Table 3: Cross-validation results of each model.
Model RMSE [kWh]
G 0.052
Table 4: Comparison of general monolithic model G and
MORE on test data.
[kWh] RMSE
All test data 0.053 0.049
Road type 1 0.048 0.045
Road type 2 0.048 0.044
Road type 3 0.051 0.047
Road type 4 0.055 0.052
Road type 5 0.052 0.051
It can be seen that MORE has an overall better
performance on each road type. Each individual road
expert RE
of MORE has an better estimation perfor-
mance on its dedicated part of the test data compared
to the general monolithic model G. In total, MORE
has an 7.5% improvement over the performance of
model G for the whole test data. It illustrates the po-
tential on how ensemble learning can improve the en-
ergy estimation for BEVs.
This paper presents a data-driven approach for the en-
ergy estimation of BEVs based on ensemble learning,
utilizing the mixture of experts method to specialize
models on specific road types. It is found that, the
proposed method MORE with 5 specialized road ex-
perts improves the RMSE of the energy estimation by
roughly 7.5% compared to the estimation of a mono-
lithic model. The results show that, energy estima-
tion benefits from utilizing an ensemble neural net-
work approach. However, testing this concept in live
operation on a BEV may yield additional insights on
the applied advantages of MORE.
The research shown in this paper could be ex-
tended in the future in different aspects. Different spe-
cializations for the mixture of experts method should
be investigated, e.g. for different driver styles. Fur-
ther work could incorporate advanced methods for a
robust and reliable classification of different driver-
styles, which will be used for the experts. A fur-
ther study could assess the impact of individual fea-
tures for each specialized neural network due to their
importance for the energy estimation, e.g. on dif-
ferent road types or for different driver-styles. Si-
multaneously investigating different combinations of
neuronal network architectures (e.g. RNN, CNN or
Transformer) might also optimize the overall accu-
racy and data efficiency of utilizing heterogeneous
models to benefit from their individual traits.
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A Data-driven Energy Estimation based on the Mixture of Experts Method for Battery Electric Vehicles