Table 1: Experiments on the VIP-LowLight benchmark: the
(average,min,max) values are listed for each metric (before
the algorithm execution).
Raw images
BRISQUE (22.8029, 21.0121, 26.0876)
NIMA-aesthetic (4.3338, 4.0052, 4.6494)
NIMA-technical (4.3953, 4.1569, 4.9886)
Noise variance (5.7839, 1.701, 10.696)
Table 2: Experiments on the VIP-LowLight benchmark: the
(average,min,max) values are listed for each metric (after
the algorithm execution).
Processed images
BRISQUE (2.1749, 0.3492, 13.7365)
NIMA-aesthetic (4.7018, 3.9337, 5.8975)
NIMA-technical (4.7208, 4.2394, 5.0744)
Noise variance (11.855, 2.337, 71.425)
This paper presented an approach based on a genetic
algorithm to improve the quality of a given low-light
images from a reproducible sequence of transforma-
tions. A prototype based on Image Quality Assess-
ment methods was implemented and tested on various
state-of-the-art low-light images databases.
Thanks to academic and operational partners, we
will set-up real-world use-cases to validate the ap-
proach. In parallel, we will improve the prototype
by automatically generating the Python source code
to transform the image as provided by Automated
Machine Learning platforms for predictive models.
Finally, we will work to improve execution perfor-
mance by distributing calculations via frameworks
like Spark because the Map/Reduce concept may
drastically speed-up genetic algorithms execution.
This work was carried our during the MILAN project
(MachIne Learning for AstroNomy) – funded by the
Luxembourg National Research Fund. The tests were
realized on the LIST Artificial Intelligence and Data
Analytics platform (LIST AIDA). Special thanks to
Raynald Jadoul and Jean-Franc¸ois Merche for their
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Applying Genetic Algorithm and Image Quality Assessment for Reproducible Processing of Low-light Images