
Figure 18: Generated caption: “um c
ao branco grande
branco com p
assaro est
a de pl
astico branco” meaning
“a white big dog with bird is on white plastic”.
The caption of Figure 18 added what the annotators
considered to be a wrong object in “um c
ao branco
grande branco com p
assaro est
a de pl
astico branco”,
since there are no birds on the image. The second
and third images with more votes on this error are,
respectively, 14 and 20.
Towards Image Captioning for the Portuguese Language: Evaluation on a Translated Dataset
Figure 19: Generated caption: “um homem com um com
um homem com um homem em roupa por um homem com
um homem est
a usando um homem em roupa por homens
em um tem um tem um pau” meaning “a man with a with
a man with a man on cloth by a man with a man is using a
man on cloth by men on a has a has a stick”.
6.5 Generated Sentence Poorly
A caption with Error 5 is shown on Figure 19, “um
homem com um com um homem com um homem em
roupa por um homem com um homem est
a usando um
homem em roupa por homens em um tem um tem um
pau”, where most of the words are repeated over the
generated sentence.
Figure 20: Generated caption: “um homem com um casaco
de compras e casaco preto e casaco de peles e casaco de
compras e casaco preto e casaco de couro e casaco preto e
casaco de compras e casaco preto e casaco de compras est
meaning “a man with a shopping coat and black coat
and a fur coat and shopping coat and black coat and leather
coat and black coat and shopping coat and black coat and
shopping coat is”.
For Figure 20 we have the second image in votes
for Error 5 with the following caption “um homem
com um casaco de compras e casaco preto e casaco
de peles e casaco de compras e casaco preto e casaco
de couro e casaco preto e casaco de compras e casaco
preto e casaco de compras est
a”, here the RNN de-
coder seems to be giving too much attention on the
coat worn by the man as the word “casaco” is con-
stantly repeated.
6.6 Generated Sentence Is Wrong and
Does Not Reflect the Presented
Figure 21: Generated caption: “um homem vestido com
uma mulher est
a tirando uma com um homem em frente
a uma rua” meaning “a man dressed with a woman is
taking off a with a man in front of the a stree”.
Figure 21 had a wrong generated sentence with the
following caption: “um homem vestido com uma
mulher est
a tirando uma com um homem em frente
a uma rua” in which other subjects, a wrong verb and
a reference to street appears at the same time.
It is worth noticing that some mistakes, subsec-
tions 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4, lead to understanding that
a wrong image description was sent to our RNN de-
coder: a missing person added, wrong color, erro-
neous ground description, or a bird that is not on the
image being referenced. These might indicate that
better image representations are still needed for a bet-
ter “translation” of the image into a sentence.
We presented a qualitative evaluation of the types of
errors made by a Portuguese image captioning sys-
tem based on a neural translation model. For that,
we performed a human evaluation of the generated
sentences. Though the agreement scores obtained in
this qualitative process were low for some of the er-
rors analyzed, we were able to see how poor image
representations might negatively influence when giv-
ing an automated description of an image. We com-
pared scores of differently trained models (both with
the same images, but one with Portuguese an the other
with English captions) and obtained results indicating
that the mean difference between these scores is close
to zero: same images having similar scores with either
Portuguese or English captions. For future works, we
intend to explore how to enhance the way an encoded
image representation is presented to the decoder re-
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
sponsible for generating a sentence and keep improv-
ing our dataset with better translations. We hope that
this work will encourage future works on image cap-
tioning for the Portuguese language.
Authors would like to thank FAPESB TIC PROJECT
Number TIC0002/2015, CAPES Finantial Code 001
and CNPQ for financial support.
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Towards Image Captioning for the Portuguese Language: Evaluation on a Translated Dataset