Educational Chatbots: A Sustainable Approach for Customizable
Conversations for Education
Donya Rooein
, Paolo Paolini
and Barbara Pernici
Poliotecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
Educational Chatbot, Adaptive Learning, Conversational Agents, Customizable Conversations.
This paper proposes using chatbots as “tutors” in a learning environment; tutors who are not domain experts
but helpers in guiding students through bodies of learning material. The most original contributions are the
proposal that conversation should be content-independent (although chatbots speak about content); The pro-
duction process should allow non-technical actors to customize chatbots and keep the costs of development
and deployment low. We specifically discuss conversation customization, which is relevant, especially for
learning applications, where users might have specific needs or problems. We achieve the features introduced
above via extensive “configuration” (regarding direct programming), making the underlying technology novel
and original. Experiments with teachers and students have shown that chatbots in education can be effective
and that customization of conversations is relevant and valued by users.
Chatbots are famous for being a valid alternative
to traditional point-and-click interaction between hu-
mans and computers (Brandtzæg and Følstad, 2017).
There are many studies who have investigated differ-
ent roles of chatbot in education (Hwang and Chang,
2021), and this paper is about customizable (or even
adaptive) conversations for educational chatbots. This
study is an alternative approach to the typical one-
size-fits-all chatbot solution for educational chatbot
conversation design, which is relevant to education,
where psychology and individual needs are of great
Customization of conversational features may in-
clude the chatbot’s loquacity, the topic of the chat-
bot’s turns, the chatbot’s style and wording, or the
length of the chatbot’s wording in each turn. Our idea
is that customization of the conversation will make
it more effective, i.e., better tuned to the user’s pro-
file (including students with special needs) and better
tuned to contextual situations (e.g., the user is tired or
in a hurry). Customization means that someone will
make choices (explicit or implicit); in the future, we
envision adaptive conversations, i.e., the chatbot will
interpret data and decide on possible changes to con-
versational features.
There are many different roles for chatbots in ed-
ucation, such as a chatbot to support learning expe-
rience, an assistive tool, or a tutoring and mentor-
ing role (Wollny et al., 2021). We propose to use
chatbots as tutors, helping students through a body
of content. A chatbot acting as a tutor is not a do-
main expert (say History or Computer Science); it
must be able to sustain a good conversation in a learn-
ing experience and help the student move through the
various learning elements
. There are several moti-
vations for this choice: i) there is a vast amount of
digital content already available (e.g., online courses,
, Learning objects, digital resources); rather
than creating new content, chatbots can help at mak-
ing better use of existing ones; ii) with respect to
the traditional (interactive) interface, the conversation
may add friendliness, empathy, and easiness to use all
ingredients relevant for learning; iii) learning, espe-
cially in formal education, has an already established
group of actors (e.g., authors, teachers, publishers,
etc.); a new technology should improve the activities
of these actors, rather than replace them.
Refining the above idea, we elaborated many
The learning element refers to each learning material
unit, e.g., a theoretical description.
Massive Open Online Course
Rooein, D., Paolini, P. and Pernici, B.
Educational Chatbots: A Sustainable Approach for Customizable Conversations for Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0011083200003182
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2022) - Volume 1, pages 314-321
ISBN: 978-989-758-562-3; ISSN: 2184-5026
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
high-level requirements as follows: i) the conversa-
tion afforded by the chatbot should have as much
as possible a human flavor, providing functional and
nonfunctional aspects; ii) the chatbot should conduct
mainly a proactive conversations taking the lead in or-
der to take the learner across the material effectively;
iii) the content should be customizable according to
the profile of the learner, her specific needs and also
contextual situation; iv) the conversation itself should
be customizable, in order to be accepted and effec-
tive for the learner; v) actors in educations should
be empowered to control customization both of con-
tent and conversation since they are in charge of or-
ganizing learning; vi) learners should be able to fur-
ther control and customize their learning experience.
vii) the overall process for creating chatbots should
be streamlined, effective, low cost, and with little IT
personnel involvement. Consequently, a specific type
of chatbot named by TalkyTutor was developed.
In this paper, we focus specifically upon the fea-
ture of the chatbot that allows the conversation to be
customized. The basic idea is that the conversation
is controlled by several configuration data that can
be easily modified without programming. Initial ex-
periments (with teachers and students) show that cus-
tomizing conversation is very promising and appreci-
ated by users. In Section 2, we discuss related work;
in Section 3, we discuss how conversations are de-
scribed via a configuration-driven approach and can
be customized; in Section 4, we describe the initial
experimentation, the related qualitative and quantita-
tive assessment; in Section 5, we draw the conclu-
sions and discuss future work.
2.1 Chatbots in Education
The concept of educational chatbots has its origins
from intelligent tutoring systems, which address the
idea of building a learning tool that is intelligent
enough to understand learners’ needs and proceed ac-
cordingly (Song et al., 2017). Authors in (Burkhard
et al., 2021) presented a theoretical basis for the use
of smart machines like chatbots in education by con-
sidering the role of teachers and focusing on the ne-
cessity for teachers to play an active role in the digital
From the broad application of conversational
agents in education over time, we mention the Grasser
et al. a study from 20 years ago who introduced tu-
toring systems as a conversational agent to help col-
lege students learn about computer literacy (Graesser
et al., 2001). Heller et al. developed a chatbot de-
signed by open source architecture of AIML
to im-
prove student-content interaction in distance learning
(Heller et al., 2005). In 2008, Kerry et al. worked
on using conversational agents for self-assessment
in e-learning (Kerry et al., 2008). Chatbots are
often applied for organizational support to perform
specific tasks, e.g. automated FAQ (Han and Lee,
2022). An intelligent teaching assistant (iTA) intro-
duced by (Duggirala et al., 2021) to help students by
providing detailed answers to their questions by us-
ing a generative model, extracted the relevant content
from the top-ranked paragraph to generate the answer.
2.2 Chatbots and Conversation
According to McTear, despite all the progress in
speech recognition and natural language understand-
ing, but still chatbots suffer from the lack of the con-
versational abilities that make the interaction with
them unnatural (McTear, 2018). Conversation by it-
self is a complex system, but the aspect of the con-
versation design plays a crucial role on the chat-
bot’s effectiveness. Natural Conversation Framework
(NCF) presented a new approach for implementation
of the multi-turn conversation between chatbot and
human (Moore and Arar, 2019). This approach uses
a library of predefined UX patterns driven by natu-
ral human conversation. The conversation structure
in chatbots are mainly hand-crafted, which means the
whole conversation is embodied by content and devel-
oped by IT experts (Paek and Pieraccini, 2008). This
approach makes chatbot development and mainte-
nance expensive and not easily generalizable to other
domains. On the other hand, statistical methods use
machine learning algorithms to learn about an optimal
dialogue strategy from the interaction with users. In
addition, there are end-to-end dialogue systems that
use deep neural networks to generate responses from
the large corpora of dialogues (Serban et al., 2016).
2.3 Chatbots and Customization
If we look deeper into the past three years of research
on educational chatbots, we can consider Tegos et al.s
work on a configurable design of chatbots for syn-
chronous collaborative activities in MOOCs in a uni-
versity setting relevant to our research (Tegos et al.,
2019). They targeted MOOCs and integrated them us-
ing chatbots to support simple tasks such as collecting
feedback from learners. A recent study(Rooein et al.,
2020) has shown the use of chatbots also for train-
ing new employees in a factory by adaptive approach.
Artificial Intelligence Markup Language
Educational Chatbots: A Sustainable Approach for Customizable Conversations for Education
Authors in (von Wolff et al., 2019) and (Winkler et al.,
2020) focused on the educational actors (students and
teachers) to extract important features and investi-
gated the requirements implementing a chatbot in uni-
versity setting and also confirm the acceptance of the
chatbots in academic environments.
All the mentioned approaches are highly involved
by IT experts to develop and maintain the conversa-
tion module of the chatbots. Here, we start with hand
crafted approach to design the conversation compo-
nent of chatbots, and later by a configure driven ap-
proach make it more sustainable in the production and
maintenance point of view and also delivering a more
flexible conversation.
In this section, we describe our approach for design-
ing and implementing conversation machine in edu-
cational chatbots. The key aspect of this approach is
that it does not support a specific conversation, but it
allows designers, authors and teachers to model the
conversations that they wish. And, not less important,
it allows learners to customize the conversation of the
chatbot during the learning experience. There are two
very original aspects: i) conversation design is totally
independent of the content that the chatbot will de-
liver; ii) a great deal of the conversation features is
controlled via configuration rather than by program-
ming; changing configuration data allows modifying
the conversation at low (nearly zero) cost.
Following what we had said in the Section 1, the
conversation that we envision for this chatbot should
exhibit a number of relevant features:
As close as possible to natural conversa-
tions (Moore and Arar, 2019).
Proactive, in the sense that the chatbot leads the
Responsive, in the sense that the chatbot properly
reacts to user turns, that could be solicited (e.g.
asking for feedback) or unsolicited.
Customizable (and adaptive) in a number of ways.
Designed by nontechnical actors. (i.e. authors,
teachers, conversation experts, . . . )
Be sustainable, both in terms of costs and time
In the following of this section we describe some
of the components of TalkyTutor that allow to imple-
ment the above features: Conversation Machine (the
strategy of the conversation of the chatbot), Dialouge
Categories, Turns of the chatbot (what the chatbot
says and when), Wording, Templates, and variables
(the specific utterances of the chatbot and its formula-
tion), Intents (what users may say and how it is inter-
preted), and Loquacity control (controlling how often
the chatbots speaks and the length of its utterances).
3.1 Conversation Machine
Conversation Machine is the most complex piece of
the machinery to generate a conversation between
chatbot and human. This component in chatbot’s ar-
chitectures performs these tasks: i) it generates the
conversation turns of the chatbot; ii) it understands the
user turns of conversation, iii) it organizes the flow of
turns, and iv) it calls other “engines” of the chatbot
when needed (e.g. to fetch a new item of content)
The conversation is modeled as a state machine. The
turns of the chatbot corresponds to entering or leaving
a state. All turns of the chatbots are made of messages
from different categories.
The conversation machine, coupled with corre-
sponding turns, defines the overall strategy of the con-
versation; a conversation machine defines a family of
chatbots, in the sense that all the members of the fam-
ily adopt a similar strategy of conversation (indepen-
dently of the content being delivered).
A state machine is relatively complex; therefore,
it needs a conversation designer to shape it. In addi-
tion, each state machine requires a new programming
if they need more states than the default state ma-
chine, since proper hooking to various actions needs
to be established (e.g., when to ask for a new piece
of content). Once a state machine is created (defining
a family of chatbots), several specific chatbots can be
created, just via configuration with no programming.
3.2 Conversation Categories
As it was said above, the turns of the chatbot are clas-
sified into categories. Figure 2 shows an example of
categories. Categories are not built-in by the technol-
ogy; they are part of the configuration: They can be
modified without programming, and are clearly de-
pendent upon the design of the conversation machine.
A category defines the overall semantic of a turn of
the chatbot; “GREETINGS” for example means ex-
changing pleasantries (e.g. “nice to see you again”);
“FORECAST” means to anticipate what will happen
for completing the current learning path, etc. Clas-
sifying the turns of the chatbot into categories has
a double purpose: helping designers to identify the
need for a turn; and also helping them to put turns in
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: Structure of chatbot’s wording and template example.
Figure 2: An example categories for the turns of the chatbot.
the proper order. At the start of a session, for example,
“GREETINGS” are at the beginning of a sequence;
at the end of a session they should come at the end.
These categories are attached to the states and arcs
of state machine to describe the chatbot dialogues in
the conversation with user. Also, these categories are
used in the unsolicited turns to understand users and
provide them the response. The chatbot for example
could say “did you like the item?” (“FEEDBACK”
category), and wait for the reply. Alternatively, the
user (in a different turn), may say “I did not like it”,
which is interpreted as an unsolicited feedback.
3.3 Wording, Templates and Variables
An original and relevant feature of TalkyTutor is the
possibility of easily controlling style and wording.
Style define an overall way of speaking (for the chat-
bot); examples could be friendly, professional or em-
pathic. The specific turns of the chatbot , as used by
the conversation machine are defined via a “master ta-
ble”, that is used to debug and tune a specific family
of chatbots. Designers, however, may specify what
the chatbot actually says, by associating each turn in
the master table with a specific sentence. Wording
configuration tables allow designers to introduce their
own wording for each specific turn, controlling both
style and length of the turn. A relevant aspect of the
state machine is that it is not dependent on the con-
tent; however, it can speak about individual items and
the learning pathway currently being used. This is
obtained by encoding templates (describing complex
information) and variables (describing simple infor-
mation). In the other word, each chatbot’s category
is consisted by one to many sentences, and each sen-
tence contains several fixed wordings, templates and
variables as shown in Figure 1. Templates and vari-
ables can be created by authors, without interfering
with conversation design. Various versions of tem-
plates can be created (e.g., a standard, short or long
length version). Figure 1 also shows an example of
template for an item of content; it embeds some fixed
words and simple variables derived from metadata as-
sociated to the content item. All chatbot’s wording in
the format of the fixed words, templates and variables
are represented in tables.
We must remark again that style, wording and
templates are controlled via configuration tables and
therefore may be part of the customization by the var-
ious actors, without the need of programming.
3.4 Intent Recognition
The modular architecture brings the opportunity to
use different intent detection services in the chatbot.
Currently, TalkyTutor chatbots can select either an in-
ternal module for intent detection trained based on
the classic BERT model developed by Google (De-
vlin et al., 2018) or inspecting external services such
Educational Chatbots: A Sustainable Approach for Customizable Conversations for Education
as IBM Watson. In both cases, the chatbot only un-
derstands the range of defined intents in configuration
data such as ”ask for help” or ”ask for summary”.
3.5 Loquacity Model
An additional issue is the loquacity of the chatbot:
how many turns does it take? Should they be more
or less? How verbose are these turns? It is clear that
there is no predefined answer: in some situations, and
for some users, very few and short turns can be suit-
able. In other situations, instead, more (longer) turns
may be better. There is also another issue: some of the
turns of chatbot are mandatory, in the sense that they
can’t be skipped in the conversation; other turns (e.g.
a reinforcement message) could be skipped without
spoiling the functionality. In order to cope with this,
issue we have devised a way to control how many
turns the chatbot takes. The turns defined in the con-
versation machine are the maximum: using trimming
algorithms we can cut them down. The problem is
that trimming has to be appropriate: e.g. i) never skip-
ping mandatory turns; ii) making sure that no cate-
gory is over represented; iii) making sure that no cat-
egory is skipped forever. For the time being we de-
signed a preliminary trimmed algorithm which is di-
rectly controllable via configuration; what can be con-
trolled is the level of loquacity is directly related to the
metadata of each wording’s category ( e.g, mandatory
categories are not skippable in a different loquacity,
but optional once may be skip on the different turn’s
of chatbot). The user decides if more or less turns are
desired, and the algorithms do the job. Experimental
testing (discussed in the next section) shows that users
like to control the loquacity of their chatbot.
3.6 Customizing the Chatbot
The combination of the above can create very adap-
tive conversations.
The configuration of the conversation above described
may require some conversation expertise but no pro-
gramming at all. Redefining a state machine and cor-
responding Master Table (including the definition of
transitions and rules to fire them) might be not easy.
The amount of time could vary depending on the level
of the modifications and it could take a few hours or
few days. Modifying Style Tables and Alternatives
is almost trivial. The current implementation of the
above machinery has shown that we can control the
conversational features of the chatbot by greatly re-
ducing reprogramming time.
There is a final overall issue: who does what, in
terms of design and configuration? Since most of the
features discussed in this section have not direct coun-
terpart in the literature, we did experiment with vari-
ous possibilities, and the end we came up with rules
shown in Figure 1, that seem reasonable for an edu-
cation environment. These rules could be modified in
the future, for different application realms.
In the next section we discuss as the above fea-
tures were used in an empirical testing involving 12
teachers and 80 students (of school and higher educa-
The approach and the technology described in the pre-
vious sections have been tested in this paper with two
different bodies of content: Advanced Computer Ar-
chitecture” (ACA) in English and “La curtis” (me-
dieval history) in Italian.
4.1 Experiment
The experimentation of evaluating the TalkyTutor
runs over several months. Firstlt, we asked teachers
were to use chatbots with two points of view: i) were
they willing to adopt them for their students? ii) what
could have been the reaction of their students? Over-
all, 12 teachers were involved, 7 from Higher educa-
tion and 5 from schools. In terms of disciplines, 5
teachers were from humanities and 7 from STEM. A
qualitative investigation was performed through struc-
tured interviews. Several changes were introduced
based on this preliminary assessment (especially to
the interface and adaptivity features).
Secondly, new experimentation was conducted
with a focus group. The same group of teachers was
asked to repeat their experience. Students (selected
by their teachers in high school and invited by email
for higher education) were involved with using the
chatbot in their own environment (school or univer-
sity classes). Overall, 81 students were asked to use
the chatbot to simulate a learning session (30 minutes
at least) and fill up a survey. A few students were also
involved in a focus group for interviews. 33 students
were from Higher education and 48 students from ju-
nior high school. Students were guided by the teach-
ers that also provided local instructions.
For the experimentation a specific family of chat-
bot was created. Two different content were adapted
from existing material: ACA, developed by a profes-
sor in higher education, and “La Curtis”, a course
about Medieval History. Both courses were real, in
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 1: Current rules for chatbot configuration.
Conversation machine:
This is created by conversation designers with the support of IT specialists.
It is done only once for a family of chatbots.
Categories and turns:
They are created by experts in the conversation for education.
They are defined only once for a family of chatbots.
Stule, wording and templates:
They are initially defined for a family of chatbots. They can be (optionally)
modified by publishers, authors, and teachers.
User intents:
What users may say and how it is interpreted. They are initially created
by designers but can easily expanded.
Loquacity of the chatbot:
It can be controlled dynamically by chatbot designers
(teachers say they that they should also control it)
the sense that were created using text and slides of ex-
isting courses. ACA” was delivered in English (with
the chatbot speaking in English) to higher education
students only; “La Curtis” was delivered in Italian
(with chatbot speaking in Italian) to Higher Education
students and Junior High school students. In the fol-
lowing of this section we briefly discuss i) the quali-
tative analysis of teacher reactions; ii) the quantitative
analysis of the surveys filled by students; iii) a quali-
tative analysis of comments made by students.
Let us examine first the reactions of teachers. Sev-
eral issues were discussed in the interviews, but we
only present overall reactions and opinions about con-
versation adaptivity. Teachers, in general, were highly
positive about having Talky tutor chatbots support-
ing learning by their students. Most teachers enjoyed
their experience. Some teachers (higher education)
found the conversation with the chatbot a little slow
in pace. “In the beginning, I was suspicious; then I
realized that it could work very well, especially for
less motivated students” (school teachers).
Teachers did not sufficiently understand the need
for conversational adaptivity at first. After a while,
they started to like the idea. There is an interesting
divide: i) school teachers think they should control
style and loquacity for their students (adaptivity for
individual needs); ii) higher education teachers think
learners should be empowered.
To our surprise, wording customization is felt as
significantly important by teachers; almost all of them
declared that they would spend 2-3 hours to substitute
standard sentences of the chatbot with their wording.
There several motivations:
Learners will recognize their teacher, improving
their motivations to learn.
The effect of presence (by the teacher) would be
The psychological impact will make the chatbot
more persuasive.
“It will provide less feeling of speaking to a
robot” (school teacher)
Figure 3: The of experiment with students.
Let us now discuss the analysis of the surveys
filled by the students. Figure 3.a shows the overall
appreciation of the experience with TalkyTutor chat-
bots. The majority (score 5 or 4) liked it; a minority
did not like it (score 0 or 1). School students were
slightly more positive than higher education students
(by less than 2%).
Figure 3.b shows how pleasant was the use of
the chatbot for the students. Again the vast majority
found the experience pleasant (score 4 or 5) while a
minority had a negative opinion (score 0 or 1). Again
school students were slightly more positive. Fig-
ure 3.c shows how the students found the experience
useful for learning. Figure 3.c demonstrates the role
of adaptativity between students.
While compiling the surveys students could add
comments. Table 2 shows a few comments by stu-
dents. Some of them are from the (tiny) minority that
do not appreciate chatbots.
Table 3 shows a few comments by students about
the adaptivity of the conversation. A few comments
were misplaced since they were referring to other
Educational Chatbots: A Sustainable Approach for Customizable Conversations for Education
Table 2: Students about the idea of using TalkyTutor. H:
Higher education; S: Junior High School.
No. Level Comment
1 H It’s cool to have a guide that helps you
keeping track of learning and that can
customize your learning experience,
but in the worst case it’s just a com-
plex table of content, not that useful.
2 H Being praised while learning it’s a
thing to not be underestimated in my
opinion because it pushes the stu-
dent to be more active and focused
on the videos with respect to just
watch them without any kind of inter-
action like in simply playing a video
3 H It was fun to talk with the chatbot.
4 S 1It will help students with problems
to how study a course in different
5 S It is an important alternative to tradi-
tional learning; I hope they will be in-
troduced very soon at school.
6 S Besides content, the chatbot should
propose quizzes.
7 H I prefer human relationships.
8 H I don’t like chatbots in general.
problems. Overall, we may say that teachers and stu-
dents liked learning with chatbots and found the ex-
perience pleasant and (potentially) useful for learn-
ing. We are aware that the perception after 30 minutes
could be different from actual usage over an extended
period of time.
Let us summarize the most relevant contributions of
this paper; first of all, we put forward the idea of mak-
ing chatbot customizable in order to be tuned to the
user profile and the context; this is specifically rel-
evant when chatbots are used for a learning experi-
ence, where personalization is a great relevance (Cai
et al., 2021). Next, we propose a specific role for
chatbots in education: tutors leading users across con-
tent. Finally, we advocate the need to streamline the
production process with two main goals: i) reducing
costs and effort for deployment; ii) empowering non-
technical actors to direct control the features of the
Table 3: Students about the Conversation Adaptativity. H:
Higher education; S: Junior High School.
No. Level Comment
1 H I tried different modes and levels
of loquacity and I appreciated a lot
that we can personalize it based on
our tastes.
2 S It helps to make the chatbot an al-
ternative to traditional learning.
3 S It is important, otherwise, the
chatbot could become boring and
4 S It can help to make chatbot speaks
as human beings speak.
5 H It is important and it should be fur-
ther developed.
6 H It is important to be able to speed
up the interaction.
7 S It is important to help to under-
stand what the chatbot says.
8 H Differences among styles could be
stronger. Empathic style should be
In order to make the above real, we have de-
veloped an original technology, where chatbots are
shaped via extensive use of configuration data; some-
how, we have developed a chatbot generator. We en-
vision the production of a chatbot into the following
(a) Create a family of chatbots, sharing a common
conversation strategy.
(b) Instantiate a specific chatbot and plugging the
content (adequately organized and with proper
(c) Customize the conversation using configuration
data, controlling the turns of the chatbot, the style
and the wording, the loquacity, etc.
It should be noted that steps “b” and “c” could
be interchanged, and repeated several times. In addi-
tion, experimentation with teachers and students has
shown that chatbots as tutors can be effective and that
customization of conversation is perceived as impor-
We currently developed a platform for building
TalkyTutor chatbots and attaching the learning ma-
terials. The platform is standalone for now, but it
should be delivered as a service to be more scalable
in the future. From an application point of view, it is
also essential to define actors’ role in customization:
who does control of what? Authors, publishers, teach-
ers, and students find customization (of content and
conversation) valuable, but they have different ideas
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
about who does what. Teachers at school, for exam-
ple, would like to constrain conversation customiza-
tion possibilities for their students tightly; they want
to take basic choices, while students might have a dif-
ferent idea.
From the technical side, two issues are preemi-
nent: i) to add wider choices of interfaces, includ-
ing vocal ones and integration with Alexa style frame-
works; ii) to further improve the production process,
making it easier for non-technical actors to work on
As a research issue, we are investigating how
to move from customization to adaptation. There
is a component in our architecture responsible for
decision-making along with the conversation; at the
moment, it takes the simple decisions about suspend-
ing or stopping the session rather than keep going.
As a real tutor, it should take more important deci-
sions: the content should decide if an item needs to
be repeated or if the current pathway is appropriate or
should be changed; for the conversation.
This work has been partially supported by a grant of
EIT Digital and IBM Italy.
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