of our daily meetings, discussions held during devel-
opment, developed artifacts (documentation and re-
ports) and the obtained results measuring the success
of activities (e.g. number of identified problems).
However, there is still room for improvement, apply-
ing questionnaires and interviews with the team mem-
bers and carrying out focus groups with the develop-
ment teams of the three projects aiming at gathering
specific data on the applicability of the quality as-
surance activities and their acceptance in the future.
We intend to carry out further investigations so our
lessons learned can be useful for novice software de-
velopment teams willing to adapt their development
processes to achieve better results in terms of process
and product quality.
As new projects are developed within our software
organization, we expect that further software engi-
neering approaches and artifacts are incorporated and
that the lessons learned from such experiences are re-
ported considering both quantitative and qualitative
analysis methods. Through the lessons learned within
this paper and by providing details for its replication,
we intend to encourage software companies to adapt
software engineering approaches, cost-effectively im-
proving the quality of information systems.
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by Equatorial Energy under the Brazilian Electricity
Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) P&D Program Grant
number APLPED00044 PROJETOPED 0036 S01.
Additionally, this work was supported by the Foun-
dation for the Support of Research and Scientific
Development of Maranh
ao (FAPEMA), the Coor-
dination for the Improvement of Higher Education
Personnel (CAPES) and the National Council for
Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq).
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ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems