Applying Genetic Algorithm and Image Quality Assessment for
Reproducible Processing of Low-light Images
Olivier Parisot and Thomas Tamisier
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST),
5 Avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux, 4362 Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
Low-light Images, Image Quality Assessment, Genetic Algorithms.
Reproducible images preprocessing is fundamental in computer vision, whether to fairly compare process
algorithms or to prepare new images corpus. In this paper, we propose an approach based on genetic algorithm
combined to Image Quality Assessment methods to obtain a reproducible sequence of transformations for
improving low-light images. Preliminary tests have been performed on state-of-the-art benchmarks.
Images captured in poor lighting conditions often ex-
hibit characteristics such as low brightness, low con-
trast, narrow gray scale, color distortion, and high
noise - making them difficult for the human eyes to
view details (Wang et al., 2020). Improvement of the
quality of such images is a popular research area in
computer vision.
In general, applying appropriate transformation
to improve given image requires powerfull tools and
strong expertise (Chaudhary et al., 2018). For in-
stance, a regular user of dedicated software like Gimp
or Photoshop process images by incrementally creat-
ing/modifying/merging layers until the result is sat-
isfying. In order to automate as much as possible
this workflow, two elements are essential. On the one
hand, it is important to use specific metrics to guide
the process: in this regard, Image Quality Assessment
aims at estimating the quality of an image in a way
that corresponds to a human subjective scoring of the
same image (Zhai and Min, 2020). On the other hand,
new techniques are constantly proposed in the liter-
ature to enhance images (Parekh et al., 2021); nev-
ertheles, most of them are based on Deep Learning
techniques that produce effective results the effec-
tive transformation is then difficult to interpret or re-
produce by another method (Buhrmester et al., 2021).
This is particularly the case for low-light images, as
shown by a recent survey presenting the recent works
(Li et al., 2021).
However, in the context of academic research or
industrial innovation, it is increasingly required to
guarantee the reproducibility of experiments by keep-
ing trace of the transformations performed on the im-
ages (Berg, 2018). As an example, a recent paper has
shown that an important proportion of research works
lacks of transparency regarding image handling and it
may compromise the interpretation of the leading re-
sults (Miura and Nørrelykke, 2021). We can make an
Figure 1: High resolution photography of a telescope cap-
tured by the author during the night time by using a smart-
phone. The picture was not processed by an additional soft-
ware – only a minimal treatment was applied by the smart-
phone firmware.
Parisot, O. and Tamisier, T.
Applying Genetic Algorithm and Image Quality Assessment for Reproducible Processing of Low-light Images.
DOI: 10.5220/0011082400003209
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering (IMPROVE 2022), pages 189-194
ISBN: 978-989-758-563-0; ISSN: 2795-4943
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
analogy with Machine Learning: data preprocessing
should be transparent in order to lead to meaningful
and trustable predictive models (Zelaya, 2019).
In this paper, we propose an approach based on a
genetic algorithm to obtain a reproducible improve-
ment of low-light images quality by relying on trans-
formations monitored by Image Quality Assessment
The rest of this article is organized as follows.
Firstly, related works about Image Quality Assess-
ment and image quality improvement of low-light im-
ages are briefly presented (Section 2). Then, our ap-
proach to improve the quality of low-light images is
described (Section 3). Finally, a concrete implemen-
tation is detailed (Section 4), the results of prelim-
inary experiments are discussed (Section 5) and we
conclude by opening some perspectives (Section 6).
2.1 Image Quality Assesment
Numerous Image Quality Assessment approaches
were developed in recent years and an exhaustive list
was already compiled (Zhai and Min, 2020). They
are is widely used in benchmarks to compare the ef-
ficiency of image processing algorithms (Li et al.,
We can distinguish two main types of tech-
niques: Full-reference (FR) and Reduced-reference
(RR) methods are based on a referential of images
(raw/distorted) while No-reference (NR) and Blind
methods intend to estimate single image quality (Liu
et al., 2019). In this paper, we prefer to focus on NR
and Blind approaches because because in practice it
is very often difficult to obtain both raw and corrected
images. Among them, we can mention:
Classical methods like BRISQUE (Blind/Refer-
enceless Image Spatial Quality Evaluator): a
score between 0 and 100 is produced (0 for good
quality image, 100 for poor quality) (Mittal et al.,
Recent Deep Learning methods like NIMA (Neu-
ral Image Assessment) a set of Convolutional
Neural Networks to estimate the aesthetic and
technical quality of images: a score between 0 and
10 is produced (0 for poor quality, 10 for good
quality) (Talebi and Milanfar, 2018).
Dedicated techniques for low-light images like
NLIEE (No-reference Low-light Image Enhance-
ment Evaluation) (Zhang et al., 2021): the leading
quality score represents various aspects like light,
color comparison, noise and structure.
2.2 Genetic Algorithm for Images
Nature Inspired Optimization is a family of problem-
solving approaches derived from natural processes.
Among them, the most popular include genetic al-
gorithms and particle swarm optimization (Li et al.,
2020). These approaches are increasly applied in im-
age processing for various tasks such as blur and noise
reduction, restoration and segmentation (Dhal et al.,
2019; Ramson et al., 2019). In particular, (Parisot
and Tamisier, 2021) process images with a Nature In-
spired Optimization Algorithm.
To the best of our knowledge, there are no much
contributions about the reproducible transformations
of low-light images by applying genetic algorithm
guided by Image Quality Assessment techniques.
The cornerstone of our approach is defined as follows:
An initial low-light image.
A sequence of specific transformations applied on
the initial image (examples: brighten, enhance,
dehaze, adjust histogram, deblur, total variation
denoise, etc.).
A quality score evaluated by using a method S.
This step is critical and drives the algorithm (qual-
ity serves here as the fitness of the solution, in the
terminology used for evolutionary algorithms).
For a given low-light input image (I), by considering a
quality evaluation method (S) and a maximum count
of epochs (E), the following genetic algorithm com-
putes the transformations sequences leading to an im-
age with a better quality:
A population is generated with P images: each
image is a clone of the initial image I on which
a random transformation has been applied or not.
In fact, to ensure that the algorithm does not lead
to a lower-quality image, it is important to keep
at least one unmodified clone of the initial image
in the population: at worst, it will remain the best
During E epochs:
The current best image or an other randomly
selected image is cloned, and then a random
transformation is applied: the newly created
IMPROVE 2022 - 2nd International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering
image is evaluated with S and added into the
An other image is randomly selected in the pop-
ulation and is stacked with the initial image
(with a random weight): the newly created el-
ement is evaluated with S and added into the
According to the evaluation with S of the im-
ages present in the population, the worst images
are selected and then removed from the popu-
lation (to always keep P images in the popula-
The final result is the image of the consolidated
population having the best quality estimation. The
algorithm output is then an sequence of transfor-
mations that leads to an amelioration of the Image
Quality Assessment.
The quality score resulting from the method (S) is
evaluated by using both a Image Quality Assessment
method and a brightness estimation. The quality esti-
mator will be able to evaluate the global quality of the
image while an explicit estimation of brightness may
help to give a better score to brighter images as they
tend to exhibit more details. As a result, we propose
a quality score method (S) defined as follows:
the quality score is the result of a selected Image
Quality Assessment method.
if the brightness of the image being evaluated is
lower than that of the reference image, then a
malus is applied to the score.
Conversely, if the brightness of the image being
evaluated is higher than that of the reference im-
age, then a bonus is applied to the score.
To prevent the image from deviating too much from
the original one, we have added a test comparing the
similarity between the produced image and the ini-
tial image: if the similarity is too low (i.e. lower
than a predefined threshold T), then the image score is
strongly penalised and the last transformation is there-
fore not retained. The test is based here on the Struc-
tural Similarity Index (SSIM): in practice, the value is
close to 1 when the two images are similar while the
value is close to 0 when the images are really differ-
The algorithm has been implemented into a Python
prototype. Various well-known open-source packages
have been integrated. Images loading and transfor-
mations are realized with various dedicated packages
like openCV
and scikit-images
. BRISQUE score
is computed through the image-quality package
NIMA scores are provided by a Tensorflow imple-
By using these packages, these image transforma-
tions can be applied:
Blurring and deblurring.
Denoising/restoration: total variation, non local
means, wavelets, bilateral, Noise2Noise (Lehti-
nen et al., 2018).
Contrast adjustment / Histogram optimization by
using CLAHE (Contrast Limited Adaptive his-
togram equalization, (Zuiderveld, 1994)).
Background estimation and processing (Guo and
Wan, 2018).
Dehazing via Deep Learning methods like Cycle-
Dehaze (Engin et al., 2018).
Morphological transformations (like erode and di-
late) (Sreedhar and Panlal, 2012).
Moreover, the brightness was evaluated by a method
proposed by (Rex Finley, 2006).
The prototype was tested on a computing infras-
tructure with the following hardware configuration:
40 cores and 128 GB RAM (Intel(R) Xeon(R) Sil-
ver 4210 CPU @ 2.20GHz) and NVIDIA Tesla V100-
have been used to optimize the usage of the hardware
(CPUs and GPUs).
The prototype was executed on low-light benchmarks,
i.e. with images coming fron the LOL dataset (Wei
et al., 2018) and the VIP-lowLight dataset (Chung and
Wong, 2016), as shown in Figure 2 and in Table 1.
The presented method can thus be seamlessly in-
serted into any image processing workflow; not only
is it possible to reproduce the image processing se-
quence, but it also allows to modify it afterwards
if needed (for manual adjustments according to the
specificities of the images – such as additional denois-
Moreover, the first experiments show that the re-
sults obtained on the benchmarks are globally satis-
factory. Table 1 and Table 2 have been obtained with
Applying Genetic Algorithm and Image Quality Assessment for Reproducible Processing of Low-light Images
(a) The original raw image.
(b) The processed image.
Figure 2: Raw image coming from the LOL dataset (2a), and the second one was processed with our algorithm (2b). The
original raw image has the following characteristics: BRISQUE=25.0677, noise variance=2.779.The following sequence has
been computed: adjust gamma (sigma=1), sum with 0.7x the original image, sum with 0.2x the original image, increase con-
trast, CLAHE (clipLimit=1). The processed image has the following characteristics: BRISQUE=6.2736, noise variance=5.54.
(a) The original raw image.
(b) The processed image.
Figure 3: An other raw image coming from the LOL dataset (3a), and the second one was processed with our algorithm (3b).
The original raw image has the following characteristics: BRISQUE=21.8989, noise-variance=2.798 The following sequence
has been computed: blur (sigma=0.05), enhance (factor=1.05), CLAHE (clipLimit=2), sum with 0.3x the original image,
enhance (factor=0.95), CLAHE (clipLimit=1). The processed image has the following characteristics: BRISQUE=20.1891,
the following hyperparameters: BRISQUE as target-
ted Image Quality Assessment score combined with
brightness control, an initial population of 20 images,
50 maximum epochs and 0.25 as minimum similarity.
According to significant runs, this setting offers the
best tradeoff between quality improvement and exe-
cution time. BRISQUE score has been computed af-
terwards to check the quality of the algorithm inputs
/ outputs and Noise Variance (Immerkaer, 1996) has
been esimated to highlight the level of noises in the
Finally, a word on performances: the time needed
for the experiments was reasonnable on the infrastruc-
ture described above (from a few seconds to several
dozen seconds per image depending of the images
shapes). During our preliminary tests, we have ran
the algorithm on small (Figure 2) and large images
(Figure 1) and the computation time was not the
same: the image transformation operations obviously
took more time on high resolution images. In prac-
tice, a tradeoff between algorithm efficiency and ex-
ecution time is required, and it may be controlled by
the genetic algorithm settings (epochs count, popula-
tion size, etc.). An other trick consists in using min-
imzed version of raw images during the genetic al-
gorithm execution (let say by reducing the size by a
factor of let two): once the sequence is calculated, it
can be further applied to the original image. The qual-
ity evaluation will be less precise, but it will greatly
accelerate the execution of the algorithm.
IMPROVE 2022 - 2nd International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering
Table 1: Experiments on the VIP-LowLight benchmark: the
(average,min,max) values are listed for each metric (before
the algorithm execution).
Raw images
BRISQUE (22.8029, 21.0121, 26.0876)
NIMA-aesthetic (4.3338, 4.0052, 4.6494)
NIMA-technical (4.3953, 4.1569, 4.9886)
Noise variance (5.7839, 1.701, 10.696)
Table 2: Experiments on the VIP-LowLight benchmark: the
(average,min,max) values are listed for each metric (after
the algorithm execution).
Processed images
BRISQUE (2.1749, 0.3492, 13.7365)
NIMA-aesthetic (4.7018, 3.9337, 5.8975)
NIMA-technical (4.7208, 4.2394, 5.0744)
Noise variance (11.855, 2.337, 71.425)
This paper presented an approach based on a genetic
algorithm to improve the quality of a given low-light
images from a reproducible sequence of transforma-
tions. A prototype based on Image Quality Assess-
ment methods was implemented and tested on various
state-of-the-art low-light images databases.
Thanks to academic and operational partners, we
will set-up real-world use-cases to validate the ap-
proach. In parallel, we will improve the prototype
by automatically generating the Python source code
to transform the image as provided by Automated
Machine Learning platforms for predictive models.
Finally, we will work to improve execution perfor-
mance by distributing calculations via frameworks
like Spark because the Map/Reduce concept may
drastically speed-up genetic algorithms execution.
This work was carried our during the MILAN project
(MachIne Learning for AstroNomy) funded by the
Luxembourg National Research Fund. The tests were
realized on the LIST Artificial Intelligence and Data
Analytics platform (LIST AIDA). Special thanks to
Raynald Jadoul and Jean-Franc¸ois Merche for their
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IMPROVE 2022 - 2nd International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering