Over the past decade, international maritime trade has
increased dramatically. In order to serve the growing
number of vessels arriving at the terminal for loading
and unloading, MCTs need to increase their efficiency
by using various technologies and methods. This
study focuses on the Multi-Quay BAP and proposes
a metaheuristic-based CSA method to solve the prob-
lem. A continuous berthing layout is considered and
the ships arrive dynamically. The problem is first for-
mulated as a mixed-integer linear problem and then
solved by CSA. In addition, two benchmark meth-
ods (i.e., GA and MILP) are also implemented in this
study for comparison. To confirm the performance of
our proposed method, simulations are conducted us-
ing real data from the Port of Limassol, Cyprus. The
data contains 28 ships arriving in a period of one week
and intending to dock at five different quays. The re-
sults of the experiments confirm the benefits of the
proposed method with 11.2% lower cost than GA and
200x lower computation time than MILP.
In the future, we plan to examine the perfor-
mance of the proposed CSA method on larger real-
world datasets, containing several vessels and span-
ning longer planning time periods (days to weeks).
We also plan to extend the modeling to incorporate
a hybrid berthing layout that includes both discrete
and continuous berthing layouts. Finally, we plan to
investigate the application of the CSA in solving the
berth allocation problem combined with the related
quay crane assignment and scheduling problems.
This work was supported by the European Re-
gional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus
through the Cyprus Research and Innovation Founda-
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VEHITS 2022 - 8th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems